Fastest Way to Gain Muscle – How to Get Ripped in 30 Days, Or Less

August 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Jerrod Walker

Fastest Way to Gain Muscle – How to Get Ripped in 30 Days, Or Less – Health – Fitness

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What’s the fastest way to gain muscle? There is a ton of info online about how to get ripped in 30 days or less–that’s the good news.

What’s the bad news?

Most of it doesn’t work. There are 3 myths floating around today about how to bulk up quick that need to be dispelled now.

MYTH #1) More time at the gym is better

You DO NOT need to spend hours and hours at the gym to get results. In fact this is actually hurting your progress… because less time at the gym is much more effective.

Why is this? Because super vigorous workouts are much more effective. The longer you spend at the gym the less intense your workout will be.

So how long should I spend at the gym? A good rule of thumb is to leave when you feel your performance start to decline… and even sooner.

What’s the best workout routine to build muscle? One sequence that is very effective is to do just 1 exercise per day… and do 5 sets of 5 reps for that one. This is how to get ripped in 30 days.

MYTH #2) More repetitions is better

Most people perform 8-12 repetitions and more… but this is too many.

How many repetitions should you do? 5-8 is the fastest way to gain muscle mass.

This will allow you to go all out for each rep and therefore get better results.

MYTH #3) Do as many different exercises as possible

Wrong again. When you do compounding exercises (ones that target many muscles) you only need 3-5 total exercises to get a total body workout.

What are examples of “compounding exercises”? The overhead press… squat… deadlift… bent rows, etc. All these give you the best results for the least amount of effort.

MYTH #4) Eating habits don’t matter

On the contrary-having the right diet for strength training is critical. There is perhaps more misinformation on this topic than anything else pertaining to bodybuilding.

Eat CONSISTENTLY throughout the day. Eating just 3 meals a day slows your metabolism… very bad for fat loss.

MYTH #5) You NEED supplements

This is complete bogus. When you consume healthy foods you get all the nutrients you need… bar none.

Eating natural foods… along with proper workout habits… is the fastest way to gain muscle mass. This is how to get ripped in 30 days or less.

About the Author

Discover how to gain 10-30 pounds of solid muscle…in less than 8 minutes per day…without supplements…by checking out

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Jerrod Walker

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Discover how to gain 10-30 pounds of solid muscle…in less than 8 minutes per day…without supplements…by checking out

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John Thomas, the Mad Hedge Fund Trader Service – 7 Winners Out of 7 Open Positions in Our Trading Book in the Last 30 Days

July 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Thomas Winston

John Thomas, the Mad Hedge Fund Trader Service – 7 Winners Out of 7 Open Positions in Our Trading Book in the Last 30 Days – Finance

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My friend John Thomas, the Mad Hedge Fund Trader, just sent this information out about how you can use Google, Yahoo, Big Charts and other related services to verify his recent trading results.Because he’s taking his new Macro Millionaire members on a tear through this market. Over the last 30 days, they’ve clocked 7 winners out their 7 open positions – including a giant 385% gain with an options spread on – of all things – Bank of America.You can still take a 90-day test-drive of this service. 7 winners in the first 30 days – that’s not bad.Read John’s note below. I highly recommend you accept his invitation to test drive Macro Millionaire while it’s still available.Here are his words: “7 winners out of 7 open positions in our trading book in the last 30 days, including a 385% gain in Bank of America.Right now, one month after I opened the doors on my Macro Millionaire Coaching Program and Trading Service, we are sitting on 7 winners out of 7 open positions on our trading book.Including a staggering 385% gain on our quick, aggressive play on Bank of America.Because you’re not a member, I haven’t been able to send you the trade alerts to get you into these positions with us. I’m betting you’re not a member because you’re skeptical of whether I can really deliver for you.In a moment, I’ll give you a way to verify those numbers for yourself through a third partyBecause I applaud your skepticism; I really do.I guarantee you I’m more critical of all the so-called “gurus” out there than you’ll ever be.Due to the fact that I’ve actually worked directly with many of the world’s greatest traders (Paul Tudor Jones, George Soros and Barton Biggs, to name a few), my tolerance for fools is nil.I’ve already loaded you down with practical, useful and detailed content so you have a 100% crystal clear understanding of how I trade the markets, which is far more than the hucksters can ever do.First, I laid out the five major m arket forces and trends driving global financial markets right now. I explained in detail the forces shaping the secular bull markets in various commodities sectors – including listing the ETFs in those sectors.PLUS, I gave you the list of “frontier” markets the entire hedge fund industry is betting will replace the now-famous BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China) as the main drivers of growth.Second, I gave you a detailed overview of my Global Macro Long/Short trading strategy. I explained why all of the options, Forex, and trading books and courses had you playing the wrong game of trying to become a better technical trader.I also explained why w orld class traders focus on the most FUNDAMENTAL issue of knowing w hen to switch from one asset to another to capture the major market moves each year.Third, I invited you to take a 100% RISK-FREE test-drive of Macro Millionaire, my Coaching Program and Trading Service, for 90 days.The Problem is: You haven’t accepted my invitation to take a test-drive of the service.If you’re skeptical of my ability to help you consistently make money in the market – good.You obviously have a healthy intellect married to a strong sense of risk aversion – two natural talents all successful traders share.The only way I know how to prove to you I’m not a huckster is to let you try the service out risk-free. That way, I can give you my trade recommendations to evaluate.I even suggest you paper trade them until you’re comfortable with what we’re doing.Take a test drive and use Google or Yahoo Finance, Big Charts or any third party service you like to examine our trade history for yourself.As part of your test-drive, you can go into the Macro Millionaire members area and review my previous trade alerts, examine the dates they were posted and check out the charts on Google or Yahoo Finance, Big Charts, etc., to see how profitable we are.With that in mind, I’d like to invite you to try Macro Millionaire one more time – click here to review the details of the Macro Millionaire service and tak e it for a test-drive.==> Macro Millionaire Website You probably realize if we’re half as successful as we have been, the service will pay for itself and more in very little time.I hope you’ll give serious consideration to my invitation to take a test-drive of the service.Just click here to review the membership video presentation.Whatever you decide, I wish you huge success in your trading.”

About the Author

Thomas Winston – Forex Expert –

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Thomas Winston

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Thomas Winston – Forex Expert –

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The Quick and Easy Abs Workout for Men To Get Six Pack Abs in 14 Days

January 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Speed Workouts

Article by Harry Davis

I am going to present you how to get six pack abs in only two weeks and I consider it as the best abdominal workout for men. We need to understand that men are different from women for workout for six pack abs in terms of their strength and power.

Many people are trying very hard to deal with their abs workout, it is because the pattern of abdominal muscle tissues are different from those of other parts of the whole body. As muscles require a period of time (about one to two days) to build up after vigorous workout, therefore it makes no sense to do abs routines each and every day. The muscles can build themselves into more powerful muscles after a recovery period.

If you do abs routine each and every day, you just don’t let your abs muscles to rest after exercise that will not take you reach your goal to get 6 pack abs in any period of time whenever 2 weeks, a month, or even a year.

This routine I am going to show you can help you get 6 pack abs in 14 days. I’d often do them Monday, Wednesday and Saturday. Although some of the physical exercise required weights in workout routines, in this routine I do not make use of weights.

The Best Abs Workouts for Men should be Accomplished in Under 10 Minutes!

I recommend you to complete this physical exercise program under 10 minutes in order to get most of the benefit it gives. Most people found it is overwhelm to accomplish it under 10 minutes at the first time but you can challenge yourself to reach this goal. It will give you motivation to achieve the goal after several trials.

If you follow this exercise program you can realize why this is the best abs workouts for men.

It consists of two set of exercises, both have their own starting position.

The starting position of the first set is: Lie on your back with hands palm down underneath buttocks to lift the pelvis up lightly and flatten the back. Lift both legs up with knees bent and together to a 90 degree angle.

1. Bicycle Crunch–

Extend one leg out straight and parallel to the floor as you exhale. Opposite knee bent toward chest at the same time. Alternate from side to side, and repeat.


2. Reverse Crunch–

Stretch both legs straight up and lift the pelvis up at the same time as you exhale. Lower the legs and bent the knee to 90 degree angle. Use your lower abs to do all the work.


Then the following three exercises with the next starting position : Lie flat on your back behind and bend you knee, heels close to you buttock. Place your fingertips lightly behind your ears to hold your head gently.

3. Draped Leg Crunch–

Lift your shoulders and upper back off the floor as you exhale, move you left shoulder toward your right knee. Reverse your movement, move your right shoulder toward your left knee as you inhale.


4. Reach Crunch–

Lift your shoulders off the floor, bringing your arms over your body and reaching forward to form an angle with your knees. Reverse the movement, lowering your shoulders toward the floor with your arms stretched overhead, but keep your head slightly above the floor.


5. Reverse Curl–

Keeping knees bent and together, lift your buttocks up off the floor, bringing head and shoulders toward the knee. Still keeping knees bent and together, reverse the move by pulling down the head and shoulders toward the floor.


It is important to make sure you could cool down at the end of every exercise routine to do some slow stretching activities to bring your heartbeat rate down to the level before exercise. Stopping too abruptly may cause blood flow in your limbs and prevent it from returning to heart and causes dizziness. It is best to stretch your muscles after exercise to speed up your body recovery process.

I have been in fitness for a couple of years and I am certain this is the very best abs workout for men I have ever found. With this handy exercise I dear you can get six pack abs in two weeks!

Harry Davis is a weight lose blogger and enthusiastist to learn more about how you can weight lose effectively and naturally through the Six Pack Shortcutsprogram by visiting his blog post.

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3 Days to Lose 10 Pounds – A Real 3-Day Diet to Slim Down and Look Sexy Fast!

December 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Slim Down

Need to lose 10 pounds in 3 days? Well I’ve got good news and bad news for you. The good news: it actually is possible to lose up to ten lbs in just three short days. The bad news: it’s certainly not as easy as many people make it out to be. In this article I’ll show you a realistic way to lose several pounds and a few inches very quickly… including a simple and healthy “3 day diet” anyone can follow.

5 Steps to Losing 10 Lbs in Only 3 Days

If you really want to burn some fat, lose some weight, and get a bit leaner really fast you must stick to these 5 rules…

1. Get motivated — Do whatever you need to do to get and stay motivated. The more motivated and focused you are on losing weight quickly, the easier and more effective the process will be.

2. Get energized — Boost your energy by getting plenty of sleep, avoiding alcohol, getting some sunlight every day, and following the next step closely.


Water = weight loss — One of the simplest and most-proven techniques for losing 10 pounds fast is to drink large amounts of water every day. Shoot for a gallon or more. You’ll cleanse your system and force your body to drop several pounds almost effortlessly.

4. Cut the carbs — You must cut out all sugars and starchy carbs if you want to lose weight quickly. That means no grains or potatoes!

5. Sweat for fast success — Exercise is a must for fast, effective weight loss. Do some form of higher-intensity exercise every day and results will come quickly.

A Simple 3-Day Diet

Day 1: Do a simple fast based around pure water, water with fresh-squeezed lemon juice, and low-calorie vegetable broth.

Consume no whole foods or sugar (including honey).

Day 2: Eat a raw diet based around raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, and seeds. Eat as much as you want. Try to eat at least every 2-3 hours. The fiber will fill you up but also continue to cleanse your body, helping you to lose a couple pounds of waste matter.

Day 3: Eat 5-6 small low-carb meals and snacks based around lean meats, whole eggs, fish (not fried!), lightly cooked vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Eat just enough at each sitting to feel slightly satiated. Continue to drink lots of water throughout the day.

There you go, a simple and “real” method for losing 10 pounds in 3 days. If you want to learn even more about how to go about losing pounds quickly check out the link below…

Click here to learn about how to lose 10 pounds in 3 days the smart, healthy, and safe way!

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