How To Lift Weights For Maximum Fat Loss & Minimal Size

September 10, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Katie Faulkner

How To Lift Weights For Maximum Fat Loss & Minimal Size – Health – Weight Loss

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If you’re a woman looking to lose pounds by weight lifting, then you’re not after size that most men are trying to build. Instead, you want all the fat burning effects that you get from weight lifting, but not the body builder look. Here’s how to lift weights to be sure you look trim and strong.

First of all, you only want to do exercises that have you moving more than one joint during the lift. This means that bicep curls and leg extensions are out, they just don’t do enough to get the job done.

Focus on bigger movements that involve two or more joints and you’ll get much better results and your workouts will be shorter as well. These are exercises like bench presses, squats, dead lifts, rows, and power cleans. Get a list going of all your favorite multi-joint exercises then put 4 or 5 together that will work your whole body. This will be your workout.

Now that you know which exercises you’re going to do, perform them in a circuit doing no more than 10 reps per exercise (if it’s too easy lift more weight). Do one exercise after another until you’ve completed all of them. Be sure to lift hard and don’t take breaks.

Repeat your circuit 3-4 times depending on how much time you’ve alotted to workout. By doing a weight lifting circuit like this, you’ll work all the muscles in your body and increase your metabolism by as much as possible. And unlike devoting a whole day to your biceps, it won’t make your muscles huge like a body builder.

Your next step is to click here now to learn the real way to lose weight for good, no more yo-yo dieting! Making small changes in your lifestyle is the only sure way to get healthy and stay slim for life.

I’ll show you how in my free healthy weight loss secrets course.

About the Author

Katie Faulkner enjoys teaching others how to lose weight easily without starving and taking expensive pills.

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Katie Faulkner enjoys teaching others how to lose weight easily without starving and taking expensive pills.

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Click Here: Submit your questions so I can answer them live every week… on my live webinars! Click here http To Lose Fat and Gain Muscle With Darin Any Where In The World by using his On-line Program. CLICK HERE: and give me your first name and e-mail address To Get the Free “Exercise Log Sheets” I have created a turnkey work out system that will help anyone and everyone figure out which exercises to do on what days. It is called “Simple Fitness Exercises Made Easy”! It has taken me 20 years to crystalize this routine and now you can master it for free in 1 week. Having access to all of my exercise videos on u-tube is not enough to get you in great shape. You have to have the right routine (which body parts you work on which days). With the “Exercise Log Sheets” that I will immediately send you after you sign up you will know how to precisely create the best work out split that will get you to your goals. Even if you have signed up for my newsletter in the past go do it again at: because I just created the new give away; my Exercise Log Sheets. Your Healthy Lifestyle Coach, darin steen
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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Mini Workouts – Minimum Time, Maximum Benefit!

August 18, 2012 by  
Filed under Muscular Endurance

Article by Richard Clarke

Mini Workouts – Minimum Time, Maximum Benefit! – Health – Fitness

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Being a personal trainer I am aware that many people struggle to find time to get to the gym as much as they would like, or they would like to add something extra around their gym routine but can’t fit it in. Well I would like to give you a bit of advice and tell you how to incorporate mini workouts into your routine. These should not be used to replace your existing workouts; they are there to enhance it.

So mini workouts as the name suggests are short, as they are short, they are intense. So if you are new to exercise you should avoid anything too intense until you have built up your fitness levels. We live in a sometimes ridiculously busy world so mini workouts are great! You can’t put a price on your own health so anything that can enhance your health should be prioritised.

Mini workouts can improve your muscular strength, muscular endurance, motor skills, work you anaerobically and work you aerobically. Depending on the exercises you can help to improve all components of fitness in just 5-10 minutes. Minimum time, MAXIMUM BENEFIT!

We have all heard of the fat burning zone, this means working for 20 minutes or more, aerobically at a moderate intensity. I posted an article a few weeks back related to why I and many other people High Intensity Training is the way forward. When you train aerobically your body will burn calories and utilise fat as fuel while you exercise. When you train at a high intensity your body will burn calories for 2 days more!

Many people train sports specifically obviously this is great with regards to your sport but I think it is important and I try to promote all round fitness. We have all seen the people in the gym who will come in do bench and biceps and never touch the treadmill or leg machines. Clearly this is fine for them as that suits their goals but from a fitness perspective an all round level of fitness encouraging balance and strength in all areas is better.

So I will give you a few basic mini workouts for you to have a bash at. To make it even easier these workouts require no equipment other than a stopwatch, all of the exercises are bodyweight exercises.

Workout 1

Jumping Jacks 30 sec 30 sec Rest

Standard Squats 30 sec 30 sec Rest

Mountain Climbers 30 sec 30 sec Rest

Extended Kneeling /Press Ups 30 sec 30 sec Rest

Repeat Twice.

Workout 2

High Knees 60 Reps

Squats 20 Reps

Extended Kneeling Press Ups 15 Reps

Crunches 20 Reps 45 sec Rest

Repeat 2-3 Times.

Workout 3

Abdominal Plank (30sec) 10 Reps

Russian Twists 20 Reps

Glute Bridge 10 Reps

Dorsal Raises 10 Reps 30 sec Rest

Repeat 3-5 Times.

These 3 workouts are basic ones and take under 10 minutes; you can chop and change similar exercises depending on your level of fitness. Also to make the exercises more challenging you can increase the reps, reduce the recovery, do more sets etc you’re smart people so have a play around. If you are unsure about any exercises just have a search on youtube and you’ll find them in no time.

So I hope this has helped the busy people in being able to fit in a bit more exercise everyday which will bring you closer to achieving your goals as well as giving a few of you some new ideas to add to your exercise program. As a personal trainer in Swansea I have been trying to promote the many benefits of exercise for many years. No matter what exercise you can do it all helps, these mini workouts, although short if done correctly will bring great benefits.

Good luck


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For more information from me on personal training, boot camps, diet and nutrition, psychology, motivation, mindset and many more why not visit:

There are many easy to read helpful articles and information which can inspire you to reach your fitness and exercise goals FASTER!

Thanks for reading.

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For more information from me on personal training, boot camps, diet and nutrition, psychology, motivation, mindset and many more why not visit:

There are many easy to read helpful articles and information which can inspire you to reach your fitness and exercise goals FASTER!

Thanks for reading.

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Hypertrophy: Maximum Strength or Maximum Mass?

August 1, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Workouts

Article by Eric Rotherman

Hypertrophy: Maximum Strength or Maximum Mass? – Health – Fitness

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Hypertrophy is the process responsible for muscle growth. This is a process that all strength athletes are very interested in, both bodybuilders and weight trainers in general. However there are two types of hypertrophy and these two growth processes both achieve very different results. To maximize your training you need to understand what the two different types of muscle hypertrophy are.

Myofibrillar hypertrophy is the process which increases the strength of the muscle, but only minimally grows the actual physical size of the muscle. If you are a competitive weight lifter this is the process you are most likely going to to be primarily concerned with. To encourage this sort of hypertrophy you will need to be getting a good intake of proteins, so that the exercise of lifting weights can increase the amount of actin and myosin in your muscles. These are the proteins in your muscle which account for a lot of your physical strength. To encourage growth further limit the repetitions you do in each exercise to between 2-6 reps per set. This means that you can work with heavier weights and really concentrate on lifting heavy, instead of using up your energy on lighter weights.

If you are a bodybuilder on the other hand you want your muscles to increase in size and strength is a secondary consideration. The type of hypertrophy you are looking for is called sarcoplasmic hypertrophy and has little or no affect on the actual strength of the muscle. In actual fact you are going to get both types of hypertrophy from your workouts. But in order to concentrate your efforts on sarcoplasmic hypertrophy, so that you can increase muscle mass, you will need to perform around 8 – 12 repetitions per set. Try not to go to heavy as this will cause your muscles to tighten and produces hard rather than growing muscles. Also if you do more than 12 reps per set you will find yourself producing strong and hard muscles, but they won’t be getting the size you want. This is because high reps tend to produce muscles aimed at endurance sport rather than sculptural body bulking.

Another important point is that muscles need rest. In fact muscles do their actual growing when they at rest. So make sure you allow plenty of time between workouts to rest. Each muscle group should have about 48 hours rest time between dedicated workouts. Hence the need to cycle your workouts around so you hit different muscle groups in different workouts. Happy muscle growing!

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Eric Rotherman

Check out my web pages on how to maximize muscle development and sorting your Muscle Building Diet for more information.

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Eric Rotherman

Check out my web pages on how to maximize muscle development and sorting your Muscle Building Diet for more information.

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1 lb. L-Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate 2:1 AKG Powder 1000mg AAKG Nitric Oxide USP & FCC Maximum Strength Pharmaceutical Grade By Dual Health

July 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Nitric Oxide

  • Guaranteed 100% Pure. No Fillers or Additives.
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  • Lab Tested and Verified.
  • Pharmaceutical Quality Grade.
  • Free Shipping inside the USA.

Product Description
Facts: Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate, or AAKG, is a form of arginine in which two arginine molecules are attached to an alpha-ketoglutarate molecule. Arginine is an amino acid and alpha-ketoglutarate is a form of another amino acid called glutamine. It is believed that this formulation improves arginine’s absorption, thereby further increasing nitric oxide (NO)production.

Benefits: AAKG has been shown to be used by the cells in your blood vessels to make nitric ox… More >>

1 lb. L-Arginine Alpha Ketoglutarate 2:1 AKG Powder 1000mg AAKG Nitric Oxide USP & FCC Maximum Strength Pharmaceutical Grade By Dual Health

Static Contraction Delivers Maximum Muscle From 1 Minute Strength Training Workouts

July 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Article by Jim O’Connor

Static Contraction Delivers Maximum Muscle From 1 Minute Strength Training Workouts – Health – Fitness

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For those who spend more than 1 minute on strengthtraining workouts, you are wasting your valuable time!Wouldn’t you want to strength train in the most effective, scientifically feasible way, and increaseyour muscle and strength by 400 plus percent?

One (1) minute muscle developing workouts are doneONCE per week or less. That calculates to maximally 4 minutes of strength training exercises per month! I am sure many people are saying that I havegone mad. The famous words, “he’s got to be kidding” are ringing vigorously in my ears. Dear reader, I amNOT kidding! Thousands of people are now exercisingless while getting tremendously better results. It is not just me stating this; the scientific documentation by far speakslouder than our conversation.

I would like to tell you about a client of mine named Todd.Todd, a relatively lean 46 year old, wanted to improve hisstrength and muscle tone. Prior to consulting with me, he followed the typical 3 days per week, 3 sets per exercise,and 3-4 exercises per body part routine. Todd was following the program John, his neighbor, told him about. Neighbor John received all his information from typical “bodybuilding magazines.”

Yes, Todd did get results in the beginning due to the initialadaptation of physical activity, but after three months, gains keptcoming slower, and slower until there was no progressionat all in his strength and muscle size. As a result of limitedprogress, Todd told me he hated to workout. He said he was tired all the time, and workouts were taking up too much time in his life. This is precisely the point in which he contacted me for help.

I quickly diagnosed the reasons for his challenges, andenthusiastically told him to take three, yes THREE weeksoff where he would not lift one single weight. After the three weeks, I explained to him his program was not effective, efficient, nor based on rational, sound exercisescience principles.

Todd’s initial program took him 4 hours per week; therefore, I condensed it down to 1 minute per week. He was hesitant, and thought I was joking. However, I reasoned with him, andhe started to see significant strength, and muscle gains not monthly, but after each workout. My rational approachto his new effective, efficient, result producing program is attributed to hi intensity, Static Contraction Training.

The majority of driven bodybuilders are not thinkinglogically, or scientifically about what they are doing. They justdo what the next person does. This current non-rational bodybuildingapproach, that has been around for decades, leads to wastingvaluable time, overtraining, and lack of long term progress. Hi intensity, Static Contraction Training does neither of these!

First of all, Static Contraction Training is based on the principle of activating the absolute maximum number of muscle fibers possible in their greatest strength range, therefore, triggering the muscle fibers to adapt by getting stronger and larger in size.

Please be aware, strength training is not aerobic (low intensity,high volume work. ) It is a high intensity, all out maximum effort for an extremely short duration. Muscle growth can be broken down into two main principles which I have practice for years, intensity and rest/recovery. In order to stimulate muscle growth, you need to provide a greater intensity or apply a greater stimulus than you generated in the previous workout, thus, activating the growth mechanism. Once this highly complicated growth mechanism is triggered, you MUST let the body replenish its limited reserves, compensate for the stimulus, and overcompensate to adapt for another training session. The precise amount of rest is mandatory in order to complete the muscle growth process. In the event you fail to allow sufficient recovery time to occur, you most definitely will short circuit the growth process, significantly compromising results.

Another crucial aspect of progressive results is tracking progress, and rest days between workouts. If you are not progressing each workout, you need more recovery time. If you areprogressing each workout, you have optimized your rest days. There is no fixed program for all. It is specifically individual. Some will need 4 days rest between workouts, while others need 12. Your specific numbers will dictate your rest days.

When performing Static Contraction Training, your objective is to statically (without motion) hold the maximum amount of weight you can in your strongest range of motionfor 5-10 seconds. Record that weight, and move onto the next exercise. If your intensity is high enough, and your rest is optimal, your numbers willskyrocket! This translates into significant strength, and muscle gains.

I could go on forever regarding the science, andstudies to back Static Contraction Training, but for the scope of this article I want to cover the basic, core principles.

For a detailed, tell all, guide to Static Contraction Training, I highly recommend the Train Smart ebook in whichI have provided a link below for your convenience.

For those who prefer working out in their homes, a brilliant friend of mine designed an amazing home gym that is built only for Static ContractionTraining. It is truly a cutting edge scientificbreakthrough. Check it out at, meter and all, it is likenothing you have ever seen.

The information above will get you started on your way to investing the absolute minimal exercise time while gettingbetter results than any other bodybuilding protocol available today.Enjoy your muscles in minutes while training intelligently!

* Please Note: Consult your physician prior to starting any exercise program.


For additional health and fitness tips like the one mentioned above,visit Wellness Word “Multimedia” Newsletter at


*** Attention: Ezine Editors / Website Owners ***Feel free to reprint this article in its entirety in your ezine, Blog, Autoresponder,or on your website as long as the links, and resource box are not altered inany way.

Jim O’Connor – Exercise Physiologist / The Fitness Promoter

Copyright (c) – Wellness Word, LLC 9461 Charleville Blvd. #312 Beverly Hills, CA 90212 1-866-935-5967


About the Author

Jim O’Connor, Beverly Hills celebrity fitness consultant, has conducted thousands of personal fitness consultations with celebrites, business executives, and highly motivated individuals throughout Los Angeles. He is the Chief Exercise Physiologist for Wellness WORD, LLC, a health, fitness, and nutrition promotion company. Jim is the author of a wellknown, world wide multimedia newsletter called Wellness WORD, published online every other w

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Jim O’Connor, Beverly Hills celebrity fitness consultant, has conducted thousands of personal fitness consultations with celebrites, business executives, and highly motivated individuals throughout Los Angeles. He is the Chief Exercise Physiologist for Wellness WORD, LLC, a health, fitness, and nutrition promotion company. Jim is the author of a wellknown, world wide multimedia newsletter called Wellness WORD, published online every other w

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Weight Lifting Techniques: Proper Technique For Maximum Results

June 14, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Lifting

Article by Guido Nussbaum

Weight Lifting Techniques: Proper Technique For Maximum Results – Health – Fitness

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One of the most important parts of putting together a quality bodybuilding regiment is using proper weight lifting techniques. The best weight lifting program can be derailed just by using improper technique, while someone who is using less weight and less reps can end up with far better results by using perfect technique. Any true bodybuilder can tell you that the most important part of any exercise program is learning proper and appropriate weight lifting techniques.

There are many great ways to go about learning the right techniques, and you should choose whatever method you find works best for you. The following are several quality tips that have allowed many people to learn proper weight lifting techniques in the past.

#1: Talk to experts who know. This is a huge one. If you want to learn the best weight lifting techniques, then you need to learn from the people who know. Look for a good book, trusted health & exercise magazines, or a certified personal trainer who can take the time to properly show you how to do each and every muscle movement for maximum efficiency. Learning the proper weight lifting techniques from a professional is the best way to learn everything you need to know about any new bodybuilding regiment.

#2: Concentrate on every exercise. I know it’s easy to check out the other hot people sharing the gym, or let the mind wander while listening to your favorite music on the MP3 player. It’s easy to get sloppy when you’re not paying close enough attention. When you’re lifting weights, to maintain proper weight lifting technique, you need to keep concentrating on the muscle movements to make sure that you’re not taking short cuts or using improper jerking motions.

#3: Illustrations are king. Picture by picture tutorials are much more effective, since you can look at the pictures and see step by step how the arms, legs, and other parts of the body should be flexed or extended during the process. In gyms many machines even have printed instructions on them telling how to use the machines properly. Don’t be embarrassed: a good visual aid is there for a reason and we all were beginners at some time or another.

#4: Learn proper weight lifting techniques for new exercises. You can’t keep growing by doing the same exercises over and over again, so sometimes you will need a new exercise to “shock” your muscles back into growth. Whenever you learn a new exercise, once again start with less weight and learn the proper technique first.

There are always many different factors that affect how effective your actual workouts are, and technique is always near the top of the list. Proper weight lifting techniques are not only important to get the most out of any given workout, but they are also important to prevent injury. Good weight lifting results and good health go hand in hand in a good bodybuilding program.

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Check out our Workout Routines. We have the Mark Wahlberg Workout Routine, the Tyson Beckford Workout Routine and many others.

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Guido Nussbaum

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Check out our Workout Routines. We have the Mark Wahlberg Workout Routine, the Tyson Beckford Workout Routine and many others.

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Top 5 Shoulder Exercise For Maximum Strength

February 23, 2012 by  
Filed under Bicep Exercises

Article by Francois L. Botha

Building up strength in the shoulder region is an important part of any work-out, and when done correctly can protect the shoulder area from injuries which weak shoulders may sustain, either during training or in everyday life.

Make sure that you perform these correctly, using the correct form and utilizing the full range if motion for the muscles involved. This will help avoid injury and also ensure you get the maximum benefit from the work-out.

Always be sure of your physical fitness before embarking on any new regime, including this series of exercises.

Be sure to warm up the shoulders first with shoulder rolls, arm rotations and stretches before starting.

The first 4 exercises target the Anterior Deltoid muscles, while the 5th targets the Deltoid and Lateral muscles.

1. Military Press

It may be considered a bit old fashioned, but this standard exercise still offers exceptional upper torso strength. It can also be done from a seated position.

* Brace the abdominal region throughout the movement.* Stand erect with feet shoulder width apart.* Grasp the bar overhand, with arms slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.* Do not allow your wrists to pull backwards – keep them rigid.* Breathe in and extend your arms straight up, slightly to the middle of the top of your head.* Extend the neck marginally, allowing the bar to move past the face.* Fully extend your arms at the top of the movement.* The bar should be straight over your head.* Pause briefly, maintain control, then lower it back down.* Repeat.

2. Dumbbell Shoulder Press

This can be done seated or standing. Both the shoulder muscles and the triceps get a workout here.

* Grab a dumbbell in each hand, palms facing forward.* Lift both dumbbells simultaneously to chin level.* Isolating shoulder muscles, lift both dumbbells overhead until they almost touch* Lower both back to chin level.* Repeat.

3. Lateral Raises

This can be done one arm at a time, and also using cables.

* Stand with feet shoulder distance apart, knees slightly bent.* Grasp a dumbbell in each hand and let your arms hang down, palms facing.* Keeping elbows slightly bent, lift the arms sideways to shoulder height, so that you are in a ‘T’ stance.* Lower arms.* Repeat.

4. Front Dumbbell Raises

This can be done with both arms simultaneously and using a barbell or cables is also appropriate.

* Stand with feet shoulder distance apart, knees slightly bent.* Grasp a dumbbell in each hand and let your arms hang down, palms facing the front of your thighs.* Keeping elbows slightly bent, lift one arm straight out in front of you to shoulder height.* Lower to starting position.* Repeat with your other arm.* Repeat, alternating arms.

5. Upright Row

This works the shoulders and biceps.

* Stand with feet shoulder distance apart, knees slightly bent.* Grasp the bar with shoulder width, or slightly narrower, overhand grip.* Pull the bar up to the neck with elbows leading.* Allow wrists to flex as bar rises.* Lower.* Repeat.

Always conclude any exercise session with some stretching to cool down the muscles.

Francois is a well-know author in the health and wellness field and is also associated with the top shoulder surgery and shoulder problems website in South Africa

Optimum Nutrition After Max Post-Workout Maximum Recovery, Vanilla Ice Cream, 4.27 Pound

February 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Protein Shakes

  • One 68.32-ounce tub of vanilla-flavored dietary supplement for post-workout recovery
  • Packed with high-quality whey proteins, rapidly digesting carbohydrates, glutamine peptides, creatine monohydrate, and free form amino acids
  • To help maximize post-workout recovery
  • Sweetened with Splenda
  • Includes 22 vitamins and essential minerals

Product Description
Vanilla Ice Cream flavored Optimum Nutrition Post-Workout Maximum Recovery is a dietary supplement with 40 grams of protein and 40 grams of carbs. Naturally and artificially flavored and sweetened with Splenda. Contains glutamine.Optimum Nutrition’s After Max combines the highest-quality whey proteins with rapidly digesting carbohydrates, glutamine peptides, creatine monohydrate, free form amino acids, and enzyme systems to help maximize post-workout recovery. Each … More >>

Optimum Nutrition After Max Post-Workout Maximum Recovery, Vanilla Ice Cream, 4.27 Pound

One Common Theme Across All Weight Training Programs & BodyBuilding Programs : Perform To Your Maximum To Build Muscles

December 2, 2011 by  
Filed under Bodybuilding

Article by Nick C.

One Common Theme Across All Weight Training Programs & BodyBuilding Programs : Perform To Your Maximum To Build Muscles

This is one concept that gets emphasized in most of the Weight Training Programs & BodyBuilding Programs but is ignored by most of the trainers most of the time. The idea is in fact quite simple – train your body to a point where it can take no more. This concept is often referred to as High Intensity Training. In simple terms it means that you should push your muscles to the point where they really cannot take anymore of the stress. It is at this point that you achieve that phenomenal growth.

This idea is vital and perhaps the biggest barrier between those who are successful in building muscles against those whose efforts go in vain and they do not achieve the maximum output of their workouts. More than often the difference is a result of something very minor and negligible. More than often the difference comes up because of that last 1% of effort that is neglected.

Having said that let me elaborate on idea a little more. The main mantra of bodybuilding success that is highlighted in most Weight Training Programs & BodyBuilding Programs is intensity and progression. It is just about how much intensity you are ready to put into your workouts. In simple terms it turns out how much effort do you put in your each workout, each set, each rep. This is going to determine wether you are going to trigger that adaptive muscle response or not. Remember your first few sets are just to warm up those muscles and bring you to that state where your muscles become fatigued and every extra rep that you do demand a lot more effort from them.

The second mantra in most Weight Training Programs & BodyBuilding Programs is progression, explaining in simple terms it is continuously increasing the load that you can take. After sometimes your muscles get accustomed to the weight, performing 20 push ups daily for a year will not help you really gain a lot of muscle mass. You need to make a progress by gradually increasing the weights or stress that you are putting on your body muscles.

Most of the people miss out on these two by a small margin. The most common cause is that little lazy attitude where they walk into a gym as if they are out to stroll and relax. They will do few push ups and then look around and then do the rest of them or they will just throw around a few weights and think they are done. It is this approach that lets them down. When one enters the gym the focus should be on putting your hundred percent. When you are doing push ups try to do them in the fastest time with maximum effort. Try to minimize your gym time accordingly by focussing only on your workouts and giving them your hundred percent attention.

Most of the Weight Training Programs & BodyBuilding Programs focus on the same idea only. Sean Nalewanyj’s Truth About Building Muscle, is one such program that pus the maximum emphasis on this kind of intensity training. It is one of the top BodyBuilding Program and bodybuilding program. Here is an in depth review of sean nalewanyj’s truth about building muscle. Other really good BodyBuilding Program is The Musclehead. You can read complete review of The Musclehead for more details.

If you are looking for a Weight Training Programs & BodyBuilding Programs for building up muscle I suggest you to read this detailed article on Weight Training Programs & BodyBuilding Programs . It gives you a much better idea on how to choose a BodyBuilding Program that completely meets your needs.

Nick C.

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