Top 3 Simple & Safe Back Pain Exercises At Home

August 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Back Exercises

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Top 3 Simple & Safe Back Pain Exercises At Home – Health – Wellness

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There are many reasons why people are suffering from back pain problems today. One of the most common contributing factors to back pain problems is the effect of muscles strain that happens when there is an unexpected twist or force being exerted to your back. Besides that, a pull to one or several muscles in the back may also result to a tear in the muscle which will further worsen the condition.

Some back pain issues require medical attention and treatment, yet some could be treated with exercises with the aim of improving your back pain problems. Here are the top 3 simple and safe back pain exercises that can be performed at home effortlessly:

1. Dorsal RaiseDorsal raise is a form of stretching exercise that requires a mat to be placed on the floor while performing the workout. You would need to lie flat on your front with your hands on your temple. Relax your shoulders and take a deep breath while lifting your chest and stomach off the floor at a comfortable level.Hold it for 2-3 seconds and exhale while lowering your chest back to the ground.Do take note that focus should be placed on contracting the erector muscles on your lower back while doing the workouts. Avoid thrusting it upwards as it might potentially hurt your back.

2. McKenzie Press-upMcKenzie press-up is a form of stretching exercise that is similar to dorsal raise. Similarly, you will also need to lie down flat on your front, with hands flat on the floor which ideally looks like a push-up position. Adjusting your hands to the ends of your shoulders and ensure that your head and neck is aligned with your spine (almost as if you are standing up straight). Relax your butt and back. Keep up with your breathing pace by inhaling and exhaling at comfortable pace. Exhale when you are lifting up your upper body while keeping your pelvis on the ground. Likewise, inhale as you slowly lower yourself down.Repeat this exercise 10 times with a pace of 4 seconds and a total of 2-3 sets a day.

3. Pelvic TiltPelvic tilt is a form of stretching exercise that can effectively strengthen your lower back muscles. It is a good exercise for starters who are seeking for remedies to relieve their lower back pain problems. This form of exercise requires you to lie down on your back, with your knees bend and your feet on the ground. Next, stretch your stomach muscles by moving your buttocks and pelvis towards the front so that your lower back is fully in contact with the floor. Hold it for a count of 6 and then slowly moving back to your original position.This exercise should be done for about 5 to 15 times for effective results.

By performing all these exercises regularly with discipline, your back pain issues should be eliminated on a long run. However, do seek for medical support if your back pain still persists after trying out the suggested back pain exercises. It is advisable to seek for professional help if your back pain is giving you symptoms that can be interpreted into serious health issues.

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We introduce you Singapore Sports and Orthopaedics Clinic where professional help will be offered in the areas of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for all body pains and sports injuries.

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We introduce you Singapore Sports and Orthopaedics Clinic where professional help will be offered in the areas of diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for all body pains and sports injuries.

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