Ab exercises with resistance bands

December 18, 2011 by  
Filed under Tricep Exercises

Article by Michele Ross

Developing your abdominal muscles can be a very frustrating task. The main reason being that most of the fat your body stores goes right there to your belly. It’s much easier to get say, your biceps and triceps in line than your abs. I have found that one of the best ways to help with developing your abs is to do ab exercises with resistance bands.Resistance bands can add variety to your workout and are great for people who are just starting out and seasoned veterans alike. You can work every part of your body with resistance bands but I have found that they are especially good for working your abs. They allow you to move freely and with a greater range of motion so you can get the most out of every rep. Because of the variety resistance bands offer, your body will be well challenged which will lead to better development. They also vary in degree of difficulty so there is no need to think that it will be too easy or too hard.Another great benefit of using resistance bands is that you can use then anywhere. If you don’t have the time to make it to the gym one day you can easily pull out your resistance bands and get your ab exercises done. They are lightweight and take up limited space so traveling with them is also an option. If you are someone who is always on the go and you think that you can’t get your workouts in, think again. Just hook them up to any stable object and you are ready to go.Some great ab exercises with resistance bands include:• Kneeling resistance band crunch (AWESOME exercise!)• Ab crunches• Stability ball crunch with resistance band (a little more difficult)

For Videos showing how to do some great ab exercises with resistance bands and the secrets to build muscle and burn fat, visit my blog at http://buildmuscleburnfattips.com/blog and don’t forget to get your FREE copy of “negative calories” the revolutionary way to burn calories!

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