This Aerobic Exercise Program Could Change Your Life!

October 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Gene Millen

This Aerobic Exercise Program Could Change Your Life! – Computers

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It was about 100 years ago that I was first introduced to my first aerobic exercise program.

Coach Miller would “suggest” that we jog around the track for a while, suddenly break into a sprint for about 40 yards, and then slow down to a walk as our lungs cried out “Please don’t do that again.” In the beginning we looked upon this activity as an extreme form of punishment but we later learned that these alternating intensity workouts dramatically improved our energy and performance. Of the three key exercise variables…how often you exercise, how hard you work and how long you last, intensity has the most powerful effect.Your body responds to short bursts of intensity by releasing a cascade of fat-mobilizing hormones and anti-aging growth hormones that supercharge your metabolism and burn extra calories for 24 hours or longer.Here’s a good example of the powerful effect of exercise intensity on heart health. A new study by British researchers tracked 1,975 healthy men over ten years.

The men who exercised the hardest had a 47% percent lower risk of death from all causes and a whopping 62% lower risk of death from heart disease, compared with those who reported very little or no intense exercise. The best part however is that the benefits of this aerobic exercise program were achieved with as little as nine minutes per day of vigorous activity.

I’m Gene Millen. Fifteen years ago a heart surgeon, sawed open my chest and stitched in bypasses to six of my favorite heart arteries. It wasn’t as much fun as you might think…and started me on a journey to helping others avoid my mistakes.

My experience in aerobic exercise programs includes working with hundreds of people in the Vital Life Center, a health and wellness club for the “over 50 crowd. I thought I knew all the right aerobic exercise programs, but after trying Dr. Sears’ new PACE

Could This Be the Ultimate Butt Workout?

February 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Stacie Cole

How to get a great butt fast…

It’s what we women want to know. How to get a great butt, fast, with what really works, long term, and regardless of our age. Let’s face it; it’s the Holy Grail we endlessly seek.

We’ve tried creams, lotions, crash yo-yo diets, pills, flaky fad fitness trends, rollers, body wraps, weight lifting, stair steppers, aerobics, spinning classes, kickboxing, and in extreme cases we go into surgery to have liposuction, which is expensive, dangerous, and does not last. Can you identify?

Nothing seems to work. In our frustration, we give up and accept that a great behind is something that is, in fact, behind us, left to our teens and twenty-something years.

But not anymore…

The overwhelming demand of busy women for something that works long-term and fast has finally produced a real, proven solution: Russian Kettlebells.

Okay, so what exactly are Russian kettlebells?

A ‘kettlebell’ or girya (Russ.) is a traditional Russian cast iron weight that looks like a cannonball with a handle. Its simplicity and ease of use makes the kettlebell the ultimate tool for extreme total body fitness for women of all ages and body types.

Thousands of women, and more in droves, are discovering that nothing, bar none, works faster, better, and more completely than Russian Kettlebells for toning hips, thighs, and yes… the butt. Finally!

So how and why do kettlebells work to get a great butt fast–when nothing else does? (a tiny bit of science for you)…

**Recent studies, such as the one by the American Council on Exercise, (ACE, America’s leading authority on fitness and one of the largest fitness certification, education and training organizations in the world) reveal that working out with Russian Kettlebells burned about 400 calories during a typical 20-minute kettlebell workout.

**Researchers say that’s equivalent to running a six-minute mile or cross-country skiing uphill at a fast pace. All from a handheld piece of iron with a handle!

**This rapid calorie burn is due to the interval-training format of kettlebell workouts.

**Also, kettlebells provide a more intense workout than standard weight lifting, without the bulky equipment and having to go to a gym.

**It is the combination of the weight resistance stance, rapid calorie burn, maximum oxygen delivery, and intensity of workout that in 20-minutes, blasts cellulite, and tones hips, thighs and the butt faster than anything out there. The results are cumulative and-best of all–they last! There are many, many more scientific sounding reasons why they work, but does it really matter? Kettlebells just flat out work!

Who doesn’t have 20 minutes to get a great body?

What types of women can benefit?

Now, a concern might be that only those who are already in shape can workout with kettlebells. Nothing could be further from the truth. Women (and men) of all ages and fitness levels are transforming their bodies, self-image, quality of life, and indeed, getting great butts fast, with Russian Kettlebells.

That’s nice, but what about post-baby weight?

Maybe you have just had a baby and are wondering if that stubborn weight can also be blasted off, or if you just have to accept it and suffer. Visit the site below, and you will find women all over the nation who have obliterated their post-baby weight in no time at all–with these convenient, space-saving, brief Russian Kettlebell workouts. And as if that wasn’t enough, these delighted women find they now possess an even sexier-looking butt than they had before they got pregnant!

Oh and, a side benefit… your abs will also become ripped in record time. (Just look at the photos of the ripped kettlebell goddesses you’ll see on Dragon Door.) All of your girlfriends will be jealous and wonder what your secret is!

But, I’ve had cellulite and flabby thighs and a saggy behind for years and nothing has ever worked.

You and 90% of all the rest of the women of the world…

That is why the demand for something that really works became so strong that Dragon Door had to answer with specialized Russian Kettlebell workouts just for women’s specific needs. Take a look at some of the pictures and unsolicited, honest testimonials from the women on the website. The evidence speaks for itself. We women like to stick to what works. And Russian Kettlebells work like nothing else for getting a great butt workout that defines a woman’s body and creates sleek, sexy behinds fast.

And men?

It’s not just for women either. Ever salivated over the great body of actor Gerard Butler? His secret? He used kettlebell workouts to train for his role of King Leonidas of Sparta in the movie 300. So get your man involved too and both of you can increase your confidence and look great in jeans together. Countless couples are experiencing a stronger closeness and bonding by working out with kettlebells together. So how to get a great butt fast?

Go to the site below. Read what the kettlebell women have to say. Decide that you want a great butt now. Then, get yourself some kettlebells and one of their thorough DVDs, and join the community, where you will have full support from women all over the nation and world just like you who used kettlebells to get the butt they’ve always wanted. You deserve it!


The Women of Dragon Door and RKC

To find the perfect kettlebell or kettlebell training resource for you visit: now

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Most effective Chest Exercises That could Absolutely Do the job

January 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by Calvin Rice

If you think that you may develop the most effective chest just by addressing the gym and pumping equally as much iron and often within a weeks time, then you’re inactive wrong. What you require is not more weights and many more time in a health club, what you need are the most effective chest workouts widely available and find outside what works for yourself.

Compound Exercises

Good chest exercises are the ones can hit several muscles per time. You might name these work outs as compound training. Bench presses, with or without the utilization of dumbbells, fly box exercises, and wide-grip dips all compose this so labeled compound exercises.

This will depend on your preference whether to operate exercises with hand weights, barbells, or almost every other equipment in a health club, or just easily perform push-ups. Having said that, keep in mind that you have to perform all all these routine moderately to have a well-developed box. I meant to talk about that no greater than 10 repetitions is sufficient for a day’s workout. In order to get maximum more muscle, it’s important to increase the weight of each set that you decide to do.

Bench Press by using Barbell

By changing the amount of incline if doing bench makers, not only don’t you hit different elements of your chest, but additionally you can increase the stress that your chosen muscles are exposed to. Your lower box muscles are targeted if you use low inclined common presses while a person’s upper chest muscles are participating while doing a high incline barbell common presses. Flat common presses basically click both areas likewise.

Using Dumbbell in Bench Presses

A common injury that you may get from working with barbells is arm injuries. Well, should you use dumbbell instead on the barbell, then you may prevent shoulder injury from occurring. This could certainly also prevent you actually from developing a person muscle group more with the other. However, or prevented, this may result to what the heck is called musculature imbalances.

Dynamic Push-ups

If you ever prefer doing all-natural exercises that don’t use anything except your body excess fat like push-ups, these is often equally effective when those exercises done while in the gym. Since push-ups might also hit different groups of muscles in one time frame, you can as well call it some sort of compound exercise. A pectoralis, triceps, plus deltoids are for the most part affected when doing push-ups.

By changing the amount of incline in the exercises, you might also change what muscle mass you mainly apply and develop. You can also get several forms of push-ups you may possibly not know with but have that will work. You will supercharge your attention against your chest and deltoids whenever you increase the depth within your push-up exercises.

Additionally you can achieve bigger plus stronger muscles if doing tense push-up work outs. One variation with explosive push-ups which will probably be familiar to is a clap push-ups. An explosive push-up is only a push-up that involves you to lift our bodies off the floor just like you push your self-up. Your chest muscle mass become stable just like you level up a person’s push-up exercises.

It’s commended that you manage 10 repetitions and then to take rest for not less than 1 minute plus 30 seconds amongst each exercise to make sure a good final result. When exercising, you should also ensure that you have good form. This allows your muscle to use a the full range which can be sure growth and development within your muscles.

All these different types of Chest Workouts will developed a good outcome if done inside of a proper way. If you choose among the list of three types plus perform it competently, for sure you will definitely get the best from the jawhorse and develop fine muscles you possibly wanted.

Now you already know the basics, read our free complete guide to Your Best Chest Exercises and get yourself started on your dream body without delay!

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