Men’s Health Huge in a Hurry: Get Bigger, Stronger, and Leaner in Record Time with the New Science of Strength Training

November 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
Men’s Health Huge in a Hurry will add inches to your muscles and increase your strength, with noticeable results quickly, no matter how long you’ve been lifting. Author Chad Waterbury offers the most current neuromuscular science to debunk the fitness myths and conventional wisdom that may be wreaking havoc on your workouts and inhibiting your gains. Forget lifting moderate weights slowly for lots and lots of sets and reps. The best way to get huge in a hurry is to … More >>

Men’s Health Huge in a Hurry: Get Bigger, Stronger, and Leaner in Record Time with the New Science of Strength Training

Big Arm Muscles – Get Huge Ripped Arms with one of these Tricep and Bicep Exercises

August 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Mark Steinolad

Big Arm Muscles – Get Huge Ripped Arms with one of these Tricep and Bicep Exercises –

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Biceps are most likely the foremost overworked muscle while in the arm, this really is no bad thing obviously. The bad thing comes if your biceps are trained at the cost of any tricep training.

To essentially get big arm muscles you must be working out both your biceps and then your triceps.

The right workout for getting yourself big arm muscles may be to perform a high intensity circuit of bicep exercises and tricep exercises.

We have found one I recommend to beginners:

First of all hit the biceps. You are going to want to perform standing dumbbell curls with a weight with which it is possible to do between 8 and 10 reps.

Upon having completed the standing dumbbell curls then you definitely should jump into doing preacher curls. These preacher curls should really be for similar volume of reps but really should be used with a slightly lighter weighted dumbbell.

Remember when you have completed your reps to alternate your arm and perform an identical reps with the opposite arm.

These two bicep exercises put consecutively really should be enough to help increase your bicep size.

But don’t rest just yet, you will still have to work those triceps in order to get full arm growth.

You now are going to want to execute overhead tricep extensions again with a weight were you can do 8-10 reps for.

Once you are done with this you are going to get down into Tricep Dips, either at a dipping machine or on the edge of a bench.

Here you will perform as numerous repeitions that you can until you stop.

And that is exactly it, hopefully with this workout your triceps and biceps definitely will feel it big time. If you find you start to get through this easily then toss in yet another superset, for example concentration curls, tricep extensions etc. Use your imagination!

About the Author

Remember! Do not train just your arms alone. Training your arms alone will do nothing to lose chest fat. Instead what you need to be doing are these chest workouts for fat loss

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Mark Steinolad

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Remember! Do not train just your arms alone. Training your arms alone will do nothing to lose chest fat. Instead what you need to be doing are these chest workouts for fat loss

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

FAZZ Top Bicep Exercises Without Weights – Chinup Variations – – – – – – – chinups pullups chin ups and pull up bar workout Best Fast plyos Chin-ups levers hammer grip proper form work out with no weights only without gym at home barbell 21s training Dumbells 21’s dumbbells preachers…
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Huge & Freaky Muscle Mass and Strength Secrets: Build a Body Fortress Naturally

June 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Guide

Product Description
This book is for bodybuilders who want the know-how on gaining huge muscular bodyweight. It contains a detailed multi-phase program to help increase present strength and accelerate muscle gains. Readers get primary and secondary muscle-gain workouts, core growth workouts, descriptions of sets and reps, and info on gaining muscle weight without gaining fat — the healthy way…. More >>

Huge & Freaky Muscle Mass and Strength Secrets: Build a Body Fortress Naturally

The Best Muscle Building Exercises For Biceps – Why You Must Do These for Huge Arms

May 29, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Rick Porter

The Best Muscle Building Exercises For Biceps – Why You Must Do These for Huge Arms – Health – Supplements and Vitamins

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The most trained muscle in the gym is the biceps. They are the best muscle to show off in a t-shirt (tight shirt) and they give the immediate appearance of strength. There are numerous biceps building exercises to choose from and the biggest mistake is picking the wrong ones and doing too many of them.

The reason most guys have arms that don’t grow is because they have the wrong idea about how to build huge arms. For some reason early on we are taught that more is better but I can tell you that those rules does not work when you try to use them with arm training. If you do too many exercises and sets and your arms will not be able to recover in between workouts and they will never grow. To build your biceps all you really need is two exercises. These two muscle building exercises will change the way your arms look forever.

The Close Grip Reverse Chin UpThe first of the muscle building exercises that you must use to grow massive biceps is the close grip reverse chin up. Don’t be fooled that this is simply a pull up with a reverse grip. It will make your arms grow faster than curls. Set your hands only about 6 to 8 inches apart rather than taking a wide grip. Anytime you do an exercise where you physically have to move your body through space your muscles are forced to work harder and will adapt quicker.That is why exercises like squats, deadlifts, chin ups, and dips work so well at gaining muscle mass. Do 4 sets of 6 to 8 reps of reverse chin ups. Pull yourself up as fast as you can and lower yourself down slower with a count of about 2 seconds. Rest about 2 minutes in between sets and hit another set. If you can do more than 6 to 8 reps it’s time to add some resistance. You’ll need one of those belts with a chain around it to strap plates on. If you don’t have one of these you can cross your feet and put a small dumbbell hanging from them. Or get some rope and tie a couple plates around your waist. Add just enough resistance so that you are hitting the 6 to 8 repetition range.

Standing Bicep Barbell CurlThis is pretty self explanatory, just a straight or cambered curl bar with some weights on the end. The best muscle building exercises are usually the simplest movements with free weights. Strict form is the essential part of a barbell curl if you want them to do something for you. Keep your back straight with your elbows tight to your sides. Don’t use momentum to get the weight started up. If you need to swing the weight up then check your ego and lower the weights. You want your biceps to be hurting at the completion for the set rather than your lower back and shoulders. Do 4 sets of this for 6 to 8 reps. Remember that the form is really the key here because you are looking for maximum biceps stimulation. Once you get to 6 or 7 really strict reps you can cheat on 1 to get to number 8 but that’s it.

Increase the Resistance ConsistentlyThis is a simple workout and simple works the best. If you stick to this for six weeks your biceps will grow fast but you need to make sure you are consistently increasing the weight and always trying to perform more repetitions. Don’t do the same amount of work each time you hit the gym. The best way to make sure you always push a little harder is by keeping a workout journal. Keeping a log ensures long term success.

Muscle Building Workouts for the latest workout programs to gain muscle mass and how to get ripped fast or find prohormones to buy the best prohormones and legal steroid reviews.

About the Author

I am a fitness professional and sports nutrition expert dedicated to learning how to make the human body perform past its peak to get maximum visible and measurable results from clients. I have been a state champion wrestler, spent 4 years in the Marines, and became a ISSA Certified Personal Trainer. Most recently I am working on teaching people to maintain a fitness and nutrition plan that meets their own lifestyles of likes and dislikes.

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Rick Porter

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I am a fitness professional and sports nutrition expert dedicated to learning how to make the human body perform past its peak to get maximum visible and measurable results from clients. I have been a state champion wrestler, spent 4 years in the Marines, and became a ISSA Certified Personal Trainer. Most recently I am working on teaching people to maintain a fitness and nutrition plan that meets their own lifestyles of likes and dislikes.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Kettlebell Drills For Women – 2 Exercises For the Female Kettlebell Beginner to Get Huge Results!

May 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

I must say that lately I have been getting lot of questions from the hardcore female fitness enthusiast about kettlebells and this really excites me. It has taken a while, but I guess I am starting to make sense to the ladies that are at least open-minded on different methods of training. Because of this I have included 2 base drills below to help you ladies who are also hungry for more information on kettlebell training and fitness, but may be in the beginning stages of your kettlebell program.

To begin, the base movement or lift of the kettlebell is known as the double-arm swing. This particular exercise incorporates about 75 to 85% of your working muscles and will yield a huge result within the scope of your training program. Because of this you benefit from a huge calorie burn, tremendous cardiovascular conditioning, and a big love affair with this different way of training!

To perform the double-arm swing you will want to make sure that you stand with your feet about shoulder width apart.

Perform a proper squat and pick up the bell. From here you will want to execute a movement known as the hip snap. This is done by you flexing and extending at your hips and knees back and forth in a continuos fluent motion. As you do this your arms should be straight and your shoulders should be retracted. Throughout this movement allow the kettlebell to swing back and forth between your legs creating an arc that brings the bell up to your chest level. For starters, attempt to complete 20 to 30 reps with a moderately heavy bell for each set. You will quickly see how training with kettlebells is a whole new world of fitness!

The next drill I want to talk about is a more intense version of the double-arm swing.

This drill is called a full range double-arm swing and is performed just like the normal swing with the exception that you allow the bell to build enough momentum to elevate all the way up to above your head! This adds immediate intensity to the drill being performed. Take your women’s fitness and kettlebell training to new heights. Give these drills a try and feel free to email me to let me know about your progress. Ladies, train hard and train flawlessly!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I’m Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

Chest Exercises For Men – Explosive Chest Workout to Get Huge Pecs!

February 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Ombladom Freacka

Chest exercises for men can really build muscle parts of your muscles so you get killer pecs! In the following paragraphs I wish to let you know the best four exercises to make your chest look huge. To get a bigger chest you have to make parts of your muscles work, so dont skip any of these exercises since they are hard! If you are using them you will begin to visit a massive difference in the size your pecs very quickly…

Chest Workouts For Men – What You Need To Know…

There are plenty of possible exercises that can be done to target your chest muscles, however the best are the ones that i am going to give out. These exercises should be done in sequence so that you develop a super-set (instead of doing them in almost any order that you would like when you are during a workout session.)

Chest Exercises For males – Exercise 1: The T-Press Up

Step one: Enter into the press up position, with your hands approximately shoulder-width apart and your body straight from your ankles for your head.

Step two: Tense your abs, dont drop or lift up your hips and lower you to ultimately the floor.

Step 3: Do a standard push-up, then lift up your weaker arm and raise it up. Your body will turn which means that your torso is facing left. Take control of your body then go back to the first step. (Swap which hand you raise after every press up!)

For this chest exercise you want to do 10-15 of those in the first set so that as many as possible around the second.

Chest Exercises For males – Exercise 2: Parallel Bar Dips

This chest being active is a toughy! Dont allow that to stop you from doing the work as it will really aid you in getting a larger chest. What you would like is parallel bars inside your gym. When there is several option then use bars which are spaced further apart (this works the chest area muscles more; when they were closer theyd work the triceps more.)

Step 1: Grip the bars so that your arms are straight and youre elevated above the ground.

Step 2: Decrease your body so that your arms bend. You need to slowly lower your body until your upper arms are parallel down.

Step three: Lift up your body towards the start position and repeat.

With this exercise you want to do 10-15 reps around the first set, then return to exercise 1 to complete the second set of that, then do as many dips as you can for that second set.

Now have a 2 minute break because were going to do the next exercises in the chest workout for males – which exercises need weights!

Chest Exercises For Men – Exercise 3: The Bench Press

The bench press is the most popular chest exercise for males that theres to get a bigger chest.

Step 1: You need to use a barbell at heavy weight and lay out and grip the bar together with your hands shoulder-width apart.

Step 2: Go ahead and take bar from the stand and hold it above your chest.

Step three: Lower the bar until it is 1-2 inches above your chest.

Step four: Raise it to the starting position.

Make use of a spotter if youre able to. If you cant then avoid using a weight thats overweight! Move immediately move on to the next exercise…

Chest Exercises For Men – Exercise 4: The Dumbbell Fly

Step one: Lie on a workout bench with a dumbbell in each hand, raised above your chest so that your arms are nearly straight.

Step 2: In an arc shape, move the dumbbells out to the side, so that your arms are parallel towards the floor on either side of you.

Step three: Lift your arms support.

Take 2 minutes, then move to exercise 3, then immediately for this someone to complete the set.

Chest Exercises For Men – What You Should Think About…

Keep in mind that when you do chest exercises with the purpose of getting a bigger chest, you need to use household names. For every from the weighted exercises you need to struggle to do 15 reps. If 15-20 reps are easy then use heavier weights.

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More Back Exercises For Men Articles

Kettlebell Drills For Women – 2 Exercises For the Female Kettlebell Beginner to Get Huge Results!

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

I must say that lately I have been getting lot of questions from the hardcore female fitness enthusiast about kettlebells and this really excites me. It has taken a while, but I guess I am starting to make sense to the ladies that are at least open-minded on different methods of training. Because of this I have included 2 base drills below to help you ladies who are also hungry for more information on kettlebell training and fitness, but may be in the beginning stages of your kettlebell program.

To begin, the base movement or lift of the kettlebell is known as the double-arm swing. This particular exercise incorporates about 75 to 85% of your working muscles and will yield a huge result within the scope of your training program. Because of this you benefit from a huge calorie burn, tremendous cardiovascular conditioning, and a big love affair with this different way of training!

To perform the double-arm swing you will want to make sure that you stand with your feet about shoulder width apart.

Perform a proper squat and pick up the bell. From here you will want to execute a movement known as the hip snap. This is done by you flexing and extending at your hips and knees back and forth in a continuos fluent motion. As you do this your arms should be straight and your shoulders should be retracted. Throughout this movement allow the kettlebell to swing back and forth between your legs creating an arc that brings the bell up to your chest level. For starters, attempt to complete 20 to 30 reps with a moderately heavy bell for each set. You will quickly see how training with kettlebells is a whole new world of fitness!

The next drill I want to talk about is a more intense version of the double-arm swing.

This drill is called a full range double-arm swing and is performed just like the normal swing with the exception that you allow the bell to build enough momentum to elevate all the way up to above your head! This adds immediate intensity to the drill being performed. Take your women’s fitness and kettlebell training to new heights. Give these drills a try and feel free to email me to let me know about your progress. Ladies, train hard and train flawlessly!

To learn more about Kettlebells, Fitness, and achieving Total Mind-Blowing Strength come and visit me at:
To be one of my members and to receive more tips on INSANE BODY CONSTRUCTION please visit me at:
I’m Brandon Richey the Strength and Conditioning Pro!

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