The Barbell Can Give You Great Results In You Crossfit Exercises

August 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Alex Sanders

The Barbell Can Give You Great Results In You Crossfit Exercises – Health – Fitness

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The mission for any beginner should be to find a mixture of workouts that will test their bodies, but still give themselves something to work up to. Consistency is one of the most fundamental rules when exercising. Sometimes keeping things somewhat scaled back is necessary for certain individuals to be able to keep up with day to day workouts. Obviously successful bodybuilding involves bringing together disparate elements such as nutrition and rest but choosing the right exercises is crucial. In this article we’ll outline the barbell exercises that will enable new bodybuilders to develop the general strength and body conditioning needed.Initially beginners should aim to complete two sets of ten to twelve reps but after a few weeks, when you have developed sufficient control and basic strength, experiment with one set of six to eight reps to failure. This will maximize your muscle growth and give you the impetus to move on to the next stage of development. Before long you’ll find the use of this single piece of equipment restricting, so later in this series of articles we’ll pull together a muscle boosting program that utilizes other equipment to take you to the intermediate level. In the meantime, get to work with these exercises in order to get used to working your muscles.Biceps brachii – The Two muscles at the front upper arm that runs from the elbow to the shoulders. The biceps is actually a smaller muscle then the triceps. It is on the front of the upper arms. There are two heads of the biceps muscle (hence the bi in biceps). Beneath the biceps is the brachialis, a flat muscle group that runs about half way up the upper arm bone from the elbow joint. From the rear you can see the brachialis as a well-defined band of muscle between the triceps and biceps when a muscular bodybuilder flexes his/her arm.Triceps brachii – The Three muscles at the rear upper arm that run from the elbow to the shoulder. The triceps is a three-headed muscle that is on the back of the upper arm (hence the name tri in triceps).Forearm – The several smaller muscles that run from the elbow to the wrist. There are three primary muscle groups in the forearms. The forearm flexors lie along the inner sides of the forearms. The forearm extensors run along the outer sides of the forearms. And the supinators that lie on the upper and outer sections of the forearms.If you can get a system down to incorporate these areas of the body, you will achieve the goals easily that you set for your arms and arm strength. Like with any workout you do, you must be consistent. Also for is really big when doing your arm workouts, so remember that less is more sometimes. Using less weight in the beginning until you have the form down is good practice. Your Crossfit Tampa trainer should be able to help out with any issues you may have with your form. Best of all, all you need is some simple free weights and a workout bench.

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Crossfit Tecnica is an award winning Crossfit Tampa fitness gym.

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Alex Sanders

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Crossfit Tecnica is an award winning Crossfit Tampa fitness gym.

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The Barbell Row – Best Back Exercise

April 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Tank Armstrong

There are very few physical exercises that are quite as efficient at exercising your latissimus dorsi muscular tissues and additionally developing your back muscles as the barbell row. In contrast, it is one of the exercises I have recognized for being more accountable for back injuries than any other. The reason is , the majority basically have no clue the optimal way to conduct the barbell row safely and securely. In this particular write up we are going to evaluate the diverse variations which will make the barbell row less hazardous and much more effective for building your latissimus dorsi muscles.

1. Dorian/Reverse grip – The Dorian grip is actually a reverse grip barbell row. This permits for an even better contraction on the lats as well as a lot more strain on the biceps. You’re essentially killing two birds with one stone even while working out the target muscle considerably more effectively. The very best posture is to have your back a bit higher than 90° with your eyes focused on a single spot on the wall in an effort to keep this specific position. Be certain to load the loads sparingly mainly because too much weight can easily drag your back under 90°. This might undermine your form and possibly injure you. And also trust me when I say; back injuries aren’t fun.

2. 90° row – The 90° row is really an activity that I am personally mindful of. Having your back in the 90° posture is difficult to keep up especially when you happen to be working with substantial weights. Yet, virtually no physical exercises can match the 90° row in relation to proficiently training your upper back muscles. An additional advantage is that there are two adaptations of the 90° row. The 1st version will be the ‘cheat’ version and that is conducted far more explosively. Therefore, you’re allowed to move your upper body up and down a little. The 2nd variant is the strict adaptation where you will want to keep your upper body locked in a single position and also hold the contraction for between one or two seconds to get maximum benefit from the work out.

3. Wide grip – The wide grip row is amongst the best back widening workouts available. Even though it is quite tricky to have an impact on the natural breadth of your back, you’ll be able to help things move in that direction by simply using a select few exercises that are intended for this intent. The wide grip row is one of these and it does the job rather well. Personally, i would rather have a stance that is just a bit above 90° to be able to safeguard my back. Even so, the wide grip row can be carried out with a 90° stance also to relocate the emphasis to the upper back.

4. Platform – Carrying out the row on an elevated platform is amongst the most beneficial approaches to boost the mobility of this particular exercise. World-famous Mr Olympia Arnold Schwarzenegger is famous for undertaking his barbell rows on a platform which permitted him to extend his lats more to get maximum benefit from the exercise. With just about any exercise, the concentration must always be placed upon the extention plus the contraction and so executing the barbell row on a raised platform lets you do this effectively and safely.

For more information on lats exercises, check out our weight training website.

Click here ToLose Fat and Gain Muscle With Darin Any Where In The World by using his On-line Program. Sign up for my free tools and newsletter at The dead lift will strengthen your abs, core, biceps, grip, and every muscle on the back side of your body. If you want a strong athletic core and a pain free back, watch this video and learn how to do the dead lift properly. The dead lift is considered by many to be the king of all exercises. I agree. I love it. And hopefully you can grow to love it too. Watch this video and make sure to use proper technique. Do not think that more weight is better. Perfect the form first with light weights and then and only then get aggressive with this movement. The dead lift is one of the only exercises that will raise your anabolic hormones (testosterone and human growth hormone) naturally. The dead lift is so intense that the body perceives a life or death situation. It;s sort of like the mother who can lift the car of of her kid with super human strength. Hormones raise to give you more strength and more aggressiveness with the dead lift. To Your Success, Your Coach, darin
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Barbell Upright Row Fitness Exercise

March 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

The barbell upright row is an exercise which stimulates the muscles of the shoulders and the upper back. To perform the exercise, the trainer stands erect whilst grasping a barbell with an over-hand grip to the front of the thighs. The bar is then brought upwards, parallel to the body, until the elbows are flared up in line with the ears. The movement is then reversed to the starting position in a controlled manner.

The up-right row can also be performed used dumbbells, as well as on a cable system. Those who are conscious of their form during the exercise can ensure sound form by performing the exercise with a low cable pulley whilst laying flat on the floor. This variation forces the torso to remain stationary during the execution of the exercise, therefore ensuring maximum stress to the target muscle groups. The dumbbell variation of the upright row may be preferred by those who suffer from muscle imbalances.

The dumbbells result in unilateral training, with each side of the body working independently to life equal resistance, therefore stressing each muscle equally.

The width of the grip taken when performing the exercise will impact the stimulus to the various muscle groups. Those who are focused on stressing the shoulders and the trapezius will want to take a relatively narrow grip. Taking a wider grip, however, will result in much greater isolation of the middle deltoid head (the muscle head to the middle of the shoulder). The barbell will only be able to be brought up to chest height if a wider grip is taken, and the recruitment of the trapezius is therefore limited.

Those with injurious rotator cuffs may wish to avoid this exercise. The grip may also be uncomfortable for those with inflexible and injurious wrists, although this can be reduced somewhat by using an EZ bar, or a rope attachment on a low cable pulley.

Fitness Uncovered is a bodybuilding and fitness resource and contains more information on bodybuilding.

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Bodybuilding Exercises Without a Barbell

February 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Roy Ingamells

Bodybuilding Exercises Without a Barbell

When people think about bodybuilding exercises, they inevitably think about barbells. That’s because all of the classic bodybuilding moves are performed with the assistance of a barbell. The squat, the bench press, the power clean, the military press and the dead lift all make use of a barbell to get the job done. However, there are many bodybuilding exercises that can be performed without a barbell, which will help open the doors towards even more success with your training.

There are several different reasons why you may be interested in bodybuilding exercises without using barbells. For one thing, you may work out at home and don’t have the services of a barbell. Or perhaps you travel a lot, and have to use hotel gyms and the like that have a few machines and some free weights but no barbell. All of the sudden when you’re used to having barbells around and then you don’t, you realize you have been taking them for granted for all this time.

Alternatively, you may be looking for a way to inject some fresh life into a boring routine, or to target different sides of your body individually to help balance out weak spots and prevent injuries. Regardless of the reason, all bodybuilding exercises can be changed to be performed without the traditional barbell.

Starting with some simple switches, you can take the barbell out of many exercises and replace it with two dumbbells without having to change the movement itself much at all. The bench press for example can be performed with two dumbbells, either pressing at the same time or in alternating fashion. Squats can be performed holding a dumbbell at either side of your body with your arms straight, or they can be performed holding one dumbbell in front of your chest. The latter of which is called the goblet squat.

Dead lifts can be performed with the same motion but with using two dumbbells placed in front of your feet and of course you can complete shoulder presses with dumbbells as well. Clearly, the barbell can be completely weeded out of your routine if you wanted to or if you need to for any of the reasons mentioned above.

The only one of the bodybuilding exercises mentioned above that can’t be directly switched to dumbbells is the power clean. However, you can perform many exercises in its place which will provide great benefits. For example, you can perform one arm bent over rows for your middle back, and you can perform shrugs holding dumbbells at your sides. You can also perform pull-ups and chin-ups for your back.

Don’t be afraid that if you lose access to a barbell you lose your bodybuilding exercises as well. Almost every great barbell exercise can be performed utilizing dumbbells, or can be replaced with other effective bodybuilding moves and routines. So whether you are looking for some variation or a way to ensure your workout stays intact in your home basement, you have nothing to worry about.

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