Weight Training Equipment For the Home
August 20, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Weight training at home
Not everyone has time to go to a well-stocked gym. But for those who still want to keep in shape, there is good news: It’s possible, with just a few targeted purchases, to do strength training at home.
And in even better news, you can spend as little or as much as you want to purchase your home weight training equipment. It all depends on how intense of a workout you want.
For those on a tight budget, an aerobic step, several sets of free weights, an adjustable bench, exercise mat and fitness ball can be enough for home weight training equipment. This basic setup, which will cost you less than $ 500, will provide you with enough variety and strength-training basics for muscle growth to develop an effective workout and training program.
For those willing to spend a little more, a multi-gym machine might be the answer.
These machines allow users to perform a number of weight training exercises. They save space because only one machine is needed.
Prices for these multi-gyms vary. You can find a basic model that costs less than $ 500. Or you can go deluxe and spend $ 4,000 or more. Generally, though, multi-gyms costing from $ 500 to $ 1,000 are usually advanced enough for most weight training routines.
Those looking for a more intense fitness routine can go one of two routes: They can spend under $ 1,000 to purchase a larger set of free weights, including dumbbells, barbells, plates and an exercise bench.
Or they can spend from $ 1,000 to $ 1,500 for a more advanced multi-gym machine. Others might prefer to mix and match, spending for a variety of free weights and purchasing a more basic multi-gym.
The key is to develop a home strength training program that works best for you.
This may require you to comparison shop for such weight training essentials as free weights, exercise benches and multi-gyms. But a little homework now will pay off with several great workouts in the future.
Article Source: http://ezineseeker.com/?expert=Barry_McColman
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The Ultimate 30 Minute Home Workout
August 14, 2012 by admin
Filed under Gym Workouts
Article by Nitin Chhoda
The Ultimate 30 Minute Home Workout – Health – Fitness
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Home exercise is one of my favorite ways to get in shape, since I began working out at home (could not afford a gym membership). Working out at home involves choosing the right home fitness equipment, and it’s sad that the buyer recieved inadequate information about diet and exercise.
No wonder people tend to get frustrated. No wonder the equipment turns into an EXPENSIVE clothes hanger.
There is a simple solution for those who cannot get to a gym, live too far away, or just don’t want to go to a club and want a fast, effective workout. Here are the steps you need to take to ensure results.
STEP 1: Invest in dumbbells and a bench. If you’ve got a few bucks, go to a fitness equipment dealer and get some dumbbells and an adjustable bench. For women, start with 3’s, 5’s, 8’s, 10’s, 12’s, and 15 lb. db’s. For the guys, go to 50’s (in increments of 5 lb. per db).
STEP 2: Set up your workout space. Basements seem to be a popular choice, bedrooms are a distant second. Whatever you choose is fine. Also, so that you can make sure you’re doing your exercise correctly, put a full-length mirror on your wall, or get one. Your choice. No one else is watching you but you, so if you want better results (and safety!), put up a mirror.
STEP 3: Set aside 30 minutes at least four times a week, to do your strength training. You can go up to 6 days if you want – just be sure you’re splitting up your body parts accordingly. For instance, one day you do back, chest, biceps, and calves; the next day do shoulders, triceps, legs, and abs. Use a similar arrangement for the 4-day workout. It doesn’t matter when you do it during the day, as long as you get the workout in.
STEP 4: The dumbbell strength training routine. Here are the best dumbbell exercises to do – the ones that get the most muscle worked in the least amount of time:
* Back – Db bent over row
Grab a pair of db’s (use common sense for how much weight); hold them at your sides while standing straight up. Pull your shoulders back, and stick your butt out as you bend forward. Your back should be nice and flat. When your upper body is parallel to the ground with arms straight, you’re in the starting position. Now, picture yourself rowing a boat. Use that action to pull the db’s up and back, towards your hips. Lower and repeat, in control.
* Chest – Db flat bench press
Grab your db’s and lie down on the bench, with your lower back pressed into the cushion. Lower the db’s until they’re directly beside your chest, push up and in an arc until they’re above your chest. Feel the stretch at the bottom, feel your chest muscles working as you go up. Lower and repeat.
* Legs – Db squat (guys) or Lunge (women)
For the squat: db’s are at your sides. When you lower yourself, pretend you’re sitting down on a chair. Be sure to stay on your heels, and keep your torso tight to support your spine. When you can feel yourself bending too far forward as you go down, that’s your signal to push back up.
For lunges: db’s at your sides. Keeping your torso rigid as a 2×4, take a big step forward with one leg. After your foot has planted, lower your hips until you’re just about to touch the ground with your trailing knee – without actually touching. Push back with your front leg. Do all your reps with one leg before switching.
* Shoulders – Standing db shoulder press
Standing with your abs nice and tight to support your spine, raise the dumbbells until they’re even with your ears. You should see in the mirror a straight line from your left elbow to your right elbow. Push the db’s over your head in an arc – be sure to keep the db’s moving ABOVE your head, not in front.
* Calves – standing calf raise on basement step
Place both feet on the step so that you’re positioned on the balls of your feet. Keep your legs straight, abs tight, butt tucked in. Lower your heels to the ground maintaining that tight position with the rest of your body. Raise up as far as you can, up to your tippy-toes. Lower and repeat.
* Biceps – db standing curl
Your arms should be straight, holding the db’s with your palms facing forward. Place your arms at your sides, and then raise the db’s, bending ONLY your elbows. Keep your back and shoulders out of it. Bend the elbow, straighten the arm.
* Triceps – db triceps kickback
Take the same position as the bent over row I mentioned a moment ago. Raise your arms to your sides, and then keep them there. From that position (your elbows should be bent at 90 deg.), straighten your arms until they’re straight as an arrow. Bend your elbows (but keep your arms up!), and then straighten your arms. It’s just the reverse action of db standing curls.
* Abs – See 90 Seconds To Flatter Abs
Ultimately you’ll be able to finish a complete workout even WITHIN 30 minutes! Get to work!
STEP 5: Focus on what you DO, rather than what you haven’t done. Stop beating yourself up if you only get three workouts in a week, instead of 4, 5, or 6. If you haven’t been working out consistently lately, that’s three more workouts that you’ve done in a long time, isn’t it? Be easy on yourself and build up over time. It’s the way I went from being a 280 lb teenager to a 200 lb full-time personal trainer in less than 2 years!
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To read reviews on home exercise equipment and learn how to choose the best exercise gadgets for your needs, visit Nitin Chhoda’s new site http://www.guide-to-exercise-equipment.com
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To read reviews on home exercise equipment and learn how to choose the best exercise gadgets for your needs, visit Nitin Chhoda’s new site http://www.guide-to-exercise-equipment.com
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The 3 Best Chest Building Exercises For Beginners Who Want to Train at Home
August 7, 2012 by admin
Filed under Chest Exercises
Let me be frank – I don’t care about muscle building. I’m an Average Joe who just wants to look lean and athletic. One of the most over-worked muscle groups are the Chest (after the arms). Go to any gym and you’ll see guys trying to build freakishly large chest muscle.
This article, as the title states, is for people who want to build a lean, strong, and athletic body while training in the comfort of their own homes. There are two effective ways to train at home: Bodyweight and Dumbbell Exercises.
The following five exercises are ones that you can do at home with minimal equipment. Here is what you need:
Bench (Optional)
Two sturdy chairs
Mat (Optional)
Here are the three best chest exercises:
Dumbbell Chest Press – Lay down on your back on a bench, or the floor. I personally use this old Total Gym bench thingamagig that’s only about 6 inches off the ground.
You can create your own bench by placing pieces of wood on the floor (but this might not be comfortable). The choice is yours. You can even perform Chest Presses on floor. All you do is start off with the dumbbells two your sides at chest level, then push them towards the ceiling until your arms are straight. Then return back to starting position.
Pushups – Lay down with your belly on a mat or floor. I just use the cold concrete floor in my garage gym. If you don’t like inhaling dust and getting your hands dirty, then may want to perform pushups on a carpet or mat. There are tons of push up videos out there, but the two main things you need to remember is to keep your back straight, and to stop the movement when your chest is just an inch off the ground.
Too many people drop their body and let it touch the ground during a set. This defeats the purpose of placing maximum tension on your chest muscles.
Chair Dips – Get two sturdy chairs and place the backs of the chairs in front of each other. Get between the chairs and grab the backs. Now straighten your arms out as you lift your body off the ground. Tuck your feet behind you and drop your body towards the ground. Lean slightly forward to hit the chest muscles. Keep going until your upper arm is slightly past parallel. Push yourself back up to starting position and repeat. This is an extremely difficult exercise, but it will boost your chest strength tremendously.
Once again, the key to an improved physique is to combing bodyweight and dumbbell training. Coach Eddie Lomax has written an entire program around this concept titled the Gladiator Body Workout. You can check it out on blog, ShahTraining.com
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Getting in Shape Fast, Using one of Nature’s Greenest, Old Fashion Home Remedies
August 2, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Article by esther mullen
Getting in Shape Fast, Using one of Nature’s Greenest, Old Fashion Home Remedies – Health – Weight Loss
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Getting in Shape Fast, Using one of Nature’s Greenest,Old Fashion Home Remedies
When asking yourself, what do I chose for the best weight loss diet strategy, or how does the Jenny Craig Diet work?, it is wise to first do a little research ahead of time, when looking for that, suddenly slim diet. You may find just the answers plus more that you were looking for in the process, and being pleasantly surprised at the outcome of your search, including wonderful, new, free daily diet plans, fad diet types, healthy diet for althletes. At times it may seem as though there are endless choices, and that you may never find that perfect diet, for, getting in shape fast, to lose weight in days free. There is hope, however, for the determined and persistent. This review will give you helpful tips on:
1.) Natural remedies for adrenal fatigue, including, symptoms of adrenal gland malfunction 2.) Getting in shape fast: (you just might like this actually)3.) Water help you lose weight, one of, free daily diet plans
One of many, old fashion home remedies, for getting in shape fast, is drinking tea. Tea is the beverage made after being exposed to, infinite energy rays, the processed leaves of the tea plant are infused with boiling water. It is native to Southeast Asia, and is a small, shrub-like evergreen tree. The seeds contain a volatile oil, and its leaves contain the chemicals caffeine and tannin. While green tea is made from the shoots or tips of the shrub, black tea is made from the fermented dried leaves. An essential oil, called tea absolute, is distilled from black tea. Both the leaves and oil are used for medicinal purposes. Fruit teas do not actually contain tea but are beneficial to the health, as is explained in The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies.
One of many, old fashion home remedies, even, medical home remedies, for getting in shape fast, is drinking green tea in particular. Green tea is awesome because it causes your body to lose weight naturally, by causing your metabolism to speed up, prevents insulin spikes, which in turn controls hunger, also beneficial for diabetic diets menus. Dr. Nicholas Perricone, M.D. and author of The Perricone Prescription among other titles, sees green tea as a viable substitute for coffee – “Coffee has organic acids that raise your blood sugar, raise insulin. Insulin puts a lock on body fat. When you switch over to green tea, you get your caffeine, you’re all set, but you will drop your insulin levels and body fat will fall very rapidly.” The right changes will bring about effective weight loss, while making you feel and look better. That’s the Perricone guarantee.
Drinking 5 cups of green tea per day will do wonders for how you feel, how you look and how you smell. No kidding. Replace coffee and sugar with green tea and honey and feel the difference after just a couple days, even. You see, you are still getting the caffeine, and some of that water mentioned above, but unlike coffee, provides lasting increased energy, reduces depression, full of antioxidants, which also, by the way, helps prevent cancer, open heart surgery, among others. Green tea in particular helps you lose weight fast by keeping your metabolism going hours after you drink it, for getting in shape fast. For those who don’t have the time to brew 5 cups of tea a day, tea supplements may work even better. The health benefits of green and black teas, herbal tea, or even organic tea supplements with their infinite energy rays can do wonders for your overall sense of well being! Try black tea with honey and half & half (or skim milk if you don’t want the fat) for a delicious treat any time of day!
One of the best known teas that help you lose weight, is the well known, Wu-Yi tea. Wu-Yi Tea is not only all-natural, it’s also the ancient Chinese weight loss “secret” and one of the reasons why the people of Asia stay so slim! It contains 0 carbohydrates, 0 fat and 0 calories, while Slim-Fast contains 220 calories, 40g carbohydrates, and 3g fats. Ensure has 250 calories, 40g carbohydrates and 6g fat. While both Slim-Fast diet and Ensure do have a lot of vitamins and minerals, they are not ideal for losing weight fast and don’t help keep your metabolism going. Also, when drinking the Wu-Yi tea, water make you lose weight. Drinkers of Wu-Yi tea have reported wonderful weight loss, increased energy, and a new overall sense of well being, while getting in shape fast.
Another well known tea diet, is the enhanced green tea, 100% organic, all natural green tea dietary supplement, that helps in natural weight loss, enhanced energy, fights infection and prevents cancer. If you’ve ever had trouble with ongoing fatigue, including, symptoms of adrenal gland malfunction, then this is great for that as it helps to repair immune system functions and increases metabolism. Enhanced green tea is also capable of fighting cardiovascular disease, and just one of these pills contains as many nutrients as can be found in a gallon of green tea! And when taking these all natural supplements, for getting in shape fast, water make you lose weight. Also, I would like to mention that people who take green tea every day have a lower risk of death, a Japanese study showed that by consuming green tea, you might actually have a longer life by reducing heart disease and stroke. Also, green tea is 100 times more powerful than vitamin C and 25 times better than vitamin E.
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For more weight loss tips, free trial offers, reviews, natural remedies for adrenal fatigue, juice recipes for weight loss, plus much more, please visit: http://freeweightlossnow.info,Discover a remarkable, scientifically proven natural therapy that creates an environment within the body where cancer and other diseases cannot thrive–and enables the body to cure itself of deseases.Free Info,Click here
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For more weight loss tips, free trial offers, reviews, natural remedies for adrenal fatigue, juice recipes for weight loss, plus much more, please visit: http://freeweightlossnow.info,Discover a remarkable, scientifically proven natural therapy that creates an environment within the body where cancer and other diseases cannot thrive–and enables the body to cure itself of deseases.Free Info,Click here
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Total Gym 1700 Review – Inexpensive Complete Home Gym
July 26, 2012 by admin
Filed under Gym Workouts
Article by Biggie Joe
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The Total Gym 1700 Club is a pretty good item of exercise gear. If you wish to construct your physical structure without having purchasing a complete expensive home gym? Then you should go for the This exercise tools allows you strengthen and shape every main muscle group in your physique by using a single glide board and a few useful parts. I find out that the this product is very easy to use and quick to go from one exercise routine to the next.The Total Gym comes fully assembled and it is so much fun to use. I think the simplicity of how the Total Gym works compared to other home exercise machines is a main advantages. For under four hundred dollars, now I have a complete home gym that builds muscle while giving me a good cardio workout at the same time. So how good is that sound?The Total Gym 1700 Club works by getting you lift a portion of your body weight against the law of gravity, producing the resistance sleek and smooth. As your power as well as health and fitness increases, you improve the total level of resistance by improving the incline, thus increasing the body weight lifted in the workout. The Total Gym 1700 Club therefore not just works your upper body, but also your lower body, stomach muscles, as well as your cardiovascular system. And also by lowering excess weight along with helping the percentage of lean muscle mass in your body, the strength training effectively turns up the thermostat so that your body burns calories constantly.The Total Gym 1700 Club also offers several handy attachments that add a new dimension to your exercise: a Pilates bar that assists you enhance your range of motion and stability. Total Gym 1700 also comes with a weight bar that allows you put up to 75 lbs of more free weights to improve your exercise sessions. Furthermore, it comes with dip bars and press-up bars, lastly comes with free exercise mat to help shield your floor. What is needed to get in a fit condition is actually fifteen to twenty minutes daily, 3 to 4 times per week. Total Gym 1700 Features:- Pilates Bar to add a new dimension to your workout by helping you improve your range of motion and balance- Dip Bars and Press Up Bars add exercise versatility- Exercise mat protects your floor- Comfortable large glideboard while doing workout- Wider tower for added stability- Auto-lock height adjustment- Exercise flip chart for easy reference while exercisingWhat is so good about Total Gym 1700: – Well made piece of equipment, durable, tough, smooth movement during work out.- Easy as 1, 2, 3 to collapse to storage- Can be used by both males and females. You can share with your families too.- Weight limit up to 350 pounds.- Comes with very good Pilates reformer stand in.- Ability to add 75 pounds of additional weight to the bar for added resistance – Easily burn more fat,suitable for any age, teenagers or old people.- Allows you to move quickly and easily through different exercises, also comes with free DVD.- You can fold it into a slim size and then you can keep it under your bed,closet. It is just slim as your ironing board.For the money, I believe that it is the best exercise machine you can afford to buy. Get Total Gym 1700 Today
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Buying a new Total Gym online can save you a lot of money compared to buying them at a retail store. Get more discount here at Total Gym 1700 website.
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Buying a new Total Gym online can save you a lot of money compared to buying them at a retail store. Get more discount here at Total Gym 1700 website.
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This video shows how you can get a great and effective workout with the Iron Gym within 10 to 15 minutes. There are many different techniques and ways to use the Iron Gym and Javier McIntosh will show you. You can work out biceps, triceps, abdominal, and pectorals with the Iron Gym.
Easy Golf Exercises You Can Do At Home — Simple Pointers from Golf Experts
July 15, 2012 by admin
Filed under Isometric Exercises
Article by Callie Abbott
Easy Golf Exercises You Can Do At Home — Simple Pointers from Golf Experts – Sports – Golf
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Quite a lot of questions have been asked about the perfect physical condition for a great game of golf. You dont need bulging muscles or flexibility like that of a ballerina to become Tiger Woods. It all boils down to proper golf exercises that target specific areas in our body to give you powerful and accurate swings and the stamina to maintain that power until the game ends.
Golf Training Exercise 101 – What Is Used For the Sport?
Before we start out with our training program to improve your body for golf, the first thing we need to do is to determine what areas in our body need to be improved. For example, the muscles in our body need to be tight as a spring if you want to get a lot of power behind your swing; making sure that they are flexible enough to avoid getting aches and pains after a few holes.
The secret to being a successful golfer is the improvement of the so-called core muscle group. This involves every major muscle group, starting from your belly button — your abs, sternum, hips, and buttocks. That’s right, improving the “core muscle group” definitely guarantees a peak physical condition during your game.
A Simple Exercise You Can Do At Home
There are two ways to do this simple exercise — with any normal chair in your home or with an exercise ball. You should be sitting upright, with your chest high and your back straight (dont slouch).
Hold with your two hands a weighted medicine ball or a 5 or 10 pound dumbbell held straight out in front of you with your hands extended. Rotate your upper body without moving from your sitting position until you reach your limit. Continue holding the ball and rotate to the other direction. Repeat this exercise a few times until you get the hang of it.
Other golf exercises that mimic the same maneuver targets our body’s rotation. The perfect swing comes from a full rotation of our upper body while maintaining a constant position with our lower body. This helps guarantee that you swing with the right posture to avoid upper or lower back pains every after each swing and gain full flexibility as well as improved rotation strength and muscle stamina.
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Golf exercises targeting a golfer’s core are quite simple. Proper golf training exercise guarantees that your body has the perfect rotational power to back up your swing and get your shot across the fairway.
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Golf exercises targeting a golfer’s core are quite simple. Proper golf training exercise guarantees that your body has the perfect rotational power to back up your swing and get your shot across the fairway.
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Exercise At Home When You Can’t Get To The Gym
July 14, 2012 by admin
Filed under Back Exercises
Article by Glenn Dickstein
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Yesterday was an awful day weatherwise. Whether you work in an office or you work at home, this was not the kind of day that motivated you to head to the gym. Yesterday was the kind of day where you want to stay in bed or on the couch and watch a full season of your favorite show on DVD. The skies were gray, the rain was hard at times. There were even a couple of claps of thunder ringing through the afternoon sky. If you actually thought about skipping the gym, there is no reason that you couldn’t just decide to do some quick exercises at home instead.
Working in a home office has positive and negative aspects. Without getting into the list of pros and cons, let’s just agree that being able to exercise on impulse is an advantage. While you may not have work colleagues to motivate you for a noontime workout, you do have great flexibility of how and when to exercise. You never know when you will need to expend some nervous energy or release some stress. I am often reminded of the scene in “A Few Good Men”, where Tom Cruise, Demi Moore, and Kevin Pollack are discussing the case and Tom Cruise suddenly decides he has to go and get his bat. “I think better with my bat,” he says. For many, exercise is the bat and when you need to do it, you need to do it. It probably would not look so good to see someone doing push ups in the middle of the office. Colleagues would think the person has lost it. But if you need to do some push ups or jumping jacks and you work at home, this is a more acceptable energy outlet.
Exercise options for the home have changed significantly over the last decade. There was a time in the 1980’s when workout videos were the craze. People couldn’t get enough of them. With the explosion of personal training in NYC, many personal trainers in Queens are becoming more than trainers. They are innovators and entrepreneurs. It seems like everyday there are new kinds of resistance bands, stretch bands, water filled weights, sand filled weights, adjustable weights, and mats. Every tweak seems to add a whole new brand and style of workout. This is in addition to the already vast amounts of innovative workout dvds and videos touting different workout programs.
No longer are home workouts limited to push ups, sit ups, and a jump rope. Those are great options, but now there are many new pieces of equipment you can incorporate that do not take up much space at home. Many of the items listed above can be slid underneath a couch or stored in a closet until it is time to get moving. Resistance bands can help provide you with a vast number of upper body exercises to help strengthen and tone your arms, back, shoulders, and chest. If you can loop it behind a pole or under your feet to stabilize it, you can get some great shoulder raises or bicep curls done. Many of these bands will come with literature outlining many, but not all, of the exercises that can be performed with the product.
Remember to see your doctor for a complete checkup before starting any physical fitness or weight training program,. A complete annual physical should be a part of everyone’s wellness plan. This simple visit to your doctor can help stave off chronic or serious health problems from developing. This is especially important if you will be working out when you are alone. If you are at risk for any health problems, you will want to know before you get started. Plus, this will give you a great picture of your current state of health so your can compare later on for results.
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About the AuthorI have always believed that anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle should have the opportunity. For more information please visit neighborhoodtrainer.com.
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About the AuthorI have always believed that anyone who wants to live a healthy lifestyle should have the opportunity. For more information please visit neighborhoodtrainer.com.
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The Ultimate Back Exercises To Do At Home For Monster Muscle
July 12, 2012 by admin
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Article by Alan Javier
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Back exercises are responsible for giving your torso that attractive ‘V’ taper. You need to remember that there are two different types of back exercises: The ones where you need to pull in a perpendicular manner to your body and the ones where you need to pull in a direction aligned with your body.
Now, if you are looking for effective back exercises to do at home, then let us emphasize at the outset that pull-ups are probably the most important exercises you can do for your back, whether at home or at the gym. That being said, let us take a closer look at what they can do for you.
Not only working your back muscles, but your biceps as well. And if you want to develop a Lat spread commonly called ‘wings’,then pull-ups can be the most important tool you can use.
If you only get the chance to do two exercises for your back, then you should definitely choose these and push-ups.
The good thing about pull-ups is that you will need practically nothing more than a sturdy bar or doorframe. Take note, though, that the lack of equipment does not make this exercise very easy to perform. In fact, it can be quite difficult, especially for a beginner. After all, it is not very easy to lift your own weight unless you already are very lean and strong.
If you are a beginner and you want to take advantage of the benefits that these hardcore exercises have to offer, then you will need either a training partner who can spot you and make sure you maintain proper form or a low positioning of the pull-up bar so that you can simply push off from the floor lightly with your feet until you grow strong enough for an unasisted lift.
Remember to perform each rep slowly and refrain from swinging, kicking, or gyrating in any way. It is also advisable for you to use lifting straps to prevent your wrist from giving out in the middle of your workouts.
When you have gotten stronger and more used to doing pull-ups, you can also choose to perform any of its variations. One good variation is called the alternating grip pull-up. It is done by gripping the bar with one palm facing towards you and your other palm facing away. After a few minutes, switch the positions of your palms and then repeat the exercise. This is an excellent way of making your back muscles work harder if basic pull-ups have become too easy. Another good variation is the narrow-grip pull-up. It is done by gripping the bar with your hands close together. As you lift your body, bring it towards one side and then the other. You can also choose to do basic pull-ups while holding a dumbbell in-between your legs for added resistance.
However you choose to do your pulls, remember to keep proper form at all times. Take note as well that exercise without proper nutrition can be useless. Therefore, you should also follow a good nutrition guide while you work your muscles. By taking full advantage of the best back exercises to do at home and the right diet, you can easily look forward to a healthier and fitter life!
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Discover How To Build Muscle Fast, Naturally And Safely With The Supreme 90 Day Workout. In MUCH less time than you ever thought possible…
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Iso 7X – Home Strength Training Equipment
July 7, 2012 by admin
Filed under Strength Training
Do you know how to build body strength. Life nowadays requires certain discipline in oneself and this also includes the determination in one person. Dieting is one example of a perfect discipline. Most of the people already seeks for guidance in dieting and losing weight. Some settle for home strength training equipment, it would be a lot more effective for them. The ideal body that pictures out a healthy and fit figure.
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In this kind of endeavor, balanced diet is really required for you to be able to be an effective one. So try to consider things that should be done and should not, for you to be able to succeed of course. Everything would be given by this Home strength training equipment.
On how to gain strength, all you would be needing in being successful in strength building supplement is consistence and look forward to what you need to obtain so that you may be able to get what you really are aiming for.
If you are to base everything in a single supplement that could be possible that is for you on how to build muscle and stay lean.
But it would really be more effective if you would include proper exercise. Like including stretching into your daily endeavor for you to be able to be helped on a natural way to gain muscle. Eat the right food and the nutritious ones for you to be able to find it easier to maintain the body that you are aiming for. Fruits and vegetables are really that effective, as we all know there are so much fibers that can be taken from these nutritious kinds of foods. You have To be consistent, in everything you do consistency is also a requirement.
You should be applying more than or at least 30 or 40 minutes of cardio in your so-called “fat-burning zone”, two or three times a week isn’t going to be enough, so do it everyday for a faster development. As you’ve learned, a full-body training program that includes both cardiovascular and resistance exercise will deliver better, faster results. You need to be consistent and it is important to set up a goal and then choose the right exercises for you, at least select the best and think of an exercise that could really help you. Be consistent as well as give time on exercising.
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This author writes about How To Build Upper Body Strength Fast and ISO 7X

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Workout In The Comfort Of Your Home: Buy Exercise Balls
June 30, 2012 by admin
Filed under Abdominal Exercises
Article by Kirti_saxena
Workout In The Comfort Of Your Home: Buy Exercise Balls – Business
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An exercise ball, commonly referred to as a Swiss ball, is constructed of soft elastic and filled with air. It usually has a diameter ranging from 35 to 85 cm. It is a high-quality ball, which is also known as a gym, stability, yoga, balance, birth, therapy, and pilates ball. The Swiss ball was used in the early 1960s by physical therapists and and chiropractors in Switzerland to assist with rehabilitation. In late 1980s, coaches and athletic trainers in USA found it far more valuable and versatile than just for rehab use as it was extremely effective in developing balance and increasing the strength of core muscles.Swiss balls are one of the top fitness tools today. Buy exercise balls if you are finding it difficult to hit the gym everyday as it can be used at home. There are plenty of Swiss exercises to train and shape your whole body. The Swiss ball is ideal for abdominal exercises. They offer a better workout for your abs than the regular crunches. Using this exercise ball also strengthens your lower back and abdominal muscles. The ball increases your ability to maintain stability and balance, along with improving coordination of muscles and alignment of your body. The main muscles that help and stabilize the support of your entire body on the ball are the lower back and abdominal muscles. As these exercises on the Swiss ball strengthen your muscles, they also make you lose weight by reducing body fat. It is also a great tool for stretching exercises as various stretching positions can be easily and safely tried with the support of the ball. It is advisable to buy exercise balls to workout in the comfort of your home and hence improve your flexibility and strength. The Swiss game supports the entire weight of your body while exercising, thus providing a full range of motion for maximum muscle stimulation.While choosing an exercise ball, keep a note of your height and then select the ball with an appropriate diameter. The following tips must be noted if you are looking forward to buy exercise balls: If the height of the user is below 5 feet, then he/she must go for a ball that measures 45 cm in diameter. Those who are more than a height of 5 feet must opt for a ball that is 55 cm in diameter. If the user’s height is below 6 feet 2 inches, then a ball measuring 65 cm will be apt, and if the user’s height is more 6 feet 3 inches, then the ball must be 75 cm in diameter.
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