Strength Workouts – What you Need to Find Out before You Start!
July 28, 2012 by admin
Filed under Strength Workouts
Article by Mike D. Thompson
Strength Workouts – What you Need to Find Out before You Start! – Health
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Before commencing strength workouts some important factors need consideration to give you the best chance of success. There is possibly more than you think that needs taking into account when considering various strength workouts.
So it’ll probably be helpful to know a bit more before trying to find the best workout for you.
The first consideration is that a strength workout should be part of a comprehensive health and fitness program. When this is not done people generally end up just giving up due to poor results.
So if you want to achieve your strength gaining goals you will first need to be really clear about what you are trying to achieve. Better strength, obviously, but is it just strength or are you looking to build huge muscles? Or are you looking for the lean and ripped,modern look while still becoming stronger.
What about endurance and stamina? It might not always be about getting a bodybuilders physique, you may want better strength but need not to “burn out” too quickly. Getting large muscles without working working on muscle endurance or stamina can have a negative outcome.
Stamina and endurance, as well as strength are important for many sports.
So now you see that there is much to consider when starting muscle building workouts.
With any workout it is best to start slowly and build up but you should still get expert advice. This is important with strength workouts to avoid injury, you will need to push your muscle hard to go beyond what they are normally used to. Diet, nutrition and rest periods are all important too. When your body does not have good diet and nutrition or time to repair muscle,results will suffer.
A variety of different exercises in strength workouts will make sure that all muscle groups are worked on. For example, chest workouts and bicep workout amongst others.
You should always start with a warm up, which may be some light cardio or small weights, then move on to the real strength exercises for the larger muscle groups first. Before finishing with a warm down you could target some specific smaller muscles groups.
Unless you are quite experienced in correct exercise techniques and how many reps, sets and how to choose the amount of weight, you will need expert guidance to get decent results.
The exercises will normally include lat pull downs, par bar dips, seated rows, bench presses, dumbbell presses and also dead lifts, these all require the use of some form of fitness equipment and could involve joining a gym or buying equipment for use in the home.
Push ups, squats and pull ups do not need special exercise equipment. Good strength training will require expert guidance but these exercises are generally suitable for getting started.
About the Author
Mike Thompson writes about health and fitness and has a website with free information and reports covering topics such as muscle building and fat loss. There are also reviews of some of the best workouts available, to find out more go to
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Mike Thompson writes about health and fitness and has a website with free information and reports covering topics such as muscle building and fat loss. There are also reviews of some of the best workouts available, to find out more go to
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STRETCH before working on your computer
May 30, 2012 by admin
Filed under Stretching
Article by Hege Crowton
STRETCH before working on your computer – Health
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Did you know that spending long hours at your computer can put your health at serious risk?Most people does not even consider that possibility, but t does, Working at a desk is extremely hard on your body, and I would like to share this with you so maybe you can avoid some of the most common health risks.
What do we usually do before engaging on a workout at the gym? We stretch, right? But have you ever thought why we do this? Stretching is very important. It warms up the muscles by increasing its alertness and blood flow to avoid injury. There are different types of stretching that cater to different needs.
1. Ballistic stretching
This type of stretching forces a moving limb way beyond its normal range of movement. One example of ballistic stretching is touching your fingers to your toes. This type brings you to a suddenly stretched position instead of a gradual one. The muscles that are stretched serves as a spring that can get you out of the stretched position. This type of stretch is not that useful and can lead to injuries. It does not give your muscles enough time to relax and adjust in the stretched position.
2. Dynamic stretching
This is the opposite of ballistic stretching. In this type, you are not forced to stretch your muscles drastically. Examples of this type are torso twists and leg and arm swings. It involves gradual and slow movements of body parts. There is also a slow increase in reach and in the speed of movement. It is of big help to one’s warm up for martial arts and dancing classes.
3. Active stretching
There is also what you call the active stretching or the static-active stretching. This requires you to stretch, for example, your leg, up in the air and hold it there for a few seconds. You hold it in place without asking for any assistance but from your antagonist muscles. This kind of stretching can help relax the muscles and is done for ten to fifteen seconds. Yoga utilizes this type of stretching.
4. Passive stretching
This is also called the relaxed stretching or static-passive stretching. This type is somewhat like the static-active stretch. However, with static-passive stretching, you need someone or an apparatus to hold the stretched out limb for you. An example of this is stretching up your leg while it is being held up in place by, say, your gym instructor. Splitting is also a perfect example of passive stretching. The floor serves as the apparatus to help support your stretched out position.
5. Static Stretching
Static stretching is usually confused with passive stretching. However, these stretches are two different things. In static stretching, you are brought to the farthest point of your stretch and holding it in place. On the other hand, passive stretching is a more relaxed form of stretching because you do not have to control the range of motion because it is created by an outside force either mechanically or manually.
6. sometric Stretching
Isometric stretching is a kind of static stretching that does not require movement. You just have to tense the stretched out muscles. This can be used to increase the static-passive flexibility and is more effective active or passive stretching alone. It can also enhance strength on tensed muscles that can help decrease pain due to stretching. An example this is when you push up on a wall. Asking someone to hold your leg up for you while you force your leg down is also an example of isometric stretching. This kind of stretch is not apt for growing children and adolescents because they are flexible enough that these strong stretches could just increase the risk of muscle injuries.
7. PNF Stretching
PNF means proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation. This is actually a technique and not a type of stretch. It combines passive and isometric stretching so you can reach your static flexibility maximum. As a matter of fact, this is used as a rehabilitation therapy for stroke victims. Similar to the isometric stretching, this type is not recommended for children and others who have growing bones.
There goes the different types of stretching. In order to avoid injuries, it is better to stretch before doing anything else. Be it just for some light activity or a heavy workload. Take stretching seriously and feel the benefits it can give your body.
There are other risks as you sit in front of that computer but it would be to much to write about in this article, so if you would like to learn more about other risks such as:
Eye strainRSI (Repetitive Stress Syndrome)Carpal Tunnel SyndromeConstant Head AchesDizzinessBreathing ProblemsDifficulty Concentrating
You can learn all about this in the book: “The Painless PC”, which can be found at:
About the Author
Lille Hege is establishing her self as an expert copywriter.She is known for doing in-depth research before writing her articles.Many of her articles are posted on and she also does a lot of writing for also strongly recommends that you visit:
Since joining this program her b
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Lille Hege is establishing her self as an expert copywriter.She is known for doing in-depth research before writing her articles.Many of her articles are posted on and she also does a lot of writing for also strongly recommends that you visit:
Since joining this program her b
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description of static stretching
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Ways To Get In Shape Before Your Tummy Tuck
May 29, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Article by Andrew Stratton
Ways To Get In Shape Before Your Tummy Tuck – Health
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A tummy tuck isn’t designed to get rid of lots of body weight but rather to tighten up the midsection. Some of the reasons for having a stretched out belly region includes pregnancy, rapid weight loss, and aging. The older a person gets, the harder it is for his or her tissue to snap back into place after it’s been stretched out.
Skin has quite a bit of elasticity when we’re younger but gradually loses that capability over time. After it’s been stretched, as in a pregnancy, sometimes it just stays that way long after the baby has been born. Not only does the external skin of the midsection become saggy but the inner corset of connective tissue gets pulled out of shape as well.
That inner corset is designed to hold in our internal organs such as intestines, stomach, kidneys and more. Without the tight compression of the connective tissue, a substantial pooch will occur. Abdominoplasty is another name for the tummy tuck and this cosmetic operation will create a flat, taut abdomen. But a patient should be at or near his or her ideal weight before having the surgery. If he or she needs to still lose additional pounds after the abdominoplasty, this could very well result in additional loose, saggy skin. Here are some ways to get in shape before your procedure:
-Diet: Eating a healthy and nutritious diet will be important before and after the operation. It’s a wise move to get into the habit of adhering to the food pyramid’s foundation of whole grains, lean proteins, fresh vegetables and fruits further up the pyramid and just a tiny amount of fats and sweets at the top of the triangular model.
-Cooking at home: Preparing meals at home will save on calories as well as money. Restaurant meals can take a toll on one’s budget. When you cook for yourself, you can control the portion size, the amount of oil or butter that is added to the recipe and the quality of the ingredients. You can make dishes that are similar to those you enjoy at restaurants but with fewer calories, less fat and at a fraction of the cost.
-Eating out: When you do eat out, it’s important to select lighter fare or split an order with your companion. It’s also a good idea to bring half of your meal home to enjoy the next day. This gives you a ready meal and is half as fattening.
– Exercise: It’s important to participate in some form of exercise. It doesn’t have to be formal. Just walking around the block each evening, taking the stairs at work instead of the elevator, parking further away in the parking lot, participating in active social activities such as bowling, dancing, swimming and hiking will be great. If you decide to take a yoga class or join a gym, all the better.
By the time you go in for your tummy tuck, you will be at a healthy weight and have established good routines, as well. Your body will be stronger than ever in order to assure a speedy recovery.
About the Author
Finally get the flatter stomach you’ve always wanted by visiting a tummy tuck new jersey surgeon who has provided solid results to a number of patients. Take a look at before and after photos of past patients from one professional here:
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Andrew Stratton
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Finally get the flatter stomach you’ve always wanted by visiting a tummy tuck new jersey surgeon who has provided solid results to a number of patients. Take a look at before and after photos of past patients from one professional here:
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Before And Today’s Marine Equipment
May 26, 2012 by admin
Filed under Marine Training
The most efficient navigational instruments today were not available for the earliest and first seafarers and travelers before. Simple and traditional tools like a marine’s astrolabe, quadrants, chronometer, and magnetic compass are the only ones available during that time. Cosmic heavenly bodies are also used to determine current location and destination. With the unpredictable and varying weather conditions at sea, navigation is not always very easy. Imagine how man used to travel by ship or boat without the highly reliable tools. Accidents must have been a frequent occurrence during that time.
With advancements in maritime technology and government’s efforts in reducing the number of accidents per year, marine navigation continues to develop for the better. Ships and boats owners and operators are required by law to follow safety guidelines, mandatory training, equipment requirements and operational standards.
Also, manufacturers are constantly coming up with latest marine tools and electronics that can enhance navigation, security and safety. The following are some of the latest types of equipment used today.
GPS marine An alternative to traditional tools is a marine GPS which is an electronic device that makes use of satellite signals to quickly determine exact location on the grid. No need to do manual plotting of location when you can conveniently and easily refer to a device that can accurately provide your current location on the map.
Multi-Functional Display Some multi-functional displays incorporate sensors, weather receivers, radars, GPS, chart plotters into one device. Maps, charts and various nautical information such as speed and weather conditions can be provided. It can serve as a centralized panel that can do all sorts of functions to provide best user experience. One can also rely on this tool to increase situational awareness and safety.
Tool for Finding Fish You can use a fish finding device to turn fishing into a quick, productive and efficient method. People can know if the water is abundant in fish life or not with this device. Fishermen can improve their process of fish finding and increase their production.
Today, mariners are very fortunate that there are many navigational instruments and marine equipment that can be useful and beneficial to their personal or business sea travel. More manageable operation and control of the boat help increase safety and security of every passenger.
For more manageable operation and control of the boat help increase safety and security of every passenger, maritime information and navigational instruments are now available check out
Discount Running Gear – Read This Before You Buy
March 27, 2012 by admin
Filed under Running and Jogging
Article by Jackie Dennis
Whether you buy discount running gear or pay the highest prices, the gear you choose makes all the difference when running in cold weather, rain or heat. Following you’ll find reviews of some of the coolest running gear and where to find it online at a great discount.
Click Here for Low Prices on Running Gear
Garmin Forerunners: These handy gadgets come in a variety of styles and colors (yes, even pink) with a wide array of training features. They feature a heart rate monitor, watch and gps receiver with exceptional signal reception. They really are the one all-purpose piece of electronic equipment that every serious runner should own. Training Center Software is included, which keeps track of all your workout data, and they can record your distance, time calories burned, heart rate and pace. If that’s not enough, their wireless technology can automatically transfer all that data to your computer. What a great asset to your training!
Nathan Speed Waistpacks: This is the best investment you can make to keep you hydrated on a long run. They hold up to four ten-ounce bottles in individually molded holsters and also feature pockets for your other essentials you need while running. Based on the needs and laboratory results of some of the top athletes, these waist packs are truly a mobile aid station during long treks.
Nike Sunglasses: These come in a wide array of styles and colors, and all are top of the line, protecting your eyes whether you run in the woods or on harsh pavement. They feature Nike Max Optics which ensures you are seeing the clearest picture at all angles as well as lenses that resist fogging. An added benefit is the ventilated nose bridge, which improves airflow and reduces slipping. Their adjustable design also ensures they’ll grip your head properly to keep you comfortable and your shades in place. Of course, you’ll also find 100% UVA and UVB protection in these specialized sunglasses.
GoMotion Light Kits: While this may seem like a frivolous purchase, if you run outside late in the day or early in the morning, it’s a necessity. Make sure those cars can see you. GoMotion makes several varieties of these specialized runner’s lights. They come in a low profile, lightweight mesh vest, which is extremely comfortable due to the padded straps, adjustable elements and chafe guard. Another option is the waist kit. These are meant to mount on your existing pack or belt and come with high, medium and low beam settings. GoMotion even has a sternum kit, meant to retrofit to any existing pack. With all these options, you’ll find a comfortable way to be safe that works for you.
These are just a few items that will make your running experience that much more fun, safe and comfortable. The days of just throwing on your sweatpants are over. Runners now have just as many, if not more, gadgets as everyone else to choose from to make their training that much more efficient.
How To Find Discount Running Gear OnlineThere are hundreds of sites offering all types of running apparel, shoes and various types of gear and gadgets online. Shopping all of them takes a lot of time. Some have discounts, coupons, free shipping or special sales. The best way to find a great deal is to find someone who knows about buying running gear and knows where to find the best prices. That will save you so much time in shopping all the stores yourself.
To find the best Discount Running Gear, visit the Discount Running Blog. There, you’ll find where to get the best deals online and save yourself more time to run!
Originally published in Discount Running Gear – Where to Find the Best Deals on the Net
Jackie Dennis is a whiz when it comes to online shopping savvy. She’s also an avid runner and loves to review the latest and greatest gear and products.
Whether you’re a beginner or a well-seasoned runner, you want to invest in gear that will help prevent injuries, keep you comfortable, and help you perform to the best of your ability!
Video Rating: 5 / 5
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