4 Steps to Increase Your Chances of Surviving Marine Corps Boot Camp

September 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Marine Training

Article by Sam Johnson

4 Steps to Increase Your Chances of Surviving Marine Corps Boot Camp – Other

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Marine Corps Boot Camp will most likely be the most grueling 13 weeks of your entire life and if you want to survive you will need to start preparing so that your chances of graduating increase dramatically. So…

What steps can you take, starting right now, to increase your chances of surviving Marine Corps Boot Camp? Here are 4 Steps you can take right now that will increase your chances of completing Marine Recruit Training dramatically…

1) Get in shape physically. The physical training in Marine Corps Boot Camp is very demanding. If you’re overweight lose it. If your upper body strength is poor – get strong. If your endurance is lacking – improve it. You’ll need to be able to:

* Accomplish at least 3 pull-ups * 80 sit-ups in 2 minutes * Run 3 miles in less than 28 minutes.

Those were MINIMUM requirements in 1972 when I went through recruit training at MCRD, San Diego. They have changed the requirements somewhat but IF you can meet those 3 PFT requirements now, you’ll be that much farther ahead and find the physical training to be a lot easier to swallow.

2) Get in shape mentally. For many recruits the mental abuse you will be subjected to during Marine Corps Boot Camp far outweighs the physical training demands in regards to difficulty. Keep in mind there are important reasons for the mental conditioning.

* To weed out those who can’t take it * To inspire unconditional discipline * To mentally transform each recruit into a team member

Remember, once you graduate you will be a U.S. Marine. What that means is that you could very likely see combat which requires teamwork, quick thinking, nerves of steel and unconditional discipline to stay alive. Your life and the life of your fellow Marines may very well depend upon your mental stability and courage.

3) Learn USMC history.

* What the Corps stands for (core values) * Who the Corps’ heroes are and why * Famous battles

4) Learn basic USMC knowledge. By taking the initiative to learn these things in advance you’ll find you are much farther ahead of the other recruits you’ll meet during your 13 weeks of Marine Corps Boot Camp. Learn:

* 11 General Orders for Marines. * USMC Code of Conduct * The USMC Rifle Creed * USMC Quotes and Jargon * USMC Leadership Traits * Commandants of the USMC * The Marine Corps Prayer

By taking the initiative to prepare in advance for Marine Corps Boot Camp you’ll begin to learn the qualities of leadership and you’ll also find you are much farther ahead of the other recruits you’ll meet during Marine Corps Boot Camp and your recruit training adventure.

Top Tip – Surviving Marine Corps Basic Training

June 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Marine Training

I will explain the top tip for you for surviving Marine Corps basic training. One thing that you have to understand is why you have to go through basic training to begin with. Basic training is set up so that you will be broken down into a formidable opponent for the enemies in a wartime situation. In essence, you will be transformed into a powerful fighting robot. You will no longer be an individual, you will become part of a very powerful and strong unit that will be perfectly trained to fight and to survive. Here is the best tip that I can provide you with for preparing yourself for boot camp.

Mental Preparation Is Necessary:

Understand that you have an internal ability to deal with things that you never had to deal with before and that you probably presently feel are impossible to deal with. The brain is an amazing thing, and actually you only use a portion of of our brain on a daily basis.

Going through basic training, you learn to deal with situations that the normal human being is unable to do with mentally or physically. In other words, my major tip for you is that you should start to prepare yourself mentally before arriving at boot camp in order to breeze through the training sessions.

This mental preparation can be done in numerous ways. Nevertheless, learning to meditate, to focus, and to concentrate on a level that you never had to accomplish previously is a great plan of action. Once you deal with something mentally through visualization, then the physical part will just be secondary.

Good luck with your goal of surviving Marine Corps basic training camp. I know that you will be successful as long as you put your mind to it and understand that your instructors are not there to hurt you mentally, they are there to turn you into the best Marine possible.

I realize that boot camp can be a scary prospect for some. Nevertheless, the average person will be able to succeed at boot camp. I suggest that you view the videos available for free at this site: Marine Boot Camp Videos.

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