The Best Way to Gain Muscle: Gaining It Fast and Gaining It Safely

July 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Marcus Lee

The Best Way to Gain Muscle: Gaining It Fast and Gaining It Safely – Awards

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When someone is aspiring to become a bodybuilder, he should remember that the best way to gain muscle is knowing not just what to do but also the wrong way of doing it. Following the routines seen in magazines for bodybuilders are the greatest error that can be make in creating a routine and program for his bodybuilding effort. The aspirant has the best chances of making it by doing a program tailored for amateurs; this is the best way to gain muscle. In this way, muscle will build at the quickest possible time while avoiding too much strain on the physical and mental systems.

One should begin to train for strength in order to maximize every minute spent bodybuilding. As the body becomes stronger, it also acquires in muscular mass. It is best to undergo weight training to attain strength, since it allows the trainee to begin with a very easy weight and then increasing it gradually to a nearly infinite level. The best way to build muscle is by beginning the training with insignificant weights, after which the upward climb in weights is consistently maintained, and the body always pushed to the limit with every single opportunity. One must keep his attention on ever increasing his level in working out, and not on the length of time doing unnecessary exercises.

The best way to gain muscle is to use free weights as often as possible as opposed to nautical machines. This is because such equipment result in the muscles move around in inflexible and unnatural positions and movement routines that not only make them susceptible to harm but also promote improper physical development. Instead, free weights such as barbells and dumbbells encourage natural muscular movement. In addition, they force the arms and legs to balance and control the weight more naturally, thus building more muscle. Machine weights in contrast carry out the balancing for the trainee, which rob him of an important phase of muscular growth.

The best way to gain muscle during the early phases of training is to regularly perform multifaceted drills which benefit a number of muscles together, thus bringing more benefit than those weightlifting movements that enlarge only a lone muscle at any given point. Regarding this aspect, the most crucial routine would be squat training, which is done until one can lift at least 300 pounds. The squat is a routine that flexes each and every muscle in the system, honing it as a single being. Dead lifting, together with squatting, is also the best way to build muscle in the arms. In totality, we highly recommend a full body routine for the workout program if one wants to know the best way to build muscle for the entire system.

Relaxing cannot be overemphasized if one is desirous of attaining the best way to build muscle. Muscles cannot grow if there is not enough resting, and it cannot help the body recover either. Furthermore, it is during sleep that growth hormones are released for muscle buildup. The bodybuilder must allocate at least an 8-hour resting period every day, as well as additional naps after his gym session if he can.

Strive to boost weight, devour a healthy daily menu and most importantly, devour lots of nutritious chow. The body has to have as much food as it can consume, especially proteins which are needed for bigger and adequately and properly developed muscles. Dieting is not the best way to gain muscle.

And last of all, the best way to gain muscle is by persistence and enduring efforts, without surrendering until the attainment of the goal is seen.

About the Author

This article is published by Marcus Lee, the owner of Read The Best Way To Gain Muscle and Muscle Building Diet for further information.

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This article is published by Marcus Lee, the owner of Read The Best Way To Gain Muscle and Muscle Building Diet for further information.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Visit Bones To Buff to get your FREE sample muscle building workout. Click here to get started: Check out the written article Today I want to share with you some quality advice on how to gain weight. Now I caution you that this is for the really skinny guy looking to really gain weight because they barely have any meat on their bones. I know what it is like when you feel like you eat all the time and have nothing to show for it. I have been there. I also understand the feelings that you feel when people start to resent you because you can eat whatever you want and not ever gain a pound. They don’t realize that to skinny guys, this is a curse more than it is a blessing at times. However, I also despise people saying that they have ‘tried everything but nothing works’. This is the biggest lie that you need to stop telling yourself. You may have tried a couple of things but trust me, you just haven’t tried the right things yet. Here are 9 tips that will help you to start to gain weigh in no time at all. These are tips I have personally used and I guarantee they will work for you. Visit Bones To Buff to get your FREE sample muscle building workout. Click here to get started:
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The Facts About Losing Fat Gaining Muscle

July 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Gerry Restrivera

The Facts About Losing Fat Gaining Muscle – Health – Weight Loss

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Losing fat gaining muscle is something most people should be concern. Having excess fat and being overweight is dangerous to your health and to your life. There are consequences that people with excess fat must face. People who are obese are more likely to develop heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney trouble, gastro intestinal disease, gallbladder disease and pancreatitis. Overweight people are more vulnerable to life threatening diseases than those who are not.

Apart from health issues brought by obesity, self confidence and self-esteem are greatly affected by obesity. Overweight people often lose self confidence and suffer from low self-esteem affecting how they interact with others. Good self-esteem is important because it makes you feel proud of yourself and worthy to be loved and accepted by others. It gives you the power to believe in yourself, respect yourself and the courage to try new things. Weight issue does not only affect your health but it also affects your whole life.

Fat is essential in our body but in limited quantities. Excess fat is dangerous when deposited in our body leading to various diseases. Decreasing or burning body fat leading to weight loss extend human longevity. Losing fat gaining muscle is a big decision that most obese people should consider. People with weight problem may find it hard to embrace and put into action the concept of losing fat gaining muscle but to achieve something in life you have to work hard to attain it. Losing fat gaining muscle will not only benefit your health but it will boost your self-esteem.

If you have weight problem and tried almost everything and nothing happened do not despair as weight problem is something that can be worked on if you found the right way how to lose weight. Losing fat gaining muscle is possible, you can lose fat permanently and you can do it without wrecking your metabolism. Losing fat gaining muscle will fire up your metabolic engine and help you lose excess fat. Some people may lose fat spending huge amount of money on supplements and drugs, sometimes it work but the result is just temporary and there are consequences of side effects.

If you are confused and frustrated by all the weight loss programs and strategies you tried before, Burn The Fat Feed the Muscles is the system that will end all your confusions and doubts. It will teach you the right way to lose fat and gain muscle effectively. Losing fat gaining muscle is your ticket to lose weight and bring back your self confidence visit Burn The Fat Feed the Muscles

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For more information on health and beauty visit Great Discovery-Health Beauty

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For more information on health and beauty visit Great Discovery-Health Beauty

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Gaining Muscle without Getting Fat – 5 Tips on how to Do It

July 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

Article by Kevin Hill

Gaining Muscle without Getting Fat – 5 Tips on how to Do It – Health – Fitness

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It’s sad to know that majority of those who are trying to gain muscles would also gain fats in the long run. The reason behind this is because they tend to follow the wrong measures when it comes to gaining muscles. So to avoid this mistake, here are five tips to help you with gaining muscle without gaining fat.

Perform Regular Cardio Training

Most people thought that cardio exercises is no longer a necessity if you are trying to build muscles – but this is a wrong notion, and this is why they gain fats as well. If you want to build muscles without fats, you should make sure to include cardio in your workout. The key is to perform intense cardio training exercises, so as to burn all those fats you’ve gained.

Include Strength Training

We all know that strength training, or weight training is very important when it comes to muscle building so make sure to include this in your workout plan. Ask for an advice from the experts, or from your fitness trainer for the right kind of strength training exercises that you can perform in order to gain muscles fast. There are some who believes that lifting heavier weights in a less number of repetitions is better than lifting light weights in more repetitions, so make sure to ask your trainer for the best option.

Come up with a Good Meal Plan

The secret to gaining muscle without gaining fat is on coming up with a good meal plan in advance. Divide your meals into five up to six small meals for the entire day and make sure that it should have the right amount of lean protein, healthy fats, as well as carbohydrates. Consuming small meals regularly in a day could amp up your metabolism, which is what you need in order to lose fats.

Consume More Water Everyday

And along with eating small meals at regular intervals, you also need to drink large quantity of water several times, all throughout the day. This is because water helps a lot in keeping your muscles to stay hydrated. Furthermore, water also aids in the proper absorption of nutrients and also helps in better food digestion.

Get Enough Sleep

It’s sad how people tend to forget one of the most important things when it comes to muscle building, and that is to get plenty of sleep. No matter how good you are in following all types of exercises in building muscles, but if you don’t get enough sleep, then everything will be useless. Sleep is very important, because this is the time that your muscles could recover from all the fatigue and grow faster, so make sure to get at least 8 hours of sleep every day.

So you are now are about the key to gaining muscle without gaining fat. But here’s one last tip for you, which is also very important, and that is to monitor your body’s fat percentage. And in case you notice that the fat percentage increases, then it’s time that you increase the intensity of your cardio exercises in order to get rid of fats.

About the Author

Random workout would not get you anywhere. Take a look at gaining muscle and losing fat for 1 week plan of effective muscle gaining routines. For a suggested professional guide, look at a review of muscle gaining secrets.

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Kevin Hill

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Random workout would not get you anywhere. Take a look at gaining muscle and losing fat for 1 week plan of effective muscle gaining routines. For a suggested professional guide, look at a review of muscle gaining secrets.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Mass Gaining Workouts

June 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

In order to gain lots of muscle mass, you need to lift opposing muscle groups on the same. My lifting days are scheduled as such: A – Biceps/Triceps; B – Chest/Back; C – Shoulders. That way, you target one set when the other set is working synergistically to remain relaxed and vice versa. This also allows overlap; back/biceps usually involve some similar muscles as does chest/triceps. By allowing all the muscles to work on different days, it further increases your gains.

Now, the actual workouts will consist of the following. We are going to call each muscle group A and B. For example, the biceps will be A and triceps will be B. You want to do one set of A with low weights and high reps, then one set of B with low weights and high reps. Next, you do another set of A, but with high weight and low rep followed by a set of B with high weight and low rep.

 You will repeat this twice, so that you do four sets total (two low weight, two high weight) per exercise.

Remember that the exercises have to be grouped alternately. This allows you to maximally work your muscles as they will be alternately relaxing and contracting. So the order is, again, as follows: Low Weight A, Low Weight B, High Weight A, High Weight B, Repeat. Between the two low weight and two high weight sets, wait about 30 seconds – 1 minute. Between individual exercises (low weight A then low weight B), wait less than 30 seconds, if any. This maximizes the gains you can get out of the muscles and builds muscle endurance.

Do at least 30 minutes of cardio five days a week. Anyone who says that “doing cardio makes your muscles shrink” is an idiot. Doing cardio may actually help you gain muscle mass, especially lower body.

Also, make sure you do lower body exercises.

I try to do squats and leg presses, especially on the days that lift. 3 days a week is a good number and if you do them on days that you lift upper body, you can get maximum gains from the testosterone release from the leg muscles (they are the biggest in the body).

For individual exercises, it really doesn’t matter which ones you do but there are a few guidelines you should follow. First, try to use free weights and barbells as much as possible. Machines that are fixed limit your range of motion, target exactly one muscle, and do nothing for stabilizer muscles. You can get bigger gains by using free weights. Second, try to do exercises that involve the core. This can include doing exercises on one of the exercise balls but is not limited to that. Third, maintain proper form at all times. This is so important that I’ll say it twice. Fourth, maintain proper form at all times. And last, never go below 90 degree angles when you do military or bench presses because you can severely injure yourself.



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Muscle Gaining Secrets to Get Muscle Fast

June 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Vince

Muscle Gaining Secrets to Get Muscle Fast – Health – Fitness

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As a trainer I am always asked for the muscle gaining secrets to get muscle fast, as a trainer it is my job to teach the client how to build muscle so I explain to them that there are no secrets. It is knowledge and dedication that builds muscle so I explain this fearing that I will lose a client once I teach them now it is done. To this day I have not lost a client yet, they like that I am honest and explain everything. Also it is the way that I motivate them and always have new exercises and techniques to keep them on the fast track to reaching their goals. That is my goal online to pass on my experience to help more people reach their potential.

There are many different exercises and techniques to learn and more being discovered on a regular basis, an important aspect of this is also how these are put together in your workout to reach your goals.Major Muscle Groups I am someone that sticks to the basics and will go back to the basics if a plateau is reached, a main technique is to work major muscle groups first in the workout. This gives you the most energy whn you are fresh to handle heavier weights, I will add a small muscle group to finish the workout. Usually the small muscle worked will be the secondary muscle to the major muscle that was worked, an example would be the triceps with the chest or the biceps with the back.

The reason for this is to prevent the smaller muscle from being over trained, when hitting the major muscle the smaller secondary muscle is already partially worked. Adding an exercise for the smaller muscle that targets that muscle gives it a good workout for growth, also it benefits from the hormone produced by the larger muscle worked. By working the smaller muscle on a different day it will be getting hit 2 to 4 times a week and that has a high probability of being overworked and hurting both workouts by reducing the amount of weight that can be lifted.Compound exercises Compound exercises provide many benefits towards reaching different goals, a compound exercise works more then one muscle group in the exercise. These can be the primary and secondary muscle or two different muscle groups entirely. These exercises are more beneficial for shaping and toning the body, where the whole body can get hit with just two or three compound exercises, it allows for the whole body to get hit in one workout a couple times a week.Because of the amount of energy expended during these exercises, it also provides some sort or cardio training in your weight workout. I like this type of cardio because it is performed under a physical load instead of a repeated movement, this works towards strengthening your heart and lungs.Muscle Confusion This is an important training technique, muscles adapt to movements after a period of time and become effecient at performing the task. This effeciency stops the sort of stress that exercise creates to build muscle, by changing the exercises this keeps the muscles in a state of confusion and continues to force muscle growth. The time frame for change is different for everyone but a good estimate is four to six weeks, as you learn how your body responds to exercise it will become easier to understand how to keep the muscle confusion going.Instinctive Training There are no muscle gaining secrets to get muscle fast, there is just knowing how to make the muscles grow and being dedicated to the training necessary to build muscles. As you learn you will start to understand your body and begin using a technique called instinctive training, then you will learn to put other techniques together to build lean muscle workouts using compound exercises involving major muscle groups. This is how you will get muscle fast and keep the body in a state of muscle confusion.

You can learn more about muscle gaining secrets and how to Get Muscle Fast here.

About the Author

Vincent competed at a junior level in many contests, he is now a trainer and top author at

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Vincent competed at a junior level in many contests, he is now a trainer and top author at

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Best Bicep Exercises for Gaining Strong Looking Arms

April 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Very often the more muscles that are targeted across the body within a workout plan, the better.
Understanding what’s viewed to be the best bicep exercises to go and do can be quite useful for shedding any build up of fat that presently exists around the arms.

One such workout that is looked upon as being one of the best bicep exercises are alternate curls. Having  armed yourself with two barbells about the same in weight position the dumbbells so that they’re by your sides with each end pointing away from the front and back of the body.

Then, slowly begin to bring a dumbbell single handedly in the path of the shoulder, while ensuring that the palms face the ceiling while you lift the barbells up. As the pressure should be focused on the bicep region, it is best to bring the dumbbells near by to although not actually allow them to come into contact with the shoulder.

Either sitting or standing will both be alright for doing alternating curls.

Keeping the tension on the biceps while conducting this exercise is key. Therefore, the wrists and elbows should be doing most of the work and not the back muscles. Next, on the list of exercises considered to be one of the best bicep exercises out there is drag curls. Barbells are essentially used in place of dumbbells with similar range of motion as you would do when doing alternating curls.

Drag curls involve the act of dragging the barbells up towards the chest area while in a standing position. The palms of your hands need to be facing upwards to really zero in on those biceps. There is also the reverse version of the barbell curl which is considered to be amongst the best bicep exercises. What it entails is for your palms to be faced downwards and bringing the bar up to your chest.

For the top half of the arms, cable rope hammer curls can be ideal.
Take a hold of the handle of the cable standing up, and with your elbows and palms at your sides pull it up.

The biceps must be kept tensed, therefore to avoid taking tension away, and the likelihood of a back injury use your arms and not your back to do this exercise. Pulley machines might be seen as being safe to use when compared with free weights. Although both share almost equal results.

If you’re interested in gaining more handy tips on the best exercise for biceps you may want to check the Gaining Muscle Mass Fast site where you will be able to find all the latest ideas on building muscles, as well as plenty more information on fitness, exercise and nutrition.

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Dieting For Gaining Lean Muscles

February 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Gain Muscle

For gaining attractive lean muscles, you need to follow a proper diet along with regular exercising. You can consult a dietician for this purpose. Following are a few suggestions that will help you to make an effective diet plan for building muscles.

Fiber rich food items are very important to lose weight. It prevents accumulation of fat in the body. In addition to this, it reduces the cholesterol present in the blood. A fiber rich food offers slow burning carbohydrates to your body.

Did you know that fiber also helps in enhancing the metabolism of the body? A few rich fiber foods are fruits, wheat, vegetables and oatmeal. In addition to this, add lean meat in your diet. It is a very rich source of protein which is essential for building muscles. You can eat fish, soybean, egg white, beans etc. to have protein. You may also take whey protein shake for providing enough protein to your body.

Soybeans have no cholesterol and have a nominal amount of fat. However, it is a great food for building muscles. I t is easily available and not at all expensive.

To develop lean muscles, drink as much water as you can in a day. This is because you lose a lot of fluids, while working out or doing other physical activities. Last but not the least, try to avoid fat containing foods like butter, etc. Cook your food with canola oil, soybean oil or olive oil, to provide healthy fats to your body.

Learn more by reading Diet Reviews about the best ways to lose weight. Also read more Health Tips to improve your wellness!

The best weight training routine for the purpose of gaining lean muscle mass.

January 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Kasper V. Christensen

I always chuckle the moment someone says that they know the ideal weight training routine intended for gaining muscle tissue – That there’s just one way to work out – or even that there’s just one Most effective way to train.

A weight training routine that everyone should certainly adhere to?

Just one best weight training routine for gaining muscle that works well for everyone?

I don’t believe so.

Heated discussions are often raging within the bodybuilding community forums. Most observed will be the conflicts in between the high volume people and the HIT jedis. I have found these types of discussions useless simply because the participants aren’t noticing the bigger picture. That both style of weight training routines could have their unique benefit within a good organised plan.

For sure, all of the bodybuilding information is generally foolish. The marathon muscle pumping workout sessions aren’t really worth paper they’re printed on. The rubbish they have inside of the magazines is really ineffective.

However when it comes to really serious, no-nonsense, productive strength training intended for drug-free athletes – stuff that works for skinny bastards – there are lots of “Best” weight training routine and really successful approaches to workout.

Evaluate the following:

1. Powerlifting


3. Fortius Fitness body transformation systems

4. HST

5. Heavy singles

6. The 5 x 5 system

7. HIT (High intensity training)

8. 20 rep breathing Squat workout

9. Doggcrapp training

10. Blending a few of the above with bodyweight workouts

This is really only just a tiny selection of all the training routines for gaining muscle offered today that will deliver results for natural weight lifters. They’re all different, however Virtually any of those training techniques and workout routines can make you larger, thicker, much stronger, far healthier, slimmer, much better conditioned and more powerful.

That’s precisely why there’s simply no single best weight training routine for gaining muscle. As long as you select the proper weight training program appropriate for your experience, recovery level and ensure that you simply train really hard, heavy and truly serious – its going to work.

Everything you do and just how you work out is basically a matter of individual choice plus individual circumstance. It depends to some extent upon your age, your experience, your training goals and objectives, how quick you recover from your workouts, whether or not you might have any kind of injuries which minimize what you can do to perform certain exercises, just what equipment is accessible, as well as a host of matching factors.

What exactly matters most is intensity and effort put forth in training. When you do that lots of weight training routines would certainly get the job done. The best weight training routine for gaining muscle would be the one which you believe in which generates the results you’re after.

A solid weight training routine is the key to a successful body transformation. specializes in teaching men and woman how to build a strong, (very) lean and toned or muscular body with the look that is perfect for YOU – the natural way! Go there now!

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