Getting More Flexible and Basic Ballet Technique
June 20, 2012 by admin
Filed under Stretching
Article by Dianne M. Buxton
Getting More Flexible and Basic Ballet Technique – Art – Dance
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Ballet dancers need to get more flexible, and work relentlessly to improve their classical dance technique. Precise basic classical dance moves and positions will help you increase flexibility, even if you never practice ballet stretches. Truly, dancing ballet correctly decreases tension, increases turnout, heightens leg positions, and achieves elevation in allegro. Even without the perfect ballet body, your potential to dance is greater with a good ballet technique.
When I reflect on the limitations I have seen in the potential of dance students to develop fully, it almost always is related to early training in ballet that developed excessive muscle tension. Incorrect basic positions contributes to muscle tension, because the muscle groups work against each other.
For example, if the pelvis is tucked under, or allowed to tip back, the fantastically (potentially) strong back muscles are working against the power of the quadriceps, or large front thigh muscle formation.
Another example, if the demi plie is forced, and the weight of the body drops back, tension increases at the front of the ankle and the tibial or shin muscles. This will lead to injury – shin splints, or extremely painful inflammation of those muscles. Re-training then goes right back to correct standing posture and release of tension.
Dancers do a lot of stretches, in the barre work, after the barre, and after ballet class. If a dance student has gathered tension all the way through class, these stretching exercises do not help them get that much more flexible.
However, if posture, turnout, plies, and leg extensions are done with correct tension and alignment, then the body is ready to get more flexible with stretching exercises.
Every plie elongates the calf muscles, if the body weight is centered, and the turnout is held in the rotator muscles, and the feet are able to relax and spread on the floor.
Grands battements express the ballet dancer’s flexibility at the end of a barre where tension release is achieved during and in between the exercises, if basic ballet technique is correct.
At that time, careful, slow, and calculated stretching will actually increase flexibility of the big muscle groups.
If you have not had the ideal ballet training, you can still improve a lot. Get more dance education and push for your full potential. Learn the safest way to get more flexible, and get tips to improve your basic ballet technique.
About the Author
Dianne strives to help you learn how to execute better ballet technique, dance ballet in pointe shoes, understand basic ballet positions, increase your ballet turnout, and learn ballet stretches at her ballet blog.
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Dianne strives to help you learn how to execute better ballet technique, dance ballet in pointe shoes, understand basic ballet positions, increase your ballet turnout, and learn ballet stretches at her ballet blog.
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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.
I was bored (again) and decided to do another video! Once again, constructive criticism is appreciated. 😀 Also, let me know if you have any questions about the stretches shown. 🙂 *Note: There will be another pointe video coming within the next week featuring one of my best friends!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
Weight Lifting Techniques: Proper Technique For Maximum Results
June 14, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Lifting
Article by Guido Nussbaum
Weight Lifting Techniques: Proper Technique For Maximum Results – Health – Fitness
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One of the most important parts of putting together a quality bodybuilding regiment is using proper weight lifting techniques. The best weight lifting program can be derailed just by using improper technique, while someone who is using less weight and less reps can end up with far better results by using perfect technique. Any true bodybuilder can tell you that the most important part of any exercise program is learning proper and appropriate weight lifting techniques.
There are many great ways to go about learning the right techniques, and you should choose whatever method you find works best for you. The following are several quality tips that have allowed many people to learn proper weight lifting techniques in the past.
#1: Talk to experts who know. This is a huge one. If you want to learn the best weight lifting techniques, then you need to learn from the people who know. Look for a good book, trusted health & exercise magazines, or a certified personal trainer who can take the time to properly show you how to do each and every muscle movement for maximum efficiency. Learning the proper weight lifting techniques from a professional is the best way to learn everything you need to know about any new bodybuilding regiment.
#2: Concentrate on every exercise. I know it’s easy to check out the other hot people sharing the gym, or let the mind wander while listening to your favorite music on the MP3 player. It’s easy to get sloppy when you’re not paying close enough attention. When you’re lifting weights, to maintain proper weight lifting technique, you need to keep concentrating on the muscle movements to make sure that you’re not taking short cuts or using improper jerking motions.
#3: Illustrations are king. Picture by picture tutorials are much more effective, since you can look at the pictures and see step by step how the arms, legs, and other parts of the body should be flexed or extended during the process. In gyms many machines even have printed instructions on them telling how to use the machines properly. Don’t be embarrassed: a good visual aid is there for a reason and we all were beginners at some time or another.
#4: Learn proper weight lifting techniques for new exercises. You can’t keep growing by doing the same exercises over and over again, so sometimes you will need a new exercise to “shock” your muscles back into growth. Whenever you learn a new exercise, once again start with less weight and learn the proper technique first.
There are always many different factors that affect how effective your actual workouts are, and technique is always near the top of the list. Proper weight lifting techniques are not only important to get the most out of any given workout, but they are also important to prevent injury. Good weight lifting results and good health go hand in hand in a good bodybuilding program.
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Check out our Workout Routines. We have the Mark Wahlberg Workout Routine, the Tyson Beckford Workout Routine and many others.
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Check out our Workout Routines. We have the Mark Wahlberg Workout Routine, the Tyson Beckford Workout Routine and many others.
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whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.
Superset Training Technique for Body Builders
March 10, 2012 by admin
Filed under Body Builders
Supersetting is a training technique frequently adopted by body builders who need to develop particular muscles yet have limited time for workouts. It basically involves doing two consecutive exercises without allowing a period of rest in between the two exercises. Body builders employ different types or kinds of superset training.
The first and most common is the Same Part Superset Method. Same part superset training method involves a body builder progressing from one type of exercise to a different one although both exercises work the same part of the body. A good example of same body part Supersetting may involve a body builder doing incline curls and then immediately taking up the barbell and doing some barbell curls. These two different types of curls when done consecutively work the biceps.
The second type of superset training is called Isolation Compound Superset Training.
in brief, isolation compound supersets are essentially a pre-exhaust superset training. a body builder using isolated compound superset training may for example do a complete set of an exercise in isolation and immediately follow it up with another set of compound exercises like dumbbell flyes followed by bench presses.
Another type of superset training is called Antagonistic Supersetting which involves a body builder doing a particular exercise and immediately following the completion of that exercise with another exercise targeting the antagonistic body part of the body builder. Such may include barbell curls for biceps followed by triceps push downs. The major advantages of employing antagonistic supersets are that it helps each and every body muscle group as the body builder simultaneously works out other muscles.
Antagonistic Supersetting is even more advantageous because it helps build, develop and strengthen both the two types of muscles. If used with the arms, it amplifies blood circulation in the upper area of the arm and if used with the back, chest, quads or hamstrings, it strengthens and improves the flexibility of the muscle fibres.
Another popular type of superset exercises is known as In-Set Supersetting which involves a body builder doing two types of exercises within a rep. this type of superset training requires the body builder to make a smooth transition between the two different exercises. A good example is like a workout in which a body builder is first doing a number of dumb bell bench presses at the positive side and then dumb bell flyes at the negative side of each rep.
While Supersetting however, body builders should avoid those muscles that primarily assist or are involved with other exercises done during the workout, unless of course, they constitute the second exercise in the supersets. An example is a body builder who does push downs and immediately takes on bench presses. These two types of exercises fatigue the same area and unless they themselves compose the superset training, they should not be both incorporated in the same workout. Even when they are the superset exercises, the body builder should do the bench presses before taking up the push downs.
Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on training, nutrition, and supplements. To build muscle fast, he recommends the world class steroid alternatives from instead of illegal anabolics
Go to to see more clips from this documentary and other works. While I was shooting my new documentary, Beyond the Pain, I was lucky enough to get permission to sit in on a photo shoot with the exceptional photographer Martin Schoeller. Martin is known for his portraits of celebrities like Jack Nicholson and Bill Clinton, among many others. This day Martin was working on his latest project, a series on women bodybuilders. An exhibition of the work is opening in March at the Ace Gallery in Beverly Hills, CA. A book will be published some time after that.
Superset Training Technique for Body Builders
December 31, 2011 by admin
Filed under Body Builders
Supersetting is a training technique frequently adopted by body builders who need to develop particular muscles yet have limited time for workouts. It basically involves doing two consecutive exercises without allowing a period of rest in between the two exercises. Body builders employ different types or kinds of superset training.
The first and most common is the Same Part Superset Method. Same part superset training method involves a body builder progressing from one type of exercise to a different one although both exercises work the same part of the body. A good example of same body part Supersetting may involve a body builder doing incline curls and then immediately taking up the barbell and doing some barbell curls. These two different types of curls when done consecutively work the biceps.
The second type of superset training is called Isolation Compound Superset Training.
in brief, isolation compound supersets are essentially a pre-exhaust superset training. a body builder using isolated compound superset training may for example do a complete set of an exercise in isolation and immediately follow it up with another set of compound exercises like dumbbell flyes followed by bench presses.
Another type of superset training is called Antagonistic Supersetting which involves a body builder doing a particular exercise and immediately following the completion of that exercise with another exercise targeting the antagonistic body part of the body builder. Such may include barbell curls for biceps followed by triceps push downs. The major advantages of employing antagonistic supersets are that it helps each and every body muscle group as the body builder simultaneously works out other muscles.
Antagonistic Supersetting is even more advantageous because it helps build, develop and strengthen both the two types of muscles. If used with the arms, it amplifies blood circulation in the upper area of the arm and if used with the back, chest, quads or hamstrings, it strengthens and improves the flexibility of the muscle fibres.
Another popular type of superset exercises is known as In-Set Supersetting which involves a body builder doing two types of exercises within a rep. this type of superset training requires the body builder to make a smooth transition between the two different exercises. A good example is like a workout in which a body builder is first doing a number of dumb bell bench presses at the positive side and then dumb bell flyes at the negative side of each rep.
While Supersetting however, body builders should avoid those muscles that primarily assist or are involved with other exercises done during the workout, unless of course, they constitute the second exercise in the supersets. An example is a body builder who does push downs and immediately takes on bench presses. These two types of exercises fatigue the same area and unless they themselves compose the superset training, they should not be both incorporated in the same workout. Even when they are the superset exercises, the body builder should do the bench presses before taking up the push downs.
Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on training, nutrition, and supplements. To build muscle fast, he recommends the world class steroid alternatives from instead of illegal anabolics
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How To Do Pull-ups and Chin-ups With Proper Technique
Article by danijel
Pull-ups & Chin-ups force you to lift your own body-weight. They are the best strength training exercises you can do for upper-body strength & muscle mass. Unfortunately Pull-ups & Chin-ups are hard. Very hard.
If youre a beginner, chances are you cant do 1 Pull-up or Chin-up. This article will not only teach you how to do Pull-ups & Chin-ups with proper technique, but also how to get stronger at them so you can do the weighted versions.
What are Pull-ups & Chin-ups? Hang on a pull-up bar with straight arms & pull yourself up until your chin passes the bar. The difference between Pull-ups & Chin-ups is in the grip:
* Pull-ups. Palms facing away. Less biceps, more back. Harder.* Chin-ups. Palms facing you. Work your biceps more. Easier.
Other Pull-up variations include: palms facing each others, thumbless grip, towel Pull-ups, Fat Bar Pull-ups, Mixed Grip Pull-ups, Horizontal Pull-ups, Kipping Pull-ups, etc. This article deals with Pull-ups & Chin-ups.
Benefits of Pull-ups & Chin-ups. Program includes Pull-ups & Chin-ups for the following reasons:
* Build Muscle. Pull-ups & Chin-ups force you to lift your own bodyweight. This stresses your body, building the muscles of your arms & back.* Grappling Strength. Pull-ups & Chin-ups help any sport which involves gripping, grappling & pulling, like MMA or Rock Climbing.* Carryover. Get stronger at Pull-ups & Chin-ups and youll get stronger on the opposite movements: the Overhead Press & Bench Press.* Shoulder Health. Balancing press exercises like the Bench Press with pull exercises like Barbell Rows & Pull-ups prevents muscle imbalances.
What Do You Need for Pull-ups & Chin-ups? A Power Rack with a Pull-up bar works best. Or a Doorway Pull-up bar. Any surface where you can hang from at arms length will do for Pull-ups & Chin-ups.
What if You Cant Do 1 Pull-up or Chin-up? Whatever method you choose: pull yourself up as if nothing/nobody was helping you. Pull-ups & Chin-ups feel very different without assistance. And always try to beat your previous record.
* Chin-ups. Chin-ups are easier than Pull-ups. If you cant do 1 Pull-up, try Chin-ups. Alternate Chin-ups with Pull-ups when you get stronger.* Resistance Band. Attach a resistance band to your pull-up bar and loop it around your knee, like in this video.* Ask For Help. Ask someone to grab your side with his hands. Let him help you on the way up by squatting down & pressing up.* Kipping Pull-ups. Swing your hips while pulling yourself up until you get stronger. Check how Jesse Marunde uses his hips on the last reps.* Routine. You can also try this strength training routine to increase your strength on Pull-ups (or Chin-ups).* Use Momentum. Jump up & use momentum. Control yourself on the way down. This one will get you a sore back & arms. Youre warned.
Assisted Pull-up Machines & Lat Pulldowns. Stay away from both. If you want to get stronger at Pull-ups & Chin-ups, do Pull-ups & Chin-ups. The strength you build on machines doesnt convert to Pull-ups & Chin-ups.
* No Balance. You dont have to balance yourself on machines. Youll lose strength when switching to Pull-ups & Chin-ups: theyre harder.* Mental Factor. Youre using less strength on the Assisted Pull-up Machine because you know the machine is helping you on the way up.
Once again: if you want to get stronger at Pull-ups & Chin-ups, do Pull-ups & Chin-ups. Youre losing time with machines. If you cant do 1 rep, try the above methods. Youll be able to do 1 Pull-up/Chin-up within a month.
Weighted Pull-ups & Chin-ups. Once you can do 10-15 Pull-ups or Chin-ups in a row, add weight to keep the exercise challenging. Heres how:
* Dumbbell Between Legs. Gets you an ab workout too. Doesnt work once youre using more than 10-20kg.* Rucksack. Wear a rucksack & put plates in it.* Belt & Chain. What I do. Wear a belt. Suspend plates from a chain, attach the chain to your belt.
Pull-up & Chin-up Technique. Start each rep from a dead hang with straight elbows. Clear the bar with your chin on every rep.
* Squeeze The Bar. And put the bar close to your fingers, not in the palm of your hand. It minimize callus formation.* Breathe at The Bottom. Its easier to breathe at the bottom. Take a big breath before pulling yourself up.* Chest Up. Dont let your shoulders go forward: its unhealthy for your shoulders. Lead with your chest up & keep your shoulders back.* Look Up. Never look down during Pull-ups & Chin-ups. Look at the bar. Look where youre pulling yourself up to.* Elbows to The Floor. Drive with your elbows to the floor. This involves your stronger back muscles more.* Bend Your Legs. And cross your feet. Letting your legs hang means less strength in my experience. Squeeze your glutes on the way up.
Common Errors. Most common error on Pull-ups & Chin-ups is cheating the range of motion by not going low or high enough on each rep.
* Not Straightening the Arms. Start from a dead hang with straight elbows, like on the picture above. No partial Pull-ups/Chin-ups.* Shoulders Going Forward. Its bad posture & bad technique. Lead with your chest up while driving your elbows to the floor.* Using The Hips. Keep your legs inline with your torso, unless youre doing Kipping Pull-ups.* Chin Over Bar. Nose or forehead against the bar is a partial Pull-up/Chin-up. Chin over bar unless youre not strong enough yet.
Danijel, married, 10 years of experience in bodybuilding