3 Best Workout Routine to Build Muscle

October 2, 2012 by  
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Article by Balu Muscle

3 Best Workout Routine to Build Muscle – Health

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In this article, we will discuss the 3 best workout routine to build muscle and why they are the preferred choice of many bodybuilders and people on fitness magazines with ripped bodies. To say they are the best workouts to build muscle is kind of an exaggeration, as there are countless best workout routine to build muscle, it depends on how you define it.

What is meant by the 3 best workout routine to build muscle in this article are some foundation exercises that targets various muscle groups at once and works on building your core muscles. The 3 best workout routine to build muscle that we will discuss are the bench press, dead lift and squat.

The 3 best routines for muscle building

The bench press will be on the list of the best routines for most people and that is because it targets the upper body area, specifically the chest, the shoulders and your triceps. And you are almost guaranteed that the bench press, can be found in just about all the gyms around the world.

The dead lift exercise, also considered to be among the best routines for muscle building, targets your whole back area, your biceps, and neck. This is a great exercise to work on your frame, which a lot of people forget to work on. But this exercise is only among the best workout routines if you perform it the right way.

Many inexperienced people have suffered severe back injuries because they don’t have a clue about how to perform this best workouts for muscle building. A good tip for starters is to start out gradually with easy weights and make sure to either have a muscle building program describing how to perform the dead lift or ask a trainer in your gym.

The last one on the list is the squat. This exercise works on your below-waist area, specifically on your gluteus maximus (your butt), your thighs and hips just to name a few.

A lot of people prefer this exercise as their best workout routine to build muscle, instead of machines. The squat can also be performed as a Smith squat where the barbell is supported on the sides and is a good way for beginners to start with the squat as their best workout to build muscle.

What to know about the best workout routine to build muscle

What is common for the 3 best workout routine to build muscle is the need to perform them right. Getting injuries with these exercises can be very frustrating and they are also the most frequent injury gainers. But performed correctly, they have great benefits and will help you tremendously in your muscle building journey.

Don’t underestimate acquiring the right techniques on how to perform the 3 best workout routine to build muscle, or with any routines. Seek professional advice, either through some muscle building program or some expert trainers.

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Are you tired of not being able to wear the clothes you want, not feeling comfortable in your body, not liking what you see in the mirror and not being able to go to the beach? Then visit us at Best Way to Build Muscle to make your Dream Physique become a reality….


Heart Healthy

September 29, 2012 by  
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Article by Susun Weed

Heart Healthy – Health

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copyright Susun S. Weed

Excerpt from: New Menopausal Years the Wise Woman Way, Alternative Approaches for Women 30-90 by Susun S. Weed”Open your heart to me, my own,” whispers Grandmother Growth so softly you aren’t certain you hear her. “Open the wisdom way of compassion here in your heart and draw me inside. Let Grandmother Growth be inside you, helping you encompass the whole, in the beat of your own heart, my heart, Crone’s heart.”

Step 0: Do Nothing

Thinking of taking hormone replacement to keep your heart healthy? Think again. Data released in April of the year 2000, from the federal government’s Women’s Health Initiative, showed “a small increase in the number of heart attacks, strokes and blood clots in the lungs of women on hormone replacement compared with women on placebo.” The Heart and Estrogen/Progestin Replacement Study (HERS), completed in 1998, found the same connection. For a healthy heart, don’t take hormones.

“Recently released data from the federal government’s Women’s Health Initiative suggests that during the first two years of postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy there is a slightly greater risk of heart attack, stroke and blood clots.”

Heart disease is America’s top killer (claiming a life every 34 seconds). Women aged 30-50 have far less risk of heart disease than a man their age. But postmenopausal women die from heart disease at rates as high as men’s. (Women account for 51 percent of all cardiovascular deaths; men, 49 percent.) Is it lack of estrogen?

No. Estrogen does lower LDL cholesterol and increase HDL cholesterol, but cholesterol is only weakly linked to heart disease, especially in women. (Most heart attacks happen to people with normal cholesterol levels.)

Estrogen raises blood pressure (one of the top three reasons for heart attacks in women), increases triglycerides, promotes clotting (a leading factor in heart attacks and strokes), and raises levels of C-reactive protein (a marker for inflammation associated with heart disease). Take progestins/progesterone too and you increase your risk of heart disease even more. Hormone replacement really isn’t heart healthy.

Aren’t there studies linking estrogen usage to lowered risk of heart disease? Only retrospective ones, which cannot establish a cause-and-effect link. And the women in those studies ate well, exercised regularly, and were unlikely to smoke – behaviors that are critical to heart health. The simple truth is more than 90 percent of all heart disease is preventable with lifestyle choices.

The three top risk factors for heart disease in women are too much belly fat, smoking, and untreated hypertension. High cholesterol is one of the top three risk factors for men, but not for women. (This is because, after menopause, we make heart healthy hormones from our cholesterol.)

Step 1: Collect Information

The Nurses Health Study – which followed 86,000 women for 14 years – shows what happens to those wise old Crones who follow heart healthy behaviors:

How To Select Affordable Health Insurance In Dayton, Ohio

September 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Angela Farnsworth

How To Select Affordable Health Insurance In Dayton, Ohio – Finance

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When you select affordable health insurance in Dayton, you’re obviously going to consider the premiums; however, price isn’t the only factor that goes into making a Dayton health insurance plan affordable. The insurance policy needs to cover your health needs, too.

Consider this checklist as you’re selecting your Dayton affordable health insurance policy.

Find out what is and is not covered.

Not every health insurance policy is going to cover every health care need. When you search for affordable health insurance in Dayton, have a clear picture of the kind of health coverage you need. Do you have any pre-existing health conditions, such as diabetes or cancer? Do you need mental health services, such as counseling or prescription medications? If so, you want to choose a health insurance policy that will cover your needs.

Find out how much you’re responsible for.

With employer-sponsored group health insurance in Ohio, policyholders are usually only responsible for a low-cost co-pay at the time of services. Sometimes policyholders are responsible for a low portion of the premiums, as well, which are deducted from payroll. However, when you’re searching for an individual health insurance plan in Dayton, you’ll likely be responsible for more costs. So, find out the exact cost of your premiums, as well as how much co-pay you’ll be expected to pay at the time of service.

Find out what you can do if you just can’t afford health insurance.

If you just can’t afford Dayton health insurance right now, Ohio has state-sponsored health care plans from which you can choose. Visit the Ohio Department of Insurance website for information about these programs, as well as other nationwide health insurance plans and tips on how to save money on your premiums. You can also use this website to answer any questions you may have regarding the license of a particular health insurance company, and to file complaints about any unsettled health insurance claims.

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Affordable Health Insurance in Ohio Good Health Insurance for Self Employed

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Affordable Health Insurance in Ohio Good Health Insurance for Self Employed

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Diet and Exercise The Best Weight Loss Program Ever

September 18, 2012 by  
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Article by irawan udinsolo

Diet and Exercise The Best Weight Loss Program Ever – Health

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There are lots of diet plans in the marketplace it can be near on impossible to choose the correct one. Ladies create awesome statements of wonderful losing weight, guarantee you won’t ever feel hungry or perhaps actually require a different diet regime. Only when that have been legitimate. What lot of these kind of diets fail to do is actually make an effort to encourage a change in mindset in the direction of foods, slowly and gradually add eating habit alterations, contend with the particular lower falls if you run-a-way out of the eating plan, and also encourage action that can improve your metabolic rate. They’re essentials of any nutritious diet.

As a way to slim down you need to eat less calorie consumption, take in the right food and workout. It’s that easy.

Precisely why Food Count number?

Counting calories, healthy and balanced consuming along with a diet plan. eating habits are important for you to shedding pounds. Calorie counting is a great technique to assist you build knowledge and also understanding everything you consume. The other great advantage of counting calorie intake is that often it really is adaptable in order to almost any way of living and may participate in very own flavor. Another bonus perhaps there is are not any bad manners foods when you calorie depend,( though most of us highly recommend lower GI ingredients in addition to choosing the healthy option) everything is authorized provided consume inside the food range of waking time plus consume much less calories from fat as compared with a person shed. When you finally do that you may lose fat, it’s medically proven.

Consume the Perfect Food items

Taking in the right foods can easily encourage rapid weight reduction. As an example eating meals who have a new thermogenic outcome along with a lower Index list enable you to lose weight when having straightforward or even enhanced glucose never. Your Index list may be the price at which meals wear out to be released because carbs and glucose into the blood stream. According to their impact on insulin generation, foods is usually described higher, moderate or perhaps low on the GI. In reality maybe you have noticed that after you have taken specified food you sense more hungry as compared to so that you can had? Simply because the meals an individual consumed had been high GI food items that have an damaging relation to insulin shots output ( the hormone insulin is a body fat endocrine) in addition to continues excess weight.

As a result eating the correct foodstuff raises your efforts levels, as well as losing weight and also allow you to a new much healthier man or woman.

Physical exercise for Fast Weight Loss

It is actually approved that most folks hate the thinking behind workout but the truth is really need to get over of which which is a vital perhaps the fat loss method. We are really not recommending you must reach the gym and perform huge exercise, start with Quarter-hour associated with quick taking walks day-to-day along with construct in the item until you are generally exercising for a minimum of Half an hour everyday.

Why’s exercise essential? It is crucial as it enables you to lose weight quickly through boosting a person’s metabolic rate so you burn more calories for a lot of time when you finally finish off physical exercise. Nevertheless this could simply be accomplished by means of strenuous work out of which heightens your whole body heat and also enables you to sweat.

There’s 2 or maybe three diet plans such as the following the three important elements for losing weight fast, Jillian Michaels Absolutely free Plan to lose weight, Necessary protein Electric power and also the MetaBooster Fat loss Eating plan.

About the Author

Irawan Udinsolo writes informative and unique articles about Fast Weight Loss and Tips To Healthy.One thing that separates Irawan Udinsolo from others is the passion she puts into it, knowing full well and respecting the time viewers spend on reading his work.

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Irawan Udinsolo writes informative and unique articles about Fast Weight Loss and Tips To Healthy.One thing that separates Irawan Udinsolo from others is the passion she puts into it, knowing full well and respecting the time viewers spend on reading his work.

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Pro Ana Versus Pro Restoration Websites: Choosing Hope Over Give Up Hope

September 15, 2012 by  
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Article by tina covovavscky

Pro Ana Versus Pro Restoration Websites: Choosing Hope Over Give Up Hope – Health

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Pro Ana web-sites are productive across the online. These sites offer you tips, guidance and enticement to ladies on how to turned out to be thinner, emaciated and / or practice anorexia nervosa. Dramatic caloric restriction, fasting, excessive exercise, purging, laxatives and other bad behaviors are frequently glorified as a miracle key to experienceing the media glorified waif glance that has which means that deeply encouraged women presently. Eating disorder treatment solutions are not advised or simply suggested. Thereby, in most cases, those Pro Anorexia websites are encouraging a perilous lifestyle and even self damage.

These Professional player Ana sites gives a sense of company and alliance among the guests. These sites could also create an a sense pursuing a much more perfect type of the personal, or at least the body. Sadly, the particular Pro Ana online sites are focused on thinness as a status symbol along with promise greater confidence in addition to power on earth if one will just become thin an adequate amount of.

Fortunately, there are actually Pro Healing sites that will refute a lot of these claims and also encourage individuals to find an a sense of inner valuation, self esteem and also worth from the content with the character… rather than the additional image of those. Sites similar to Eating Disorder Trust promote healthy self care, enjoying life as well as pursuing healing. This blogs mission is always to foster admiration of ones appearance and appeal in the world, not related to appearance, achievement or maybe applause.

Eating Disorder Expectation, and other rescue websites, produce treatment tools such as a Remedy Directory including a Specialist Choices. These produce sufferers because of anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorders and obsessive overeating through contacts towards professionals who can certainly treat all the destructive condition and the fundamental issues that caused this maladaptive tendencies.

Recovery applications are provided together with explained to deliver practical ideas developing a much healthier lifestyle along with self esteem. Instruments are given, for example nutrition guidelines, mindfulness skills, spirituality, improving lucid thinking, body system image progression advice plus relapse avoidance techniques.

Means are also provided direct those to reports on rehabilitation, inspirational real stories with recovered gals, pro curing newsletters and even blogs, organizations, and excellent charitable organizations that help awareness and also prevention of disordered choosing.

If you know to a woman experiencing anorexia, bulimia, binge seating disorder for you or apparently becoming excessively preoccupied along with weight, feeding on and diet – Be sure to, seek allow for them. A very good starting point may be to refer these people to a resource for example Eating Disorder Believe where they can find eating disorder therapy referrals, recovery tips and also resources, and the majority of of all, drive to choose a full and meaningful life on the empty presence of anorexia and other related disorders.

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Gertrudis Vaccaro looks into Pro Ana

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Gertrudis Vaccaro looks into Pro Ana

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Healthy Eating Tips that Can Prevent Heart Surgery

September 11, 2012 by  
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Article by Erin Harding

Healthy Eating Tips that Can Prevent Heart Surgery – Health – Medicine

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It’s a well known fact that the foods people eat can impact the health of their hearts. It is important to limit unhealthy types of fat, salt and cholesterol as well as sugar. But you don’t have to give up flavor in order to maintain a healthy diet. Here are a few healthy eating tips that can help you to prevent the possibility of heart surgery in your future.

One tip you can follow to prevent heart disease is to consider the delicious foods that you can eat more of instead of thinking in terms of what you have to give up. The power of positive thinking works in many circumstances, including a healthy diet. Think of all the lean chicken or fish dishes that form the centerpiece of a healthy meal. Consider the wide variety of nutritious, crunchy vegetables that are available. There are even deserts and snacks that can be enjoyed, such as those that incorporate fresh fruits, seeds or nuts.

With all of the seasonings that are available, it is easy to cut down on salt, fat and sugar, so another tip for heart-healthy eating is to season foods like lean cuts of meat or low-fat ice cream with fresh spices. Cinnamon is a spice that can be used in many main or side dishes to lower your blood sugar as well as LDL cholesterol levels through its potent antioxidant capability. Sprinkle it on low-fat ice cream or yogurt for a delicious desert. Add oregano to your pasta dishes for a punch of antioxidant power that is as strong as three cups of chopped broccoli. Pep up a salad by sprinkling on another antioxidant power house such as thyme. Of course you’ll want to use fresh spices whenever possible for the greatest heart-healthy effect.

Another tip for beating future heart surgery is to add more high-fiber foods to your daily meals. Some tasty high-fiber foods are beans. Eat them four or more times each week and you’ll be 22 percent less likely to develop heart disease than people who eat beans only once a week. That is a big difference, and it won’t take a lot of beans to reach it. Eat only half a cup or so per day, and the type of beans you consume doesn’t matter. Choose your favorites from green beans, black beans, pinto beans or others. Add them to salads and soups, make a pot of beanie chili or just eat them by themselves. They are a delicious way to add more healthful, filling fiber to your diet.

When you feel like snacking, a good tip is to munch on seeds. Chia seeds are a good choice for omega-3 fatty acids. In addition to helping the heart, they are beneficial for digestion, insomnia and concentration. Flax seeds are crunchy and flavorful, and they offer easy absorption that will bring you a lower risk of heart disease. Sesame seeds contain antioxidants that have been shown to reduce cholesterol while adding calcium to the diet, so eat them at snack time or sprinkle them on a salad or in soups. Pumpkin seeds are another delicious choice that will help you catch up on your omega 3 as well as adding protein to your snack.

Another handy tip for improving your diet is to add more vegetables to it. Because they are typically low in calories, veggies can fill you up and make you less inclined to gorge yourself on fatty foods. Filled with vitamins and minerals–plus fiber–vegetables such as spinach or cauliflower can be used in a healthy stir-fry meal or tossed in a salad. Keep broccoli, carrots and celery washed and cut in your refrigerator for quick, healthy snacks. By consuming five or more servings of healthy vegetables every day, you’ll quickly lower your risk of heart disease, heart attack and heart surgery by about twenty percent. Of course, eating those vegetables raw is the most efficient way to gain the health benefits, but you can stir fry or steam them as well. And when the weather is nice, grilling them outside can be an extra-special treat.

One final tip for heart healthy eating is to add a little fruit to your diet. Don’t go overboard, however, because fruits are high in sugar. But many of them, such as avocados, are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids. That means they can reduce blood cholesterol levels. Fruits that contain large amounts of vitamin C–such as oranges and strawberries–can protect your arteries from damage. Red fruits are a logical choice for heart health. Pink grapefruit and watermelon both contain lycopene while apples and cherries contain anthocyanins. All of these will contribute to a healthier heart when consumed on a regular basis.

These are just a few healthy eating tips that can help you to prevent heart surgery in your future. Apply them to your diet today and start reaping the benefits right away.

The information provided in this article is for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for medical advice. All medical information presented should be discussed with your healthcare professional. Remember, the failure to seek timely medical advice can have serious ramifications. We urge you to discuss any current health related problems you are experiencing with a healthcare professional immediately.

About the Author

Erin Harding is a freelance writer who writes about a variety of topics including health tips to prevent heart surgery

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Erin Harding is a freelance writer who writes about a variety of topics including health tips to prevent heart surgery

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Dog Joint Pain – Fun, Quick Exercise Tips to Relieve Dog Joint Pain

August 31, 2012 by  
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Article by Karen Kaec

Dog Joint Pain – Fun, Quick Exercise Tips to Relieve Dog Joint Pain – Family – Pets

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Exercise is really one to best methods to combat dog joint pain and increase mobility. Have you ever stood or sat still for a long period? If you have, then you know how stiff your muscles and bones become. This exercise routine will help build up your pet’s ability to move around more freely with less joint pain.

These are the benefits of this routine:

Increases joint mobility Helps relieve joint painAides weight management Speeds healing time And your dog will love you for it

Ready, let’s go!

Start with a 10-15 minute warm up. A slow paced walk is great for this. It helps loosen stiff muscles and joints.

20-30 Minutes Aerobic – Match activities to your dog’s ability such as a fast leash walk. Take your dog along while you jog or bike. Swimming is one of best exercises to sooth your dog’s joint pain. It builds muscles without straining the joints and promotes blood circulation for faster healing. If you have access to a place where your dog can swim, it’s an excellent way to introduce low impact aerobic exercise.

20-30 Minutes Play Time – Play is a great way to keep your dog active. Play your dog’s favorite game; a ball, a frisbee or anything else that keeps your dog’s interest.

5-10 Minutes Cool Off – Slow down the pace with a gentle walk and be sure to give your dog plenty of water.

Just like in humans, the levels of joint pain from arthritis can change from day to day. You can see if your dog is excited to play or lethargic. Match your pet’s ability to the amount of exercise each day. Remember, the purpose of these exercises is to get your pet in shape, feeling better and never strain them.

Get more information on arthritis including healthy diet, unconventional treatments and homeopathic dog pain relief.

Visit my Pet Health Guide to get insider tips on canine arthritis.

About the Author

Karen is a Pet Nutritionist. She is currently working alongside pet health organizations based in New Mexico. Her husband and co-worker, Cameron, provides holistic pet care and training. Learn more at PetReviewSpace.com.

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Karen is a Pet Nutritionist. She is currently working alongside pet health organizations based in New Mexico. Her husband and co-worker, Cameron, provides holistic pet care and training. Learn more at PetReviewSpace.com.

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Summer Skincare Tips – 6 Steps to Help You Protect Your Skin

August 28, 2012 by  
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Article by Kaite

Summer Skincare Tips – 6 Steps to Help You Protect Your Skin – Shopping – Fashion Style

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At 7:00 in the morning, apply sun screen to your skinThink about what you are going to do today, go to work or do some exercise outdoors? This is very important, because this decides which kind of sun screen you are going to use today. For people with common skin, sun screen of SPF 8 – 12 will be proper. If your skin is sensitive to light, then the SPF of your sun screen should range from 12 to 20. If you are an office worker who is exposed to direct sunlight only on the way between home and office, the SPF value of your sun screen can be below 15. If you take an excursion in an open country or swim in the ocean, then the SPF value of your sun screen should be above 30. And you’d better choose waterproof sun screen if you are going swimming. In addition, it will be preferable for fair-skinned people to choose sun screen of SPF 30 or higher to prevent spots. Remember that sun screen must be applied half an hour before you go out.At 9:00 in the morning, put on sun-protection clothesThe UVB is strongest from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in a day. If you have to walk outdoors during this period, you must put on sun-protection clothes. What are sun-protection clothes? Maybe you have not heard of that. As the name suggests, they are clothes with the function of protecting your skin from the sunlight. Then, what kind of clothes has such a function? It is suggested that you pick a dress made of pure cotton. The fabric itself has SPF, and cotton has the highest SPF, which is around 15 to 40. Secondly is light clothes made of polyester with SPF of 7 to 10. While knitted clothes only have SPF of 4 to 9.At noon, avoid photosensitive foodsPhotosensitive foods include coriander, leek, soy, turnip and so on. If you eat too much of them, spots will appear on your skin easily when you are exposed to direct sunlight. Foods such as shark fin, eel, white gourds and broccoli have sun-protection nutrients, so you’d better eat more such foods in summer. Another tip: Strawberries are rich in vitamin, calcium, phosphorus and dietary fiber which are necessary to the body. Strawberries not only help digestion but also whiten skin. What’s more, their sun-resistant and radiation-proof functions are now being gradually recognized. Therefore, you can take strawberries as your after-meal fruit.At 3:00 in the afternoon, add some new sun screenHaving worked for such a long time, your skin may have become dark due to the UVA which refracted indoors. Oily skin may even oil, which will spoil your make-up. If your skin oils too much, you can use a high quality oil-absorbing sheet to absorb the oil in the “T” area. Then, you can choose a sun screen with SPF below 15 to freshen up. If your skin is too dry, you might as well drink some water at this time.At 5:30 in the afternoon, sun-protection for your hair is also essentialAfter work, do some outdoor activities which are beneficial to your skin and body type. Meanwhile, do not forget the sun-protection for your hair. Since the temperature is high in summer, the metabolism accelerates. The sebum secretion of scalp is excessive, so the condition of the hair will change, and the quality of the hair will decline. Therefore, people should choose appropriate sun screen for the hair in the late afternoon. Firstly, you should avoid products with alcohol or formaldehyde which will make the hair more withered. Secondly, mild products without any additives are a nice choice.At 9:40 in the evening, repair the skin after sunburn

Although your skin has been well protected with the help of sun screen and non-photographic foods, you still have something to do. A cup of yogurt in the evening is enough to provide necessary nutrition for you and help you stay in shape. But be sure not to take it all. It is a terrific idea to apply the rest of the yogurt on face. All you have to do is to steep the cotton pad in the yogurt for a while and then take it out and attach it to your face for about 10 to 15 minutes. This can enhance the skin’s resistance against the ultraviolet rays, and it can also lighten your sunburn. Not bad, eh?

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I’ve written the content about fashion, women apparels and relationship in the last 3 years. Thesexylingerie is specialized in lingerie for women of all shapes and sizes at very reasonable prices. Check out why so many customers love http://www.thesexylingerie.co.uk/.

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I’ve written the content about fashion, women apparels and relationship in the last 3 years. Thesexylingerie is specialized in lingerie for women of all shapes and sizes at very reasonable prices. Check out why so many customers love http://www.thesexylingerie.co.uk/.

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The Spencer Institute’s Online Mind Body Fitness Certification Program Provides Holistic Training for Healthy Living

August 24, 2012 by  
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Article by Donald Hood

The Spencer Institute’s Online Mind Body Fitness Certification Program Provides Holistic Training for Healthy Living – Business

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(1888PressRelease) Recognizing that the mind and the body work better when they’re in harmony, The Spencer Institute now offers an online Mind Body Fitness Coach Certification program for coaches, trainers, yoga instructors and more. The self-paced program offers insight on mind-body training and exercises that can be used to boost and enhance performance.

“If you believe it, you can achieve.” “What you think, you become.” “Mind over matter.” All of these aphorisms point to one important thing – the mind and body are inextricably linked, and the mind can have a powerful impact on the body. In recognition of the importance of the mind and body connection, The Spencer Institute now offers a 100 percent online Mindy Body Fitness Coach Certification Program.

The only online mind-body fitness training available, this self-paced program is designed for fitness professionals, body workers, massage therapists, life coaches, physical and athletic trainers, gym owners and others interested in enhancing clients’ health, reducing stress and giving clients the tools they need for a healthier life.

“More and more, we come to understand how much our minds and bodies are linked, and how one can profoundly affect the other, which gives us the ability to harness the dual powers of the mind and body to create overall fitness, health and happiness,” said Dr. John Spencer Ellis, CEO and president of The Spencer Institute and creator of the Mind Body Fitness Coach Certification program. “Anyone who loves yoga, who loves running, who loves eating and living well likely understands how amazing life can be when the mind and body work in harmony for holistic health.”

The online certification includes digital manuals, video and audio PowerPoint lectures and an online exam. The Mind Body Fitness Coach online training program qualifies for continuing education credits (CEUs) for ISSA, the Spencer Institute and NESTA and does not have any prerequisites. The certification is valid for two years.

Topics covered included scientific mind-body practices to enhance health, tips on coaching clients, a variety of perspectives on mind-body fitness, details on yoga, meditation, bodywork and more.

“A Mind Body Fitness Coach is perhaps one of the most rewarding careers I can think of. It combines science with practical application, movement with breathing, not to mention helping clients find more joy, connection and fitness from the inside out,” Ellis added.

About the Spencer InstituteFounded by Dr. John Spencer Ellis, an international leader in wellness coaching, personal development and fitness, The Spencer Institute offers life coaching, holistic education, nutrition coaching, sports psychology and wellness training certification programs delivered in online and distance learning formats that are designed to provide a step-by-step blueprint to success. The programs were developed to help people find the career of their dreams while helping others live better lives. For more information about the Spencer Institute or the Mind Body Fitness Coach Certification Program, please visit http://spencerinstitute.com/mind-body-fitness-coach-certification/



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Exercise Tips for Achieving a Strong Neck

August 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Tips

Article by Mike Hardens

Exercise Tips for Achieving a Strong Neck – Health – Fitness

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There are definitely great benefits to performing exercises that focus on your neck. Your neck is sometimes referred to as your ‘second-core’, obviously connecting your head to your body, it has to support a lot of weight and head movements throughout the day. With such a pivotal role in your body, its surprising how often this body part is overlooked when it comes to exercise and fitness. Performing some basic exercises for your neck muscles can help to improve your overall appearance as well as provide improved posture and body alignment. And as a side bonus, girls tend to find guys with thicker necks more attractive, as it is a sign of health, strength, and vitality.

Your neck is composed of 4 main muscles, they are called the trapezius, levator scapulae, splenius and sternocleidomastoid. The names are hard to remember, but the ones that have the biggest impact on your appearance are the trapezius, also known as ‘traps’. These are the muscles in the back of your neck that extend and make up the gap between you neck and shoulders. Strong traps are one of the fastest ways for a man to appear musuclar, luckily they are a pretty simple muscle to workout!

There are some simple stretches you can perform daily that will help relieve tension in your neck as well as providing a warm up to any neck muscle exercises you might perform. They are performed best while sitting down and are good to do while sitting in your office chair, waiting on a train, or simply sitting on your couch. Start off by tilting your head forward slightly while bringing your chin down to your chest, hold for 20-30 seconds. The longer you hold it, the more you will start to feel the stretch get more intense in the back of your neck. Next, tilt your head back while keeping your mouth closed (to help stretch your front neck muscles even more), hold for 20-30 seconds. Then tilt you head over to one of your shoulders, making sure to not bring your shoulder up to your ear, hold for 20-30 seconds and then repeat to the other side. Once you have done each of these exercises twice, then roll your read around in a big circular motion a few times in both directions.

Now you are ready to do some exercises for neck muscles. It is best to make use of some type of neck exercise equipment, and for these purposes, dumbbells are the perfect fit. The easiest and most effective movement for your traps are shrugs. You can perform shrugs by simply grabbing a pair of dumbbells. With the dumbbells down by your side, bring your shoulders up towards your ears without bending your arms, at the top of the movement briefly pause for a second and then let them back down, repeat for 8-12 reps and do 4 sets. You can also ‘roll’ your shoulders forward or backwards while bringing them up to your ears if that is more comfortable for you.

Forms of Neck Exercise EquipmentThere are other types of neck exercise equipment you can use as well. A wrap around neck stengthener wraps around the top of your head, similar to a headband except it is weighted and typically weights around 5 lbs. To use the device, you simply put it on top of your head on and do stuff around your house, or slowly perform the stretching movements described above, and while 5 lbs doesn’t seem like much, if you were to wear it for about 15 minutes a day, you would really start to notice a difference!

The last piece of neck exercise equipment is the head harness.

Now we don’t really like this piece of equipment as it looks like a medieval torture device, however, they can be very effective. Boxers use this as a neck muscle exercise because it really helps them be able to absorb all the neck snapping motions that occur when getting jabbed in the face. So unless you are a boxer or serious bodybuilder, we say just stick with some basic dumbbell or barbell shrugs or get one of the neck strengtheners.

If you currently do no exercises for neck, we recommend at least doing the stretches recommend above and this will at a minimum serve to help prevent neck injury and stiffness, as well as help you feel more relaxed through the day. But try to incorporate a neck muscle exercise in your workout routine using one of the different types of neck exercise equipment and you’ll develop a much stronger and attractive looking neck!

About the Author

At the exercise equipment fanatic, you can find great reviews on the top fitness equipment online. To read other workout and exercise articles ranging from jumping rope to dumbbell workouts please visit our site.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Mike Hardens

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At the exercise equipment fanatic, you can find great reviews on the top fitness equipment online. To read other workout and exercise articles ranging from jumping rope to dumbbell workouts please visit our site.

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