Maritime Connector Making Maritime Job Search Easy

September 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Marine Training

Article by Eric Superina

Maritime Connector Making Maritime Job Search Easy – Business

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Maritime is one such field that every seafarer want to get associated with. This is why, maritime jobs are always in demand and job aspirants want to couple with maritime companies in huge frequencies. maritime recruitment and other information pertaining to maritime world are comprehensively covered by Maritime Connector. It is a powerful tool for all the aspirants who want look forward to establish themselves in sea jobs and accomplish a successful career in offshore jobs. Seafarers can browse across various categories of jobs at sea so as to locate different maritime vacancies vested with various maritime companies. With a single click of your mouse you are open to a broad gateway of numerous jobs on ships that match to your profile and qualifications. In order to access and browse through Maritime Connector you need to have an account maintained with the website as a registered user. With no registration charges for seafarers, registration becomes far easier and devoid of complications.

If you have interest in maritime, then you can browse through various offshore jobs that are offered by companies conducting maritime recruitment. Various advertisements and job postings comprising of sea jobs are posted on the portal of the company from time to time as per the maritime vacancies requirements and you can go for applying for maritime jobs that match your profile. Besides, you can also upload your resume online so as to increase your visibility to maritime companies so as to avail jobs at sea. When uploading your CV you need to follow certain guidelines. For jobs on ships and regular updates uploading CV is a must. All you need to do is specify certain categories and select them so that headhunters for maritime vacancies can find you easily. It is also important to keep your resume or CV updated making yourself more visible and easily accessible to companies conducting maritime recruitment.

Since its incorporation, the company has not looked back and Maritime Connector has emerged as one of the leading enterprises across the world rendering exquisite services and information about sea jobs. Through best of the advertising and promotional activities the company has successfully established an extensive network. This network facilitates both seafarers and maritime jobs employers to locate various jobs at sea. Job openings pertaining to jobs on ships are posted on the website of the company from time to time allowing seafarers to locate best of the employment opportunities vested in the industry. Applying for offshore jobs has become really easy and convenient with Maritime Connector. Besides advertisements, you can also access useful links that provide you with complete information on various educational institutions for seafarers. Be it certification or any other issue, this website portal allows you to gather all the relevant information on just a single click. Also, you can find all the data and major happening across the maritime world on your personal email id. From maritime ob search to selecting numerous options concerning job profile, type of ship, etc is easily available with Maritime Connector. Moreover, if you want to refine your search you can use couple of useful search options too.

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Eric Superina

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For more information about offshore jobs, maritime jobs, maritime jobs or maritime companies, you can visit us at :-

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
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Maritime Standards

April 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Marine Training

All nations require certain standards be met by ships and other marine structures which fly their flag. A classification society, or “Class”, is a non-governmental regulatory association which regulates construction of vessels and offshore structures in the maritime industry.

The society is responsible for establishing regulations for the construction and classification of ships and offshore structures. Classification societies make use of ship surveyors, naval architects, and a wide variety of qualified marine engineers.

These experts are charged with overseeing construction and repairs; and conduct mandated surveys of ships currently in service to make sure that standards are properly met. Classes are established to regulate structure and design for all vessel types to promote stability, safety, and cleaner emissions.

To this end, classification societies agree on technical requirements, oversee designs and check calculations to ensure that these rules are upheld.

Qualified employees are dispatched to check up on ships and structures throughout construction and commissioning, and periodically survey vessels (including submarines) to ensure that they continue to uphold all standards.

They are also in charge of classing oil rigs, platforms and any other offshore structures. This survey process covers propulsion systems, navigation equipment, pumps, valves, and other equipment.

Many classification societies are in operation around the world. The largest are DNV, (Det Norske Veritas,) Lloyd’s Register, Germanischer Lloyd, Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, RINA and ABS (the American Bureau of Shipping).

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has approved proposed changes to the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW ‘95) Convention at a Diplomatic Conference in Manila, Philippines. Acceptance of the amended STCW Convention and its associated Codes means simulators have been formally recognized as a suitable tool for survival craft training.

Virtual Marine Technology, manufacturer of SurvivalQuestTM, is the world’s only Det Norske Veritas (DNV) approved survival craft operations simulator.

Maritime Standards

MarineLink News

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Maritime Standards

March 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Marine Training

Article by Hannah Rosas

All nations require certain standards be met by ships and other marine structures which fly their flag. A classification society, or “Class”, is a non-governmental regulatory association which regulates construction of vessels and offshore structures in the maritime industry.

The society is responsible for establishing regulations for the construction and classification of ships and offshore structures. Classification societies make use of ship surveyors, naval architects, and a wide variety of qualified marine engineers.

These experts are charged with overseeing construction and repairs; and conduct mandated surveys of ships currently in service to make sure that standards are properly met. Classes are established to regulate structure and design for all vessel types to promote stability, safety, and cleaner emissions.

To this end, classification societies agree on technical requirements, oversee designs and check calculations to ensure that these rules are upheld. Qualified employees are dispatched to check up on ships and structures throughout construction and commissioning, and periodically survey vessels (including submarines) to ensure that they continue to uphold all standards.

They are also in charge of classing oil rigs, platforms and any other offshore structures. This survey process covers propulsion systems, navigation equipment, pumps, valves, and other equipment.

Many classification societies are in operation around the world. The largest are DNV, (Det Norske Veritas,) Lloyd’s Register, Germanischer Lloyd, Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, RINA and ABS (the American Bureau of Shipping).

Emirates International Maritime Academy (EIMA) has announced that it has expanded its maritime training resources by becoming a Maritime Resource Management (MRM) provider in the Middle East after recently signing a licensing agreement with the Swedish Club Academy, a company associated with the Swedish Club, a lmarine mutual insurer from Sweden. The agreement was signed by Captain Jaafar bin Sidin, Director of EIMA, and Martin Hernqvist, Managing Director at the Swedish Club Academy.

The International Maritime Organization (IMO) has approved proposed changes to the Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping (STCW ’95) Convention at a Diplomatic Conference in Manila, Philippines. Acceptance of the amended STCW Convention and its associated Codes means simulators have been formally recognized as a suitable tool for survival craft training.

Virtual Marine Technology, manufacturer of SurvivalQuestTM, is the world’s only Det Norske Veritas (DNV) approved survival craft operations simulator.

MarineLink NewsMaritime Standards

The Class of 2015 arrives for indoctrination at the United States Merchant Marine Academy, one of the country’s five federal service Academies, located in Kings Point, New York.

Job Opportunities In Maritime

January 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Marine Training

Article by Eric Superina

For job seekers who have interest in maritime, Maritime Connector is one such stop that provides all the information pertaining to maritime jobs. It is an online portal that renders complete information about jobs at sea and allows seafarers to browse through different categories of maritime vacancies. All you require is a single click that opens up a comprehensive list of jobs applicable to you. To access this facility you should be a registered user with the company and this can be done by maintaining an account with the official website of Maritime Connector. The registration process is simple and for seafarers it is absolutely free and no registration charges are taken from them. If you belong to this cadre, which is of seafarers, then you can browse maritime vacancies through maritime recruitment advertisements and other advertisements comprising of sea jobs with maritime companies. You can go through profiles of different maritime vacancies and can also be active by updating your resume on the official website of Maritime Connector. Beside you get couple of options to search for CV

Maritime and Merchant Marine Academy of United States

January 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Marine Training

Article by Louis Philip

The word Maritime is used to tell about anything related to sea. The Maritime Provinces is a region of Eastern Canada consisting of three regions, New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, and Nova Scotia. The United States has beliefs on its maritime industry for both armed forces and fiscal protection. The term Merchant Marine is used to refer to the fleet of civilian-owned trade vessels of the U.S. Either the government or the private sector operates them. They keep the business and transportation of commodities in and out of the traversable waters of the United States. For more than 200 years, the Merchant Marine having the flag of the U.S. has contributed considerably to the economic strength and autonomy of the country. Thereby the Merchant Marine help to keep America in no.1 position in power and also the major aid contributor of the world. Merchant Marine is called the fourth wing of security. It makes sure that the US will get the sealift to transport its military, common people and marketable objectives out of the country in times of need. It also gives assurance of the accessibility of U.S. controlled maritime possessions so that the business can be organized during war and nationwide emergencies. The ships have been responsible for the supply of our troops abroad in Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, and in other places. They also help to keep the U.S. food aid safe from the pirates attack and carry them to the hungry people in East Africa through the seas. They successfully lend their hands to the relief efforts after the Hurricane Katrina and the massive earthquakes in Haiti and Japan. The USMMA or the United States Merchant Marine Academy is one of the five service academies in the US. It is also popularly known as Kings Point. It provides many training officers for the Merchant Marine, a part of the military and also to the shipping industry. The students of the USMMA are called Midshipmen. They are educated in marine engineering, ship’s management, personnel administration, intercontinental laws and the customs. They are taught how to read a map to find out the right direction. They also learn about the laws of the seas and many additional matters vital for the running of a large vessel. To get admission in the USMMA is one of the greatest achievements of a life span. For half a century young folks have come here to attain the information, knowledge, obedience and skills that are needed for a tough leadership. Graduates of the USMMA serve their country by joining the marine industry and the defense services. A well-built business marine generates lots of American jobs and billions of dollars as the financial output at home. According to USA national interest, the government is still taking action, collecting funds and defends programs that support the sustainability of this essential service. In one word, the U.S. marine industry assists in achieving the safety measures and political objectives of the administration of the United States. Some pass outs of the academy also become great leaders.

Merchant Marine is popularly named as the fourth section of defense. Maritime makes sure that the US will transport its forces and civilians and marketable objectives out of the state during need. Alumnae of the USMMA help their nation by joining the maritime industry and the security forces.