Get in Shape For Men – 5 Tips to Achieve your Goal

September 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Michael Dwyer

Get in Shape For Men – 5 Tips to Achieve your Goal – Health – Weight Loss

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Have you ever met someone who put your obese physique to shame? Do you feel like less of a man when someone twice your age crushes you at a sport you used to dominate? If so, you owe it to yourself to read on.

Every men has at one point decided that they want to have very little fat and a lot of muscle. The problem is that these goals are rarely reached and you’re left with a lot of fat and no muscle. Read these tips to ensure this doesn’t happen to you.

1. Building muscle and losing weight are like oil and water they just don’t go together. When building muscle you must eat MORE than you would normally and when you lose weight you have to eat LESS. This poses a problem and the only solution is to focus on one then the other.

2. You won’t lose (much) weight resistance training and you won’t gain muscle from cardio. Keep this in mind when working out.

3. Always use proper form. While it sounds great that you can do 25 more pounds on the bench when using incorrect form, lets see how much you can do with an injured back. Seriously guys just use proper form, if you don’t you will eventually regret it. Also, don’t fool yourself into thinking you’re getting stronger with bad form, those gains you get are artificial only good form will get you stronger.

4. Don’t become a fitness know-it-all. Learn what is proven by science and accepted as fact and don’t worry about anything else. Arguments about stuff like free weights vs. machines are ridiculous and don’t get you any stronger. Whether you do 3 sets of 5 or 4 sets of 8 you’ll still be getting stronger than if you didn’t get off the couch.

5. Avoid getting “exercise ADD”. Every time I go to the gym I see someone bouncing around from machine to machine without any idea how to use them. Don’t let this person be you! Find a workout program that was designed by a pro and stick to it. Don’t add in that cool calf machine if your workout doesn’t tell you to, if using that calf machine would help you the person who made the program would have added it!

About the Author

Are you prepared to learn the closely guarded secrets to losing 9 pounds in 11 days or less? Learn the fat loss techniques of the A-list celebrities by clicking here. You can trick your body to get thinner calves!

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Michael Dwyer

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Are you prepared to learn the closely guarded secrets to losing 9 pounds in 11 days or less? Learn the fat loss techniques of the A-list celebrities by clicking here. You can trick your body to get thinner calves!

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Aerobic and Anaerobic Exercise For Weight Loss – Results Create Greater Confidence to Your Goal

August 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Aerobic exercises are activities that utilize large muscle clusters. It can be done in a continuous manner and are rhythmic in nature. These exercises overwork the heart and lungs which cause them to work doubly hard than when they are at rest. Some types of this particular exercise include dancing, cycling, skiing, skating, running and swimming, among others. However, these routines take too much time and are slow. On the average, a person who performs the following exercises burns seventy-five percent fat calories and twenty-five percent carbohydrates.

On the other hand, anaerobic exercises are performed at higher intensities and require more energy compared to aerobics. It uses a system of respiration, which largely depends on high levels of energy. It causes one’s rate of metabolism higher than aerobic workout for a longer duration. This procedure burns fat as the body refills diminished energy stores from the forceful workout.

Exercises falling under this category can only be performed for two to three minutes because of the high amounts of energy that it requires. These types of exercises are short and rigorous. Twenty-five percent calories and seventy-five percent carbohydrates are burned.

There has been a long-standing debate among fitness experts to which between the two would prove to be the better activity that one can adopt if he intends to lose weight. The truth is, both exercises are efficient, and it will give one better results if both are performed simultaneously.

Both have advantages and disadvantages. Performing them in balance will produce best results for the dieter. Anaerobic workouts heighten cardio and muscle mass, but do not work well in burning a lot of fats.

Aerobic activities lessen anxiety and enhance circulation. It also burns a remarkable amount of fat but in the process diminishes muscle mass. Combining them will ensure the dieter that muscle mass is sustained, bone density is improved and the cardiovascular system intensified while still being able to burn fats.

Now you want to have more energy, be Healthier, look Younger, lose weight, and cleanse your body, right?

Exercises For Your Lower Abs – Reach Your Goal Today!

April 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by Douglas Pullins

Finding the right exercises for your lower abs is a frequent goal among people these days. Our abs really distinguish us as a person who is serious about their fitness and health. People with abs are usually seen as the “ripped” guy or girl, and believe it right now that people want to be noticed as that person who is “ripped.”

So if we’re focused on finding exercises for our abs, more specifically exercises for the lower abs, lets find the right exercise to get us to the goal we want.

The Vertical Leg Crunch

This exercise is phenomenal for working out your lower abs. If you’re going to perform this exercise anytime soon first you should know what you’ll need to do to perform this exercise effectively. While performing the Vertical Leg Crunch, make sure that you keep your legs straight as they’re up in the air. Keep them in a fixed position throughout the entire workout if you want to get the results you want.

The Vertical Leg Crunch is a different version of the Basic Crunch. This exercise will ensure that your lower back is always pressed against the floor. This is a fantastic variation of the Basic Crunch because when you’re doing regular crunches you’ll have a tendency to raise your lower back off the floor.

This is most definitely one of the best exercises for your lower abs, and you have an ab routine you should definitely incorporate this exercise into it.

To Begin this exercise the first step is to lie flat on your back with your legs extended straight up in the air. Your back and legs should form a 90 degree angle as you lie flat on the floor. Next thing you do is place your hands behind your head, and slowly raise your head so that it is slightly off the floor. Raise your shoulders and upper back to start the movement. Be sure to contract your abs and raise up until your shoulder blades leave the floor.

Helpful Tips For this Exercise & Staying Fit-

Do not tuck in your chin toward your chest when you begin the movement in The Vertical Leg Crunch.

Avoid high sodium foods

If you’re a coffee person, be sure to have 1 or 2 cups before you workout. Doing this helps to boost your metabolism and burn fat throughout your workout. Even though this helps, make sure you drink plenty of water as you do the workout.

Exercises For Lower Abs!

Enjoy the websites above. They are really helpful to obtaining the abs you want and getting in the shape that you want!

Finding the right exercises for your lower abs is a frequent goal among people these days. Our abs really distinguish us as a person who is serious about their fitness and health. People with abs are usually seen as the “ripped” guy or girl, and believe it right now that people want to be noticed as that person who is “ripped.”

Remove the Myths From Your Chest Workout: There are so many home chest workouts to pick from but unfortunately, there are just as many myths and poor chest exercises choices found in them. Perhaps there is no greater chest workout myth than the value of the chest fly or pec fly exercise. People will rely on this chest exercise as a staple of their chest workout but in doing so…are making a big mistake. The problem with the dumbbell fly is that it is supposed to give you an advantage of normal bench presses and pushups for developing your chest by incorporating an extra stretch on your pecs. In reality, the only muscle that you’re stretching is your coracobrachialis and NOT your pectoralis muscle, making this point a moot one. At the same time, this chest workout myth serves to push you in the direction of performing an exercise that is actually quick to compromise the health of your shoulder joint and leave you with a chest muscle injury. Stop doing exercises that either don’t work or put you at risk for injury. Instead, put the science back in your strength training routine with The ATHLEAN-X Training System. Get celebrity pro athlete trainer Jeff Cavaliere’s 90 day workout plan at http and see how training like a pro athlete can have you looking like one not too long from now.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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