How To Lift Weights For Maximum Fat Loss & Minimal Size

September 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Katie Faulkner

How To Lift Weights For Maximum Fat Loss & Minimal Size – Health – Weight Loss

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If you’re a woman looking to lose pounds by weight lifting, then you’re not after size that most men are trying to build. Instead, you want all the fat burning effects that you get from weight lifting, but not the body builder look. Here’s how to lift weights to be sure you look trim and strong.

First of all, you only want to do exercises that have you moving more than one joint during the lift. This means that bicep curls and leg extensions are out, they just don’t do enough to get the job done.

Focus on bigger movements that involve two or more joints and you’ll get much better results and your workouts will be shorter as well. These are exercises like bench presses, squats, dead lifts, rows, and power cleans. Get a list going of all your favorite multi-joint exercises then put 4 or 5 together that will work your whole body. This will be your workout.

Now that you know which exercises you’re going to do, perform them in a circuit doing no more than 10 reps per exercise (if it’s too easy lift more weight). Do one exercise after another until you’ve completed all of them. Be sure to lift hard and don’t take breaks.

Repeat your circuit 3-4 times depending on how much time you’ve alotted to workout. By doing a weight lifting circuit like this, you’ll work all the muscles in your body and increase your metabolism by as much as possible. And unlike devoting a whole day to your biceps, it won’t make your muscles huge like a body builder.

Your next step is to click here now to learn the real way to lose weight for good, no more yo-yo dieting! Making small changes in your lifestyle is the only sure way to get healthy and stay slim for life.

I’ll show you how in my free healthy weight loss secrets course.

About the Author

Katie Faulkner enjoys teaching others how to lose weight easily without starving and taking expensive pills.

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Katie Faulkner

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Katie Faulkner enjoys teaching others how to lose weight easily without starving and taking expensive pills.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Arm Lift for Slimmer, Contoured Arms

August 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Aging, weight loss and other factors often result in extra fat and loose, sagging skin in different body areas. Flabby skin and excess fat accumulation in the upper arms can make you look much older than you really are. This condition can be corrected and your arms made to look more youthful with an arm lift/arm tuck. Known also by the name brachioplasty, an arm lift trims and reshapes your upper arms, thus helping you look more attractive. The procedure not only benefits you physically but also boosts your self esteem.

Arm Lift Surgery – Benefits

What you benefit from:

•  Well-proportioned and great looking arms
•  Wear clothes more comfortably
•  Enjoy a bigger choice of clothing
•  Improved self confidence

A single procedure is sufficient to tighten loose arm skin and get rid of excess fat.

Safe Procedure Ensuring Effective Results

With the new techniques available at present, you can get the desired aesthetic results without suffering much pain and discomfort.

With new technological advancements, arm tuck has become much safer and ensures effective results. Brachioplasty or arm lift is now carried out using the BodyTite device that ensures effective skin tightening advantages and successful fat removal. BodyTite is the latest technology in body contouring that uses radiofrequency energy to remove fat cells and tighten skin simultaneously.

•  The radiofrequency energy employed leaves the surrounding tissue in tact  
•  Since it is a minimally invasive procedure, local anesthesia is sufficient
•  Minimum pain, less bruising
•  Fast recovery without the need for a long hospital stay
•  Speedy return to normal activities
•  Since small incisions are made in this cosmetic surgery procedure, the scars, if any, will be minimal
•  It is done on an outpatient basis
•  The surgery is not long; it lasts approximately one or two hours. The time varies depending on the plastic surgeons and the degree of complexity of the patient  

Recovering from Arm Lift

When you plan to undergo arm lift surgery, there are certain precautions that you should take. During your initial consultation, your plastic surgeon will give you specific instructions on how to prepare for surgery. The surgeon will also tell you about the risks and consequences that may be associated with the surgery.  Make sure to follow all the instructions carefully to ensure fast recovery and the best outcomes. Your slimmer, contoured arms will last long provided you follow the prescribed exercises and a healthy diet.

Arm lift cosmetic surgery at bodySCULPT® is beneficial to correct heavy upper arms which are largely a consequence of aging, heredity, and weight loss wherein the skin in the upper arms did not tighten and became lax.

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Upper Arm Lift Surgery

August 11, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Brachioplasty, commonly referred to as Arm Lift, is a procedure in cosmetic surgery involving the reshaping of the upper arm from the under portion all the way down to the elbow.

Cost of Arm Lift Surgery

Plastic surgeons are beginning to offer financing opportunities to patients. The surgeon’s skill or expertise, location and the type of surgery to be performed influence the costs. Total costs include medical testing, garments worn after the surgery, prescription medicines, site of the surgery, and professional fees of the surgeon and anesthesiologist.

Choosing a board certified surgeon of good standing, notwithstanding a higher cost, would turn out to the patient’s advantage and best interests, in the long run. The total cost of a brachioplasty would range from $ 5,000 to $ 6,500.

Procedure for Arm Lift Surgery

General anesthesia or intravenous sedation are the two options for a patient about to undergo arm lift surgery.

Incisions would be made on either side of the arm, which would be extended from the underarm all the way to the elbow.

To remove excess fat from the targeted area, liposuction techniques are applied. The connective tissues are pulled tight and reshaped, then stitched up. The outer skin is also sutured.

Risks and Complications of Upper Arm Lift Surgery

Brachioplasty carries some risks, like any other surgical procedure. Negative consequences could include unsightly scarring, hematoma, infection, allergic reactions to the anesthetics, blood clots, poor wound healing.

It is best to consult your cosmetic surgeon on the risks of this particular operation. Do not forget to report any shortness of breath, chest pains, heart palpitations, to your doctor immediately.

These are indicative of grave consequences.

Recovery from Brachioplasty

The sutures are removed in a week or two after the operation. There could be some bruising and swelling. The patients are instructed to have their recovery in their homes and prescribed medicines for pain.

Advantages of Arm Lift Surgery

Going through an Arm Lift surgery is definitely more rewarding than not. After all the procedure and the recovery and the costs is the bonus of a remarkably youthful appearance. You wouldn’t be able to wait until the summer to show off your smoother, tighter arm contours in bathing suits, tank tops and sundresses once again.

Kalona Karrington is a writer and researcher for Cosmetic Surgery Today.

Visit from more information about how you can get rid of sagging and flabby upper arms in 6 weeks or less, without surgery, guaranteed.
Video Rating: 2 / 5

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Miami Thigh Lift ? Provide You the Opportunity to Wear Some Fitting Apparel!

May 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Miami thigh lift is being in great demand because of their advance technology used in this process and the expert surgeons available as well. After weight loss both women and men can get rippling and sagging of their thighs that could expand from the higher thighs to the knees.  There are so many people who’re not happy at all with their thighs. Most of the time women whine that they’re incapable to wear swimwear because their sagging skin rubs jointly between their thighs. The wrinkled sagging skin around the knees also keeps many women away to wear skirts. When the sagging of the buttocks and the outer thighs can normally address with a body lift process but the inner thighs can’t. In this regard, thigh lift is a better process that lifts as well as taunted the sagging thigh skin mostly the inner thighs. A thigh lift eliminates areas of unnecessary skin as well as can enhance the curve of thighs.

However, you must remember that this is a prime surgery; hence anybody considering it must ensure that they have taken away other options 1st.

Traditional Thigh Lift:

Two different kinds of thigh lifts could be performed according to the degree of skin laxity. However, if the rippling and skin laxity is mostly restricted to the higher inner thighs and the skin can’t extend to the complete perimeter of thighs, then traditional thigh lift could be performed. In this process the surgical scar is placed in the groin tuck expanding to the buttock tuck.

Extended Thigh Lift:

Often people that are seriously fat are currently left with wide laxity of the total thigh to the knees. An extended thigh lift is done in such cases. Apart from the mark of the groin tuck, there’s also an extended perpendicular mark that expands along the interior thigh height. In fact this perpendicular scar allows the doctor to eliminate the lax unnecessary skin of the whole thigh.

Can liposuction combined with thigh lifts:

Yes, absolutely both extended thigh lift and traditional thigh lift can be combined with liposuction to better counter the leg as well as decrease the size of large thighs.

Well, the thigh lift will take at least several hours according how much skin will be taken away. There might be risk include with clotting, infection and reaction to anaesthesia. And after the surgery there’ll be a great amount of bruising and swelling as well. Recovery from this surgery might take you several weeks. However, you must follow all the post operative instructions comprising the utilization of compression clothing which can decrease the swelling. Well, a thigh lift might cost you from $ 4,000 to $ 10,000 according to the degree of surgery. Remember that it is a major surgery, so you need to ensure that you have appointed a qualified and experienced plastic surgeon.

People that are looking for best Miami thigh lift in affordable price PascualMd is the one stop shop for them. Here they are going to avail with the best possible treatment.

Miami thigh lift

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When selecting apparel for weight training, find loose-fitting shirts, shorts and always wear athletic shoes. Learn more about picking apparel for weight training with tips from a personal trainer in this free exercise video about weight-training programs. Expert: Greg Koenig Bio: Greg Koenig is the owner of Fitness for Life. He has many years experience in helping individuals meet their personal fitness goals. Filmmaker: Reel Media LLC

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Hiring Plastic Surgeons For Arm Lift Surgery

February 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Alfred Ardis

Arm lift surgery is an increasingly popular plastic surgery procedure in the US and internationally. This procedure combines liposuction and skin removal surgery to restore a youthful, toned look to the upper arm region. The most common reasons for this surgery are age and profound weight loss. Plastic surgeons are seeing more men and women seeking out this procedure but find that many are not educated about the details. If you’ve heard of or thought about arm lift surgery, it’s best to get an informed idea about what this surgery entails before heading into a consultation session with a surgeon.

There are several reasons to look into an arm lift procedure. Depending on your unique body and what your body has experienced, surgical procedures can be minimally invasive or extensive. For men and women in their late 40s and early 50s, you may find that even an active lifestyle cannot reverse the signs of aging. Your underarms may become flabby and the skin start to sag. Diet and exercise will not help reverse this effect. Chances are if you live an active lifestyle, your arm lift procedure will simply require a surgeon to remove excess skin. Plastic surgeons can also reconstruct muscles to correct lost tone. For those who have lost a significant amount of weight, you may not only have excess skin but old fat that cannot be removed through diet and exercise. At any age, the longer your body retains excess fat the harder it is to remove. Your surgery will be more extensive and require some liposuction.

The basics of the procedure address the problematic area in the lower region of the upper arm and arm pit. The procedure can be minimally invasive or extensive, as discussed previously. You will be put under general anesthesia for the procedure. After the procedure, most plastic surgeons suggest a week of rest and several weeks of limited activity, especially reaching with your arms. Although results can vary, most patients find that revision surgery is unnecessary.

Plastic surgeons also find that many patients walk through their doors looking to arm lift surgery as a solution to their problems when diet and exercise has not been considered. Before you choose to make an appointment for a consultation, it is important to consider whether you can handle transformation on your own through diet and weight training. Just because you are interested in the surgery and committed to your decision does not make you a good candidate for surgery. Men and women in their 20s and 30s of average weight are rarely good candidates, for this surgery despite their general level of health.

When considering arm lift surgery, keep this information in mind. Plastic surgeons prefer to have in depth conversations and want prospective patients to fully understand the procedure they are considering. If you feel comfortable with what you’ve learned here, you are more prepared for a consultation.

When interested in getting an arm lift surgery and looking for plastic surgeons in Arizona be sure to check out the credentials of the staff at

Hi, in this video I show you how to build and tone your arm muscles, specifically, your biceps, triceps, chest and shoulders. Weightlifting with dumbbells is a wonderful way to strengthen and tone your arms; even works your core and back. Increasing your muscle tone also revs up your metabolism by increasing your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) so you’ll burn more calories even at rest. I hope you find this video helpful. Please subscribe because I have many more helpful videos to come on so many helpful topics. There’s something for everyone! Thanks for viewing :o) For more helpful tips please visit me at my blogspot: To purchase a YouTips4U Custom Designed T-Shirt, please click here