How to Get Chest Muscles – The Top 2 Exercises to Get Pecs Fast!

September 13, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by Frank Marconi

How to Get Chest Muscles – The Top 2 Exercises to Get Pecs Fast! – Health – Fitness

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How to get chest muscles? Incorporate these two exercises into your workout routine to build, strengthen and develop your chest to enable you to get pecs fast!

Hi everyone!

So you want to know how to get chest muscles and get pecs fast? Chest is probably my best body part. Everyone has a particular body part that typically stands out over the others and for me, chest is where its at!

Now you are probably thinking that it is my genetics that enabled me to get pecs fast but I assure you, it is all in hard work that I achieved it. When I was in junior high and high school, almost every morning, I would do push ups and sit ups for 10 to 20 minutes. This therefore brings us to exercise 1 of how to get chest muscles.

Exercise 1: Push Ups

Body weight exercises such as push ups are the best way to develop a natural, symmetrical look and get pecs fast. I have an awesome chest and I accredit it to doing push ups on a frequent basis. You don’t have to devote hours a day either. Just do a couple sets every other day and watch the results. Use hand variations to focus on different parts of the chest such is the best way on how to get chest muscles.

1. Hands Average Width Apart: Target overall chest.

2. Hands Closer Together: Targets inner chest.

3. Hands Farther Apart: Targets outter chest.

4. Feet Elevated: Targets upper chest.

5. Hands Elevated: Targets lower chest.

6. Palms Perpendicular to Your Body: Targets upper and lower back and chest.

7. Fist Thumbs Up Push Up: Targets upper back and chest.

Exercise 2: Dips

Another favorite body weight exercise of mine to get pecs fast is dips. If you can’t support your body weight and do a single one right now, don’t worry. I couldn’t either when I started. Two options to get you on the road to doing them yourself are to get a spotter to spot your legs and take a little of your body weight off or to use the Counter Balance Dip Machine (ask fitness instructor at the gym if you don’t know what this is) at the gym and use it until you build enough strength to do one or two on your own. Be consistent and you will see that in a period of a few short weeks, you will not need a spotter (maybe in the last few reps) or Counter Balance Machine to do dips. I started doing zero body weight dips and now I can do 25 to 30 body weight dips, so just keep at it!

Incorporate these two exercises into your weekly workout routine if you want to get pecs fast. Push ups can be done anywhere and dip bars can be found in the gym. If you are not a member at a gym, check out a local inner city recreational park. A lot of cities have incorporated small fitness centers in inner city recreational parks, equipped with chin up bars and dip bars. I have found them in many cities all over the world such as my home town in Ottawa Canada and all the way down under in Australia on the Gold Coast!

Using dips and push ups is the best way on how to get chest muscles and how to get pecs fast!

For a free video demonstration of a killer chest workout, please follow the link: Get Pecs Fast

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About the Author

Frank Marconi has been working out for over ten years and specializes in circuit training workouts and nutrition in order to help people achieve that ripped, athletic and muscular look.

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Frank Marconi

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Frank Marconi has been working out for over ten years and specializes in circuit training workouts and nutrition in order to help people achieve that ripped, athletic and muscular look.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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Top Chest Exercises for Developing Full Muscular Pecs

April 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by Brendan Matthews

It may be every guy’s dream to have a superior physique, but it seldom happens just by dreaming. One has to work at building up the chest muscles through the appropriate chest exercises. Start by understanding the anatomy and functions of the body before choosing the right exercises for building up the desired body areas.

Chest Anatomy

The chest is made up of major and minor pectoral muscles called pectoralis.

The pectoralis minor muscles are smaller and placed beneath the major pectoral which makes them less observable. These muscles are attached to the mid ribs, coracoids and scapula to allow the shoulders to move forward. The pectoralis major muscles are bigger and more pronounced at the humerus bone near your shoulder and fan out to different areas of the breastbone right at your chest center.

The primary function of the pectoralis major muscles is to allow the upper arms to cross over the body front, just like what bodybuilders do in a chest pose.

Best Chest Exercises

Once you understand the anatomy of the body, you can check out the appropriate exercises to build up the chest muscles.

Bench Press

Bench presses are a favorite with the guys as they want to build up their chest muscles too. The bench press works best on the chest with the pressing and strengthening of the upper body. You can use accessories with the bench press such as grips, bench angles, dumbbells or elbow tights.

A typical exercise routine includes sitting on a flat bench with a barbell in each hand. Take a medium width grip with the elbows tucked in as a safety precaution before lowering the bar to the lower chest.

Not only are the pectoralis worked on, the shoulder as well as the triceps are worked on too. Alternatively, you can use an inclined bench with dumbbells as an added stress on the shoulders to work them.

Parallel Bars

Bar dips can work the chest muscles and triceps. The dips can be used together with dumbbells to cross your arms over your body to firm up the chest muscles.

Cable crossovers

Stand at the dual cable device holding the machine handles with your spread out arms. Bring the handles in to the chest front with a slight bend at the elbows. This is a good exercise choice to end your workout regimen as it is a light weight exercise.

Dumbbell Pullover

Lie flat on the bench with hands holding dumbbells above your head. Then reach backwards behind your head with arms slightly bent. There are many variations of exercises that you can try out to develop your chest fully and to increase your opportunity to be attractive. Be sure to choose a proper workout regimen for developing your chest.

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Bodybuilding Chest Exercises – Tips on How to Increase the Size of Your Pecs

April 2, 2012 by  
Filed under Stretching

Article by Alex Rockson

Especially for men, having an expansive chest is something that they aspire for. Having a solid chest makes the male body look more proportional and stronger. Alas, not a lot of men are blessed with a solid-looking chest that gymnasts and swimmers seem to be naturally endowed with. Moreover, not a lot of people are into swimming or gymnastics. So, how can someone have an impressive looking chest without having to do a million laps on the pool or a hundred sets in the rings or pummel horse?

One great tip when doing bodybuilding chest exercises is to do two days dedicated to the body part. That’s actually quite a small part of a weekly routine, but it should be sufficient, so that the rest of the week can be set for the recovery of the chest muscles and make the area more muscular. One of the two days should be a dedicated all out day for chest exercises, while the other day should be a chest stretching day that includes exercises in high reps but low volume. Chest training involves a lot of strain on the shoulders, thus requiring hard core training only once a week. Doing too many chest exercises without sufficient rest may lead to injury. For the chest stretching exercises, cable flys are great because they stretch chest muscles but do not put too much tension on the shoulders.

One tip with chest exercises that people, especially those who are just in the beginning phases, to keep the movements simple and avoid experimenting with the movements. One can definitely experiment with the repetitions, but trying on weird movements when doing bodybuilding chest exercises will only waste time and does not help the chest building cause.

As with any other body part, a lot of people tend to value size more than any other factor. If they do not see that their chest has expanded in inches, they immediately conclude that their efforts were in vain. The truth is, size comes only after strength. When muscles are strong enough, then it is the time that they expand. This is why barbell presses are recommended over barbell presses, because barbells imply heavier weights and therefore, harnesses the strength of the person training.

Even with the dedicated full chest day, it would be great to finish off with stretching, to keep the muscles flexible and limber. Fascial stretching can be done, which is using lighter weights and lowering oneself to the chest’s end point, which sends signals to the fascia, which is a structure that is paper-like, and when opened up increases the potential of the growth of chest muscles.

So, one question that people who engage in bodybuilding chest exercises ask is when they will see the definition in their chest. The answer to this question really depends on the person’s chest size to begin with and diet, aside from the workout routine. With strength comes size, and with size will come the protruding veins and prominent cuts.

Are you looking for more information regarding bodybuilding chest exercises ? Visit today!

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5 Highly Effective Bodyweight Exercises Pertaining to Building Bigger Pecs

March 8, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by Edward Graham

Lifting weights at the health club might well function as the quickest way to add size for your pecs, but it’s only one way. Bodyweight exercises can provide an adaptable substitute for lifting dumbells due to the fact that they’ll be performed anywhere and at whenever.

A bodyweight workout for your chest can nicely compliment your weight services or work extremely well for a stand-alone workout.

In any event ., it truly is worth giving body weight exercises with the chest a try. There’s a chance you’re amazed at exactly how much you like it them!

Here’s 5 powerful chest exercises without weights:

Push-Ups For Chest Muscles. The earlier classic bodyweight exercise that everybody ponders after they refer to chest bodyweight workouts. Push-ups work many muscle tissue while doing so such as the chest, triceps, back, abs, biceps and shoulders. This can be a great general exercise and simultaneously works multiple muscles for a great all body workout. Keep back straight in the exercise while keeping your focus on slowly checking movement, working the many muscle tissues. For optimum results repeat this exercise slowly, and steadily improve the repetitions that you every week. A sensible way to enhance a push-up should be to put weights face up. Get a back-pack and fill it up with books to add effectiveness against the exercise to support stimulate extra growth.

Parallel Bar Dips For Chest. This exercise uses just your bodyweight, nevertheless it does need a group of dip bars because of it do be exercised correctly. Firmly grip each bar and support your body, that can hang between your bars. Slowly reduce your body until your arms form the right angles and raise yourself to the commencement. This is usually a very challenging exercise and you’re more likely to discover that you is only able to do a few reps. But while you begin to progress you may make things harder by strapping fat loss plate belt around your waist. Alternatively, fill a backpack program heavy objects. The parallel dip bars work your triceps and the chest muscles. To spotlight the lower adominal area muscles, lean you chest forward a tad when you do the lowering motion.

Decline Push-Ups. To complete a declined push-up place your feet while on an elevated object maybe a box or maybe a chair. Your arms needs to be on the ground as usual. You could then lower your upper body on the ground with a steeper angle than a normal push-up. This puts much more of attention within the lower area of the chest. It will always be a smart idea to mix in the widths in the push-up grips to ensure that other areas of the chest muscles get involved a decent workout.

Incline Push Ups For Chest. Push-ups on an incline involve you raising your arms onto a platform for instance a chair or a box. Feet is going to be on to the floor. Perform press as usual but when it reaches this new angle. You will find that you may notice the exercise working your upper chest area with the incline pushup. Upper chest muscles often get neglected so incline push ups make the perfect addition on your arsenal of bodyweight exercises for your chest.

Wide Grip Press ups For Chest. By using a normal push-up your arms are approximately shoulder width apart plus the focus is put on working the chest area muscles, shoulders, and arms. However, should you adopt a wider stance together with your arms greater than shoulder width apart you take the main focus from the arm and shoulder muscles make it back on the chest muscles. Wide grip push-ups tend to work the outer chest muscles many are great for shaping and toning.

That’s it, 5 bodyweight exercises to boost your chest workouts and build muscle without weights.

Start using thise when out from the gym on vacation or business trips or maybe you need to mix things up once in a while while.

In case you’re taking a rest from lifting weights at the gym and perform weeks of bodyweight-only workouts, you might well surprise yourself at merely what amount stronger you may be while you come back to the weights rack.

Ed is currently writing on many subjects mostly in the physical fitness and health area. Find out more on the subjects reviewed in this article on his building muscle site.

Chest Exercises For Men – Explosive Chest Workout to Get Huge Pecs!

February 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

Article by Ombladom Freacka

Chest exercises for men can really build muscle parts of your muscles so you get killer pecs! In the following paragraphs I wish to let you know the best four exercises to make your chest look huge. To get a bigger chest you have to make parts of your muscles work, so dont skip any of these exercises since they are hard! If you are using them you will begin to visit a massive difference in the size your pecs very quickly…

Chest Workouts For Men – What You Need To Know…

There are plenty of possible exercises that can be done to target your chest muscles, however the best are the ones that i am going to give out. These exercises should be done in sequence so that you develop a super-set (instead of doing them in almost any order that you would like when you are during a workout session.)

Chest Exercises For males – Exercise 1: The T-Press Up

Step one: Enter into the press up position, with your hands approximately shoulder-width apart and your body straight from your ankles for your head.

Step two: Tense your abs, dont drop or lift up your hips and lower you to ultimately the floor.

Step 3: Do a standard push-up, then lift up your weaker arm and raise it up. Your body will turn which means that your torso is facing left. Take control of your body then go back to the first step. (Swap which hand you raise after every press up!)

For this chest exercise you want to do 10-15 of those in the first set so that as many as possible around the second.

Chest Exercises For males – Exercise 2: Parallel Bar Dips

This chest being active is a toughy! Dont allow that to stop you from doing the work as it will really aid you in getting a larger chest. What you would like is parallel bars inside your gym. When there is several option then use bars which are spaced further apart (this works the chest area muscles more; when they were closer theyd work the triceps more.)

Step 1: Grip the bars so that your arms are straight and youre elevated above the ground.

Step 2: Decrease your body so that your arms bend. You need to slowly lower your body until your upper arms are parallel down.

Step three: Lift up your body towards the start position and repeat.

With this exercise you want to do 10-15 reps around the first set, then return to exercise 1 to complete the second set of that, then do as many dips as you can for that second set.

Now have a 2 minute break because were going to do the next exercises in the chest workout for males – which exercises need weights!

Chest Exercises For Men – Exercise 3: The Bench Press

The bench press is the most popular chest exercise for males that theres to get a bigger chest.

Step 1: You need to use a barbell at heavy weight and lay out and grip the bar together with your hands shoulder-width apart.

Step 2: Go ahead and take bar from the stand and hold it above your chest.

Step three: Lower the bar until it is 1-2 inches above your chest.

Step four: Raise it to the starting position.

Make use of a spotter if youre able to. If you cant then avoid using a weight thats overweight! Move immediately move on to the next exercise…

Chest Exercises For Men – Exercise 4: The Dumbbell Fly

Step one: Lie on a workout bench with a dumbbell in each hand, raised above your chest so that your arms are nearly straight.

Step 2: In an arc shape, move the dumbbells out to the side, so that your arms are parallel towards the floor on either side of you.

Step three: Lift your arms support.

Take 2 minutes, then move to exercise 3, then immediately for this someone to complete the set.

Chest Exercises For Men – What You Should Think About…

Keep in mind that when you do chest exercises with the purpose of getting a bigger chest, you need to use household names. For every from the weighted exercises you need to struggle to do 15 reps. If 15-20 reps are easy then use heavier weights.

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