Common Myths About Women and Resistance Training: Vital Facts You Really Should be Aware of
May 24, 2012 by admin
Filed under Resistance Training
Article by Dave Williams
Common Myths About Women and Resistance Training: Vital Facts You Really Should be Aware of – Health
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Strength training has garnered a lot of following these days. Not only does it develop strength and enhance muscle tone, it also does its share in shedding off excess body fats which makes it a great exercise program to go with regular cardiovascular workouts. It also works towards improving balance and flexibility. Another benefit that makes resistance training so attractive for many fitness enthusiasts is that it is a versatile form of workout. Whether you use your own body weight or free weights or you do it in the gym or at home, on land or in water, doesn’t really matter– the philosophy remains the same: Some form of resistance is used to give intensity to the workout.
The same should go for gender, too. Both men and women should be able to engage in strength training. Unfortunately, many myths have surrounded resistance training for women. One of the most common myths that surround this exercise routine especially when training with weights is concerned lies in the mistaken belief that women who train with dumbbells or other resistance equipment will eventually bulk up. One thing that must be remembered is that unless a particular woman will work with weights with the aim of getting bigger, bulkier muscles in mind, then regular resistance exercises won’t give that to her. Women simply do not have enough testosterone to give them the kind of bulk that they fear they will have when they train with weights. Besides, it’s going to take a lot heavy lifting and a long period of training for women to develop a bulky muscle mass. Regular resistance training for women simply tones muscle, enhance strength and aids in weight loss.
Another myth that viciously goes around is that most resistance training equipment available in the market today are made with men in mind. While that used to be true, there are many resistance training equipment made specifically for women nowadays. Adjustable dumbbells with smaller grips, exercise balls and resistance bands that are fashioned with the female frame in mind are now widely available in the market.
Finally, a common myth that must be dispelled regarding resistance training for women is that free weights and equipment are needed to engage in it. As has been mentioned earlier, resistance training can be conducted using only your own bodyweight as the resistance. Push ups, pull ups, crunches and sit ups are just some of the common bodyweight exercises that can be done right at home with programs like the Insanity workout, what’s important is that adherence to proper form must be observed in order to avoid strain and injury. Others argue that these exercises do not provide the same degree of resistance. However, this is simply not true. When bodyweight exercises are done with increasing levels of intensity, it even exercises multiple muscles and joints in the body, making it a more effective form of resistance training compared to free weights.
Resistance training is definitely an ideal exercise for increasing strength, promoting weight loss and developing improved muscle tone. With these myths dispelled, it’s time to go girl and get one hell of a work out!
About the Author
Be sure to check out the Insanity workouts by Shaun T. It is excellent, check it out. Last but not least, be sure to read our complete Insanity results, you’ll definitely enjoy it.
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Dave Williams
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Be sure to check out the Insanity workouts by Shaun T. It is excellent, check it out. Last but not least, be sure to read our complete Insanity results, you’ll definitely enjoy it.
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