What Are The Major Differences Between Kettlebell Weights And Dumbbell Weights?

September 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Connor Quinn

What Are The Major Differences Between Kettlebell Weights And Dumbbell Weights? – Business – Franchising

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When lots of individuals hear the word kettlebell weights, they normally wonder what in the world these things are and if they are the exact same thing as dumbbells! Well, kettlebell weights do look a lot like dumbbells, however, the shape is very different once you get down to the nitty gritty of it!

Dumbbells are normally extremely symmetrical and kettlebell weights aren’t! Actually, this is a good thing as it makes the person using the weights work harder and activate all those little muscles you usually don’t use when you exercise in a more traditional method.

One of the favorite things about kettlebell weights is that they exercise your ab muscles much more than something like a dumbbell will which is a great relief to a lot of individuals nowadays as we all seemed to have acquired a pound or two. Since these do have a handle on them, some individuals will even use them to do push-ups also. It’s been referred to as The Perfect Pushup! In fact if you look around on the market these days you would find various balls with handles on them to utilize for this exact practice.The kettlebell generally work a little better though because of the weight distribution.

If you want to imagine how a kettle bell looks the best way is to picture a cannon ball with a handle. Most of the conventional weights utilized today don’t allow for “swing” movements and the kettlebell does. These bells allow for an array of kettlebell exercises like Leg Rear Dead lift, Double Kettlebell Front Squat, Tactical Lunge, and a work out referred to as the Pistol Squat. All of these kettlebell workouts can be found right online. In fact, there are few sites online that would not only give you a variety of kettlebell exercises, but they also might show you illustrations or videos on the way to do these kettlebell workouts also.

I’m a big visualizer, so I can always do something better or the correct way if I can actually see how it’s being done and what I ought to be copying! Even, these web sites which teach you about kettlebell exercises and kettlebell workouts also will assist you purchase kettlebells and find kettlebells for sale. These are becoming more and more popular, however, occasionally they are still hard to find so it’s nice to have someone help you out with that!

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Want to lose weight quickly? Kettlebells for sale offer tips and tricks to use kettlebells, specializing in traditional strength training and techniques. Know more about kettlebell weights by logging in to http://www.kettlebellsforsaleblog.com/ NOW.

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Connor Quinn

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Want to lose weight quickly? Kettlebells for sale offer tips and tricks to use kettlebells, specializing in traditional strength training and techniques. Know more about kettlebell weights by logging in to http://www.kettlebellsforsaleblog.com/ NOW.

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How to Maximize your Dumbbell Exercises for the Best Results

September 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Brisa Simpson

How to Maximize your Dumbbell Exercises for the Best Results – Health

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If you are not already incorporating dumbbells into your exercise routine then you are missing out on potential gains that you can benefit from. Dumbbells are different from the typical fitness machine in that you are not limited with what you can do. What this means is that you have a huge amount of flexibility for working out certain body areas so here are some tips to getting the best results.1. Do curls to build bicep musclesPerhaps the most common way to use dumbbells is to use them to do curls which are very easy to carry out. Position your body in a seated manner on a workout bench. Then place a dumbbell in the right hand, put your elbow so it rests against your knees and then proceed to lift it towards your body. Then return back to the starting position and repeat with the other arm.2. Do lifts to develop your tricepsFor this exercise you will need a bench. Start by placing a dumbbell in each hand then lay down flat on your back. What you want to do is raise your arms towards the ceiling then bend your elbows as they come to a right angle. The dumbbells should be near your face. Then as you keep both arms straight, slowly bend your elbows back to the start position and do several reps.3. Sculpt your chest with fliesAnother effective way to use dumbbells is to perform chest flies. Lie down flat on your back on a bench with dumbbells in each hand. Then stretch your arms as if you are about to fly. Then slowly bring your arms up towards the ceiling until the two dumbbells touch each other then return to the original position. Repeat this exercise several times and you will really feel it in the upper body area.These exercises are very effective for building upper body muscle but you can just as well workout your shoulders, back and even abs. One product that comes highly recommended for doing these is the Bowflex SelectTech 552 dumbbells as they are an excellent piece of equipment. So if you want to maximize your workout routine be sure to incorporate the above exercises.

About the Author

Want to learn more?Get the Bowflex SelectTech 552 dumbbells and quit paying for expensive gym memberships.Read home fitness equipment reviews to find out how to build your very own home gym.

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Brisa Simpson

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Want to learn more?Get the Bowflex SelectTech 552 dumbbells and quit paying for expensive gym memberships.Read home fitness equipment reviews to find out how to build your very own home gym.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Dumbbells ? Dumbbell Workouts, Dumbbell Exercises, Muscles Building with Dumbbells

August 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

A dumbbell is a short bar with a metal ball or disk, at both ends that is lifted for developing muscles. The Wikipedia defines dumbbell as, a type of free weight, a piece of equipment used in weight training. It can be used individually or in pairs (one for each hand). They are appropriate for all fitness levels and they are small and portable. Dumbbells are often used in conjunction with barbells. Barbells are long bars that allow someone to put weight plates on the ends to adjust the weight. According to “Men’s Fitness,” dumbbells are better for beginners. They are safer because they are smaller in size. You can work all muscle groups using just dumbbells. You can use dumbbells very effectively to build muscle on the chest. Dumbbells are great for building shoulder muscles. Dumbbells build biceps muscles, triceps, and the forearm muscles.

The advantage of dumbbells is that they can be accessed very easily by many people since they are not very expensive compared to other gym equipment like recumbent bikes, exercise bikes, cross trainer, rowing machine, spin bike, elliptical trainer etc. They are popular because they are highly versatile. Working with dumbbells allows you to adapt exercises in variations depending on fitness level, exercise type or strength goals. With the dumbbells set, the sky is the limit really to what you can do. The dumbbells set is a time-tested form of workout equipment found in every gym around the world, largely in part to the variety and versatility they offer in achieving tremendous results.

Most of the dumbbell exercises ideally involve 10 to 12 repetitions, with few minutes of rest time.

It is useful for people of all ages and fitness levels; to build stamina, provide movement, improve agility and achieve body strength. Dumbbell equipment forms a most vital part in any of the strength training and muscle building programs. Using dumbbells for exercise is the most effective and efficient way to strengthen and develop the muscles of the body. Women use dumbbells to tone up rather than to build muscle. This can be achieved in executing particular exercises, combinations, and choices of some exercises that target a woman’s problem areas. Thus women must learn the techniques of using the dumbbells correctly, with help of proper trainers if need be.  When you have done a dumbbell training programs long enough, stand in front of a mirror to admire the results you have achieved!

Normally, dumbbell workouts are done to develop certain muscle groups but they also provide definition of the whole body. They certainly strengthen and develop parts that are worked on like shoulders, arms, buttocks, legs and hamstring muscles. They add intensity to your exercises. Dumbbell exercises make you less prone to osteoporosis. Consistent dumbbell exercises will allow your body to speed up your metabolic rate helping in maintaining your weight. Dumbbell exercises make your body more contoured, making you feels confident and will inspire you to dress up nicely and make you feel lovely. Dumbbell exercises make your system conditioned, making you feel tighter and firmer. It will help you sleep sounder and better. These exercises demand less time. A well-protected system, a shapely body and a feeling of overall goodness are yours once you are able to train and develop your muscles using dumbbells.

World Fitness is an Australian based online store of fitness equipment that provides gym equipment, bodybuilding supplements, cheap protein powder, boxing equipment, including elliptical trainer, exercise bikes, treadmill, bench, kettlebell, weight plates, multistation home gym and many more.

Dumbbell Back Exercises

July 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

If you want to develop your back muscles, it isn’t necessary that you get a gym subscription and spend tons of money. Even though its nice to have access to those machines, as they will perform the job perfectly, they aren’t required. There are some very good exercises that you can perform using dumbbells. The dumbbells offer a big range of movement than machines do and will allow you to develop one side of your body at a time. Some really helpful exercises for the back are described below.

Exercise 1: Dumbbell rows

This exercise doesn’t take much in terms of materials: some dumbbells and a bench are perfect.

1. Stand up straight while next to the bench.
2. Keeping your upper body in line with the floor, place one of your hands and one knee on the bench.
3. Extend one arm while holding a dumbbell in the same arm.
4. Raise the dumbbell up to your waist without moving your back.
5. Bring the dumbbell slowly to the start position and do as many reps as you want to.
6. Redo the exercise for your alternate arm.

To do this exercise, a bench isn’t required. However, the dumbbells will be necessary.

1. Bend your knees a tad bit while making the distance between your feet about shoulder width.
2. Lower the dumbbells down to your legs while you bend your knees and the lower part of your back.
3. Keeping a flat back, arch inward only your lower back a bit.
4. Keep your back in the aforementioned position and your head up while you stand up.

Exercise 3: Dumbbell Bent Over Row

To do this exercise, you’ll still want dumbbells, just like the last exercise, but no bench is required. 1. Stand up tall and separate your feet at the same distance as your hips are wide while your knees are at a slight bend.
2. Bend at your waist while keeping your back straight. Then, make your palms face each other, and grab a dumbbell in each hand while letting loose your arms. While doing this, make your arms point straight down towards the floor.
3. Holding both elbows next to you, raise your dumbbells to your body and squeeze both your shoulder blades together.
4. Slowly return to the start position and repeat for the number of repetitions that you want.

The correct stance and technique while you do back exercises are extremely important as you might hurt your back if you aren’t vigilant while doing the exercises. Warming up both before and after doing dumbbell back exercises is vital.

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Dumbbell Exercises for Biceps

July 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

The ideal routine for biceps wont only add strength to your arms but will give them that perfect look as well. The exercises discussed as followed are done either at home or gym, whichever preferred, all using some dumbbells.

The Important Warm Up

To avoid damaging your muscles, ligaments or tendons, always perform warm-up exercises beforehand. You’ll want to stretch your arms out and run on the treadmill for approximately ten minutes to warm up. Then, when you’ve finished, perform the actual exercises smoothly, without awkward jerky motions. To begin, you’ll want to use light weights and then slowly progress to heavier ones as you get stronger. Begin with light weights while performing more repetitions. Doing this makes maintaining the correct posture and avoiding injuries while maximizing results possible.

The Dumbbell Curls While Seated at

Sit on top of an inclined bench with proper support on your back.

Then, extend your arms out while turning them outward with a dumbbell in each hand. You need to raise the dumbbells up to the shoulders with ease, and only slowly bring them back to the beginning position. You must use slow and strong movements to perform these exercises. Keep on doing the exercise until you aren’t able to do it anymore because your muscles fail. When this happens, put down your dumbbells and stretch out the biceps while resting for approximately a minute. Another two sets should be performed, and again, until your muscles fail.

The Preacher’s Bench

Place your chest on the bench at the right position. Then, lift as much weight as you possibly can so that you challenge your arms. However, make sure you are performing the exercise properly.

As you lift the weights, you want to make sure that your elbows are close to each other and they’re perfectly straight. What the bench helps with is properly positioning your lower body, which helps you lift heavier weights than you normally would be able to lift. Descend the dumbbells as low as you can in order to gain optimal benefit from the exercise. Do the exercise until you cant take any more. Rest for a short period of time and repeat the exercise.

The Basic Curl

Lift dumbbells vigilantly with the knees slightly bent and place the feet apart at shoulder width. Squeeze as tightly as possible as you get to the top of the movement while remembering to keep your arms next to you. Also keep in mind that when you lower and raise the dumbbells, use a steady motion. Keep in mind that a slow and smooth approach to performing these exercises is much, much better than doing jerky motions. Other than that, do your curls until your muscles cannot continue. Rest for a short period of time when you’re done the exercise. Then, repeat and finish these exercises by stretching.

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If you want to find more information about gaining muscle, Please check it out at no nonsense muscle building. It is a proven program of step-by-step guide to help you build mass muscle. Read the No nonsense muscle building for more.

Dumbbell Exercises – Free Weights

May 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

If you are ready to make a difference in your life, there is no way better than getting into optimum shape. We are talking here about fitness. The truth of the matter is that there are different kinds of fitness, and the best routines will allow you to work on a number of different areas, such as cardiovascular, weight loss, and strength. When we think of working out, we normally think of weight lifting. There is no doubt that weight lifting is great for strength and for weight loss, but you should also be aware that there are different kinds of weight lifting routines. You will want to compare machine based general weight lifting programs versus dumbbell exercises. In this article, you will learn about the dumbbells, which are also known as free weight exercises.

Dumbbell exercises are great for a number of types of strength development. For example, these free weight exercises are excellent for hypertrophy, maximal strength, and endurance. These exercises are normally used to develop groups of muscles. In other words, these exercises are for people who a specific muscle goal in mind. Other generalized routines will evenly develop strength in a number of different muscles. When you use dumbbells, you are working on only a certain group of muscles at a time. This means that you will want to develop a routine that will allow you to work on different groups, otherwise you will end up with uneven strength in your arm muscles.

If you are wondering if dumbbell exercises are right for you, then you will need to ask yourself what your goals are. If you are interested in losing weight, then you may want to also add some more generalized weight training methods to your routine. This will allow you to develop your overall strength, which will allow you to burn more calories and will therefore increase your metabolism. Many professional and recreational athletes prefer dumbbells and other free weight exercises because it allows them to strengthen the muscles in particular that they will be using for their sport.

If you are thinking about beginning with dumbbell exercises, you are going to want to sit down and make a plan. This plan should be based on the goals that you have set for yourself. For example, you should ask yourself if you want generalized strength or strength in a particular muscle group. You will also want to ask yourself if endurance is important.

David Britto is a leading expert in Dumbbell Exercises. To learn more, visit http://www.GetFitandEatRight.com today! Have a successful year.

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Best Dumbbell Exercises For Biceps

May 16, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

The best dumbbell exercises for biceps are listed below. Dumbbell training for the bi’s is one of the best arm developing workouts there is. You not only can build bicep mass, but also develop definition and peak in the biceps through the use of dumbbells. You also will work both your arms equally, as opposed to just using a straight curl bar, where often times one arm is doing a little more work than the other, hence their development becomes out of balance.

Standing Dumbbell Curls.

These are powerful movements and will develop overall mass in the biceps. These will be your “heavy” bicep exercise, where you focus on lifting heavy without sacrificing form. Because your standing you can curl heavy weight up and still maintain good form. But, standing dumbbell curls also allows for you to safely “cheat” on your last few reps. Arnold use to use “cheat curls” to pound out his last few reps that really put size on his bi’s.

Seated Incline Curl.

These are excellent bicep developers.

They isolate your bi’s at an angle and really force the peak or low bicep to get worked good. You sit on an incline bench, and alternate curls. You will use a much lighter weight than you did with standing curls, and the motion tends to be a bit slower, more concentrated. You can also perform effective negatives on this exercise, slowly lowering the weight on your way down for the last few reps. Some trainees, for their last reps, will cheat the dumbbell all the way up, then very slowly lower it down for muscle building negative reps.

Here is how to perform the 2 best dumbbell exercises for biceps, as well as performing many other effective muscle building dumbbell movements – http://www.squidoo.com/Dumbell-Workout

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The Best Dumbbell Exercises for the Chest

May 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

If you have access to some dumbbells, you can easily do many of the exercises for your chest. Discussed below are three of the most efficient exercises for developing chest muscles and are proven to work.

Inclined Bench Press

The exercise that you want to perform in order to develop the ideal chest is the inclined bench press. You’ll not only be getting a thick upper chest by doing the inclined bench press, but also widen your frame from the front which will make your torso become narrower. Before starting this exercise, you’ll need the bench to be set at about 45 degrees. This exercise will also tighten up any of that loose, hanging skin that is left on your chest.

Inclined Chest Flys

This exercise is also a good choice to develop your chest muscles that are stabilizing. When you’re just beginning, do not use a lot of weight.

Start increasing when you’ve realized the difficulty in maintaining the range of motion. Lift the weights up, at a right angle, to the back of your bench inclined at 45 degrees. The weights shouldn’t be brought too much in back as it can cause your shoulders to get hurt. Doing inclined chest flys will help you eliminate the fat on your pectoral muscles while sculpting your shoulders by developing both your interior and exterior chest muscles. Start with light weights before getting to the heavier ones.

Declined Chest Flys

This dumbbell chest exercise is amazing for sculpting your chest, but you’ll need lots of strength to do it. Its recommended, for this reason, that you do the preceding exercises until your chest is strong enough to handle this vigorous exercise. If you develop the lower chest muscles first, you’ll get a bottom-heavy appearance which isn’t aesthetically pleasing, so by doing these exercises, you build your upper chest muscles first.

This exercise is really helpful to get rid of those man boobs as well, which are known more formally as gynecomastia. Inclined chest flys are perfect to get your chest started but to fully get your chest developed, you’ll need to do declined chest flys.

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The TRUTH about building muscle: sixpackshortcuts.com Hey man…what’s going on? In this episode I want to show you a KILLER home chest workout you can do at home in just a few minutes. It’s a great way to build a muscular chest — and all you’ll need is a couple of dumbbells to do it. The way it works is by using different chest exercises to hit your chest in different ways, one right after another. I designed this workout to really burn your chest out fast, and you’re really going to be feeling it in your pecs after this workout. Here’s how it’s done. CLOSE GRIP DUMBBELL PRESS PULLOVER – 10 REPS. Hold the dumbbells close together (touching each other) and bring them down to your chest. Press them upwards, and then bring them behind your head for the pullover. Bring the dumbbells down as far as you can, and then pull them back up focusing on contracting your chest muscles during this movement. DUMBBELL CHEST PRESS – 10 REPS. Just like bench press, except with dumbbells. Use a heavier weight than the first exercise. Since this is a drop-set, be especially careful not to bring the weights down too far — you shouldn’t feel a “stretch” in your chest muscles. Most people should go down to about 90 degrees, but advanced guys who are more flexible PUSHUPS – 10 REPS. By this time your chest will be BURNT, but stay strong! Do your pushups are normal. Because this is your SECOND drop-set, again make sure your form is on point even when you’re really tired. For a full chest
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Dumbbells, Dumbbell Sizes, Dumbbell Applications

May 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises


Every body builder should follow a proper diet and an intensive fitness program to get rid of excess fat and become muscular. These days, there are several ways of working out, to develop large and prominent muscles around different parts of the body.

Resistance training is usually done using expensive gym equipment at local gyms. However, there is a cheaper solution for weight lifting using traditional dumbbells. A dumbbell is a short bar with a metal ball or disk, at both ends that is lifted for developing muscles.

World Fitness is an online store providing a variety of dumbbells; within Melbourne, New South Wales, Brisbane, Victoria, Perth, Northern Territory, Adelaide, Darwin, Western Australia, Hobart, Sydney, South Australia, Queensland, Canberra and Tasmania.

Dumbbell Sizes

There are mainly two types of dumbbells. A fixed weight dumbbell has weights in a dumbbell shape made from cast iron, rubber or plastic. An adjustable weight dumbbell consists of a bar with plates of various weights added on both sides; locked using collars.
We offer a variety of dumbbell sizes ranging from 1 kg to 100 kg; including 110 kg commercial rubber dumbbell set with stand; 110 kg commercial chrome dumbbell set; 275 kg commercial rubber dumbbell set with rack; 775 kg commercial rubber dumbbell set; and the mega 1050 kg commercial rubber dumbbell set.

Dumbbell Applications

A fixed weight dumbbell is used for many one handed exercises that require reasonable weight. Whereas the adjustable dumbbell is used for exercises such as one or two handed curls, dead lifts and heavy weight lifting. Other dumbbell applications include strength training, building chest muscles and toning shoulder muscles.

During most of the dumbbell exercises, you should ideally perform 10 to 12 repetitions, with few minutes of rest time. It is useful for people of all ages and fitness levels; to build stamina, provide movement, improve agility and achieve body strength.

We sell a wide range of fitness products including olympic weight plate, barbell, multi gym, power rack, weight bench, kettlebell, medicine ball, inversion table, boxing equipment, power rack, crossfit equipment, squat rack, exercise equipment, treadmill, elliptical cross trainer, exercise bike, spin bike, rowing machine, aerobic step, strength equipment, cable attachment, vibration platform, trampoline and other accessories at discounted prices.

World Fitness is an Australian based online store of fitness equipments that provides gym equipments, weight loss gym equipments, equipments for cardio, strength training equipment including treadmill, bench, dumbbells, barbells, weight plates, multistation home gym and many more.

Dumbbell Exercises for Women to Get a Fit Body Fast

April 21, 2012 by  
Filed under Dumbbell Exercises

Article by Luis Eduardo

Did you know that there are a lot of dumbbell exercises for women to get toned fast? Dumbbell exercises are very popular among men because that is how they get to workout their arms but women can also benefit from these dumbbell exercises. Women can work out anything from the biceps, triceps, and even legs with dumbbell exercises. When it comes to losing weight and building a better body dumbbells are an essential tool to have in your toolbox. How Much Weight Should I Use?This is a very common question when it comes to dumbbell exercises. For women it really depends because it might be their first time carrying a dumbbell so it is something that they will have to get used to. If you are doing a super-set then start out with the heaviest weight that you can do 9 reps with. If you are focusing on circuit training then it is best to go a little bit lighter since you will be getting tired during the circuits. Different Body Parts to Work OutThere are different dumbbell exercises for women to target different parts of the body. The most common misconception is that dumbbells are only good for the arms. This is not true. Dumbbells can be used for squats instead of using a barbell. If you want to gain power and strength in your legs then doing squats or lunges with dumbbells is a good idea. The good thing about using dumbbells to work on your legs is that you can often go heavy since your legs are the strongest muscle in your body. Another great exercise that can be done with dumbbells is the push-up. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and get into push-up position. Go down and come back up, when your body is up lift up a dumbbell towards your chest one hand at a time. By doing this you will get toned arms faster and you will also give your core a heck of a workout. As you can see, there are many different dumbbell exercises for women to get in shape. There are some workout programs that are made with only dumbbell exercises. With dumbbells you can be sure that you will get a whole body workout.

Did you know that you can get in shape with just 3 workouts a week? Read our Turbulence Training

Review at our Womens Fitness Blog to find out how. For more information visit, href=”http://www.fitnessworkoutsforwomen.com/”>http://www.fitnessworkoutsforwomen.com/.

Kim Strother demonstrates exercises with dumbbells that will give you those loooong, sexy muscles! Please visit www.fordmodels.tv for more great videos.

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