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Why You Need Sports Specific (Weight) Training
July 23, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Training
Article by Alex Miller
Why You Need Sports Specific (Weight) Training – Health – Fitness
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Sports specific training is that which is auxiliary or in addition to the training that an athlete practices for their particular sport. It usually consists of a conditioning program built around sports skills that help you as an athlete realize your goals much more quickly than if you trained without such a program. A ski jumper would need their legs to be like shock absorbers when landing and a football player when blocking would need explosive power in both their arms and legs. Sports specific training can achieve a stronger and speedier athletic performance because the main characteristic of most specificity exercises is that they closely resemble the individuated body mechanics in your particular sport. Here are some examples and suggestions:
Specific Training for Power
This is weight training for maximal effort when you bench press, squat or deadlift for a one rep max. The regular training involves using a medium weight for six to ten repetitions which would be seventy to eighty percent of your one rep max. Do three to five sets for each. Every workout you should add a little more weight on the bar. Once in awhile, you should reserve a workout to do a personal one rep record (PR) in say the bench press or squat. You can add overhead press, bent rowing and weighted chins to this list. Power training is especially valuable for martial and grappling sports such as football, mixed martial arts, rugby, wrestling and judo.
Sports Specific Training for Speed and Acceleration
Light free weights of between forty to sixty percent of your one rep max can be used for both the bench press and squat to develop the speed aspect of strength. You would follow the Westside barbell training protocol for this: For bench press with a barbell, take about fifty percent of you 1RM and do six to eight sets of three repetitions each. For back squats with a barbell, you take about fifty percent of your 1RM max and perform ten to twelve sets of two repetitions each. Keep in mind that speed is the goal. The weight should not be so light that it flies up out of your hands and it should be heavy enough that when you push that thing up, at least the starting of the rep should feel like you are pushing your maximum weight. Speed is useful for football, mixed martial arts, track and field, gymnastics, volleyball, diving, etc. The list goes on.
The somewhat technical Olympic lifts such as the clean and press and the snatch would also be classified under speed and acceleration training as well as plyometric jumping. Developing speed for the horizontal for sports such as tennis would not use this type of training but would rather incorporate quickness with sprints forwards and backwards and from side to side in the athlete’s sports specific conditioning program.
Sports Specific Training for the Demands of Strength Endurance
This type of training is often neglected. It consists of performing fifteen plus repetitions using free weights or machines. This would develop muscles that are capable of producing repetitive contractions under moderate to extreme fatigue. Long distance skiers, runners, rowers, triathletes and the like would do this type of training.Injury prevention
It has been said that football is not a contact sport but rather, a collision sport. The legendary strength coach Bill Starr stated that a sport such as football is nothing short of war (albeit, a somewhat controlled one). It is for this reason that the weight workout in the gym should be a lot tougher than the practice out on the field. There seem to be fewer injuries when this advice is followed which can be applied to virtually any sport. Regular weight training strengthens and toughens not only muscle but connective tissue as well.
So whether you want to improve your karate, your baseball swing, base stealing, basketball speed or any kind of athletic performance, sports specific training workouts with weights is one of the fantastic ways to increase the likelihood of your success of performing in the zone. Along with a good nutritional program, you will develop added power, speed and strength. Also, it may help to prevent injuries and also bring the attractive benefit of hypertrophy (more muscle mass) as well. Your competition is very likely using sports specific training and so should you.
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If you liked this article, you may also by interested in the Weight Training for a Triathlon. Check out for more weight training information.
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If you liked this article, you may also by interested in the Weight Training for a Triathlon. Check out for more weight training information.
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Making Your Program Golf Specific
June 18, 2012 by admin
Filed under Powerlifting
Article by Aear Lucy
Making Your Program Golf Specific – Sports – Golf
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“Golf-Specific” means different things to different people. One of the things I have learned from my education and experience in working with elite trainers and golfers is that in order to improve someone’s performance you must know where their strengths and weaknesses currently exist. This is, of course, the real value of assessments. If you look at the requirements of the golf swing itself, a golfer needs adequate spinal rotation, hip rotation, shoulder rotation, core engagement, some degree of cardiovascular endurance, and some degree of strength and stability.
You don’t need to be a bodybuilder or powerlifter for golf, just enough strength to produce a powerful swing. So, in evaluating a golfer you simply look at the rotational ability of the joints that most affect the golf swing. It is also helpful to look at a golfer’s current level of strength and stability or muscular imbalances which have the potential to create injury.
But then what? Well, if you are assessing a golfer who always complains about lack of distance and you find out they have very limited spinal rotation then you just found out a potential reason “why.” If a golfer lacks adequate spinal rotation, then its virtually impossible to produce respectable distance because you are not able to move your body freely through this motion, at least without finding another way to compensate in the body like excessive hip rotation or other variation.
The good news is that if this is discovered in an assessment, then a few simple stretches which focus entirely on improving spinal rotation will likely yield distance you have never experienced.
This brings us back to the meaning of “golf specific”. If we understand the biomechanics of the swing, then we can look at an individual and determine where they need improvement. With some golfers, a few stretches will produce results they’ve never seen before. With other golfers, they need considerably more strength. Some golfers are very strong, yet can’t move through a full range of motion or lack proper core engagement to keep their backs protected. Each golfer is different and therefore has different needs.
Maybe you’re not convinced that there’s an inner-golfer in you, but why not give it a try? The rules of the game are simple and easy to follow, the details of which you’ll learn in time. As you probably know, you’re goal is basically to hit your golf ball into a bunch of holes!
Buying golf equipment can be a lot more complicated than buying a basketball, but it will surely be worth the investment in time and money. You’ll want to consider your age, gender, and handicap (which indicates your skill level), when purchasing your first golf set! You don’t have to be the next Tiger Woods — just do your best on the course and you’re sure to get better and better at this fun and rewarding sport. You might even find you quite enjoy being out on the range and practicing your swing. And if for whatever reason you don’t, at least you’ll get a tan.
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ゴルフクラブ | MP 59 | R11| This article is from Also, We recommend some good top golf clubs to you. Thanks for reading my article!| MP 59|R11|MP 69
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