The Basics of MMA Fitness Training

July 19, 2012 by  
Filed under Fitness Training

Article by Billy Hofacker

The Basics of MMA Fitness Training – Health – Fitness

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If you’re new to MMA fitness and need a basic introduction into a new, healthier lifestyle, then read on. MMA success is all about balance, hard work and commitment, and is not a quick fix to get a toned physique. The best fighters have worked hard and followed some basic principles to put them on the path to success for the long term. Here are some of them:

Training For MMA Success

To keep yourself motivated and committed, your training program should be diverse and varied. You should also incorporate some fun fitness activities that you really enjoy, and make sure you allocate enough time for them every week. You have to remember that you are working towards a lifestyle change for the long term, and the more enjoyable you can make it, the more likely you will be able to stick to it.

Also, don’t take on too much too fast. For example, if you are earning how to throw a 1-2 punch combination, keep practicing until you get it. This will provide a much better foundation rather that trying to do fancier things first.

Remember to stay patient

A commitment to fitness and health is for the long term, so don’t expect results overnight and stay patient so you enjoy your training.

Enjoy the process. Remember, enjoyment can occur at any level. Although it may become more fun when you get better, enjoy this stage of the game for what it is.

Practice Sparring

The only sure way to get better at something is to do it. Get better at sparring by practicing more often.

Make sure you choose good partners and have a good coach who has your best interests in mind. Sparring should be a great workout but also a way to learn…not just get beat up or beat someone up.

Be competitive

If competitions are what you want to do, enter more of them and get better quicker.

Remember also why you are competing. Hopefully to get better and learn. Of course you want to do your absolute best but it is not all about winning and losing.

Be consistent

Set a realistic training schedule that you know you can stick to for the long term. A lot of people begin over-enthusiastically and lose interest or burn out after a while.

When it comes to equipment, we recommend some good boxing gloves and hand wraps, and a mouth piece to start off with. A gi can be enjoyable but is not essential equipment. You may also find that martial arts instructional DVDs complement your training, so have a look for instructors you admire and supplement your training at home.

About the Author – Billy Hofacker teaches everyone from beginner to advanced athlete to better condition their bodies and reach a greater potential. Check out his free newsletter at

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Billy Hofacker

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