Are Wrist Curls a Good Arm Toning Exercise For Women?
April 15, 2012 by admin
Filed under Arm Exercises
Figuring out which arm exercises for women are the best can be extremely frustrating. But if you really want to get rid of that arm fat, there is hope!
The main reason for all this frustration lies in all the confusing opinions out there. There are simply too many options to digest.
And the average women does not know how to separate fact from fiction. You might end up pulling your hair out or emptying your purse. Yet I have some good news. I’ve already done all the hair pulling and purse emptying for you.
I am going to analyze as many arm exercises as I can so that there is no more confusion. After all, learning how to lose arm fat should not be stressful! So without further ado, here is my analysis of wrist curls:
1. Overview: This exercise is great for working the forearms, but that is not our goal. Our goal is to get rid of upper arm flab as quickly as humanly possible.
Thus, this is not a good exercise for your purposes.
2. Technique: Sit on a bench with forearms resting on your thighs. Grasp a barbell. Breathe out and raise the barbell. Then slowly lower it. Repeat.
3. High frequency mistakes: Grabbing the barbell with too much force which is painful for the wrists. Not using a full range of motion when doing the curl. And letting the elbows wiggle around.
4. Conclusion: You should not be doing this exercise unless you have a special condition that requires strong wrists and/or forearms. It does not tone your upper arm area. And you need to tone your upper arm area if you want to get rid of the jiggle.
Unfortunately, it’s not possible for me to review all of the best arm exercises for women in the space of a single article.
So stay tuned. Good luck!
Author Katherine Crawford, founder and creator of Sleeveless in 7, is an expert on arm exercises for women. Learn how to get sexy and toned arms right now by visiting her blog on how to get rid of fat arms!
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Wrist Weights – Improve Musculation While Avoiding Injury
December 30, 2011 by admin
Filed under Weight Lifting
Concerning wrist weights, you may have seen many bodybuilders whose wrists are wrapped around heavy duty straps. Those are known as weight lifting wrist straps. Wrist straps are usually applied to help bodybuilder in extending their grip on certain workouts such as heavy barbell shrugs and shoulder side rises.
There are many names for these weight lifting equipments. Here are few names that you might have heard about the wrist weights as lifting straps, weight lifting straps, power straps, power lifting straps, dead lifting straps, deadlift straps, hand straps, training straps, weight straps and etc.
Wrist weights have non stretching material that is “noosed” around your wrists and the rest of the material is wrapped around the lifting bar to help you in handling the weight. Their main function is to keep the bar in your hands when lifting heavy weights.
You might use wrist straps when your grip can’t handle heavy amount of weight you are lifting, weak grip, sweaty hands, hurt hands etc.
These long lasting, durable and cotton bearing weight lifting wrist straps are the best way to take strain off forearms and wrists while doing exercises such as lat pull downs, deadlifts, rows, one arm row, shrugs and so on.
These straps are mainly used to build bigger back/lats, traps, legs and many more. It helps to improve your grip so you can easily handle heavy weights during various exercises. It has different sizes from teenagers to younger.
Weight lifting straps are applied to improve grip on heavy workouts such as shrugs, deadlifts, cable rows etc. They are basically used on trap and back exercises but may also applied on exercises such as heavy dumbbell curls and presses.
Using a strap is not an easy job. It needs some practice to get them hang but it is worth the effort.
Straps can radically strengthen your grip, which will help you to better hit the traps and back. Many people lift more weight than their grip will allow. Wrist weights are a long strip of fabric with a loop at one end. Place the one end through the hole at the other end; both straps should mirror each other.
First of all place your hand through the circle made by strap. Then snug the strap tightly around the wrist. Put your hands on the bar with the help of strap lynching towards the floor. Drag the strap under the bar and rear over the top. At the end twist the bar towards your direction to tighten the straps. Wrist weights can be very useful for your training, but be cautious not to over use them.
No site but gives you all the tips and info on wrist weights and related subjects. Whether you are a newbie or an expert, make sure to check out weight lifting straps by following the links above! Rex’s Weight Lifting Strap is one of the newest straps in the industry. Rex’s weight lifting strap is easy to use and is for all skill sets. Try his weight lifting strap today!
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