As a guide to youth Bodybuilding Bodybuilding

February 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Jack Jones

among youth has increased in popularity in the last decade as young people try to add the strength of other sports. The strengthening of the muscles helps to improve the skills of basketball, football skills, abilities to fight and much more. It is up to the coach to make sure that each person makes fitness exercises correctly. Read on to learn the young bodybuilding coach.

Coach Youth Bodybuilding success

understand the objective fitness trainer for each person. Are there specific groups of muscles of a person wants or needs to improve? Do you plan to compete in various weightlifting competitions or who do not want a specific sport?

young bodybuilders Pair with a partner in a similar range of weightlifting. Two people working at the same time reduce the burden of adjustment pesos.

Teach students that a person “in situ” the weights while the other lifts. Observers help lift weights of the elevator if there is a problem, maintain the account of repetitions (weight in motion) and encourages the elevator to keep lifting.

Create personalized calendars lifting weights established by the coach. For example, Mondays are the upper body for a group, back / biceps and lats another group of lower body and center of another group. Tuesday, changing the focus of the meeting of.

encourage bodybuilders to take at least one day off work each week to allow their bodies to recover.

mix in some aerobic exercises for improve over all health and strength.

have forced the lifting of representatives (represented by until you can not do more to help and spotted with the last representative ).

Labor representatives on the negative. For example, they have spotted the help lift the weight up on the bench, and then press the elevator slowly lowers the weight to restore a representative to.

Keep Workout to a maximum of about an hour.

Using compound exercises for the work of several muscles


Use the bench press with a lift lying on his back on the bench, with the bar weight included in either hand and laying across his chest. Push up on the weights until your elbows are extended.

Will Step

military press. Raise the bar from the ground up to the chest using his legs and arms. Press the bar up to his chest over his head and back to chest level for each of the representatives.


Spend time in the dead lift, which uses a bar with weights on the ground. Squat and seize the bar with both hands. Stand upright, lifting the bar with straight arms. Make sure that the lifting is done with the legs, keeping your back straight.


Using pull ups on a bar, also known as Chin-ups. Grab a position bar high enough that your feet do not touch the ground. Pull it out at the bar as high as possible and reducing its way through.


bar dips for yourself until the uprising at the bar until your arms are straight. Slowly lower your chest until you are level with your hands and then push back until your arms are directly.


work the legs with squats. The weight bar is kept behind his head with both hands. Bend your knees to squat down as far as possible, and then standing.

This article is written by Online Article Tool.

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