Kettlebell Workouts Kick Ass!

September 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Kettlebell Exercises

Article by Tony Rehor

Kettlebell Workouts Kick Ass! – Health – Fitness

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Kettlebell Workouts plain kick ass for burning fat.

Are you feeling the difference in your body from that killer Kettlebell workout?

With each workout routine exercise session, your body is transformed from what it was to what you want it to be and that is hot. You are on an intense journey from fat and flabby to fabulous and you’ll feel great?

Keep the pressure on with your Kettlebell workout routine.You are progressing very nicely. Now you want to keep the intense pressure on as you start to kick things up a notch. If you’ve done some good research, you probably no doubt heard about the Kettlebell Swing Snatch Pull workout. We will soon go over this powerful kettlebell exercise that works on your back and your legs.

Kettlebell workouts work more than just one set of muscles at a time.Let me quickly say that even though kettlebell workout exercises are targeting a just a particular muscle group, you are getting a comprehensive work out also in your arms and abs too.

As you hold in your body’s core and swing your kettlebell weight, you are also strengthening other muscle groups as well. This is what so firkin awesome about the Russian kettlebell is.

On a normal treadmill or a body elliptical, you just work out one muscle group and that’s your legs. But with a kettlebell, you work out everything and you also reap the benefits with your total body workout.

Now let’s get back to our kettlebell exercise.

The Kettlebell Swing, Snatch, and PullYou need to stand with your feet spread apart for this kettlebell workout. Bend your body over with your knees slightly bent. Your back should be straight with your head up. Now let’s Place your kettlebell on the floor. Now just grip it with one hand and swing it slowly between your legs as if passing it to someone behind you. OK now keeping your arm straight and firm holding your kettlebell now bring the kettlebell weight forward as you start to rise up to a normal standing position. OK now continue to raise the kettbell above your head as you do this slowly return the weight to the starting position. Repeat this workout routine now using the other arm.

For Beginners 5 reps is enough.For you seniors 3-5 reps should do.You advanced kettlebell users 12-15 reps will kick ass.

Muscle focused on is your back and your legs.

As a kettlebell beginner you should keep focusing on the kettlebell technique. You should try not to do too many kettlebell reps to start. You’ll increase reps in time and as you build up your strength.

Go to YouTube and Watch a demo of the kettlebell Swing, Snatch, Pull here. Never try to use two Kettlebell’s at the same time. You can aspire yourself to get there but just not right now or you will get hurt. Focus just on the kettlebell technique.

Each day for your workout routine you can add on one or two more additional reps until you get to your main goal. It is always good to challenge yourself. By taking small baby steps toward your ultimate kettlebell goal, it makes it more real and obtainable.

Always remember to exercise with good judgment, always follow the safety tips, and listen to your own body. And please make sure that you inhale as you go down and exhale as you come up or you can have a problem. Filling your lungs with air so that your muscles will get proper oxygenation is a must with a kettlebell workout.

When you start to see the impressive results by doing your kettlebell workouts, you’ll want to do even more workout routines. You’ll want to always try to challenge yourself.

When that proper time comes, there is a kettlebell program you’ll want to check out.

The Kettlebell Burn is a killer fat burning program that tests what you’re really made of. If you want to take your workout to the next major level, start the Kettlebell Burn routine.

In just 16 weeks, your body will be completely transformed into mass muscle.

If you want to start out kind of slow and work your own way up, consider the awesome 21-day Kettlebell Swing Challenge. Each of these videos is under 20 minutes. Have the killer body you want without plain slaving at the local gym for it in just 21 days!

Remember to keep Kettle belling!

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AdminBurn Fat with Kettlebell workouts.

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Tony Rehor

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AdminBurn Fat with Kettlebell workouts.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
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MMA Training Workouts – Do You Want To Look Great and Learn to Kick Butt?

April 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Paul Halme

The Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) workout is a new workout regimen that is gaining popularity due to its effectiveness, both as an aerobic exercise and as an anaerobic exercise. This workout targets specific muscles in the body which makes it all the more effective. This type of workout is designed to constantly change the pace of the routines to help participants lose weight faster than usual.

And because MMA training workouts are very dynamic, with the changes of pace incorporated in it, participants develop better stamina and improves their endurance. Aside from the pace, changes in the exercise also include using different equipment which translates to participants getting stronger throughout their programs.

An MMA training workouts can be performed alone, but is best when done with the help of professionals. Professional trainers with MMA workout experience will help participants lose weight faster and develop muscles sooner. Professionals are able to offers advises as well as tips on how to perform certain routines the proper way, which will also help participants avoid injuries.

As in all types of other workouts, it is imperative that participants have the right attitude before committing to a certain program. Those who decide to take on this type of workout must have the right determination, commitment and will to be able to achieve the goals he/she has set beforehand.

MMA training workouts incorporate many facets of the sport of MMA into the exercise. Some of these include take-downs, striking with hands and feet, grappling, wrestling, clinching and ground-pound technique. Not every UFC fighter uses all these aspects of the fighting game, but in the ever-increasing MMA World it seems that being a well rounded fighter is becoming more and more important to winning!

Aside from seeking the advice of professionals, there are many ways of learning more about MMA training workouts. One can join online communities to learn additional information about proper techniques related to a good workout. Training videos are also available for sale that will teach how to do the routines the right way. Sherdog is one such community.

MMA training workouts are effective in losing weight and building muscles, but the bonus with it is that participants also learn techniques about self-defense. You really get more out of this training than you might imagine. Not only do you learn to defend yourself, but you also in a short time will look great too! That is a huge bonus.

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Building Muscle Tips – Getting the Extra Grunt You Need to Kick Your Body Into Gear Building Muscle

January 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Get in Shape

Article by Dave Vower

You want building muscle tips? OK, You’ve got it!

Building Muscle Tips #1

Workout 3-4 times a week lifting weights. Yeah yeah, I know, it just makes sense. But you’d be surprised to find out how many people think they can skip this step. Lots of heavy people with little to know muscle strength! You’ve gotta get into the gym, or do some kind of resistance training at least 3 times a week to stimulate your body to grow and repair… therefore creating heavier and stronger muscles. You want to build muscle? You’ve gotta lift weight.

Building Muscle Tips #2

Eat to gain muscle. You’ve gotta eat good quality food and at least 5 meals a day. Ideally, get some food into your body every 2-3 hours or so. If you need to one of the best things to do is simply supplement your diet with a quality whey protein shake or a protein snack bar. This way you’ll be getting all the quality protein your body needs to repair the muscles as you train. Extra tips: Avoid sugar, preservatives, and chemicals. They’ll strip the nutrients from your body and make you feel sleepy and tired. You’re gonna need your energy to train so eat healthy raw foods, not take away. When you think about eating take away, think of how slow and sluggish you’ll feel, then reach for an apple or something!

Building Muscle Tips #3

Do comprehensive exercises. These are exercises that have one large movement that work out many muscles all at once. The best ones to do are listed below.

* Squats * Deatlifts * Dips * Chin-ups * Bench Press * Military Press * Lat Pull Downs * Bent Over Rows

Do Squats every time you train, the massive muscles in your quads being exercised hard will stimulate the growth hormone Testosterone and your whole body will benefit by experiencing extra growth.

Building Muscle Tips #4

Strip that fat from your body by doing Interval Training (Also called HIIT, and Fartlek Training). This kind of training can be done on every off day (i.e. when you’re not training weights), but remember to take off 1 day each week where you DO NOT train. This is so your body can recover.

Interval training is done with short (usually 30 second) sets of very intense activity like sprinting, followed by a longer and less intense session (about 20-30% of your max) of jogging or walking. Doing this will increase your metabolism dramatically and you’ll notice the higher energy consumption of your body sometimes for days after a good training session. And the great thing is that you only have to train for about 15 minutes to get the benefits! This is how professional bodybuilders strip fat quickly and it’s the best way yet.

Building Muscle Tips #5

Get a training partner. Yep, get someone to motivate you into shape, someone who’s got similar goals as you, and hopefully the same commitment (if not more) as you.

Make sure you make a commitment on time and place to train, intensity level during training, and focus during training. You can socialize and check out the girls after you’ve done the hard work.

If you’re looking for the best advice or a personal trainer and you cant find someone in person, one of the best things to do is plug in your ipod, and listen to some motivating “success coach” while you train. This will ensure you give it your best. There are some good training programs targeting muscle building available online today.

Dave has been writing articles online for nearly 3 years now. Not only does this author specialize in health, fitness and relationships you can also check out his latest websites: Wilson Softball GlovesYonex Badminton Racquet

Bodyweight Calisthenics: Give Your “Cardio” A Kick In The Pants

December 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Eddie Lomax

If you are one of the people who believe steady-state aerobic exercise is the only way to improve cardiorespiratory endurance and burn fat, you’re in for a treat. Bodyweight calisthenics are an excellent way to get a full body workout that includes the heart and lungs. I’ll show you how to use bodyweight exercise in a second, but first let’s talk a little about cardiorespiratory endurance.

Cardiorespiratory endurance is the level of ability your body has to gather, process, deliver and sustain oxygen to produce energy for use in physical activity. Basically, the respiratory system gathers and starts to process the oxygen. The cardiovascular system continues to process and distributes the oxygen. So, your cardiorespiratory endurance is the level of efficiency your heart and lungs have to sustain and deliver oxygen for energy.

So, when most people want to improve their endurance they do cardiorespiratory conditioning exercises (cardio) to improve endurance by “conditioning” the heart and lungs. Unfortunately, the form of cardiorespiratory conditioning usually takes the form of aerobic exercise. And bodyweight calisthenics are completely ignored! But the fact is, any activity can improve cardiorespiratory endurance if they are done properly, and bodyweight exercises and calisthenics are an excellent choice.

There is something important I should mention. The type of cardio conditioning you do improves over-all endurance. But, the increased endurance is most closely related to the activity used. This means if you ride an exercise bike, your cardiorespiratory endurance will primarily be improved for bike riding. This is fine if you ride a bike in your normal, everyday life. But this has limited application for most people who are involved in a wide variety of activities both in and out of the gym.

If, on the other hand, you use bodyweight calisthenics for your cardio conditioning, you are using a wide variety of movements and muscles. Bodyweight exercises and calisthenics more closely represent the movements of highly random movements encountered in sport, work and life. So, you could make a case that cardiorespiratory conditioning using bodyweight calisthenics is better for endurance improvement that can be used in and out of the gym.

Plus, bodyweight calisthenics use all the muscles in your body. Compare this to the predominately lower body exercises of jogging or riding a bike. So, using bodyweight exercises allow you to build a strong, lean physique while improving cardiorespiratory endurance and burning fat!

Just think about it. Let’s say you do a fast paced bodyweight workout consisting of a circuit of bodyweight exercises and calisthenics. You’ll simultaneously build strong muscles and burn fat while improving heart and lung function. You wouldn’t even have to do a long, slow aerobic workout to supplement your training.

I hope this article has opened you eyes to the wide variety of possibilities available to improve cardiorespiratory endurance. You don’t always have to do long-slow aerobic exercise. And the truth is, using other forms of training to simultaneously improve heart and lung power can prepare you better for the challenges of sport, work and life. Bodyweight calisthenics are an excellent choice for both building a strong, lean, athletic physique and building a strong heart and lungs.

Coach Eddie Lomax, author of Workout Without Weights uses bodyweight calisthenics to improve fitness, burn fat and build an attractive physique.