Why Women Need To Train For Strength

August 4, 2012 by  
Filed under Strength Training

Strength training is effective part of a woman’s workout routine. It won’t produce bulky bodies, instead it will form strong and shapely muscles that are sexy and useful. Standard strength training programs are time efficient, only two, half-hour exercise sessions per week will yield an awesome returns on this investment of time. Because woman have much less testosterone and are genetically predisposed to build muscle in a different way than men, there is no reason to worry about bulking up, or gaining a masculine physique.

No matter what age you might be and regardless of your particular fitness level, every woman should begin a strength training program that will benefit her in many ways -for life. Many gyms and health clubs offer woman only strength training classes and some fitness centers like “Curves” are exclusively for women. But there is not much difference in the way a woman strength trains and the way a man works out to build strength.

So if you prefer the coed environment, go for it! In addition to improving your appearance, and how you feel and function, studies are teaching us that regular strength training exercise also reduces your risk of osteoporosis. And for those with this condition, strength training if done carefully and correctly can be an effective therapy.

This is because strength training puts stress on bones, and thus increases bone mass. Previuosly it was a widely held belief that after the age of 30, exercise would definitely reduce the rate of bone loss. This is true, but not the whole story, because more recently research performed at the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University tells us that strength training at any age, or fitness level can actually increase bone density, not just slow the loss. Strength training stimulates new bone formation by applying a force to the bone and that triggers the stimulus that gets new bone to form.

In this study, women from ages 50 to 70 did a strength training workout twice a week for a year. After the year was complete the bone density of their hips and spine was measured. As compared to the initial measurements they added about 1%, while the group that remained without exercise in the way of strength training had actually lost about 2.5% bone density. As you would expect, of course the woman had increased their muscle strength concurrently. Finally, it would be no surprise to hear that these woman were leaner, thus imposing less stress on their bones day to day than their sedentary counterparts.

Strength training can be done anywhere at any time using the most basic equipment or no equipment at all, just the woman’s own body weight. The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends strength-training exercise as an essential part of any complete, fully effective fitness program for any healthy adult regardless of gender. The ACSM’s recommendation is to perform 8-10 exercises 2-3 times a week.

Always be sure to take at least one day of rest between training. One set of 8-12 repetitions per exercise is recommended for a basic strength training regimen for people under age 50. This should only take about 30 minutes to perform. One set of 10-15 reps (more reps performed at a decreased intensity) is recommended for people who are older than 50. This less intense training is also recommended for those with arthritis, previous injuries, or high blood pressure. It is always a good idea to consult your physician and get his approval, if you have any medical condition, before starting a strength training program.

Building strong bones, especially when you get a head start before the age of 20, can be an excellent form of preventative medicine against developing osteoporosis. Practicing a healthy lifestyle can be of the utmost importance for keeping your bones strong. No matter what your age, you need to invest in your health right away to start reaping the dividends by preventing a myriad of diseases not limited to osteoporosis. And in the later years of life you can enjoy active, physically independent lifestyle.

Dane Fletcher is the world-wide authority on training, nutrition, and supplements. To build muscle fast, he recommends the world class steroid alternatives from GetAnabolics.com instead of illegal anabolics


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