Importance of Physical Fitness in Stress Management
July 16, 2012 by admin
Filed under Physical Fitness
Physical fitness plays an important role in managing stress. If the person fitness is good he can easily manage their stress. Stress can be developed any time after changing activities or doing some important work in a given timeframe. Whenever a person changes his or her level of activity, risks are involved. This is especially true if a person has a physical unfit such as a spinal cord injury or heart disease. It is significant that trainers emphasize that person make sure with a physician before starting an exercise program.
Adopting a physically active way of life does not have to need much time or effort. This is especially true for people who are extremely inactive. A slight increase in a person’s action level can lead to important benefits. Discuss ways a person can boost his physical movement. There are several things to think when a person is planning to boost his activity level by starting an exercise program.
A person will have to figure out where he will work out, what equipment he might require, what time he will exercise, and how to do the exercise correctly. A health club and yoga classes would help answer these questions, but most persons are not going to be able pay for membership to a club or classes. The information below should give some direction for those who need and / or want to boost their activity levels. Before discussing a few information of exercise, review following principles of exercise –
Start slow and gradually increase your capacity. A person should ask a doctor before beginning the exercise program. Try to exercise regularly without skipping at least three to four times a week. To get the maximum advantage, you should go beyond normal demands placed on the body.
For example, if a person can walk a mile with small difficulty, he may have to walk faster or longer. Doing the same exercise day after day can damage your motivation, change your exercises and try to spice things up. Take a day after demanding a group of muscles. This principle typically applies to running and lifting weights. Set targets and plan exercise program to meet those targets. If you want to run a 5 mile race, you should run slowly in the starting instead of ride a bike.
I hope in this article you have got some useful information on importance of physical fitness.
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Walking – Great Exercise, Low Stress
June 21, 2012 by admin
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises
Article by Ernie Reynolds
Walking – Great Exercise, Low Stress – Health – Fitness
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It’s no secret that some form of exercise is necessary for a happy, healthy body. Exercise, combined with sensible eating and drinking habits, can help prolong your life and just make you feel better. Maintaining your ideal weight is much easier as well.
However, if you are like many people, exercise is not the most exciting way to spend your time. Slaving at the gym to get that heart pumping and work up a good sweat is not high on a lot of folks’ list of enjoyable pastimes. Besides, it costs money and takes time to go there, workout, and get back home.
May I present an alternative – walking. Walking is a great way to get some needed exercise in without sweating all over and waiting in line for the next weight machine. It is low impact and low cost – actually it’s free!
Walking can be done just about anywhere. It’s hard to beat a nice walk around the lake or a hike through the forest trails on a beautiful day. Even a few times around the block is beneficial to your health and can be done with minimal fuss and trouble.
According to recent studies, walking is just as helpful as running and jogging for your heart and circulatory system. As a matter of fact, it may be better for many folks as it causes much less stress on the body than the constant pounding of jogging. You hear of shin splints, joint pain, and other injuries from running, but you rarely hear of someone getting hurt from walking too much.
Walking is just so easy too. There’s no need to change into special clothing, and no need to change back again after from becoming soaked with sweat. It’s really not necessary to work that hard while taking a leisurely hike or stroll around the block. 30 minutes walks several times a week can really make a difference in your overall health and well-being.
Strenuous exercise like jogging and aerobics can really get the heart racing and the blood pumping, which is beneficial to a point. However when the muscles work this hard they require lots of oxygen to keep going. A side effect of this type of workout is the production of lactic acid in your muscles. This acid is what causes your muscles to feel stiff and painful after a tough workout.
Walking, on the other hand, is an anaerobic exercise. It causes the heart to pump harder and causes more blood to flow, but it does not work the muscles as hard, so it doesn’t cause the body to produce as much lactic acid. You get the benefit of a boost to the circulatory system with a much less stressful effect on the body. Anaerobic exercise also helps to release stored body fat and send it on its way out of your body.
Because it is low stress on the body, anyone can enjoy the benefits of walking several times a week. People with many other ailments can still take up walking as an easy-on-the-body program of exercise. Walking with friends on a regular basis can be an enjoyable and fun way to stay in touch and keep up with the latest news and info.
An ideal way to approach a walking program is to treat it like any type of exercise. Start out slowly and let the body warm up for 10 or 15 minutes. Then pick up the pace and walk faster to get the heart pumping and the blood flow increasing for 20 to 30 minutes. A cool down period of slower walking for 5 or 10 minutes will round out the program.
Walking can be a very agreeable alternative to the crowded, expensive gym. We all need some exercise to be at our best health. Why not head outside for some fresh air and a nice stroll around the neighborhood? The price is right and the health benefits can be great.
See you on the trails!
About the Author
Ernie Reynolds is the webmaster of Mental, a website dedicated to your health and happiness. Be sure to visit the Mental Well-Being Blog, as well for more inspiring and helpful articles and information.
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Ernie Reynolds is the webmaster of Mental, a website dedicated to your health and happiness. Be sure to visit the Mental Well-Being Blog, as well for more inspiring and helpful articles and information.
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Reducing Stress While Pregnant
February 7, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
When we’re pregnant we want to make sure we’re as healthy as possible. That means we want to get enough sleep, eat a well balanced diet, continue to exercise (even though that may be lighter than before), and we also want to make sure we lower our stress levels. We all know that stress is hard on our bodies, so we want to make sure it doesn’t effect us or our baby. Getting rid of stress takes time, but there are a few things you can do!
Relax – First of all, you want to make sure you’re taking time for yourself, and you’re relaxing. Whether you take a bath every night, or you just sit outside on a nice day, make sure you relax! Take time to get rid of your stress!
What you want – Do what you want for a change! Whether you want to go shopping with the girls, go out to dinner with your significant other, or you want to just watch your favorite TV show, do it! Take time for yourself, and do the things that make you happy!
Talk – If you have built up stress in your head, let it out! Call up your best friend, hang out with your mom, and/or tell your significant other what’s on your mind.
Once it’s off your chest, you’ll feel much better.
Exercise – Be sure you’re getting enough exercise! Doing things like yoga, or going for a walk with your friends is a great way to spend time with friends, to get out of the house, get in shape, and get rid of stress!
Healthy lifestyle – Make sure your lifestyle is healthy. Be sure to get enough vitamins, eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and get enough sleep. The saying “you are what you eat” really is true. How you eat reflects your mood!
Taking care of yourself while you’re pregnant is a must.
A happy mother is a happy baby, so be sure you take care of the both of you. You can do that by considering a few of the tips above!
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