Marines Physical Fitness Test: How to Prepare

September 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Physical Fitness

Article by Bryant Towell

Marines Physical Fitness Test: How to Prepare – Health

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The Marines Physical Fitness Test is the toughest among the branches in the United States military. You need to score well on the Marine physical fitness test whether you are a recruit or active duty. A great score on the PFT is essential for recruits to make it through Boot Camp, and it is even more important for officer candidates to be accepted into Officer Candidate School. For enlisted Marines, promotion also hinges on a first-class score. Here are some tips on how to prepare for the Marines physical fitness test.


Pull-ups are the most difficult exercise in the Marine physical fitness test, but they also present the greatest opportunity for score improvement. Each component of the PFT is worth 100 points, and a perfect score on pull-ups requires 20 repetitions. That means each pull-up is worth five points!

If you struggle with pull-ups and cannot do at least 10, you need to quickly build up your strength. This is best accomplished by doing pull-ups each and every day. Not every set needs to be an all-out effort, though. In fact, it is more productive to constantly practice good form by doing sets of 5 or 6. Do 10 or more of these “easy” sets per day, and you will quickly build up the strength to do 10 or more without letting go of the bar.

If you can already do 10 or more pull-ups, you should try increasing your overall strength by adding weight with a chain belt or weight vest. Using extra resistance can be much more effective than simply practicing with your body weight all the time. Once you take the weight off, your own body will feel lighter, and getting 20 reps will be far easier.


Most Marines joke that the sit-up portion of the physical fitness test is a “gift” from the Corps because it is so easy. In fact, many recruiting offices require their recruits to score perfect with 100 sit-ups before they will allow them to ship to Boot Camp.

Still, sit-ups require practice. You can quickly build up the endurance to perform 100 in the two minute time limit, but you can also easily lose it if you slack in your training. An easy way to get your sit-ups in is to do them every morning and night. If you can already do 100, then always do 100. If you can’t, perform as many repetitions as you can, rest a few seconds, and repeat until you get to 100.


The Marine Physical Fitness Test has the longest run of any of the US military’s basic tests – 3 miles for time. A perfect score is a very fast 18:00, and the slowest time allowed is 28:00. Anything over 24:00 is considered very slow, however.

The run is also the hardest portion of the test, even for seasoned runners. The best way to practice is the simplest. You must run, run, and run some more. Don’t use treadmills or other machines at the gym, and run on the actual path you will test on if possible. Cross-training with wind sprints or hill-sprints can be helpful, but don’t neglect simple running on flat ground.

Weight Loss

The Marines physical fitness test is particularly difficult for heavier Marines, even those who are lean and muscular. If you are having trouble with your pull-ups and run time, you may need to lose weight through strict dieting and increased training volume.

About the Author

The Marines Physical Fitness Test is the toughest among the branches in the United States military. You need to score well on the Marine physical fitness test whether you are a recruit or active duty.

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Bryant Towell

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The Marines Physical Fitness Test is the toughest among the branches in the United States military. You need to score well on the Marine physical fitness test whether you are a recruit or active duty.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Merchant marines- everything you need to know

September 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Marine Training

Article by Geemy

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The United States Merchant Marine is the fleet of American civilian owned merchant ships, operated either by the private sector or the government sector. These ships are used for the purpose of transporting goods and services. They are also engage in basic commerce. In times of unrest and war, the merchant marine acts as an auxiliary to the American navy and can be called upon to assist the navy by delivering troops as well as supplies for the military. During peace time, they have no military duties and are responsible only for transporting cargo and passengers.

The basic role of these ships is to maintain contact of the United States with the rest of the world through commerce. Merchant mariners transport or deliver cargo and passengers from the United States to other nations and vice versa. They operate merchant ships, ferries, tugboats, dredges and other kinds of vessels on the oceans, the seas, lakes, rivers, canals, harbors etc. the number of ships as well as the number of merchant mariners is constantly growing.

The United States of America is a maritime nation. To the north are the great lakes, off the south is the Gulf of Mexico, to the east is the Atlantic Ocean and to the west is the Pacific Ocean. Thus, American waterways are some of the busiest areas around. Ships are always leaving the docks carrying goods and people and more ships are coming in carrying goods from around the world. Operating these ships is hard work. Engineers and architects who build the ships are important, but even more important than them are the people who operate the ships while at sea- the merchant mariners. Merchant mariners are highly trained individuals educated at the United States Merchant Marine Academy or the USMMA. It is also known as king’s point. It is one of America’s five service academies.

Being a part of the USMMA is a big deal for everyone cannot apply to this prestigious academy. In addition to great SAT scores and GPA, the candidates are required to be nominated by a member of U.S House of representatives or the U.S senator of your state of residence. They also have to undergo various physical tests like the CFA (candidate fitness assessment). Being a part of this highly esteemed institution is extremely beneficial if you are looking for a successful career in the maritime industry and armed services. The academy helps you develop your personality and drill into you the importance of discipline, cooperation, obedience and leadership. After graduation, you have the opportunity to make anything out of your career.

Famous personalities who have been maritime merchants include actors, scientists, astronauts and various other people from the top of their fields. You have the opportunity to serve your country and there is no higher honor than that. Graduates from the USMMA are well rounded individuals capable of making their own decisions in life.

It is an honor to be a merchant marine and to serve your country in times of need. It takes bravery, commitment and hard work to be able to make it as a merchant mariner and only the toughest of the lot are chosen. So, if you feel that working at the sea is your calling, give a shot to studying at the merchant mariners academy or kings point.

About the Author

USMMA is one of the most prestigious colleges in the United States of America and it is an honor to be a part of their alumni. If you want to make a successful career in the maritime industry, then this is the best college to go to. Being a part of the merchant marine fleet of ships is a great feeling.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.


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USMMA is one of the most prestigious colleges in the United States of America and it is an honor to be a part of their alumni. If you want to make a successful career in the maritime industry, then this is the best college to go to. Being a part of the merchant marine fleet of ships is a great feeling.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

A recruitment video for the United States Merchant Marine Academy, one of the United States five service academies. Also known as Kings Point, the academy is located in eastern Long Island.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Improving Your Pull-Ups for the Marines Physical Fitness Test

September 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Pull Ups

Article by Jonathon Hyatt

Improving Your Pull-Ups for the Marines Physical Fitness Test – Health

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Pull-ups are the hardest part of the Marines physical fitness test. Most Marines can get ten or twelve, but hitting that elusive twenty takes carefully-planned training. Whether you’re trying to secure a spot at officer school – or you’re just getting into shape for your next test – follow these tips for your best performance yet.

Train Heavy

When people have a rep goal for a certain exercise, they usually spend way too much time training with light weights. This is true for pull-ups, as well as squats, push-ups, and other calisthenics. Your goal might be to do twenty chins with your bodyweight, but adding extra resistance is what will actually get you there.

If you don’t already have one, find a sturdy chain belt for adding weight. If you have a weighted vest with adjustable poundage, that’ll also work. Dedicate at least half of your training sessions to using heavy weights that only allow you to get six to eight pull-ups. If you get stronger, you’ll be able to do more reps with your bodyweight, as well.

Practice Daily

If you want to become proficient at any exercise, you need to practice it as often as possible. This doesn’t mean that every pull-up session needs to be a gut-busting, all-out effort – it simply means that you should do them every day. In fact, you may even want to set up a portable pull-up bar in your home. Do easy sets of five or ten every time you pass it, and you’ll soon find the movement to be far easier than before.

Hit the Gym

It’s important to do a variety of exercises to strengthen your upper back and biceps – the muscles that do most of the work in the pull-up. Barbell rows, dumbbell rows, and deadlifts are the best movements you can do, and you should focus on constantly lifting heavier weights. Some Marines are quick to write off curls as “non-functional,” but they can also help you squeeze out those last few inches to get your chin over the bar. Bicep work is especially important if you’re going to use an underhand grip in your PFT.


Make sure you fuel yourself with the right food every time you train or test. Poor nutrition will cause you to lose steam well before you hit twenty pull-ups, even if you’re strong enough to do it. Low-carb diets are great for losing weight, but you need starches and sugars for intense training. Energize with oats, potatoes, and yams for an even keel of energy. Gatorade and other glucose-based sports drinks are good, too – but stay away from table sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

Lose Some Weight

Heavy hitters can sometimes get good scores, but it’s the middleweights and little guys who usually excel at the Marines physical fitness test. To really get good at pull-ups, you’ll need to strike a balance between having enough muscle mass – and not weighing yourself down with extra flab. To get as lean and mean as possible, eat al of your carbs just before and after training. Load up on protein, eat moderate amounts of healthy fat, and stay away from fast food and other junk.

About the Author

Pull-ups are the hardest part of the Marines physical fitness test. Most Marines can get ten or twelve, but hitting that elusive twenty takes carefully-planned training.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Jonathon Hyatt

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Pull-ups are the hardest part of the Marines physical fitness test. Most Marines can get ten or twelve, but hitting that elusive twenty takes carefully-planned training.

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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

For TShirts http please visit our website and facebook for more training advice, tips, and discussions. This is the first weeks pull up videos for beginners. If you can already do pull ups, this weeks video is not for you. Make sure you subscribe and for a workout routine for beginners, please go to and in the tutorial section, go to calisthenics and you’ll find pull ups week 1 for beginners. Do these workouts and eventually you WILL get to the point where you can do a pull up.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

Merchant marines- everything you need to know

March 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Marine Training

Article by Geemy

The United States Merchant Marine is the fleet of American civilian owned merchant ships, operated either by the private sector or the government sector. These ships are used for the purpose of transporting goods and services. They are also engage in basic commerce. In times of unrest and war, the merchant marine acts as an auxiliary to the American navy and can be called upon to assist the navy by delivering troops as well as supplies for the military. During peace time, they have no military duties and are responsible only for transporting cargo and passengers.

The basic role of these ships is to maintain contact of the United States with the rest of the world through commerce. Merchant mariners transport or deliver cargo and passengers from the United States to other nations and vice versa. They operate merchant ships, ferries, tugboats, dredges and other kinds of vessels on the oceans, the seas, lakes, rivers, canals, harbors etc. the number of ships as well as the number of merchant mariners is constantly growing.

The United States of America is a maritime nation. To the north are the great lakes, off the south is the Gulf of Mexico, to the east is the Atlantic Ocean and to the west is the Pacific Ocean. Thus, American waterways are some of the busiest areas around. Ships are always leaving the docks carrying goods and people and more ships are coming in carrying goods from around the world. Operating these ships is hard work. Engineers and architects who build the ships are important, but even more important than them are the people who operate the ships while at sea- the merchant mariners. Merchant mariners are highly trained individuals educated at the United States Merchant Marine Academy or the USMMA. It is also known as king’s point. It is one of America’s five service academies.

Being a part of the USMMA is a big deal for everyone cannot apply to this prestigious academy. In addition to great SAT scores and GPA, the candidates are required to be nominated by a member of U.S House of representatives or the U.S senator of your state of residence. They also have to undergo various physical tests like the CFA (candidate fitness assessment). Being a part of this highly esteemed institution is extremely beneficial if you are looking for a successful career in the maritime industry and armed services. The academy helps you develop your personality and drill into you the importance of discipline, cooperation, obedience and leadership. After graduation, you have the opportunity to make anything out of your career.

Famous personalities who have been maritime merchants include actors, scientists, astronauts and various other people from the top of their fields. You have the opportunity to serve your country and there is no higher honor than that. Graduates from the USMMA are well rounded individuals capable of making their own decisions in life.

It is an honor to be a merchant marine and to serve your country in times of need. It takes bravery, commitment and hard work to be able to make it as a merchant mariner and only the toughest of the lot are chosen. So, if you feel that working at the sea is your calling, give a shot to studying at the merchant mariners academy or kings point.

USMMA is one of the most prestigious colleges in the United States of America and it is an honor to be a part of their alumni. If you want to make a successful career in the maritime industry, then this is the best college to go to. Being a part of the merchant marine fleet of ships is a great feeling.