How To Increase Reading Speed

February 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

There are many people who are never able to derive any joy from reading and for them reading is something that involves a lot of tedium and which is also very difficult to do. For them and for others, learning to speed read can become a necessity as their work or profession may require that they comprehend and read quickly through written material and gain the required knowledge without much difficulty. There are many advantages to learning to speed read and among these advantages is getting real pleasure in reading and also making it a more effortless activity.

Remarkably Quick Reading Abilities

Once you have learned to speed read you will find that you are able to skim through pages and pages of text at speeds that are very remarkable and at the same time you are also able to comprehend the text being read and even retain information without any difficulty.

The better courses in speed reading will even show you how to develop skills to read faster and to also retain and comprehend the matter that you read.

What’s more, after learning to speed read you will start to notice a remarkable increase in the rate at which you read and also comprehend written matter and by diligently practicing the techniques of speed reading you will get through text a lot faster and also retain the subject matter as well.

The first person to develop techniques which could help people to learn to speed read was a researcher turned school teacher named Evelyn Wood whose “Wood Method” that was later rechristened “Reading Dynamics” was a major tool that has helped numerous people learn to speed read.

Since then, there have been hundreds of speed reading courses, books, CDs and tapes as well as even software applications that help in learning to speed read.

However, most of these resources work around a single principal and will show you that speed reading is not a magical thing and nor is it something that people are gifted with. Instead, it means understanding and following a number of techniques as well as skills that everyone can learn and by following these techniques and by learning the skills, anyone can learn to speed read.

If you check out the many resources available today that help you to learn to speed read, you will find that they use testimonials as well as excerpts from certain materials that will help you understand the concept better. Once you get to learn the techniques you will have found the answer to the question ‘how to increase reading speed’ and by applying the techniques and immersing you into reading, your skills regarding speed reading will improve dramatically and thus help you achieve your goals.

You should then make the newly acquired skills a part of your daily routine and thus get pleasure from reading, comprehending and also retaining what you have read in the least possible time.

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