Fish Don’t Have Biceps So Why Should I Weight Train for Swimming?

August 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Circuit Training

Article by Alex Miller

Fish Don’t Have Biceps So Why Should I Weight Train for Swimming? – Sports – Swimming

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First off, weight training for swimming is not just another trendy thing. Your competitive swimming rivals are using sports specific training. If they are doing it and it’s working for them and you are not doing it, then they will probably beat you. The water is both a resistance and liquid medium that you glide through. In swimming you are using pulling, pushing and kicking motions to propel yourself forward. Resistance exercises that mimic these movements will improve the speed and power of your strokes. That should be enough to get you started with some sort of dry land anaerobic exercise regimen.

Will Weight Training Make Me a Better Swimmer?

It is important to define what you mean by better. If by better you mean will it make you faster in swimming when the split seconds count then yes; with a sports specific training program, the way your muscles and nervous system generally cope with fatigue during a race will improve significantly.

What is the Best Way to Develop Anaerobic Power for Swimming?

First of all, the term anaerobic means “without oxygen.” Your muscles use up oxygen to do work. When they run out of oxygen, they can’t move. An anaerobic workout using weights will, in time, make your muscles more efficient by creating a greater capacity and efficiency for them to use the oxygen that you breathe in. One of the best ways to develop anaerobic efficiency is by sticking to a weight training program.

Is it Okay to Do Weight Training and Swimming Every Day?

There may be some debate about this. The best answer is that it depends on what your goals are and what your present fitness level is like. If your goal is to create your ideal physique for bodybuilding, then that is outside the scope of this article. As a bodybuilder, you will be using swimming as an aerobic exercise just to burn fat. Your goals then would be different.

As a competitive swimmer, no, it would not be advisable to weigh train every day. Adequate recovery is needed for your swimming. In fact, the best routine to follow would be some type of circuit training no more than two or three days a week. CR training is when you choose six to twelve exercises doing one after the other. Lighter weights than usual are used and you rest no more than thirty seconds in between exercise sets. If you were training off season you might follow a two month cycle in which you would start off with lighter weights performing fifteen to twenty reps which activate the slow twitch muscle fibers. During the two months you add more and more weight to your exercises until you are doing between eight to twelve reps (or even less) per exercise. Mix it up a bit. Do no more than three rounds of a circuit.

Some exercises may include:

Incline bench press for chest

Back squats for hip and knee extensio

Leg press

Leg extensions

Leg curls

Calf work

All kinds of rowing

Pull ups

Standing tricep press downs

Bicep curls

Stomach crunches


Can You Give Me an Exercise for the Front Crawl Stroke?

A good exercise for the crawl stroke is to find an overhead pulley system in your gym. Grab a hold of the pulley handle with one hand and get down on your knees. With your arm straight, pull down in front of you palm down using your lats, triceps and stomach muscles simulating crawl mechanics. Repeat.

Some More Ideas

1) Flutter kicks with ankle weights. Lie on your back on the floor or on a weight bench with half of your legs hanging off. Do as many flutter kicks as you can without going to failure. These will target your thighs and lower abdomen. Do the same lying on your stomach to strengthen your hamstrings, glutes and lower back.

2) To strengthen shoulder, trapezius and upper back muscles for crawl and butterfly strokes, lie on your stomach on a (weight) bench. With your arms hanging down, hold a light dumbbell in each hand palms facing each other. Using the butterfly stroke motion, slowly pull the dumbbells back then out and up and around towards the front and then down as you mimic the motion of your hands re-entering the water in the stroke. At the top of the motion, your palms should be facing down. Repeat. Use one dumbbell at a time to develop crawling motion.

3) This movement is somewhat the opposite of the previous one to develop the crawl and butterfly strokes. You lie on your back and execute a type of pullover. Lie supine and start out with arms straight overhead towards ceiling holding dumbbells with palms facing away from you. In a circular motion, move both dumbbells away, down and back around and then “pull” the weights back up to the starting position. During the circular motion, keep arms semi-straight and palms in the direction as they would be when doing the butterfly stroke. Repeat. Then use one dumbbell at a time to develop the muscles used for the crawl stroke.

You Get the Drift

Your dry land weight training for swimming is supposed to simulate swim strokes. Training with cable pulleys and using various medicine ball throws are also excellent. Swimmers and triathletes would both benefit from sports specific weight training. Adding weight training to your swimming workouts is surely adding more work to your schedule but you’ll end up being stronger and faster in the water.

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If you liked this article, you may also by interested in the Weights vs Bodyweight Training. Check out for more weight training information.

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Alex Miller

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If you liked this article, you may also by interested in the Weights vs Bodyweight Training. Check out for more weight training information.

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The 3 Best Chest Building Exercises For Beginners Who Want to Train at Home

August 7, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Let me be frank – I don’t care about muscle building. I’m an Average Joe who just wants to look lean and athletic. One of the most over-worked muscle groups are the Chest (after the arms). Go to any gym and you’ll see guys trying to build freakishly large chest muscle.

This article, as the title states, is for people who want to build a lean, strong, and athletic body while training in the comfort of their own homes. There are two effective ways to train at home: Bodyweight and Dumbbell Exercises.

The following five exercises are ones that you can do at home with minimal equipment. Here is what you need:

Bench (Optional)
Two sturdy chairs
Mat (Optional)

Here are the three best chest exercises:

Dumbbell Chest Press – Lay down on your back on a bench, or the floor. I personally use this old Total Gym bench thingamagig that’s only about 6 inches off the ground.

You can create your own bench by placing pieces of wood on the floor (but this might not be comfortable). The choice is yours. You can even perform Chest Presses on floor. All you do is start off with the dumbbells two your sides at chest level, then push them towards the ceiling until your arms are straight. Then return back to starting position.

Pushups – Lay down with your belly on a mat or floor. I just use the cold concrete floor in my garage gym. If you don’t like inhaling dust and getting your hands dirty, then may want to perform pushups on a carpet or mat. There are tons of push up videos out there, but the two main things you need to remember is to keep your back straight, and to stop the movement when your chest is just an inch off the ground.

Too many people drop their body and let it touch the ground during a set. This defeats the purpose of placing maximum tension on your chest muscles.

Chair Dips – Get two sturdy chairs and place the backs of the chairs in front of each other. Get between the chairs and grab the backs. Now straighten your arms out as you lift your body off the ground. Tuck your feet behind you and drop your body towards the ground. Lean slightly forward to hit the chest muscles. Keep going until your upper arm is slightly past parallel. Push yourself back up to starting position and repeat. This is an extremely difficult exercise, but it will boost your chest strength tremendously.

Once again, the key to an improved physique is to combing bodyweight and dumbbell training. Coach Eddie Lomax has written an entire program around this concept titled the Gladiator Body Workout. You can check it out on blog,

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Why Women Need To Train For Strength

August 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Strength training is effective part of a woman’s workout routine. It won’t produce bulky bodies, instead it will form strong and shapely muscles that are sexy and useful. Standard strength training programs are time efficient, only two, half-hour exercise sessions per week will yield an awesome returns on this investment of time. Because woman have much less testosterone and are genetically predisposed to build muscle in a different way than men, there is no reason to worry about bulking up, or gaining a masculine physique.

No matter what age you might be and regardless of your particular fitness level, every woman should begin a strength training program that will benefit her in many ways -for life. Many gyms and health clubs offer woman only strength training classes and some fitness centers like “Curves” are exclusively for women. But there is not much difference in the way a woman strength trains and the way a man works out to build strength.

So if you prefer the coed environment, go for it! In addition to improving your appearance, and how you feel and function, studies are teaching us that regular strength training exercise also reduces your risk of osteoporosis. And for those with this condition, strength training if done carefully and correctly can be an effective therapy.

This is because strength training puts stress on bones, and thus increases bone mass. Previuosly it was a widely held belief that after the age of 30, exercise would definitely reduce the rate of bone loss. This is true, but not the whole story, because more recently research performed at the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University tells us that strength training at any age, or fitness level can actually increase bone density, not just slow the loss. Strength training stimulates new bone formation by applying a force to the bone and that triggers the stimulus that gets new bone to form.

In this study, women from ages 50 to 70 did a strength training workout twice a week for a year. After the year was complete the bone density of their hips and spine was measured. As compared to the initial measurements they added about 1%, while the group that remained without exercise in the way of strength training had actually lost about 2.5% bone density. As you would expect, of course the woman had increased their muscle strength concurrently. Finally, it would be no surprise to hear that these woman were leaner, thus imposing less stress on their bones day to day than their sedentary counterparts.

Strength training can be done anywhere at any time using the most basic equipment or no equipment at all, just the woman’s own body weight. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends strength-training exercise as an essential part of any complete, fully effective fitness program for any healthy adult regardless of gender. The ACSM’s recommendation is to perform 8-10 exercises 2-3 times a week.

Always be sure to take at least one day of rest between training. One set of 8-12 repetitions per exercise is recommended for a basic strength training regimen for people under age 50. This should only take about 30 minutes to perform. One set of 10-15 reps (more reps performed at a decreased intensity) is recommended for people who are older than 50. This less intense training is also recommended for those with arthritis, previous injuries, or high blood pressure. It is always a good idea to consult your physician and get his approval, if you have any medical condition, before starting a strength training program.

Building strong bones, especially when you get a head start before the age of 20, can be an excellent form of preventative medicine against developing osteoporosis. Practicing a healthy lifestyle can be of the utmost importance for keeping your bones strong. No matter what your age, you need to invest in your health right away to start reaping the dividends by preventing a myriad of diseases not limited to osteoporosis. And in the later years of life you can enjoy active, physically independent lifestyle.

Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on training, nutrition, and supplements. To build muscle fast, he recommends the world class steroid alternatives from instead of illegal anabolics


Football Training for Kids: Train the Kids in More Than Just Football!

August 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Endurance Training

Article by Athletes Acceleration

Football Training for Kids: Train the Kids in More Than Just Football! – Sports – Football

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Football training for kids is a multifaceted process. As a coach, one has to ensure proper athletic performance, strength development, speed and agility, proper attitude, general health, and most importantly, the safety of the kids involved. Sometimes all of these factors, when added together, turn into an overwhelming task

How to Correctly Weight Train for Golf Like Tiger

July 31, 2012 by  
Filed under Weight Training

Article by Mixiu101

How to Correctly Weight Train for Golf Like Tiger – Sports – Golf

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How to Correctly Weight Train for Golf Like Tiger

I often hear from amateur golfers about how training with weights makes them feel “tight” and it ruin’s their golf swing. Traveling on the PGA Tour I disagree with this point of view completely. It is well known that the top players on the PGA Tour; Tiger, Vijay, and Phil workout regularly. They praise the benefits of their workouts in the development of their golf swing. I am a first hand observer of what they do in the gym on the days they play.

As a result, I see the reasons why amateurs do not workout as excuses rather than legitimate reasons. I would guess that the difficulty amateurs have with weight training or working out in relation to the game of golf is how to do it correctly. This article will discuss how to properly workout to improve your golf game.

This is where the amateur gets sidetracked, frustrated, and ends up thinking weight training is bad for golf. A typical weight training program found at many health clubs can be detrimental to the golf swing. These types of programs can make you feel “tight”, adversely affect your golf game, and leave you frustrated. The reason why these “generic” training programs are counter productive to golf is their inability take into account what is required of the body in relation to the golf swing.

Golfers need to be very aware of a few important concepts when weight training in relation to the golf swing. First and foremost, any training program for golf needs to be cross-specific. A cross-specific training program develops the body to the positions, movements, and requirements of the sport you participate in.

Granted everyone’s swing is slightly different but the base components are the same. All golfers rotate around a fixed spine angle, transfer weight forward and back during the swing, generate clubhead speed, attempt to square the club at impact, and complete the swing in a balanced finish position.

The main goal of a cross-specific training program is develop your body physically around the golf swing. This induces what is termed a transfer of training effect onto the golf course. Simplified this states that the training you do in the gym pays off on the course in a positive manner.

Designing a weight training program for golf is a simple process if done correctly. The best place to start is with flexibility. Golfers need to be flexible. The golf swing requires you to move the club through a long range of motion, thus requiring your body to be very flexible. Areas of the body that typically require large amounts of flexibility for golf are; the hamstrings, lower back, hips, and shoulders. Oftentimes the amateur’s swing can improve from just adding flexibility exercises to their training program.

Another aspect of a cross-specific training program for golf is balance training. Balance is the ability of the body to control its’ center of gravity and body parts efficiently. Balance exercises address both the nervous and muscular systems of the body creating greater efficiency in its ability to control body movements and center of gravity.

After you have looked at the flexibility and balance components of a training program for golf, it is time to shift gears to the “weight training” side of the equation. The golf swing requires the development of strength within the muscles of the body. You need muscular strength to maintain a fixed spine angle, create an efficient weight transfer, and develop clubhead speed.

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Navy Seal Training – Military Fitness Exercises – Train Like a Seal

April 6, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Tom Johnstoon

Navy Seal coaching is considered to be a single of the most rigorous periods of time a youthful gentleman can experience. Navy Seals are anticipated to be ready to withstand a remarkable sum of physical strain, be ready to carry out day in and day out in fight ailments, to really feel at household on sea and land, not to point out have prime notch weapon coaching and discipline.In this post I want to focus on the sort of bodily instruction Navy Seals will need to go through. Apart from being in a position to swim quickly about lengthy distances, they also go by way of a great deal of tough and exerting exercise phases on land.The 1st point you as a civilian need to have to fully grasp is that military fitness is no exactly where close to fitness center fitness and coaching programs you may well know which are focused on excess fat loss or muscle constructing. Civilian coaching ideas are primarily for looking far better, obtaining flat abs, or shedding some extra fat. For a soldier, this is hardly crucial. In fight, with bullets flying close by, and an enemy pressing in, you want to be in a position to count on your physique to execute at all instances. Searching great is just a nice facet impact.This implies that the Navy Seals education exercises are incredibly various from all those you see at gyms. For one issue, most of the coaching is carried out outdoors and not in a health club. There is a better emphasis on human body excess weight workout routines than on fat teaching. You train with a lot of added gear carried or strapped to your human body, in total army gear, not in comfy gym shorts.In addition, you can assume to do a ton of circuit coaching, involving power and cardio exercises in quick succession. Undertaking each extended duration cardio and sprinting is one thing you can count on, as is working via water, uphill, or on uncomfortable terrain.Staying able to carry out beneath time constraints is tremendous crucial. You don\’t have all the time in the planet. You can\’t get a break unless of course your drill sergeant allows it. This is not the air conditioned, absolutely free spirit, ambiance of the health club.A thing which soldiers want to be ready to do is promptly recover from physical exertion to be ready to carry out once a lot more. I know that in the Tacfit Commando program, which shows how troopers truly train, there\’s a whole lot of concentrate on recovery. You require to be capable to charge the enemy even if you\’re tired. There is no excuse for failure and the value of it may possibly be large.If you want to train like a navy seal, get out of the gymnasium, train your physique to execute rather than to seem suit, and really push it. There is no other way.Navy Seals Knife

The Best Author On The Planet

Courtesy of SGT Ken pushed over 80 military fitness trainers and over 400 Army National Guard Soldiers through his Tactical Fitness Leadership training at Camp Shelby, MS. HOOAH!”
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Can I Night Train without a Pull-Up Diaper?

March 30, 2012 by  
Filed under Pull Ups

Article by Expertmom

Once you start to potty train your child in the day you also need to make a plan for how to get to the dry nights. There are several different methods for night time potty training and which one you will go for depends on your child, your energy levels and what you think is right. It can be hard enough to get through the mess of the day so if you feel that changing sheets and clothes in the night is more than what you need to deal with right now, you can always wait a bit with the night training.

When to Start Nights without Diapers

Some will tell you that it is time to quite the diapers for the night when your baby wakes up dry in the morning. If your child wakes up dry you can certainly go for it and simply switch to underwear and night training sheets. If your child is still waking up with a soaked diaper it is not necessarily an indication of the child not being ready for dry nights. If the child is keeping dry days it is certainly possible to get rid of diapers in the night as well!

Pull-Up Diapers

Pull-up diapers are meant to look and feel like underwear and they can come in handy when it is time for night time potty training. They are also an excellent choice in the beginning of the day time training when you want to take the child for a long car ride without risking a soaked car seat. The thing with pull-up diapers is that they are usually very expensive. You can expect a price 2-4 times what you normally pay for regular diapers. This is reason enough to ask if you can night train without the pull-up diapers.

Yes, You Can!

You can absolutely save the pull-up diapers for car travel, plane rides and other times when this sort of support comes in handy. In the nights, in your home, you can choose to be brave and use regular underwear just like in the day. It is smart to start sleeping without diapers during nap time. If your child naps at home this is an excellent opportunity for night time training to begin. Make sure to go right before sleep but don

Best Chest Exercises For Men at Home to Train Chest Muscles

February 24, 2012 by  
Filed under Chest Exercises

Article by Ombladom Freacka

This article discusses best chest exercises. If you don’t understand how to train your chest in your own home, then read it until end. You will learn how easy it is.

What is the best chest exercises for men at home? This question is very familiar in my experience. When I start to train chest muscles, I possibly could not find any answer. There is lots of chest exercises which are only accessible in the gymnasium. The problem is, I don’t like to visit gymnasium. Seeing those recommendations I remarked that in the world is just bodybuilders. If I do not like to visit a gym, I cannot train my muscles.

It is true that the best chest exercises you can do in the gym. There’s different muscle training equipment. Sometimes is difficult to select to which gymnasium to go. I believe that going to the gym is unnecessary spending of your time. I favor spend this time around with my loved ones or friends.

If you do not wish to go to gymnasium you are able to train chest muscles in your own home. Certainly, you can use different exercises with different weight dumbbells. For those who have your own gymnasium, then don’t read on since you will not find here tips for weight lifting. Are you aware how you can train chest muscles at home? Do not think about weight lifting, think about simpler exercise.

Isn’t it time? The very best chest exercise for males at home is push up. It is possible to do and then any man can do it. If you feel it’s rubbish, then you’re wrong. Push-up is equally as effective as the bench press. Changing the push up type you are able to change the difficulty level. You can choose nine push-up types how you can train chest muscles. These types are highlighted below.

Pitched push-up Nappy push up Frog push up Navi push-up Light push-up Exchange push up Wide push up Simple push up Fast push up

I build my chest muscles with these nine push-up types. It is simple and quick to complete. Certainly it will be difficult at the start because your body want to get accustomed to the workout. The key reason is, chest muscle training takes only 15 minutes of my spare time. I like it! Train your chest muscles with simple chest exercise. Build your training interesting.

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