Arm Exercises – Importance in Body Building

August 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Kya Grace

Arm Exercises – Importance in Body Building – Health – Fitness

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Exercise is a must-do in today’s fast-paced world. The increasing pressure at the work place makes it increasingly difficult to balance work with personal and social life. While everyone knows the importance of exercise very few actually take it seriously and inculcate it in their daily routine.

It would be in your best interest to hire a personal trainer who is professionally qualified and experienced. He will enable you to stay motivated and reach your desired fitness goals in a safe and steady manner.

Most people take to exercise to reduce weight, tone muscles or increase stamina and endurance levels. They focus too much upon their appearance and tend to lose sight of the importance of balancing their workouts in order to properly strengthen all the muscle groups in the body.

Both the arms and forearms form the major part of the upper limb and provide the much needed support and balance to the body. Driving a car, writing, playing music, cooking, eating, drinking water or coffee and any activity that we perform in our day to day life would not be possible without strong arms.

Strengthening the arms is therefore essential for a healthy and fit body. Biceps form the anterior part of the arms and most exercise enthusiasts concentrate on developing them for display. Triceps form the major part of the arm and they are present on the back of the arms.

Extensors, flexors and supinators are the three muscle groups that constitute the forearm. While performing arm strengthening exercises it is important to avoid overstraining these muscle groups. Weight training will help strengthen the arms but it should not be performed in isolation.

Boot-camp style training under the guidance of a reputed personal trainer will help strengthen the arms and forearms faster. High intensity exercises should be performed at a steady pace with little periods of rest between them. Care should be taken to avoid repetition of the same set of exercises.

Stretching exercises should be performed as a warm up to the regular workout. It will enable toning of the arm muscles and strengthen them. Elastic band can be used in stretching the arms. The common exercises that help in strengthening biceps muscle are dumbbell and barbell curls, preacher curls etc.

Exercises used to strengthen the triceps muscle are lying barbell extensions, closed grip bench press, push downs, dumbbell extensions and bench dips. Reverse curls, dumbbell and barbell wrist curls are exercises that are used to build muscles of the forearm.

It is essential that adequate nutrition is provided to the muscles during exercise. High protein diet rich in carbohydrates and essential minerals should be taken daily. Fresh fruits and vegetables have to be consumed regularly. Drink at least 3 liters of fresh water daily.

There should be a balance between exercises performed to build mass and volume of triceps and biceps muscles. Never exercise with excessive emphasis on one group of muscles as it will negatively affect the normal movement of the elbow, shoulders and hands.

About the Author

If you would like to sign up for a session with expert Personal Trainers or to join Sydney Personal Training, visit Sydney Personal Trainer

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Kya Grace

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If you would like to sign up for a session with expert Personal Trainers or to join Sydney Personal Training, visit Sydney Personal Trainer

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