Glutamine Peptides 10x More Potent Than Regular Glutamine For Rapid Muscle Repair And Lean Muscle Growth Big Bulk Suplements L Glutamine 450mg Glutamine Peptides 450mg 180 Capsules 1 Bottle

October 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Glutamine

  • Save BIG With BIG BULK Supplements
  • L Glutamine 450mg Glutamine Peptides 450mg
  • 10x More Potent Than Regular Glutamine For Rapid Muscle Repair And Lean Muscle Growth
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Product Description
Glutamine Peptides is a synergistic blend of Glutamine Peptides and L-Glutamine. Glutamine Peptides is 10x more potent than regular Glutamine. This breakthrough formula supplies critical building blocks for lean muscle mass tissue. Scientific research has shown that Glutamine Peptide enhances BCAA’s absorption and increases muscle glycogen for fast recovery and increases lean muscle mass by 10-20% when added to your favorite protein powder. Studies have also shown t… More >>

Glutamine Peptides 10x More Potent Than Regular Glutamine For Rapid Muscle Repair And Lean Muscle Growth Big Bulk Suplements L Glutamine 450mg Glutamine Peptides 450mg 180 Capsules 1 Bottle

The Best Chest Workout Program – The Best Chest Workout to Bulk Up Fast

August 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

The Best Chest Workout Program

Have you grown tired of being called scrawny or puny? Or maybe you’re embarrassed by your weak and flabby chest. This can be a real confidence-killer, and produce low self-esteem. It’s time to turn things around, and take control of your fitness future. One of the most fulfilling and confidence-building activities you’ll ever enjoy is increasing your strength and building muscle in your chest. So, let’s get pumped up and build the spectacular pectoral muscles you’ve always wanted using the best chest workout techniques available today. The Best Chest Workout Program

There is a plethora of outstanding chest workouts to select from.

Deciding what the best one is for you will depend on your specific fitness goals. A number of variables come into play, like your gender and your current body mass index. Typically, most women do not desire to add bulk to their chest muscle, but prefer toning their muscles and losing weight instead. Men, on the contrary, are much more focused on increasing muscle mass and building strength.

With that said, let’s examine some of the best chest workout techniques that you can get started with.

Chest Workout Tips

One of the very best chest workout techniques to begin with is called the dumbbell pullover. This is an easy exercise to perform. It’s quite similar to the barbell pullover. To execute this chest exercise, you will just use a dumbbell instead of a barbell.

Start this chest workout by holding the dumbbell firmly over your chest with two hands while bending your elbows slightly. Next, you’ll need to slowly lower the dumbbell back, and stretch your arms behind your head as far as possible.

Reverse the motion and bring the dumbbell back to the first position over your chest. Be sure you’re keeping your elbows locked in the same slightly bent position during the entire routine. This is probably the best chest workout technique to build muscle in the upper chest. The Best Chest Workout Program

Another powerful workout that you should include in your chest exercise routine is the cable crossover (also known as the “standing cable crossover”). To successfully execute this exercise, you’ll need to move the pulleys to a high position, and select the amount of weight you’re comfortable with. Now, take hold of the handles that are attached to the overhead pulleys on your chest workout machine, with your arms parallel to the floor and the palms of your hands facing the floor. Bend your waist slightly.

Next, you’ll want to lower your arms in an arc fashion and bring your hands together. Perform the reverse movement on the way back up.

This is without a doubt one of the very best chest workout techniques for beginners. It’s also a great technique for advanced bodybuilders. After just a few repetitions of this exercise, you’ll begin to feel your muscles burn, and you’ll know that your chest muscles are working hard. If you’re truly committed to reaching your goal, then make this chest workout a part of your regular exercise routine. You will progress that much closer to getting the big, muscular chest that you’ve always wanted.

The dumbbell pullover and cable crossovers are two of the very best chest workout techniques you can begin with to build and maintain a big, muscular chest. The Best Chest Workout Program

Want to get fit and Gain Muscle?

Read more about The Best Chest Workout Programand start Gaining Muscle Now!

TryLean Hybrid Muscle and Change your Figure Right now! This is a complete chest workout that myself and Trish did the other day. We hit the chest from all angles and positions. Compound exercises, isolation exercises, stretching, peak contraction, etc. You gotta give this one a try! Start with a couple light warm up sets for each exercise. Then do 3 sets of 10-12 reps. Rest about 1-2 minutes between sets. If you would like to follow a complete workout program make sure to check out my 3 Day Bodybuilding Split Routine at You can also follow along with my workout tips on Facebook at:
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Creatine Ethyl Ester 100 Gram Bulk Powder

July 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Creatine

  • Increases strength
  • Improves stamina
  • Creates lean muscle mass
  • Best if used with CLA and Cissus Quadrangularis (Available In Our Amazon Store)
  • Recommended to use a scale accurate to at least 10 milligrams for dosing (Available In Our Amazon Store)

Product Description
Creatine Ethyl Ester is a derivative of Creatine with a quicker absorption and longer half life. This supplement provides a quick boost of energy in the form of ATP to working muscles.
This is known as a bodybuilding or weightlifting supplement. Many users report increases in their strength and muscle mass, without any of the intestinal stress or bloated feeling that they get from pure Creatine. The supplement is also very effective in maintaining muscl… More >>

Creatine Ethyl Ester 100 Gram Bulk Powder

Less is More with this Wintertime Power and Bulk Weight Training Program.

June 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Kevin Carbone

Less is More with this Wintertime Power and Bulk Weight Training Program. – Health – Fitness

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Less is More with this Wintertime Power and Bulk Weight Training Program.

by Kevin Carbone,

Note: This is an advanced weight training program and should only be used by those with at least one year of consistent weighttraining behind them. You will be using heavy weight and a less strict form which could lead to injury if you don’t have a strongfoundation of previous weight training exercise to build upon.

Power and Bulk TrainingBack in the 1960’s it was quite common for bodybuilders to train during the winter months exclusively for size, strength, and mass. This was referred to as “power and bulk training” or a “bulking-up” bodybuilding routine which consisted of basic compound weight training exercises done with low reps and heavy weight. As far as diet was concerned, they ate everything and anything and in large quantities. Lots of whole eggs, whole milk,steaks, and potatoes were the order of the day. The idea was to gain as much weight, size and strength as possible during the winter and then trim down and lose the body fat for the summer months. Overall they would be bigger, stronger and would carry more muscle mass from their winter power and bulk weight training program.

When it came time to trim down for the summer, they usually allotted about 3 months for the task. This was done by cutting calories and changing their weight training routine to one of high reps and sets and adding isolation movements while using light to moderate weights. Workouts were also long which helped to burn calories. Cardio and aerobics were unheard of and generally frowned on because it was thought that this type of training broke the muscles down and would make you smaller and weaker.

Nowadays, the idea is to stay in relatively good shape all year round because this is a healthier thing to do for your body. The yo-yo effect of putting weight on and taking it off over and over again puts a strain on your system that in the long term is not good.

However, a modified power and bulk weight training program combined with current advances in diet and nutrition can be very beneficial to someone who is looking to bulk-up and add more muscle mass and strength. Follow this program for 3 months and then analyze your progress. You can continue for awhile longer if things are going well, or you can move on to a new routine if progress begins to slow or if you are putting on too much body fat.

Your workouts will be shorter with fewer exercises but they will be much more intense as you will be using heavy weights with compound power movements. That’s why I say that Less is More with this bodybuilding routine. As for diet, you will want to addat least 300-500 extra calories per day increasing your protein and carb intake while watching your fats. Make sure you consume at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Some trainers say to eat everything and anything and not to worry about how much or what kinds of fat you consume because fats produce testosterone and testosterone produces muscle. Although this is true, the wrong type of fat eaten in abundance over an extended period of time is bad for your health. You’ve heard it before – stuff like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure,and a host of other physical problems. The critics will say that you are only going to be on this bulk and power program for 3 or 4 months so go for the gusto and eat everything because you can trim the fat off later on to be ready for the Summer months.

Personally, my long term philosophy is to have moderation in everything and this is no exception. If I were you I would add some extra fat but make sure its the good stuff like the Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) that are found in fish, fish oil, olive oil and nuts of all types (go for the unsalted variety). Definitely eat more but be sensible and don’t go crazy and eat a ton of empty calorie junk foods like doughnuts, cake, and fast foods. These contain a large amount of saturated fat and trans fat which should be avoided for general good health. Remember to have a large meal of protein and carbohydrates within one hour after your workout to help speed the recovery process and feed hungry muscles.

You will be training 3 days per week with one day off in between training days. As an example, train Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. And take Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday off. Recovery time is very important with this routine. Remember, you grow during your rest periods not in the gym. Put your aerobics on hold and do not play any strenuous sports while on this program. You must focus all of your energy on your workouts in order to progress as you should. Also, remember to get a least 8 hours of sleep with 9 or 10 hours being even better. Because yourmuscles grow when you sleep, have a whey and casein protein drinkbefore you hit the sack. The whey gets absorbed quickly but the casein get assimilated more slowly thus feeding your muscles moreconsistently through the night.

The whole premise of this routine is to handle as much weight as possible and to increase the poundages whenever you can. Use the pyramiding method where you gradually add weight to each set while doing less reps. You are to relax your strict form and “cheat” or use momentum and bounce to handle the heavier weights.

Your Power and Bulk Weight Training Schedule


Always do a warmup before attempting any workout. Start with someall-over body movements to get the heart beating and the blood flowing such as treadmill work, jumping jacks, jumping rope, etc.Then do a few exercises with light weight and high reps that target the muscle groups that you will be working on that particular workout. This is also a good time to do your abdominalexercises such as the crunch, reverse crunch, leg raises, hanging leg raises, etc. This is a good way to warm your core body temperature and get your ab work done first thing. Remember not to forget your ab work while doing this power and bulk program. Train your abs at least 2 times per week.

DAY 1 – Chest/Shoulders/Triceps

1) Flat Bench Press

2) Seated Overhead Press

3) Upright Rowing(Vary your hand grip spacing. A somewhat wider grip hits the outer or side delts more.)

4) Dips (Lean forward to work the chest more and stay vertical to work the triceps more – do both versions and add extra weight when necessary.)

DAY 2 – Legs

1) Squat

2) Leg Press

3) Deadlift (Also works the lower back)

4) Calf Heel Raise (Calves respond better to higher reps. Try a rep range of 15, 12,10, 8 for 4 sets.)

DAY 3 – Back/Traps/Biceps

1) Barbell Rowing

2) Lat Pulldowns

3) Shrug

4) Cheat Curl

Start with about 4 sets per exercise with a rep range of 10, 8, 6, 4. Pyramid or add additional weight to each set when possible.You can experiment with adding additional sets but don’t over do it because you will be using heavy weights. Also, don’t do less than 3 reps on any exercise or you will be toying with possible injury. Because you are doing only 4 exercises per training session your workout time will be shorter but more intense as youwill be using heavy weight in each set. Remember to rest long enough between sets to fully recover from the previous set, but not too long or you’ll lose your edge. If you are consistent in your training and eat correctly during the next 3-4 months you will see that Less can equal More!

About the Author

Kevin Carbone is a bodybuilding & fitness enthusiast who has decades of training experience. To read more of his articles go to At this site you will also findinformation on Weight Loss, Dating Guides (Guys & Gals), How to Get Your Ex Back, and How to Find the Job You Love. Plus, many FREE articles and much more. Go to:

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Kevin Carbone

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Kevin Carbone is a bodybuilding & fitness enthusiast who has decades of training experience. To read more of his articles go to At this site you will also findinformation on Weight Loss, Dating Guides (Guys & Gals), How to Get Your Ex Back, and How to Find the Job You Love. Plus, many FREE articles and much more. Go to:

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included. In this bodybuilding step by step workout guide you’re going to learn everything you need to know about setting up your own free weight training program. It isn’t as difficult as is it looks like. All you need to do is to apply the proven and working principles to your own bodybuilding regime and you’ll start to experience some serious muscle growth! I would like to apologize for my English, because it isn’t my first language and I’ve been talking in English for less than three years. In case I’ll say something wrong – please don’t kill me!

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Types Of Exercises That Can Help You Bulk Up

June 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Isometric Exercises

Article by James Brown

Types Of Exercises That Can Help You Bulk Up – Health – Fitness

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Isometric exercises vs isotonic exercises

In isometric the muscles flex and hold a stationary position. No movement of a load takes place, and the exercises require little in the way of equipment. An example of an isometric routine is placing the palms of the hands against each other and pushing. Isometric exercises are primarily used in physiotherapy and injury rehabilitation because the intensity can be rapidly and precisely adjusted, which makes them very safe. They are now rarely used outside this context.

In isotonic the muscles are used to push or pull a weight. Any object can be used for weight training, but dumbbells, barbells and other specialized equipment are normally used because they can be adjusted to specific weights, and are easily gripped. Elastic resistance bands are a cheap and portable alternative. Some exercises, such as the push-up, use the individual’s bodyweight instead. Advanced practitioners often add weight to bodyweight exercises such as the crunch by, in this case, holding a dumbbell on their chest.

These terms combine the prefix “iso”, meaning same, with “metric” (distance) and “tonic” (strength), meaning that in “isometric” routine the length of the muscle does not change, and in “isotonic” exercises the force applied to the muscle is relatively unchanged.

A third type of training, which is less common–except in sport-specific training or in rehabilitation–is isokinetic, or “same-speed” exercise. In isokinetic rouitine, an exercise machine is used which registers the force applied to it by the user, and offers just that amount of resistance. This allows the user to exercise at the speed optimal for their needs, without the danger of being subjected to more weight than they can handle.

Isolation vs compound exercises

The leg extension is an isolation.

An isolation routine is one where the movement is restricted to one joint and one muscle group. For example, the leg extension is an isolation exercise for the quadriceps. No other muscle groups are involved, and movement occurs only around the knee joint.

Compound exercises work several muscle groups at once, and include movement around two or more joints. For example, in the leg press movement occurs around the hip, knee and ankle joints. This routine is primarily used to develop the quadriceps, but it also involves the hamstrings, glutes and calves.

Compound routines are generally similar to the ways that people naturally push, pull and lift objects, whereas isolation exercises often feel a little unnatural.

The leg press is a compound exercise.

Each type of exercise has its uses. Compound build the basic strength that is needed to perform everyday pushing, pulling and lifting activities. Isolation routines are useful for “rounding out” a routine, by directly exercising muscle groups that cannot be fully exercised in the compound.

Free Weights vs. Machines

Swiss balls allow a wider range of free weight routines to be performed

They are also known as exercise balls, gym balls, sports balls, therapy balls or body balls.

Free weights are dumbbells and barbells. Unlike exercise machines, they do not constrain users to specific, fixed movements, and therefore require more effort from the individual’s stabilizer muscles. It is often argued that free weights exercises are superior for precisely this reason.

But because exercise machines largely prevent users from performing routines with poor form, they are safer than free weights–particularly for beginners. Moreover, since users need not concentrate so much on maintaining good form, they can focus more on the effort they are putting into the exercise–which may lead to faster progress.

Some free weight routines can be performed while sitting or lying on a Swiss ball. This makes it more difficult to maintain good form, which helps to exercise the deep torso muscles that are important for maintaining a good posture.

The bench press can be safely performed on the Smith machine without the help of a spotter

There are a number of exercise machines that are commonly found in neighborhood gyms. The Smith machine is a barbell that is constrained to move only vertically upwards and downwards. The cable machine consists of two weight stacks separated by 2.5 metres, with cables running through adjustable pulleys (that can be fixed at any height) to various types of handles. There are also exercise-specific machines such as the leg press. A multi-gym includes a variety of exercise-specific mechanisms in one apparatus.

One limitation of many free weight exercises and exercise machines is that the muscle is working maximally against gravity during only a small portion of the lift. Some exercise-specific machines feature an oval cam (first introduced by Nautilus) which varies the resistance so that the resistance, and the muscle force required, remains constant throughout the full range of motion of the exercise.

About the Author

Suggest you Visit Deer Antler Plusto gain information a natural nutritional supplement to enhance your exercise efforts.

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James Brown

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Suggest you Visit Deer Antler Plusto gain information a natural nutritional supplement to enhance your exercise efforts.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

1 Kg L Glutamine Bulk Powder

May 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Glutamine

  • Speeds Post-Workout Recovery Time
  • Improves Immune System Function
  • Prevents Muscle Breakdown
  • Supports Muscle Mass
  • Ammonia Disposal

Product Description
Build Your Own Blend Supplements is a subsidiary of a multi-million dollar import/export dietary supplement company recently created to give consumers the opportunity to purchase bulk supplement powders from the same company that many well known, name brand companies purchase their raw ingredients from.
Purchasing in bulk allows for you to acquire the raw ingredients yourself so that you can test new supplements, create your own formulas, and of course save … More >>

1 Kg L Glutamine Bulk Powder

Free Form Amino Acids Bulk Powder

April 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Amino Acid Supplement

  • Includes BCAAs and EAAs
  • Increases muscle growth
  • Reduces catabolic rate
  • Best if used with Beta Alanine and L Arginine (Available In Our Amazon Store)
  • Recommended to use a scale accurate to at least 10 milligrams for dosing (Available In Our Amazon Store)

Product Description
This free form amino acids mix is a great pre, intra and post workout formula. It contains BCAAs and EAAs, everything your body needs to gain lean muscle!

PH 4.5
Product Grade Oral
Taurine % 0.34
L-Aspartic Acid % 5.57
L-Threonine % 4.55
L-Serine % 5.10
L-Glutamic Acid % 3.57
L-Glutamine % 12.24
L-Proline % 4.70
Glycine % 3.01
L-Alanine % 5.37
L-Valine % 6.56
L-Cystine % 2.18
L-Methionine % 2.94
L-Isoleucine % 5.71
L-Leucine % 8.07
L-Tyrosine % 3.74
L-Phenylalanin… More >>

Free Form Amino Acids Bulk Powder

Chest Building Routines And The Best Chest Exercises To Increase Bulk

March 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by Paul James

A large thick chest is generally one of the primary goals of any weight trainer or bodybuilder.

To understand how to build a massive chest you must first understand what muscles comprise the chest and how to target them specifically.

In building a strong, powerful chest we target a number of muscles: the Pectoralis Major and Minor, and to a lesser degree the Serratus Anterior, the Intercostals and the Front Deltoids.

The primary and most visible muscle of the chest is the Pectoralis Major. It is a thick muscle in a triangular fan shape across the entire chest area. It is connected to the skeleton at three different points, the sternum, the clavicle (collar bone) and the shoulder (armpit).

The Pectoralis Major is divided into two sections, the Clavicular section which is the upper portion of the muscle connected to the Clavicle, and the Sternal which is the lower section of the muscle connected to the Sternum. Whilst they are connected in two different areas, they are still the SAME muscle.

There is a common misconception that the upper pec (Clavicular section) is the Pectoralis Major and the lower pec (Sternal section) is the Pectoralis Minor. This is not the case.

The Pectoralis Minor is a smaller triangular shaped muscle actually situated underneath the Pectoralis Major and is not generally visible. However this muscle is trained in conjunction with the Pectoralis Major and when it grows it can help to push the Pectoralis Major out to give the appearance of a bigger chest.

The Serratus Anterior (small muscles situated along the chest wall and around the ribs), Intercostals (smaller muscles positioned between each rib) and the Front Deltoids (shoulder muscles) are all muscles that whilst not part of the chest itself, each perform a stabilising function during chest exercises and when developed properly help give definition to the chest.

By hitting the muscles from different angles using different exercises you will achieve maximum growth of all muscle fibres in the shortest time possible.

The best chest exercises to increase bulk, strength and mass are Compound exercises. Those used primarily for shaping and toning are Isolation exercises.

Compound exercises involve the use of more than one muscle group through different joints in order to perform the exercise movement. Isolation exercises effectively isolate the working muscle and only involve movement though one joint.

Compound chest exercises to increase bulk include the bench press (and variations of), pushups, and dips. While Isolation exercises include flyes, pec dec, cable crossover and dumbbell pullover.

There are other exercises out there but these are just some of the most common.

Here is one of my original chest building routines designed to attack the Pec muscle from 3 different angles. It also provides toning and effectively works the other supporting muscles mentioned above. All exercises should be performed using medium-heavy weights and the target number of reps for each set are listed in brackets:

Incline Bench Press 3 Sets (12, 10, 8)

Dumbbell Bench Press 3 Sets (12, 10, 8)

Lateral Flye 2 Sets (12, 10)

Decline Bench Press 2 Sets (12, 10)

As a note, the best chest exercises to increase bulk are compound exercises performed with Dumbbells. This is because they allow each side of the body to work independently through the full range of movement. However limits on the dumbbell weight range at your gym or home or old injury may mean you are unable to use dumbbells all the time. That is when a barbell should be used.

This chest routine will provide you with a solid base on which to develop a thick powerful chest. I would recommend you use a workout log to record your progress so you know what you have to beat each time you set foot in the gym. Then when you exceed the target reps by one, i.e. you perform 13, 11, 9 it is time to increase the weights.

And always remember that REST is the most important factor in muscle growth! For more information visit

Paul James is the author of 4 eBooks including the latest: Simple Muscle: Insider Secrets To Fast Muscle Gains (available at and has been weight training and body building for over 10 years. He is a respected source when it comes to drug free muscle development. Visit the About Me link at to find out more.

250 Grams L Glutamine Bulk Powder

March 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Glutamine

  • Speeds Post-Workout Recovery Time
  • Improves Immune System Function
  • Prevents Muscle Breakdown
  • Supports Muscle Mass
  • Ammonia Disposal

Product Description
Build Your Own Blend Supplements is a subsidiary of a multi-million dollar import/export dietary supplement company recently created to give consumers the opportunity to purchase bulk supplement powders from the same company that many well known, name brand companies purchase their raw ingredients from. Purchasing in bulk allows for you to acquire the raw ingredients yourself so that you can test new supplements, create your own formulas, and of course save lots o… More >>

250 Grams L Glutamine Bulk Powder

Creatine Monohydrate 1000g pure bulk powder 99.9%, sell by HerbStoreUSA

February 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Creatine

  • 1000g (2.2 lb) Creatine Monohydrate Bulk Pure powder 99.9%, Without any additive or filler inside.
  • White crystalline powder, almost no taste, relatively low solubility in water, mixable with water. Store in cool and dry place, keep away from strong light and heat.
  • The Ability to Muscle Size and Strength. Bulk ingredient for nutritional supplement, formulation, health product R&D, or any other use purpose
  • Fresh, 1 to 1.5 years shelf life available.
  • Prompt combine shipping for saving shipping cost. Please contact for large bulk quantity order, 2.5Kg, 5Kg, 10Kg,… available

Product Description
Creatine is a component of skeletal muscle. There is about 95% of the human body’s total creatine located in skeletal muscle. It is also present in brain and heart. Creatine is a nitrogenous organic acid naturally produced in the human body (actually in all vertebrate) from amino acids L-arginine, glycine, and L-methionine, major in the kidney and liver. The produced cretaine is then transported in the blood for use by muscles and other tissue. In humans and animals… More >>

Creatine Monohydrate 1000g pure bulk powder 99.9%, sell by HerbStoreUSA

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