Easy Golf Exercises You Can Do At Home — Simple Pointers from Golf Experts
July 15, 2012 by admin
Filed under Isometric Exercises
Article by Callie Abbott
Easy Golf Exercises You Can Do At Home — Simple Pointers from Golf Experts – Sports – Golf
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Quite a lot of questions have been asked about the perfect physical condition for a great game of golf. You dont need bulging muscles or flexibility like that of a ballerina to become Tiger Woods. It all boils down to proper golf exercises that target specific areas in our body to give you powerful and accurate swings and the stamina to maintain that power until the game ends.
Golf Training Exercise 101 – What Is Used For the Sport?
Before we start out with our training program to improve your body for golf, the first thing we need to do is to determine what areas in our body need to be improved. For example, the muscles in our body need to be tight as a spring if you want to get a lot of power behind your swing; making sure that they are flexible enough to avoid getting aches and pains after a few holes.
The secret to being a successful golfer is the improvement of the so-called core muscle group. This involves every major muscle group, starting from your belly button — your abs, sternum, hips, and buttocks. That’s right, improving the “core muscle group” definitely guarantees a peak physical condition during your game.
A Simple Exercise You Can Do At Home
There are two ways to do this simple exercise — with any normal chair in your home or with an exercise ball. You should be sitting upright, with your chest high and your back straight (dont slouch).
Hold with your two hands a weighted medicine ball or a 5 or 10 pound dumbbell held straight out in front of you with your hands extended. Rotate your upper body without moving from your sitting position until you reach your limit. Continue holding the ball and rotate to the other direction. Repeat this exercise a few times until you get the hang of it.
Other golf exercises that mimic the same maneuver targets our body’s rotation. The perfect swing comes from a full rotation of our upper body while maintaining a constant position with our lower body. This helps guarantee that you swing with the right posture to avoid upper or lower back pains every after each swing and gain full flexibility as well as improved rotation strength and muscle stamina.
About the Author
Golf exercises targeting a golfer’s core are quite simple. Proper golf training exercise guarantees that your body has the perfect rotational power to back up your swing and get your shot across the fairway.
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Callie Abbott
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Golf exercises targeting a golfer’s core are quite simple. Proper golf training exercise guarantees that your body has the perfect rotational power to back up your swing and get your shot across the fairway.
Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.
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Three Techniques the Experts Use to Gain Break-Neck Running Speeds
March 17, 2012 by admin
Filed under Speed Workouts
Article by Anthony Sanza
Three Techniques the Experts Use to Gain Break-Neck Running Speeds
Running faster is an excellent goal to have, and it’s one that you can achieve if you work hard enough. But unfortunately, hard work isn’t enough. In order to drastically boost your running speed, you’re also going to need to learn the steps required. To help you get faster and stronger so that you can beat anyone who tries to race against you, here are the top three tips the experts use in order to achieve the kinds of speed that break records and turn heads.
Proper Form
Running faster requires you to keep perfect form. When you maintain the right posture and limb positioning, your body will be in a more efficient mode and you’ll not only run faster but you’ll expend less energy while you’re pushing yourself to achieve faster speeds. The proper form in running consists of relaxed arms, a strong push off and faster cadence. To help you maintain proper form, have a spotter watch you so that you can tweak any areas that need it.
Start Slowly
It may sound funny, but in order to run faster you’re going to need to start slowly. This means building up your aerobic fitness and strength in order to build a solid foundation which you can then build upon with more advanced strength training techniques later on. By starting slowly and working on the areas that need it, you will keep yourself from becoming injured and you’ll be more likely to achieve the ideal fitness level that’s required to win races and championships.
Break Through Your Comfort Zone
Every runner knows that wall you hit when you’ve reached the boundaries of your comfort levels. This is when your lungs and muscles begin to burn and the taste of copper fills your taste buds. But if you hope to run faster than you already do, then you’re going to need to break past that comfort barrier. Only by breaking past your personal comfort zones can you hope to reach your personal best in all that you do. To really break through your barriers, try running up hills, doing speed drills or racing against friends and teammates and try to push yourself just a little bit further each and every time. Even though your body may be screaming for you to stop, you must push on. The more you do, the better you’ll get and the faster your legs will take you across the finish line.
If you try as hard as you can and you still can’t seem to break your personal running speed records, it’s time to put these three tips to good use. If you can manage to keep proper running form, start slowly and break through your comfort zones, you’ll soon discover that boosting your speed isn’t so difficult after all once you know exactly what to do.
Visit http://www.SecretstoSpeed.com now to get all the secret techniques and drills that the professionals have been using for years! Believe it or not, these are all easy to use and understand drills that anyone can learn and needs to learn to reach their maximum speed. Don’t waste another second!
Anthony Sanza – Secrets to Speed