Delavier’s Anatomy for Bigger, Stronger Arms
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Delavier’s Anatomy for Bigger, Stronger Arms is your guide to the massive biceps, triceps, and forearms you’ve always wanted. Over 330 full-color photos and 130 anatomical illustrations allow you to go inside more than 100 exercises to see how muscles interact with surrounding joints and skeletal structures and how variations, progressions, and sequencing can isolate specific muscles to help you achieve targeted results. It’s like having an X-ray of eac… More >>
Delavier’s Anatomy for Bigger, Stronger Arms
Men’s Health Huge in a Hurry: Get Bigger, Stronger, and Leaner in Record Time with the New Science of Strength Training
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Men’s Health Huge in a Hurry will add inches to your muscles and increase your strength, with noticeable results quickly, no matter how long you’ve been lifting. Author Chad Waterbury offers the most current neuromuscular science to debunk the fitness myths and conventional wisdom that may be wreaking havoc on your workouts and inhibiting your gains. Forget lifting moderate weights slowly for lots and lots of sets and reps. The best way to get huge in a hurry is to … More >>
How to Make Breast Bigger – Powerful Guidelines for Breast Enlargement
August 10, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Article by Bernice Burns
How to Make Breast Bigger – Powerful Guidelines for Breast Enlargement – Health – Wellness
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How to make breast bigger really depends on what you expect as a result. It is, for instance, not possible to make breasts grow to abnormally large sizes. This is because your body simply won’t allow you to push it past its limits, so to speak.
Your genetic disposition will determine by how much you can realistically make your breasts bigger. If you desire anything beyond that limit, you will either have to use a padded bra or have some sort of surgery. I say ‘some sort’, because there are now ways in which breasts can be firmed and slightly enlarged without implants.
How to make breast bigger also depends on just how quickly you want to see results. Most ways to achieve bigger breasts without surgery will take months, rather than weeks to really start making a difference.
Exercises to make breasts bigger are certainly a good way to go forward. They include, for example, push-ups, presses and arm rotating and stretching, chest expanders and so on.
In short, any exercise targeting the chest muscles and the muscle tissue around the breasts is perfect. Naturally, any exercise routine will encourage circulation and generally make you feel much better about yourself.
How to make breast bigger also has a lot of dietary answers. Eating the right kinds of food – including protein and estrogen rich foods, plenty of minerals and vitamins (fruit and veg), dairy products, olive oil, again, anything that will do you good all over as well – will work like a real treat.
There isn’t really any one particular answer or way of how to make your breasts grow. Essentially, the more of the different methods you combine, the better and the quicker the results will be. Each one of these ways will eventually work alone, but combining them will work better.How to make breast bigger is also a question of whether you are prepared to use some enhancement creams and/ or supplements. Both are perfectly natural and use plant extracts to nourish the tissue around the breasts and stimulate the breasts into growing.
It really is not all that difficult to make breasts grow. The hardest part is being patient and not giving up after a week because you can’t see a difference. These sort of ‘treatments’ for lack of a better word, will take daily routines for months. How to make breasts bigger was all a young lady I recently spoke to could think about and not seeing results after ten days, she thought something might be wrong with her body. It will take much longer than ten days, trust me, but it will happen – slowly and steadily.
About the Author
Want to learn more about how to make breasts bigger? Go to now to discover the proven formula that has helped over 10,795 women worldwide.
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Want to learn more about how to make breasts bigger? Go to now to discover the proven formula that has helped over 10,795 women worldwide.
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5 Highly Effective Bodyweight Exercises Pertaining to Building Bigger Pecs
March 8, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by Edward Graham
Lifting weights at the health club might well function as the quickest way to add size for your pecs, but it’s only one way. Bodyweight exercises can provide an adaptable substitute for lifting dumbells due to the fact that they’ll be performed anywhere and at whenever.
A bodyweight workout for your chest can nicely compliment your weight services or work extremely well for a stand-alone workout.
In any event ., it truly is worth giving body weight exercises with the chest a try. There’s a chance you’re amazed at exactly how much you like it them!
Here’s 5 powerful chest exercises without weights:
Push-Ups For Chest Muscles. The earlier classic bodyweight exercise that everybody ponders after they refer to chest bodyweight workouts. Push-ups work many muscle tissue while doing so such as the chest, triceps, back, abs, biceps and shoulders. This can be a great general exercise and simultaneously works multiple muscles for a great all body workout. Keep back straight in the exercise while keeping your focus on slowly checking movement, working the many muscle tissues. For optimum results repeat this exercise slowly, and steadily improve the repetitions that you every week. A sensible way to enhance a push-up should be to put weights face up. Get a back-pack and fill it up with books to add effectiveness against the exercise to support stimulate extra growth.
Parallel Bar Dips For Chest. This exercise uses just your bodyweight, nevertheless it does need a group of dip bars because of it do be exercised correctly. Firmly grip each bar and support your body, that can hang between your bars. Slowly reduce your body until your arms form the right angles and raise yourself to the commencement. This is usually a very challenging exercise and you’re more likely to discover that you is only able to do a few reps. But while you begin to progress you may make things harder by strapping fat loss plate belt around your waist. Alternatively, fill a backpack program heavy objects. The parallel dip bars work your triceps and the chest muscles. To spotlight the lower adominal area muscles, lean you chest forward a tad when you do the lowering motion.
Decline Push-Ups. To complete a declined push-up place your feet while on an elevated object maybe a box or maybe a chair. Your arms needs to be on the ground as usual. You could then lower your upper body on the ground with a steeper angle than a normal push-up. This puts much more of attention within the lower area of the chest. It will always be a smart idea to mix in the widths in the push-up grips to ensure that other areas of the chest muscles get involved a decent workout.
Incline Push Ups For Chest. Push-ups on an incline involve you raising your arms onto a platform for instance a chair or a box. Feet is going to be on to the floor. Perform press as usual but when it reaches this new angle. You will find that you may notice the exercise working your upper chest area with the incline pushup. Upper chest muscles often get neglected so incline push ups make the perfect addition on your arsenal of bodyweight exercises for your chest.
Wide Grip Press ups For Chest. By using a normal push-up your arms are approximately shoulder width apart plus the focus is put on working the chest area muscles, shoulders, and arms. However, should you adopt a wider stance together with your arms greater than shoulder width apart you take the main focus from the arm and shoulder muscles make it back on the chest muscles. Wide grip push-ups tend to work the outer chest muscles many are great for shaping and toning.
That’s it, 5 bodyweight exercises to boost your chest workouts and build muscle without weights.
Start using thise when out from the gym on vacation or business trips or maybe you need to mix things up once in a while while.
In case you’re taking a rest from lifting weights at the gym and perform weeks of bodyweight-only workouts, you might well surprise yourself at merely what amount stronger you may be while you come back to the weights rack.
Ed is currently writing on many subjects mostly in the physical fitness and health area. Find out more on the subjects reviewed in this article on his building muscle site.
Build Bigger Guns – 4 Bodyweight Exercises For Biceps
February 20, 2012 by admin
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises
Article by Adam Nicholson
Building big biceps are associated with hitting the gym and cranking out numerous sets of bicep curls.
But you can also build bigger biceps from home by using bodyweight exercises.
Here is a selection of bodyweight exercises that will help you build bigger biceps from the comfort of your own home:
Chin-Ups For Biceps. This requires the use of a pull-up bar or some sort of bar that will support your body weight. Installing a pull-up bar in your home is relatively inexpensive and you just need to place the bar between a sturdy door frame and screw it in place. Grip the bar with your palms facing towards yourself, and then slowly pull yourself up until your chin touches your fingers. Exhale as you pull yourself up and inhale on the way down. At first chin-ups can be very hard and you may struggle to do just a few. Start off trying to reach 6 reps, and slowly build up the reps over time.
Pull-Ups For Biceps. These are like chin-ups but the main difference is in the pull up bar grip. With chin-ups your palms are facing towards you, with pull-ups your palms face away from you. Also, with pull-ups you adopt a much wider grip (thus the term wide grip pull ups) that is shoulder width apart. In addition to working the biceps, pull-ups give the back muscles a great workout as well. Slowly pull yourself up as your exhale, and then inhale as you lower yourself (at an even slower pace). Mix-up this back and bicep bodyweight exercise by experimenting with different grips. Close grip, wide grip, medium grip and reverse grip pull-ups all focus on slightly different muscle areas. Also change up the tempo every now and then to shock your body into action.
Push-Ups For Biceps. The old classic bodyweight exercise that everyone thinks about when they refer to chest and bicep bodyweight workouts. Push-ups work many muscle groups at the same time including the chest, triceps, back, abs, biceps and shoulders. It is a great all round exercise. Keep your back straight throughout the exercise and concentrate on slowly going through the movement, working all those muscle groups. For best results do this exercise slowly and steadily increase the repetitions that you do on a weekly basis. A great way to spice up a push-up is to put weights on your back.
Bicep Curls Without Weights. A bicep curl typically involves using dumbbells and barbells at the gym, but it can also be done without using weight lifting equipment. You just need to get creative and find your own replacements for the resistance. Popular make-shift weights include sandbags, empty milk-jugs full of water or sand, and also backpacks full of books. You do not need to go to the gym to build big biceps, you just need to find any form of heavy weight that you can use to stimulate muscle growth.Aim to do slow and steady reps of this exercise. For maximum muscle growth aim to reach failure after around 6-8 reps. As your biceps get stronger, keep increasing the resistance to make sure you keep reaching faillure within the 6 to 8 rep mark.
So there you have 4 of the best bodyweight exercises for biceps that can help you build muscle without weights. They key is now to go away and put these to action.
Remember, not having access to the gym is no excuse for not building bigger biceps. You can do bicep exercises at home!
For a complete home workout routine to help you build biceps without weights and sculpt a lean physique, check out: The site was set up by Adam Nicholson to spread the word about the benefits of bodyweight exercises.
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Make Ur Penis Look Bigger The 5 Best Chest Building Exercises For Beginning Bodybuilders
February 18, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Article by nolanmyrick
If you are reading this article then you are clearly seeking the most effective penis male enlargement solution on the market today. Most of these come in pill form now with tremendous strides being made through blood flow to the penis to achieve maximum size per person. Upon hours and hours of testimonial reading fact checking and just flat out trial and error I was able to gather all the data and put it to good use for the millions of men out there that are seeking a larger penis.
Did you know that it’s possible to enlarge your penis at home using nothing but your hands and a few specially designed and highly secret NATURAL exercises that anybody with two hands can do?
Just 6 minutes per day for a few short weeks will make your penis much longer thicker and healthier and give you permanent gains which you can enjoy for the rest of your life!
Penis traction devices are becoming one of the most popular ways to enlarge the penis. They offer permanent results and are inexpensive in comparison to surgery. The penis traction device also known as the penis extender has been developed through years of research from the medical community.
It has always been a common fact that a bigger penis is what makes your sexual world go round. After all even if you know how to use it it wouldn’t mean much if the size is not enough to satisfy your partner. If you’re suffering from a small penis and want to boost your self-esteem as well as giving your partner the satisfaction they deserve then read on to discover how to make your penis bigger is easy steps.
Are you sensitive about your penis size or even feel embarrassed about how your measure up? Don’t be! The simple truth is that you’re not alone. The vast majority of men are in the exact same predicament as you feeling insecure about their manhood and wondering if there’s anything they could do to get a decent ‘lift’ to their size. There are plenty of male enhancement approaches out there but let’s take a quick look at 2 popular solutions and see if these can really end your size woes. Read on!
Do you want to have an average to small penis all of your life? No you don’t. Finally there is a method that is guaranteed to work for you! You can change your life starting from today and get a bigger penis get better sex and increase your confidence.
If you are looking into some safe and guaranteed natural ways to penis male enlargement you are just like me. Now I’m satisfied with my research as well as penis size and want to share my findings with you.
You can make your penis significantly bigger quickly using easy and safe methods. I went from a pitiful 5.5 inches long and 5 inches around to over 8 inches long and exactly 6 inches around. Here are the answers to some frequently asked questions about significantly enlarging your penis fast.
If you’re anything like most guys reading this now you probably want to know the best and most effective way to add inches to your penis size don’t you? This is nothing new and you certainly aren’t alone in wanting a larger more powerful manhood. The plan is to have an absolutely fuss-free safe enlargement method; something that is easy and simple to do. Most of my readers know that natural male enlargement exercises is the ONE method I recommend to give your penis the boost you have been waiting for.
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Using Weight Lifting Straps for a Bigger Back
February 13, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Lifting
Article by Mike Hightower
Lats like Jay Cutler. We all want ’em. A big wide lat spread that casts a shadow over the whole gym. Ahhh but how to get it, that is the question.
We all see our favorite bodybuilders walking around with straps dangling from their wrists and we realize that we too must get a set of these bad-boys so that we can look just as cool on back day right?
The problem is that without proper knowledge lifting straps can actually hinder your lat building progress. On the other hand used properly they can make back growth exponential.
The key is in realizing the weakness in lifting straps.
The weakness inherent in all lifting straps is that they allow you to lift more weight than you can hold with your grip.
“But Mike isn’t this a good thing” you say.
Can be. If used correctly. However, if it means that you are now just lifting more weight and still using improper form then you are headed for a world of hurt.
So what is the key?
The key is to use your straps to create better form. In the case of back training straps should allow you to focus all of your attention on your back muscles, and avoid to the use of your arms.
Nitty Gritty Details
The mistake that most beginning and amateur bodybuilders make is to rely on their biceps in their back training. Now a certain amount of bicep recruitment is almost unavoidable. However it should be minimized to the greatest extent possible because when the bicep is bearing the weight, the back is not.
Take wide grip pulldowns for example. Most trainees make the mistaken assumption that the key is to get the wide-grip bar down to their chin. This is not the case. the goal is to get the latissimus dorsi to contract as maximally as possible. And really this can only be done when the trainee is aware of the muscle contracting. This awareness is much harder than when doing a set of concentration curls because the trainee cannot see the back.
What must be done is to spend time doing exercises that create an environment for feeling the latissimus contraction. The bottom line best exercise for this is chin ups. That’s right… chin ups. Not pull-downs, but real grab-the-bar-and-lift-the-body-up chin ups. You see, the line of the body hanging on a bar just happens to be the perfect line to feel those lats in action.
Straps For Focus
Now for the straps that we are talking about.
When doing the chin-up you want the back muscles to be your focus and not your biceps. So slip on the straps, and curl them around your chin up bar [if it is too far off of the ground then grab a bench to attach the straps and then hang free]. Now with straps on, arch you chest as much as possible and lift your body concentrating on pulling your elbows toward your sides. As you focus on your elbows your arms should almost feel loose and unengaged. All tension should be in your lower back and on your lats.
This “elbow focus” is how you will begin to feel those lats working. And it is only possible because you have used straps to take your arms out of the equation as much as possible.
Try it, get some straps and try this elbow focus technique on your next training session. Once you feel it, and not a second sooner, then try the same technique on bent barbell rows and all varieties of other back exercises. With your new found ability to feel the lats working you will enjoy some nice back growth.
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