Best Diet and Exercise Tips – Find the Time to Lose Weight

March 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Rosie Peters

To find the time to lose weight, you need these best diet and exercise tips. No time to figure out and follow a weight control diet? Not enough hours in the day to get any exercise in? You are not alone.

Let’s start at the end of the day, both figuratively and literally.

At the end of the day, what do you want for your body, your mind and your lifestyle? What is the most important stuff for you?

If it is working yourself ragged all day and half the night at your business or career, then you have to step back from the coalface for a bit and look at where you are heading. If you fill your hours with doing work, planning for work, stressing about work, you are not going to be as productive, creative or organised as if you undertake to have a more balanced life.

You may know the story of the woodcutter hard at work in the forest, cutting down mighty big trees day in day out. His saw has become blunt because he doesn’t maintain it; he only sees the huge numbers of trees in front of him that have to be cut down. If he stopped regularly and sharpened the saw, he would get the trees cut down faster and more efficiently. But (you knew this was coming) he can’t see the forest for the trees.

If work is the focus of your life, you have to make sure you work to maximum efficiency. You have to stop and sharpen your saw. Take time out to plan, prepare and eat meals that will fuel your body for peak performance. Take a break and get some daily aerobic exercise that gets you out of your work head space.

By eating properly and exercising regularly, you are going to be more clear headed, creative and organised and you will actually get more done at your workplace in a shorter period of time because you are coming to work fresh, rested and recharged. Often, when you take yourself out of the work environment, you come up with your top ideas and strategies seemingly from nowhere.

Finding the time to lose weight happens at the end of the day in the literal sense as well.

The end of the day is when you can plan your time. 15 to 20 minutes before bed is the optimum time to prepare breakfast, lunch and healthy snacks for the next day as well as your exercise program. Get your walking shoes and outfit out ready to throw on first thing or to pack into the car for your lunchtime stride around the block.

At first you may find this tiring, but that is because you are about to break an entrenched habit. After a couple of weeks of good nutrition, you will have plenty of energy and enthusiasm to prepare for your day the night before. Give it this time. It will work for you.

At the start of the day, you reap the benefits of the few minutes spent in evening preparation. You are not dashing around looking for something, anything to put in your mouth. You are not giving up on your exercise for the day because you can’t locate your socks and time is a wasting.

You are prepared, rested and ready for action. The time is there. Use it or lose it.

Rosie Peters gives common sense advice, encouragement and tips for weight loss, sensible diet and lifelong fitness. Visit Rosie at

Download Rosie’s 5 Simple Steps to Fat Loss here and start losing weight today.

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