Water Rower S4 Club Rowing Machine S4-Club Accessories: None

October 26, 2012 by  
Filed under Rowers

Product Description
Water Rower The WaterRower Club is hand crafted in solid ash and stained for color. The WaterRower club has been designed for high traffic areas such as commercial gyms, studios, rehabilitation clinics, etc. Its black rails have been styled to prevent scuffing; other wooden components are finished in an attractive rosewood which are more resistant to soiling than the natural model. Each machine has been hand finished with Danish oil and urethane for protection. Wood… More >>

Water Rower S4 Club Rowing Machine S4-Club Accessories: None

Water Rower M1 Lo-Rise Commercial Rowing Machine M1-LoRise Accessories: Heart Rate Reciever

October 5, 2012 by  
Filed under Rowers

Product Description
Water Rower M1-LoRise The WaterRower M1 LoRise Rowing Machine is full commercial rower backed by waterrower’s standard 3 – year commercial warranty. It is called the ‘LoRise’ because the seat is a standard 12 inches off the floor, compared to the hirise model with a seat 20 inches off the floor (easier access). This frame is fabricated from hardy tubular steel, requiring minimal care or maintenance in even the toughest of environments. Using the same principles that… More >>

Water Rower M1 Lo-Rise Commercial Rowing Machine M1-LoRise Accessories: Heart Rate Reciever

Water Rower S4-Ash S4 Natural Rowing Machine in Ash Wood Accessories: Heart Rate Kit

September 28, 2012 by  
Filed under Rowers

Product Description
Water Rower S4-Ash The WaterRower Natural is hand crafted in solid ash and stained honey oak for consistency of color. Features: -Performance monitor – The series 4 performance monitor has been designed to balance technical sophistication with user – friendliness. -The monitor has 6 information and programming windows, 6 quick selection buttons and 3 navigation buttons. -It displays workout intensity, stroke rate, heart rate, zone bar, duration, and distance. -Compa… More >>

Water Rower S4-Ash S4 Natural Rowing Machine in Ash Wood Accessories: Heart Rate Kit

The Big Impact Of Low Impact Water Aerobics

September 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Dr. Rose Windale

The Big Impact Of Low Impact Water Aerobics – Health

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Low impact water aerobics is a fun and exciting means of getting in shape. Done in chest deep water, low impact water aerobics may involve some warm ups and stretching as well as cool down exercises. Low impact water aerobics may also include entertaining dance steps while wallowing in the pool. Unlike high impact aerobic exercises that leave you sore and drain all the energy out of you, low impact water aerobics can give you an energetic and refreshed feeling afterwards. A large percentage of individuals find it difficult to adhere to a regular aerobic exercise regimen as they can eventually lose enthusiasm in doing the exercises.

High impact aerobics can be so painstaking that the concept of exercising has become tormenting to so many people. Some people eventually lose interest in exercising as they are not aware that they can do low impact exercises with maximum health benefits. Such is the case of low impact water aerobics. The program actually doesn’t require a person to do backbreaking vigorous exercises. There may be minimal strenuous activities in low intensity water aerobics but the program can be remarkably efficient as the exercises are done in the water. As the water provides resistance while executing the exercises, low impact water aerobics can be effective in flexing the muscles thereby building up muscular strength.

Unlike high impact aerobic exercises, low intensity water aerobics doesn’t leave you aching and exhausted as you don’t have to do all those jumping and heavy stretching. The exercises may be done in the water but this doesn’t put pressure on the body at all. Wading in the water can be cool and invigorating, thus less effort is required in low impact water aerobics. People of all ages are capable of doing low intensity water aerobics from children to adults and the elderly. Even pregnant women can benefit from the program as it has been proven to be less arduous and is safe.

When incorporated into a health regimen, low impact water aerobics doesn’t run the risk of damaging the bones and the joints that’s why the elderly are able to carry them out. Weak bones and wobbly joints are not impediments in enjoying water aerobics which is synonymous with an exciting, relaxed way of regularly doing an exercise program. For expecting mothers, low intensity water aerobics can even be safe for their babies. If an individual has a medical condition that may inhibit him from doing strenuous physical activities, low impact water aerobics can be one of the best choices to be fit and well.

Low intensity aqua aerobics may require less effort in exercising with a minimal duration of 45 minutes but it has a big impact on the health. It will aid in the rapid burning of calories thereby causing weight loss. Consequently, an individual will feel better as he looks better. Low impact water aerobics is also beneficial for the heart as it enhances the endurance of the cardiovascular muscles. Implementing low impact aqua aerobics as an inclusion to the health regimen will prove not only beneficial to the body but to the overall well-being as well. Providing an individual with an easygoing yet helpful means of exercising as well as having fun socializing with other participants in the program, low impact water aerobics can also be an enjoyable way of socializing and gaining friends.

Low impact water aerobics can be one of the ultimate solutions for a unique, enjoyable and safe way for an exercise regimen that would promote fitness and overall well-being.

About the Author

The author of this article Rose Windale is a Health and Wellness Coach who has been successful with several natural health programs for many years. Rose recently published a step-by-step guide on how to lose weight the EASY way and become totally healthy and happy. More info on her life-changing eating habits plan at http://www.FlabAndFatAway.com.

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Dr. Rose Windale

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The author of this article Rose Windale is a Health and Wellness Coach who has been successful with several natural health programs for many years. Rose recently published a step-by-step guide on how to lose weight the EASY way and become totally healthy and happy. More info on her life-changing eating habits plan at http://www.FlabAndFatAway.com.

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Health Benefits of Aquatic Exercises, Water Aerobics

September 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Arm Exercises

Article by Nick Mutt

Health Benefits of Aquatic Exercises, Water Aerobics – Health – Weight Loss

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We all know that exercise such as running, jogging and biking has been found to reduce cholesterol and high BP and prevent heart disease. But this article emphasizes on the benefits of water aerobics. Aquatic exercise is becoming increasingly popular as water has been found to be ideal for muscle toning, is soothing and increasing stamina, strength, flexibility and endurance.

It is well known that over body weight is much less in water. Hence, when one stands in water at chest level his body is near weightless. The natural buoyancy of the water supports the body and relieves the stress on joints, tendons and ligaments. Water

Wading In Water Aerobics

September 3, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Sutiyo Na

Wading In Water Aerobics – Health – Weight Loss

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Physical activities like walking, running, dancing and swimming can be considered aerobics. Aerobics are exercises which increase the heart rate and at the same time pump more oxygen into the blood vessels. There are different kinds of aerobic exercises which can be defined based on the equipment used in the workout program. Water aerobic workout is an example of an aerobic workout.

Water aerobics or aqua aerobics can also be referred to as waterobics. This kind of workout is usually performed in a swimming pool with waist-deep water. It could be in an indoor or outdoor pool, with water temperature of 82

How A Water Aerobic Routine Can Help You

August 20, 2012 by  
Filed under Anaerobic Exercises

Article by Jaks Lloyd

How A Water Aerobic Routine Can Help You – Health – Fitness

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If you have never heard of a water aerobic routine or aquatic exercise, you should know a few things. To begin with, there are a great many benefits that you can gain from a routine such as this. Also, aquatic exercise is superior to other aerobic exercises in that it is low impact. This means that your joints and bones do not take the amount of stress from aquatic exercise that it takes from other kinds of aerobic workouts.

Benefits of Water Aerobic Routines:

* They are low impact, which makes them an ideal exercise for people who suffer with arthritis, those who are undergoing physical therapy, or people who have other types of medical conditions.

* Water offers a natural resistance, so when you move in the water while exercising you have to push against it. This builds and strengthens muscle and burns fat.

* An aerobic exercise routine lasting only 30 minutes can burn up to 300 calories.

* You only have to be in water that is around chest deep, so you are able to perform these exercises even if you are a non-swimmer.

* Water aerobic exercises are thought to relieve stress as well as helping to keep you in shape.

How to Get Started with a Water Aerobic Routine:

To get started with a water aerobic routine, you only need access to a pool. It’s a good idea to speak with your doctor to ensure that you are healthy enough to begin a new exercise routine, and get his or her okay to do so. Then, you want to start out slowly with your new routine. This will help you gauge the effects of the exercise on your body and help you understand what amount of exercise to do and how long to stay in the water. Plan very easy workouts to begin with, and keep them at a half an hour to start. Here are some great examples of water aerobic routines that you can begin with.

Water Aerobic Routines:

Water Walking – This is a great exercise to begin with in your water aerobic routine. In around chest deep water, you will walk as you would normally walk on land. You want to try and walk in the water like you would walk briskly on land. Move your arms at your sides while you walk, and you can burn around 250 calories in just a half an hour. This is much more than you would burn just by walking on land.

Leg Flutters – You can perform this by holding on to the side of the pool in deeper water, so that you are able to move your legs without touching the bottom of the pool. Hanging on to the edge, point your toes at the bottom of the pool and move your legs back and forth so that your feet are passing each other going in different directions. You can keep the kicks small, and do this for about 15 minutes. You are also working your arms by hanging on to the side of the pool while you are exercising.

There are many different exercises and workouts that you can add to your beginning water aerobics routine. The benefits are great and you can stay in shape and have fun as well.

About the Author

Jaks Lloyd is an authority website builder and designer. For more information please visit http://www.hotexercise.com

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Jaks Lloyd

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Jaks Lloyd is an authority website builder and designer. For more information please visit http://www.hotexercise.com

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Water Rower Oxbridge Rowing Machine in Cherry Wood Oxbridge Accessories: Heart Rate Reciever

August 17, 2012 by  
Filed under Rowers

Product Description
Water Rower The WaterRower Oxbridge is hand crafted in solid cherry wood. Like all woods, cherry wood may vary in color from a red – brown to deep red. The wood will darken in color with exposure to light. For this reason all WaterRower cherry wood components are kept in light free rooms to protect from shadowing. A new WaterRower Oxbridge will therefore appear quite light in color. The wood will however darken over time reaching a rich reddish hue. Features: -Perfo… More >>

Water Rower Oxbridge Rowing Machine in Cherry Wood Oxbridge Accessories: Heart Rate Reciever

Water Aerobics and Other Water Exercise

May 25, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Water aerobics classes are like standard aerobics but in are performed in the water. It’s tougher to move in water due to its resistance and the water also protects you from any impacts. These classes are great for increasing muscle tone and also often recommended as part of physical therapy, for example when recovering from injury or surgery. Other variations include hydospinning, water ballet, and water yoga.

Aerobics are easier in the water and most people don’t find them as exhausting. Because water is approximately 12 times thicker than air you move more slowly. Some classes may add equipment like webbed gloves to make workouts harder. Unlike step aerobics or dance workouts, very little coordination is required, and added plus for klutzes like me.

If you are a hardcore swimmer or hardcore aerobics fan, you might find water aerobics boring.

If however you are easing back into fitness, this may be a low impact option you enjoy. It’s also popular with pregnant women, older people, and anyone with degenerative diseases that make it hard to move on land. You might also love it if you simply love the water like I do, and it’s also great cross training for athletes.

There are several levels of classes available ranging from ones for avid aerobics nuts and serious endurance athletes to ones more suitable for octogenarians. I suggest you wear a comfortable bathing suit and consider water exercise shoes or an old pair of sneakers to keep from scraping your feet. Personally I find water aerobics nice for a change of pace and variety in my training routine.

Harold has been writing for years on fitness and cooking topics. His latest writings are at kitchen trash bags and clear trash bags, and are far more interesting than they sound!

Water aerobics workouts involve different phases, each of which can help you warm up, stretch and build strength, among other things. Discover beneficial exercises that fit your needs with help from a fitness instructor in this free video on water aerobics. Expert: Stephen Taylor Contact: www.sttrainer.com Bio: Stephen Taylor is a professional endurance coach. Filmmaker: Dimitri LaBarge Series Description: Water aerobics is good exercise and can be done by anyone, including kids regardless of size, shape or fitness level. Learn techniques for a better workout from a fitness trainer in this free video series on water aerobics.

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Water Aerobics Equipment – Helping You Have Better Water Aerobic Exercises

May 9, 2012 by  
Filed under Aerobic Exercises

Article by Michael Harrah

Exercises can take a lot of forms these days. They may be typically done dry but doing water aerobics is something that will be more helpful for people. These are more fun to do so people will not be tired of it and be more motivated to do them. In addition, they have more benefits when it comes to working different muscle parts. But in doing these exercises, it’s essential to have the right water aerobics equipment to make it helpful for everyone. One of the first things to invest in doing these exercises is finding the right apparel in doing the workout. A good pair of aerobic shoes for water aerobics is also an important thing to have to always be in balanced. Water aerobics gloves are also essential for you to obtain.

In terms of apparel, a thermal shirt is also helpful in order to prevent being too cold while on water. This is most especially for people who can get easily cold or for the elderly who are taking advantage of this type of exercise. For additional intensity, aqua barbells may also be useful so it will make the exercise more effective than the usual. Apart from handheld weights, there are also the ankle weights that can help provide this intensity. If you’re losing your balance every time you do this program, you may also want to check out jog belts as part of your water aerobics equipment so you’ll enjoy water exercise more.

Giving additional intensity and more arm strength is among the usage of jog belts while minimizing shoulder stress. On this belt, you’ll be able to work out your legs and tone your abdominal muscles. This is a great way of doing two exercises in one. Kickboards are also helpful in terms of doing more activity than the usual since you can do upper exercises with them. You just have to find out all the needed water aerobics equipment through the internet or n different stores so you’ll find the right ones for you. These will work together so you’ll achieve a healthy body trough water exercise.

Want to know more about water aerobics equipment? Visit Michael Harrah’s site at http://www.aerobicexerciseequipment.net/ now to learn more exciting information.

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