Weight Lifting tips
February 10, 2012 by admin
Filed under Weight Lifting
Article by Kevin Forrester
Weight Lifting Tips
Author; Kevin Forrester
With all of the weight lifting tips out there it’s hard to figure out how you can put that into a workable weight lifting program. If you’re a beginner and can’t wait to get started then lets take some of that enthusiasm and get you directed in the right direction.
There are several things you need to understand about weight lifting and the proper way to go about it. Once you learn the basics and can perform the exercises with strict form, so you don’t hurt yourself then you can begin to experiment with other more advanced techniques.
The first thing you need to do is set some goals for yourself. Ask yourself what you would like to accomplish. Where would you like to see your body in six months and then in a year? Do you want to lift weights to gain strength for sports? Do you want to lift weights to look good at the beach? Do you want to lift weights to get stronger? Once you can figure out why you want to lift weights you will have a great motivator to continue lifting weights.
The second thing you need to learn is proper technique. I recommend starting out with very light weight until you get accustomed to performing the exercise with as little difficulty as possible. There is such a thing as muscle memory and if you train the muscle to work through the correct range of motion it will respond better when you start increasing the weight with less chance of injuring yourself. Do not fall prey to the “lets see how much you can lift” pressure. Don’t pile on the weight until you are ready just to impress your friends. You will impress them more by getting big and strong by lifting the proper way.
The next weight lifting tip I can recommend in the beginning is for you to resist the urge to workout each body part more than once a week. Your muscles don’t grow when you are working out; they grow when you are resting. This is probably the most important piece of advice I can give you at the beginning stages of your weight lifting career. A good starting program would have you doing the following: · Monday: Shoulders · Tuesday: Arms / Abs · Wednesday: Legs· Thursday: Back· Friday: Chest / Abs
These are just basic weight lifting tips for the beginning weight lifter. Weight lifting becomes a way of life for many of us and you can’t expect to learn it all right away. It helps to follow the advice of those that have been there before but you need to tailor a program that will work for you and your body type. If you start correctly and with all the right tools you will make incredible gains in strength and size.
Kevin has been training others for over thirty years and has written many articles on training and muscle building. In order to succeed you need a game plan. Get the body you always dreamed about. Check out: http://www.wetrain2gain.blogspot.com
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