Fitness For Women – Strength Training Takes 10 Years Off
April 3, 2012 by admin
Filed under Strength Training
Article by Rebecca Prescott
Strength training has a lot of advantages for women, and particularly for women aged 35 to 40 and older. By the age of 40, women generally begin to lose bone density and muscle mass. One study at Tufts University, designed by the author of ‘Strong Women Stay Young’, Miriam Nelson PH.D, found that instead of losing bone density and muscle mass, the women were 15 to 20 years younger after one year of weight training. They gained bone density, and their strength tests matched women who were in their 30’s and 40’s.
These women didn’t diet, but they did end up looking slimmer. Some lost 1 or 2 dress sizes, and they all replaced fat with muscle. Because muscle weighs more than fat, this is the reason they looked slimmer, though the scales may not have changed much.
The women in this study were all post menopausal, and some of their ages were in the 50’s and 60’s. They made some remarkable changes in their lives as they got stronger. One woman described going rollerblading with her children. Another went canoeing with her husband. More than any pills or potions, strength training gave these women back a youthfulness some didn’t even have to that degree in the first place.
The women in this study used leg weights and free hand weights that were adjustible in their strength training program. They started at a level they were able to – even if this was the lightest weights available. They didn’t buy lots of expensive equipment or home gyms, and many of these can be bought second hand with a little research locally. As they developed their strength, they invested in heavier weights.
For the strap on ankle weights, they started with 1 to 3 kilograms in each cuff. The suggested ankle cuffs hold up to 10 kilograms each. The dumbells they used for their arms were adjustable, and they started with 1 or 2 kilograms. The only other equipment they needed was a chair, somewhere to store the weights, and a towel. Because you’re working out in your own home you don’t need to buy expensive or flashy gym clothes, or worry about feeling the odd one out.
The workout itself is in the book, Stong Women Stay Young. It covers a range of basic exercises that don’t take up too much time, which is suggested you do twice a week. Each session takes about 40 minutes including warming up and cooling down.
Tips for women working out with weights at home
* Make sure the area you’re working in doesn’t have rugs, electrical cords, toys and other items that you can trip over* Keep your pets and young children away from this area whilst you’re working out* If you’re using a chair when you do exercises, make sure it’s on a carpet that won’t slide around. If you don’t have carpet, put the chair against the wall so it stays stable* If you have problems with your back, you’ll need to be careful when you’re carrying your free weights around. Take a few trips to carry things if you have to move them in or out of a storage area. And make sure you lift them properly by bending your knees and moving slowly.* It helps to keep the weights you’re not currently using in their container. That way they can’t be knocked off by curious children.* If you’re using leg weights, don’t walk around with them on. It could affect your balance. And if you trip on something, you are more likely to injure yourself than normal* Keep the telephone off the hook, and the cellphone off. That way if someone rings you won’t be interrupted* Make sure you have some drinking water nearby in case you get thirsty.* Don’t drink any alcohol, even a little bit, less than a couple of hours before you exercise* Try and make sure you haven’t just eaten a meal before you work out. But by the same token, make sure you’re not starving! If you’re really hungry, you could become light headed or dizzy when you work out.* Don’t forget to warm up!* If you’re using weights, try doing them in front of a mirror so you can check your posture. You’ll get more out of the exercise, and work the right muscles. Sometimes our posture becomes so habitual we don’t realize it’s not quite right until we see it* If you’re using weights, a good posture means you’re chin is down slightly, so that it’s aligned with your neck. Your neck is in line with your spine, shoulders are straight and not stiff, back is straight, and your knees are not locked or bent. Your pelvis should be tucked under a little* When using weights, do the lifts slowly. This really works the muscles instead of letting the motion do the work for you.* Make sure you pause for a count between lifting the weight up, and lowering it* Don’t hold your breath whilst you’re lifting wights. Given that we’re contracting muscles, sometimes we unconsciously hold our breaths at the same time. Remember to breath, but don’t go the other extreme and hyperventilate!
References: Miriam Nelson and Sarah Wernick, Strong Women Stay Young (Lothian)
For more articles on fitness, and activities like running and walking, click here.
Learn the best weight training tips in this fitness for women video. Expert: Erin Sharoni (follow Erin on Twitter at You can also follow Erin on Facebook, at Thanks for watching Fitness for Women: Weight Training Tips! Ifyou enjoyed this video, subscribe to the Howcast YouTube channel! Check out Howcast for other do-it-yourself videos from howcast and more videos in the Howto category. You can contribute too! Create your own DIY guide (at ), learn about producing Howcast spots with the Howcast Filmmaker Program (at ), or showcase your expertise in a Howcast video series (at ).
Getting Fit Will Benefit You For Years. Get Some Great Tips
Article by Jim McGilvary
It’s important to buy athletic shoes that properly fit your feet. Go shopping for shoes at the time of day your feet are largest, the evening. Make sure there is at least a half-inch of free space in between your big toe and your shoe. Your toes should move freely in your sneakers.
During pullups, lat pulldowns, and similar exercises, make sure not to let your thumb wrap around the bar. Place your thumb next to the index finger, this will cause you to use your arm muscles less and put the focus on main back muscles. Doing this feels strange, but targets the right muscle groups.
Work your sore muscles the next day for faster healing. By doing so, you will bring more nutrients and blood to the muscles, and therefore increase the repair efforts.
A great exercise modification is dive bomb pushups. You can do a dive bomb pushup by placing your hands and feet on the flow below while arching your back. As you bend at the elbows, similar to a normal push-up, bring your chest down and, at the same time, forward. Then return to the starting position. This will greatly strengthen your chest muscles.
Here is a great piece of advice from tennis and sports enthusiasts that will help you to ramp up the power of your forearms. Use a large sheet of newsprint to cover a flat surface. With your dominant, or stronger hand, crumple up the sheet of paper for about 30 seconds. Once you have finished doing this, do this exercise once with your off-hand, then switch back to your dominant hand and do two more repetitions.
You should perform your exercises in a set order. First do dumbbells, then the heavier barbell exercises, then do the machine exercises last. It is advised that when using dumbbells, smaller muscles experience fatigue before larger muscle groups. When your muscles become tired, you should switch your focus to performing workouts on machines.
It can be easy to start working out too intensely. You should start out by taking it slow and easy if it has been a while since you have exercised. You need to re-train your body. Muscles rebuild gradually. The way to avoid injuries and their resulting setbacks is to give your body a chance to slowly and steadily rebuild.
You can enhance your workouts effectively by learning how to control your breathing properly. While you are doing crunches, exhale forcefully as soon as your shoulders reach the top of the movement. The deep breathing causes your ab muscles to do more work than normal.
If you watch a lot of TV and it keeps you from exercising, here’s a good way to do both. Very few people pay attention to commercials anyway, so make the wait during the breaks worthwhile by doing a few exercises.
Do not cheat yourself out of vibrancy and a positive outlook which comes from physical fitness. Continue to find ways to improve yourself physically and reap the benefits to your quality of life. Using the information provided here is one way you can enhance your overall fitness level.
PS: If you would like to take back your health and fitness and get paid to get in the best shape of yourlife training for only 7 minutes a day 3 times per week!! Click herePSS: See my original health and fitness post
New Years Resolution: 30 FUN ways Get in Shape!
March 17, 2012 by admin
Filed under Get in Shape
Article by Lind – Drop Of Pink
New Years Resolution: 30 FUN ways Get in Shape!
We’ve all known a friend (or ourselves) say that they’ve eaten waaaaay too much over the holidays and now want to get back into ship shape. ‘But exercise is boring and hard!’Ah, but that is where you are wrong! Here is 30 FUN ways to burn 300 calories. Ready, Set, BURN!1. Get together with a friend (or on your own) and powerwalk for 50 minutes!2. Go back to the 70′s and rollerskate for half an hour. Yes, you can even wear your leotard and legwarmers!3. Take over the ski machine at the gym for 22 minutes. You can even close your eyes and imagine the snow underneath you if you like 4. Re-arrange a room in your house and lug around furniture for about 35 minutes. 300 calories burnt, you feel good about yourself, and you’ve got a whole new Feng Shui about the place!5. Do 40 minutes of low impact aerobics (either at a class or in your living room). It’s even another excuse to break out the legwarmers!6. You know that old bike you haven’t used in donkey’s years? Dig it out and go for a ride! Just under half an hour is all you need.7. Book a badminton or tennis court for 45 minutes and persuade a friend to have a match with you! But no, cake is not the prize for the winner ladies.8. Do just under 30 minutes of medium impact circuit training exercise. This includes a few ‘stations’ around the room. So station one could be abdominal crunches or full sit ups. Station 2 could then move onto leg lunges (the deeper the lunge, the more it hurts and works), station 3 moves on to arms. Press-ups or weight lifting (dont try and lift weights that are too heavy). Do 6 stations of 5 minutes each. Don’t forget the good workout music.9. After christmas the house may be a bit of a mess, so spring (or should we say winter) clean your house for an hour. Two birds with one stone really!10. Have a laugh with a friend, or your partner. Go to a dance class and learn a new style of dance! Being a dancer myself I know how fun dancing is, and because you’re enjoying it that much, you totally forget about how much of a workout it really is! If you’re with your partner try taking a salsa class for an hour, or if your with a friend then things like Zumba classes or Dance Aerobics are spot on for a fun workout!11. Take a 35 minute hike in the countryside. Working out, seeing the beautiful sights and even de-stressing after a hard day at work perhaps? Then order a low calorie drink at the pub afterwards!12. If your more of the get-up-and-go type, then a 30 minute job is right in your comfort zone. Stick your headphones in and blast some of your favourite tunes to get you through it.13. If you’ve had a hard day at work and are generally feeling a bit fed up, let out some of that aggression with a kick boxing class. It’s a hard workout, i’ll warn you. But if you think you can handle it, then just 20 miunutes is enough. Watch out Ricky Hatton!14. If you want to work out but it’s a nice day outside, how about tidying up your garden for 45 minutes?15. If you like animals, a 30 minute walk with your dog is a perfect way to exercise those mince pies off!16. Do a 55 minute Aqua Aerobics. This is perfect if you’re not the skinniest girl in the world but still want to make the effort. The water gives extra resistance so you still get a workout but it doesn’t feel as hard as it is. Plus, its a bonus if you get a hot male instructer!17. Pretend you’re an olympic rower, 25 minutes on the rowing machine at your local gym will do the trick!18. Give horse riding a try. Book a 90 minute session, you’ll be a pro in no time!19. Get together with a friend or partner and have a aggressive game of squash. Another de-stresser and a brill workout. If your not sweating after it then you may be tougher than Rambo himself!20. 20 minutes of fast paced front stroke at the swimming baths will do the trick.21. Clean around your kitchen for 40 minutes, two jobs in one go!22. Another tough workout is spinning. Take an hour long spinning class for beginners and you’ll probably burn more than 300 calories, and most likely won’t be able to walk the day after. All in the name of good fitness thought!23. As its the festive season, why don’t you get together with friends and go ice skating. An excuse to put on your best woolies and make a fool of yourself. 40 minutes of ice skating will do.24. Scrape off the hideous wallpaper in the living room that you know EVERYONE hates. 40 minutes and you’ll be down 300 calories and will have probably made a lovely mess in the living room. Job done!25. Just because you want to get fit, doesn’t mean you have to cancel your life whilst you’re doing it! Go on a night out with friends (gin and tonic or vodka and diet coke!). Dance for at least 35 minutes (even though we all know you’ll be the last ones on the dance floor!).26. Take over the running machine at the gym and run for 21 minutes. Run at a pace of about 10 minutes per mile. Allow longer for slower paces.27. Get your freak on (did I really just say that?) and have a go at Martial Arts. Take a tae kwan do class for just 21 minutes!28. Get together with a friend that has either a Nintendo Wii or Xbox Kinect. Challenge eachother on an exercise game, (Wii Sports or a dance game for the kinect). Make it more interesting by adding a 5 sit-up penalty for the loser of each game. Do this for about an hour (or longer if you’re having fun).29. Learn to snorkel at your local pool – practise this for about 45 minutes.30. This may seem like a really embarrasing idea but get together with friends. Each learn a 5 minute workout concentrating on one part of the body (e.g. abdominals or bums) and lead your own mini aerobics class. (You & your friends save the money and have loads of fun doing it). Take it in turns to teach the class, then when one person is finished swap over to the next person.Have fun and happy exercising!
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Girls were encouraged to be their most attractive at a young age. Brilliant!!
LG seven years of grinding sword bamboo salt toothpaste to build healthy living
December 15, 2011 by admin
Filed under Healthy Living
Article by hi joiney
2008 3, LG Household and Health Care of bamboo salt toothpaste was awarded “China Famous Brand”, this hard-won honor for a foreign brand, which proves that LG Household and Health Care in the Chinese market have been the consumers identity. LG bamboo salt toothpaste rapid spurt of red, a high-end market, a brand of toothpaste legend. Create differentiated marketing, “South Korean health expert” imageDay of the Chinese market has always been competitive, and LG “healthy living” in the beginning of landing in China, with unique new concept has quietly built up in the minds of consumers, “health experts from Korea,” a good image, which have benefited from its excellent market differentiation strategies, including the use of “Bamboo Salt,” which has the characteristics of Korean traditional Korean concept of health culture, unique communication strategy and the “concentrated market” brought about the market impact, and thus obtain a good effect on the market. The development of Korean enterprises in ChinaLG Household and Health Care as an operating company supplies integrated life, and daily necessities in South Korea Cosmetic Market has been leading, but entered China, LG Household and Health Care fully into account the issue of cultural impact on China’s domestic market and the culture a lot of research and analysis, so according to the Chinese cosmetics, daily chemicals market conditions and characteristics of consumers, has developed products that meet the preferences of Chinese consumers. In addition, LG Household and Health Care is also actively involved in China’s social welfare services. Following the 2006 South Korea’s LG Life Health bamboo salt toothpaste, soap and other products by the State Sports General Administration Training Council is designated as “athletes designated products”, this year LG living healthier, more positive attitude to join in the activities of the 2008 Olympic Games, the exclusive support “China’s charm, a harmonious community, five city health run” in order to fuel the Beijing Olympics. Looking to the future: “China Famous Brand”2008, LG bamboo salt toothpaste finally be the first to get “Famous Chinese Trademark” reputation of foreign toothpaste products, this unique and LG bamboo salt toothpaste and quality of the core elements of security are inseparable. For future development, LG Household and Health Care will continue to “Bamboo Salt,” the brand as the center, at the same time furthering Other Diversification of the brand development of healthy life to make LG the other products in the future be able to star as the main way of bamboo salt toothpaste in the market, “honorary double income.” 2008 bamboo salt toothpaste year for access to the “Chinese Famous Brand” title of LG Household and Health Care is a new beginning, in the future, LG will continue to live healthy lives in China to promote green ideas, promote healthy living, the development of a natural, healthy household products. LG Household and Health Care will continue to work for China’s consumers more professional, better health, higher-quality Japanese products, with personalized service to every consumer feel the LG concept of living a healthy and humane health care.
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Ten many years more youthful having a Walking physical fitness plan
December 13, 2011 by admin
Filed under Physical Fitness
Article by guoruohan
Ten many years more youthful having a Walking physical fitness plan Are you are more than sixty and can you really feel as suit when you do 10 many years ago? Perhaps not, but assuming you have no wellbeing complications you can effortlessly get back again for your older physical fitness level. For those people who have halted getting physical exercise and so are consuming large sugar, large calorie meal in add-on to perhaps an elevated booze ingestion we know the purpose you that may like to buy discount uggs boots are unfit.Change is normally a be concerned and altering your diet plan need to begin slowly. Lower portion sizes by 10 % after which 20 % for those people who can control it without sensation hungry and snacking in between meals. Do not cook with fat, or use essential oil or butter for cooking purposes. Butter is not crucial on bread and if feasible leave it out. Halve your booze consumption.Consume much less sugars and starches. This need to create a big difference without significantly altering that which you eat, however the perfect is typically a much more healthful diet plan being a way of life change.One within the perfect may be the Mediterranean diet plan of fresh new fruit and vegetables, trim meat and greasy fish, it even goes properly having a decanter or wineglass of wine. So wine hasn’t vanished totally through the menu. But you should appreciate the meal or you will give it up. Attempt and see if it is for you. If not just return for your regular diet, but using the modifications suggested.Exercise may be the other component of obtaining suit and dropping some weight. Prior to you begin verify together with your medical doctor to determine if he understands any purpose why you need to not begin soft exercise. He will possibly be delighted. Walking may be the simplest method to begin a physical fitness program. It is suggested which you that may want to do ugg boots sale stroll for at the least 30 mins a day, but not at first. Consider it effortlessly and function up. The 30 mins does not need to be all at once. It could be 15 mins twice a day, as well as ten mins 3 occasions a day. You can stroll anywhere, city, country, beach, but do attempt to stroll at a sensible pace. You might be assisting avoid quite a few illnesses of later on years, stroke, center assault and also some cancers are all much more prevalent in men and women who are unfit and overweight. So walking physical exercise is properly worth doing.You that may like to buy cheap ugg boots could possibly really feel just a little sore at first, even from walking a brief distance, but this can quickly pass. The imperative point would be to maintain going.Weigh yourself as quickly as a month and be pleased with dropping a pound or so. You that may like Ugg boots are not over a crash diet, you are just consuming far better and beginning a physical fitness walking program. All becoming well, in a few weeks you might be sensation 10 many years younger.
Push-up Improvement Plan #01 is a comprehensive push-up improvement program that will help you gain lean muscle mass and help you achieve a better push-up score for the Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT) under FM 21-20 or Army Physical Readiness Test (APRT) under TC 3-22.20. If a civilian, use this exercise program to simply get in the best shape of your life! Perform this drill 2-3 sets each with 3 minutes of rest in between each set on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for 4 weeks and witness you double the amount of push-ups that you can do in a 2-minute assessment. HOOAH!
Video Rating: 4 / 5
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