Body Confidence: Venice Nutrition’s 3-Step System That Unlocks Your Body’s Full Potential

January 4, 2013 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
At last, there’s a nutrition and fitness program that doesn’t require you to develop superhuman willpower, shun entire food groups, or devote your every waking moment to the treadmill. Body Confidence is a revolutionary approach based on three key nutrition factors that stabilize your blood sugar and keep your body in balance: Eating at consistent meal intervals Absolute certainty in essential nutrient ratio of protein, fat, and carbohydrates Identifying and c… More >>

Body Confidence: Venice Nutrition’s 3-Step System That Unlocks Your Body’s Full Potential

Why The Best Weight Lifting Gloves are a Must for Confidence, Stability and Support

October 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Article by Dave King

Why The Best Weight Lifting Gloves are a Must for Confidence, Stability and Support – Sports

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Whatever material the gloves are made of – and they range from leather to other man- made fibres – they present a barrier between your skin and the weight bar. This lessens the danger of the bar slipping from your grasp due to sweat. This increased safety is particularly critical when you consider that you may be lifting heavy weights over your body. Feeling that the bar is safe in your grip increases confidence when training. This confidence will encourage you to attempt taking on heavier weights and will promote gains in strength and muscle development as a result.

Most weight lifting gloves come with additional wrist support in the form of Velcro strapping. Among the main benefits of this kind of support is that it will help to distribute the weight through your wrists and forearms rather than having it concentrated on just your hands. The heavier the weight you raise, the higher the risk of your wrists bending, straining the tendons and potentially causing harm. The strapping on the wrist acts as an extra support providing added protection from potentially serious and agonizing accidental damage.

Any injuries would of course have an effect on your capacity to train, and could even stop any form of lifting for lengthy periods, and so any protective actions available really should be taken.

Using weight lifting gloves also protects the hands against a really frequent complaint amongst lifters – callouses, blisters and soreness of the skin. Whilst many bodybuilders will insist that this just isn’t a problem they take seriously, it can, and does have a rather serious impact on the ability to lift. As pointed out earlier, without gloves the perspiration from the hands will transfer to the bar, which may cause the bar to rub against your skin, and to slip within your grip. This can lead to chafing of the skin and to the developing of blisters. Trying to lift anything, let alone heavy weights with blistered or sore hands is no joke, and will certainly put a stop to your body building in the short term. Though your hands may get accustomed to lifting without gloves and become calloused, blisters can recur at any time, regardless of how long you’ve been training.

Callousing and rough skin is usually a side effect of weight lifting without gloves. It might not seem like the biggest of difficulties to have to confront, but a significant number of individuals do wish to keep soft skin on their hands, and to be able to hold hands without having their spouse and children complaining!

As I stated at the top, whether or not to make use of gloves when weight training is a personal decision, but when it comes to comfort and protection, greater grip and wrist support, the best weight lifting gloves have a good deal to offer. Confidence to raise heavier weights will improve, and strength and muscle mass should be enhanced as a result.

About the Author

Dave King is a full time blogger and writer on all things health, fitness and training

If you want to benefit from improved protection, grip and confidence then you can buy weight training gloves and find out more on our site today.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Dave King

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Dave King is a full time blogger and writer on all things health, fitness and training

If you want to benefit from improved protection, grip and confidence then you can buy weight training gloves and find out more on our site today.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Build Your Confidence so You Can Live the Life of Your Dreams

September 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Healthy Living

Article by Lisa Haisha

Build Your Confidence so You Can Live the Life of Your Dreams – Self Help – Motivational

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No matter what you want to do in life–whether you want to be an Academy Award Winning actor, a CEO of a big company, a sought after speaker, or the winner of a marathon–having self-confidence is essential for your success. Without a healthy dose of confidence, you’ll never take the steps needed to make your dream come true. That’s why, before embarking on any endeavor, you need to build up your confidence level and know you are worthy of what you desire. When I was in my early twenties, I met Pete Wilson, a politician who was running for Governor of California. I asked him how he got the drive and stamina to run for office. After all, politics is such a vicious race, and you have to really believe in yourself and want to make changes in order to go through what politicians go through. Mr. Wilson said, “You yourself have to think you’re great because no one else is going to tell you that you are.” His words are so true! To live the life of your dreams and do whatever it is you want to do, you have to first build your own self-confidence and not depend on or wait for anyone else’s approval.Remember, how you see yourself and what you believe about yourself is more important than what anyone else thinks. If you don’t work at loving, accepting, and believing in yourself, then your fears will paralyze you. Being happy and fulfilled, and having your heart filled with peace, starts with you. It’s an inside job. Following are four steps that can help you build your self-confidence.

1. Acknowledge Your Uniqueness Believe in yourself and know that you are one of a kind. In the words of Walt Whitman, know “That you are here–you exist, life exists; That each one of us will contribute a verse.” There is no one else like you on this planet. No one looks like you, has the same talents, or has the same perspective as you do. You are unique and are therefore here to make your unique contribution. If we each focus on what we bring into the world to share, there can be no comparisons, envy, or regret. We are here to “contribute a verse.” What will your verse be? If you’re not sure yet or don’t like your verse so far, take some time and think about it. Think about what you would do with your time if you had one month to live and a million dollars. What advice would you pass on to those you love? Whatever your answers are, that’s what’s unique about you.

2. Confront Your Fears Nothing destroys self-confidence more than succumbing to fear. Everyone feels fear at various times; we’re human. But facing circumstances with courage and poise strengthens character and builds self-confidence.Recently, I boarded a plane and went, by myself, to Jordan. People told me, “You’re nuts. You’re walking into the Lions’ Den.” Yes, I was a white female traveling alone in a mostly Muslim country, but I refused to let fear dictate my life’s journey. I had visited Jordan in the past and wanted to re-visit it before teaching a class in Egypt. This was going to be “my” time to go deep, relax, and meditate before the class. I ended up having a great time. I slept under the black sky and bright stars in a cave and felt more alive, inspired, and full of life. By confronting any fears I may have had and giving to myself, I was able to build my confidence and give more to my clients. I was able to share from a deeper level and give channeled and inspired counseling, instead of give a mundane, regurgitated speech.

3. Accomplish Something…no Matter What Set goals for yourself and then push yourself to reach them. Self-confidence soars when you know you can do what you put your mind to. It makes you feel unstoppable. If you feel like you don’t have the strength to do it alone, get a coach! Remember that everybody has setbacks and obstacles to contend with. Don’t let them undermine your confidence. Treat them as opportunities to strengthen your resolve and then persevere.Overcoming adversity and accomplishing something builds and strengthens self-confidence. The greatest songs, works of art, and literary pieces have been written by those who have experienced the depths of despair, loss, and emptiness… and overcame them. Experiencing sadness and loss and then rising above it gives rise to hope and triumph. It makes you stretch and become more than you were. When you do the best you can, with the best of what you’ve got, you can’t help but feel good about yourself. That confidence then comes through in everything you do.

4. See the Positive in Every Situation You are not what happens to you or how you believe others see you. In other words, you are not defined by what happens to you or how others see you. You are who you choose to be–hopefully, you choose to be a person of character, dignity, and self-confidence. When you see the positive in every situation, it’s easier to make that choice.I recently spoke at an event that was supposed to be for Youth Leaders Causing Leaders. When I arrived, it turned out that I only had two teenagers in the audience, while the rest were adults. I had to scrap my speech and improvise a speech based on my new audience. I was thrilled that the talk was only scheduled for 20 minutes, instead of the usual 45 to 60 minutes. Several other speakers chose to cancel because they felt the event was not organized properly and they didn’t have something prepared for this age group. Rather than view the situation as a negative, I saw it as a positive. I saw it as a challenge. I saw the glass as half-full instead of half empty because it forced me to dig deeper and come up with a 20-minute presentation about leadership that would help motivate and inspire the audience I had in front of me, not the one I prepared for. Right before I took the stage, the producer asked if I could speak for 60 minutes because the other two speakers had cancelled. I gladly accepted, not having anything prepared except for my inner resources. No notes, bullet points, nothing. Therefore, look at whatever challenge you’re facing. How can you see the glass half full? When you’re able to, you’ll tap into reservoirs of self-confidence you never knew you had.

5. Your Confidence and Potential are Limitless Self-confidence is essential for achieving success in any endeavor. And you develop your self-confidence by doing, learning, accomplishing, and persisting–not by talking about it and criticizing others who are doing things. So work on increasing your self-confidence every day. When you do, you’ll have the key ingredient for reaching your goals and living the life of your dreams.

About the Author

As a life coach, soul blazer, emotional healer, author, and dynamic speaker with a Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology, Lisa’s goal is to help you compose the life you always imagined having.

In a complicated world, it’s no wonder that many people live in dissonance. They feel frustrated, lost, and are often unaware of the emotional armor they have built for themselves. While this armor may protect their souls from temporary hurt, it often comes at the tragic expense of their lifelong dreams.

Lisa helps her clients shatter this armor so they can compose a life that resonates in perfect harmony.

She specializes in:

1. Artists who are in the process of developing their true voice and have a strong desire to self-actualize.2. Entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to start or grow their businesses.3. People in transition who are searching for a “midlife purpose” after years of parenting or ageism.

With her unique insight, compassion, and skill, Lisa has helped hundreds of people compose their lives by releasing the true potential that lies within.

Lisa Haisha is a life coach and the creator of Soul Blazing. She is the author of several books and a regular contributor to magazine and radio shows discussing the spiritual questions — “Why are we here?” and “What are we supposed to be doing?”

Lisa has also put her creativity into writing screenplays. She wrote and directed two films – one short and one feature film.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Lisa Haisha

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As a life coach, soul blazer, emotional healer, author, and dynamic speaker with a Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology, Lisa’s goal is to help you compose the life you always imagined having.

In a complicated world, it’s no wonder that many people live in dissonance. They feel frustrated, lost, and are often unaware of the emotional armor they have built for themselves. While this armor may protect their souls from temporary hurt, it often comes at the tragic expense of their lifelong dreams.

Lisa helps her clients shatter this armor so they can compose a life that resonates in perfect harmony.

She specializes in:

1. Artists who are in the process of developing their true voice and have a strong desire to self-actualize.2. Entrepreneurs and small business owners who want to start or grow their businesses.3. People in transition who are searching for a “midlife purpose” after years of parenting or ageism.

With her unique insight, compassion, and skill, Lisa has helped hundreds of people compose their lives by releasing the true potential that lies within.

Lisa Haisha is a life coach and the creator of Soul Blazing. She is the author of several books and a regular contributor to magazine and radio shows discussing the spiritual questions — “Why are we here?” and “What are we supposed to be doing?”

Lisa has also put her creativity into writing screenplays. She wrote and directed two films – one short and one feature film.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise For Weight Loss – Results Create Greater Confidence to Your Goal

August 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Aerobic exercises are activities that utilize large muscle clusters. It can be done in a continuous manner and are rhythmic in nature. These exercises overwork the heart and lungs which cause them to work doubly hard than when they are at rest. Some types of this particular exercise include dancing, cycling, skiing, skating, running and swimming, among others. However, these routines take too much time and are slow. On the average, a person who performs the following exercises burns seventy-five percent fat calories and twenty-five percent carbohydrates.

On the other hand, anaerobic exercises are performed at higher intensities and require more energy compared to aerobics. It uses a system of respiration, which largely depends on high levels of energy. It causes one’s rate of metabolism higher than aerobic workout for a longer duration. This procedure burns fat as the body refills diminished energy stores from the forceful workout.

Exercises falling under this category can only be performed for two to three minutes because of the high amounts of energy that it requires. These types of exercises are short and rigorous. Twenty-five percent calories and seventy-five percent carbohydrates are burned.

There has been a long-standing debate among fitness experts to which between the two would prove to be the better activity that one can adopt if he intends to lose weight. The truth is, both exercises are efficient, and it will give one better results if both are performed simultaneously.

Both have advantages and disadvantages. Performing them in balance will produce best results for the dieter. Anaerobic workouts heighten cardio and muscle mass, but do not work well in burning a lot of fats.

Aerobic activities lessen anxiety and enhance circulation. It also burns a remarkable amount of fat but in the process diminishes muscle mass. Combining them will ensure the dieter that muscle mass is sustained, bone density is improved and the cardiovascular system intensified while still being able to burn fats.

Now you want to have more energy, be Healthier, look Younger, lose weight, and cleanse your body, right?

Confidence Pro Trainer Magnetic Upright Fitness Exercise Bike

June 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Exercise Bikes

  • Get in shape at home now with this bike!
  • Magnetic adjustable resistance
  • Provides lower body, low-impact, cardiovasular workout
  • burns 4 times more caloiries than walking!

Product Description
The Confidence Pro Trainer Magnetic exercise bike is our top of the line fitness bike. It is well built and will last for years. No need to go to the gym anymore, now you can exercise in the comfort of your own home. This bike includes a 5 function computer (time, speed, distance, calories & pulse) Pulse is taken via a sensor on the handlelbars. Adjustable padded seat. Non-skid foot pedals. Adjustable magnetic resistance. Maximum user weight is 275 lbs. Riding this … More >>

Confidence Pro Trainer Magnetic Upright Fitness Exercise Bike

Massive Strong Chest Muscles Command Respect And Confidence

April 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by Shobo

So you want to construct huge and powerful chest muscles? Enormous massive pectoral muscles (pecs) or chest muscles that command respect and adoration? You’ll be able to be the proud owner of a big and powerful chest.

A lot of people truly think that there are 2 separate chest muscles, well there aren’t. The chest muscle or pecs that you see on each side of your chest is really a fan shaped one continuous muscle even though they could be called by diverse names including pectoralis major, minor and clavicle head to differentiate the diverse parts of the same muscle.

All chest exercises work your chest muscle but from distinct angles which locations distinctive stress on your chest. You’ll want to use a variety of chest muscle exercises to hit your pecs at a variety of angles to stimulate massive muscle growth. Each diverse angle you use with any chest muscle exercises will reach into different different fibers in your chest muscles for efficient stimulation of different areas of your pecs so that your whole chest will grow muscles quick and symmetrically giving you that broad and powerful chest that threatens to rip via your t-shirt.

For most effective outcomes building your chest muscles, use free weights, specifically dumb bells instead of machines. Chest muscle workout that use any chest machines should be avoided as it has a lot of disadvantages like it will not only produce the desired results may well also trigger injuries for the reason that of its narrow range of movements. Your chest muscles will also not grow quick for the reason that machine exercises lack the involvement of synergistic muscles or surpporting muscles. As with any weightlifting workout, proper lifting form and techniques are of paramount importance.

Quite a few people typically use only 1 or 2 kinds of chest exercises and nearly invariably, it is the flat bench press and flys. Well, to construct a powerfully huge and well chiseled chest muscles, which is a fatal mistake as you don’t adequately hit the pecs from all angles so as to stimulate muscle growth inside your whole chest muscle. All chest muscle exercises won’t only work your chest but also your delts, biceps and triceps to a lesser extent. So you’ll want to focus, visualize and to concentrate the force on the chest. Mind and your chest muscle connection is important here so as to make your chest work harder instead of making use of your triceps, delts or biceps to power your chest workout. Also work on the full range of motion and squeeze your chest muscles tough at each top of every movement. Usually lower your weight slowly and deliberately fighting gravity to present a lot more resistance to your chest muscles and therefore elicit additional muscle fibers for extra muscle growth.

A word of caution though. You’ll want a spotter or a personal trainer for safety reasons mainly because you ought to lift heavy for excellent muscle gain specially so for chest muscle development. Your spotter or personal trainer will also be able to correct your mistakes and support you with forced reps to reach into the deep tissues to elicit maximum muscle fiber stimulation.

Are you looking for the best information on how to build muscle and build muscle fast? Be sure to visit my site

Confidence GTR Power Pro Motorized Electric Treadmill with adjustable incline

February 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Treadmills

  • Electric treadmill designed for home use
  • Adjustable incline
  • Multi-function LED display with pulse monitor
  • Folds down for easy storage

Product Description
Minute for minute, treadmills are the ultimate fat burning machine, eliminating up to 900 calories an hour. The Confidence GTR Power Pro treadmill has an adjustable incline (3 settings), a top speed of 7.5 mph, 12 built in fitness programs, a heart rate monitor and many more features that make this a great treadmill at an unbelievable price. It is ideal for people new to running and those looking to shed a few extra pounds, and with it’s folding design and wheels, i… More >>

Confidence GTR Power Pro Motorized Electric Treadmill with adjustable incline

Confidence Fitness Elliptical Cross Trainer

January 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Elliptical Trainers

  • Elliptical trainer designed for low-impact cardiovascular workouts
  • Ideal for event training, rehabilitation, and traditional cardio fitness
  • Footpads move in natural elliptical motion for low impact
  • Adjustable resistance dial; pair of arm poles for upper body work
  • Measures 34 x 60 x 24 inches (W x H x D); weighs 60 pounds

Product Description
The Elliptical machine Provides a total body (legs, hips, buttocks, arms & shoulders), low-impact, cardiovascular workout for all family members, regardless of ability level. This unit resembles a walking or jogging machine. Your feet move in a natural elliptical motion, providing a no-impact workout for less stress on the joints. As you walk, your hands grasp poles that move in conjunction with your leg motion. This results in a smooth, fluid movement that tones ar… More >>

Confidence Fitness Elliptical Cross Trainer

Confidence Fitness Space Saving Elliptical Trainer

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Elliptical Trainers

  • Space-saving elliptical trainer designed for smaller homes or apartments
  • Ideal for event training, rehabilitation, and traditional cardio fitness
  • Footpads move in natural elliptical motion for low impact
  • 6-Function computer tracks your time, speed, distance, calories, and pulse
  • 220-Pound capacity, measures 36-Inch long and 20-Inch wide

Product Description
Ideal for acheiving and maintaining fitness in the comfort of your own home, with low-impact cardiovascular exercise! This compact unit features dimensions of 36″ in length and only 20″ wide which won’t take up a whole room like regular full size machines. The computer can monitor Time, speed, distance, calories, pulse and also has an odometer. Instruction manual and tools for assembly are included. Manufacturer 1 year warranty. Maximum user weight is 220 lbs.Ama… More >>

Confidence Fitness Space Saving Elliptical Trainer

Confidence Fitness 2-in-1 Elliptical Trainer with Seat

December 7, 2011 by  
Filed under Elliptical Trainers

  • 2-in-1 elliptical trainer/exercise bike with adjustable seat
  • Footpads move in natural elliptical motion for low impact
  • Pair of arm poles move in conjunction with footpads for upper body workout
  • 4-function onboard computer tracks time, speed, distance, and calories
  • 250-pound capacity; measures 34 x 60 x 24 inches (W x H x D)

Product Description
The Elliptical machine Provides a total body (legs, hips, buttocks, arms & shoulders), low-impact, cardiovascular workout for all family members, regardless of ability level. This unit resembles a walking or jogging machine. Your feet move in a natural elliptical motion, providing a no-impact workout for less stress on the joints. As you walk, your hands grasp poles that move in conjunction with your leg motion. This results in a smooth, fluid movement that tones ar… More >>

Confidence Fitness 2-in-1 Elliptical Trainer with Seat

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